PACE TWO - LOCALS - 'PL EDWARD The .finance committee re-ported to the city council las: night the sale of one-half of lot 30, block 27. section 1. to' Mr. Partita for $110 and lots M to M, Mock 26. section 9. to j M. M. Stephens & Co. Ltd. for $150, the understand tag being that the city wUl not, provide service for the latter property. F. W. Chandler had a letter before the city council last night rjmttMtinv that Inctalli t lin Ha port. On July 6 at the Staff House in Ladies' Softball fourth place In the cireuit MaeDonald pitched the whole WAS WINNER Dining Hall the Boilermakers' Barrett Northern B.C. Softball Title Decided at Terrace Over Week-end week-end. defeating Soo Suds In the final round. The first meeting of the sea son between the Navy and Royal ter Morgan, the master or cere- lowing upon this Private John. and came near to swooning thu : . . ... . . . ' PinflHlin Air TYima cnftHatl I maae oi a new l-mcn water . line Instead of the existing in-lteams last n'8ht at Sal Cove adequate 3-4-lnch line serving I ProTed o be a pitchers' battle his photographic studio as well 1th the nlts emerging vlctor- !,ous b K0" ot 3 to - M, as a beauty parlor and other the sailors' second setback in offered to contribute 10c per foot lthe fnd ! to the cost of such an InsUlla- !umPh was e RCAF.s third. , the Air Force mattPr Cranston, tion. The was referred the board P"eher. was the first mounds- to of works for re- 1 Tne uarreu nine wm uy ior their Seventh successive win 'Friday against Second ACK- ACKS, wnne rtcserres rarti rui i Edward and Navy tangles with Air Force. League standings follow: "A" Division Athletic Club will present Port Edward another fieht card. Among 1st Ack-Ack the many talented fighters who list Coast wUl atroear on the card will be'Tid. Coast that old favorite of the fans, 2nd A. A. Benny Wendle who is returning Ik. c. E. to the boxing world after a short j Reserves absence. The fans are clamor-1 " ing for a return bout betweeen Young Lider of the American Soo Suds Army and Young Tommy Burns Ack-Acks of the Canadian Army. It Is Navv hoped that negotiations to match Air Force these boys will be successful ury Dock AIR GIRLS KEEP LEAD Wrens Win Over Booth School' Harbor Squad Signals Ordnance W. 6 3 3 3 3 I 0 0 Division W. 6 4 4 3 1 1 1 0 L. 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 L. 0 1 2 m 2 3 3 6 Pet. 1000 .750 .600 .500 .VI .u .060 Pet. 1000 JO0 .coo .250 .250 .000 man to shut out Navy this year land. In so doing, he limited the tars to four hits. On the other hand, Ivor Cross, the Navy's hurler, was touched for only two hits but, coupled Strengthening their grip on . with errors, they were damag ! first place In the Women's Soft- ing. j ball League, the Air Force WD.'s j Score by Innings: defeated the Allies 14 to 4 last Mr Force 020 000 13 1 night on Acropolis HllL It was, Navy 000 000 00' the WD.'s third successive vie- Cranston and Glendennlng; tory. (Cross and Koblanskl. 1 Nora Perry went the distance The strong Port Edward team for the winners on the mound is scheduled to meet the Second 1 and held the opposition to seven Coast Regiment in a Service 1 scattered hits, while her team mates pounded out 15 blows. Score by Innings: Allies W. D.'s Softball League game tonight at Oyro Park. In earlier engagements Engineers clash with 120 000 1 4 i First Coasters and Signals col- 132 423 x 14;Hde with Dry Dock. Lowe and Hawklnr, Perry and I On Wednesday six games are Murray. j slated to be played. At Oyro WRENS BEAT park, Navy tackles Ordnance, BOOTH SCHOOL 'signals oppose Air Force and The Wrens scored seven runs j First Coasters play Second Ack-tri the first Inning at Gyro Park ; Ac its. On the Seal Cove diamond, and then coasted to a 14 to 11' Soo Suds are pitted against victory over Booth Memorial First Ack-Acks, Dry Docks play High School The triumph gave' Harbor Squad and the WD.'s the Navy girls sole possession of and Bo-Me -HI will clash in a postponed game. seven frames for the winners I FOLKESTONE, England O and was nleked for 12 hits while 1 A bottle of French red wine, the Wrens combed the com bin-1 1937 vintage, raised $450 when ed offerings of three High j auctioned at a "Salute the Sol-School hurlers for 10. Idler" dance here. Hamilton or Bo-Me-Hl connected for the tilt's only home-run In the sixth inning with the bases vacant Score by innings: Wrens 763 300 114 B.-Me-Hl 020 114 3 li MaeDonald and Griffith; Thornton, CakUiU, Berg and Meredith, Standings of the league teams follow: W. D.'s Alumnae Allies Wrens B-Me-Hl C.W.A.C.'s W. 3 3 3 2 1 L. 0 1 2 3 3 4 ix the ttntr.Mr coirt or BRITISH fOLIMBU IN FROHITE IX THE MATTER OF THE "ADMIX IMKATIOX ACT" an IX THE MITTTK Of THE ESTATE Or NEII. MeXAR. rECEAFr TAKE NOTICE tht bT order of 'HH Honor, W. E. PUber. m&dc on the 13U Uy tf June. AD. 1M4. I vu appointed Administrator ot the Estate a KtU McNab, deeeajwd. and all parties haTlng claim against the said estate are hereby required to n . i f r- .wmk. w rd. . me on or about the ISth ii ,.i 1000 JulT- AD ,M4- M parties ta-. debted to the Estate are required to .750 i paj the amount of their Indebted-nn ness to me forthwith 'jtvi .wP? Tj'Ph Creek. BC, "v iuji ma UI7 m J uaf, A iJ- 1941 ,250 "ALBERT E. RODDI8," I Ofllelal Admlhtetrator, Telerraph Creek, BC CASUALAIRES... THE WORLD'S MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE LIGHT AS A FEATHER FLEXIBLE AS A WHIP WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE Priced $3.95 Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (By Dorothy Garbatt) The Port Edward boys THE DAILY IiTttTS monies. Dressed In an amusing combination of dinner Jacket, lumberjack boots and a battered felt hat he wijscracked his way between each number. Intro- and ducing the Port Edward Revel- as a very dark darky told us about his folks and the time he went b"ar huntln' with the preacher. Betty Orcsf. candidate for Queen in Uve coming carnival girls added their bit to the gen- airs, an eight-piece orchestra was introduced and asked for jeral uplift, morale and enter- J who played their own spot tnim-' the support of the audience. tamment of the troops Sunday bers and accompanied me musl- j A nicely staged cabaret scene .u viv ... mftit, uie uapitoi ineaire ca. nuiroers, waiver iTf way vo wns me Dacitgruna lor some era muun wwuraoia soiwau wnen tney put on their OX Re-, Carlson, Whitman and DoHglas rrxre music by ihe Revelairs and trumpet tournament ai rerrace over me view called "Stairway to HoUy- that's the way they would have .-ngs by Joey Mclnnes and Cjt wooa. inn was a series or been HIM in the old vaswe-irxra; Wetob During Joe , .n j skiu. gas, and song ud the vllle days in a neat lltt'e -.vwral stalwart solders .n :h-whole was held together by Wal- with a comic denouement. Fol-' auriirnce signed ioudiy in umaon WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM making Joey a female Sinatra. A dramatic rendering of old sob classic. 'Brother Can You Spare A Dime" by the versatile Mor gan was followed by four boys eant Miller, piano, He Brown Pte Carlson, clarinet and Port Edward t Clark Oabic YyroMe Power and Vie tor Mature all in oi.e that i:ttle brown -eye' Yes, we need your help . . . and need it badly, - This is the biggest job we have ever tackled! Everything depends upon Victory. Canada's Army needs volunteers NO W I 'And, -that means you and you and you. Wear Canada's Badge of Honour on your arm. You'll be proud of it, so will your family. Every man who is able has got to do his bit! Boston. I presume? As a finale the crack Drill Squad of Port Edward, under Sergeant Sides, gave a novel arid The evening , batld very . ,u air Nation;,: A was under uir entertaining duwtay af precision Special h piaytnc "Are you nervous in w j ana aseentrle dnm "Thee boys , American A::, Service. Mervlce?" a boogie "could make their tnutkets sit up our tru.. woof le number by Sergeant Mil-; and eat out of their liana. And ' ler Those playing were Ser- the amazing part Wt that they took all their orders in whs' seemed to be a foreign tontue at ! was Ir.tellltdble only to thi- cIm!. quuci Th'' rru Woid liJikx! a" : int eoy on tne drums, Johnny aw4 w tor Howard from Massachusetts they hupped' llupt Tt e arm'-: reuntel ), l" tfraili , i" -telu .jr. -' 'Jley a re , (fiate And how aatton r'! ,,f ss jisjjjjTjBvsjjjjv jsjw- sv m sw sor ssk mm asn isar a ww hfrnmettymfflP Maybe you don't think this means you . that it's a job for the other fellow. If you do, you're wrong. It's your war, too ... a war for every man who it a man . . . for everyone who has a stake in Canada. Yes, this means you all right and we need you now for the months of intensive training to make you fighting-fit. Wc did it before and wc can do it again ... but wc need your help.