STRAWBERRIES ;0MING HERE luriou- Fruit Makei Apprr. ,Brf. -Other .Seasonal Linn , 'in' first strawberries 1 to arrive in the elty Mid retailers are quot-'23 cenU a basket k : -: y perishable fruit. n fart that growers ii 'if the province arc ,!T difficulty In aettlns; an adequate flow of rxpected to continue r -tidinjf supply of other rarden truck k vWWe 'ands Watermelons. i j. :ed beef rut- i Royal City Corn Size 4 Peas Size 5 Peas PHILADELPHIA (REAM CHKK.SK 19c BE At MERT (REAM ( HKKSK ; , Ik.or,,:;,in 15c -Sockcje Salmon 35c o ,nr Sunflower I'ink Salmon 25 c I'ink Seal I'ink Salmon ird Rose Kiln Salmon Evaporated Milk "acifir Hm $.1.25 tarnation Per Dozen Graham Wafers J w VUbUU Kraft Dinner fancy Apples hied Onions ffducted the price of front quarter cuts. The reason given Is that meat retailers experience difficulty In celling front quarter cuts due to a lob-sided public demand for the better hind quar ter morsels. They are sold out of hind quarter steaks and roasts w:thln a few hours of opening and are then left with toothing out iront quarter meat. To distribute the demand more evenly for the whole carcass the Trade Board has raised the prices of hind quarter meat, and lowered It for the front quarters. Fruit Orapefrult. Calif 2 for .15 Lemons, dot .25 and .44 Oranes, Navel, doz .35 to .7 Apples, lb. 12 Cooking ADDles. lb. m herrtes. green peas. 'Strawberries, lb .23 green onions, and ,b M ,, featured. rmX, 2 Ib. II : have undergone Vetrtahles merit .s m-e the Trade Cooklnc Onions, No, 1 V-d the crfitnr ork T ' lbs. for .23 u,l(J BerU local, per bunch Cream Style. 15-ot tins I for Lynne Valley. 20 or' tins, t for Oreen Delta. Choice Quality. I for Per lb. vilcuuar meese Quaker Cornmeal Jt tic "Hk Quaker Oats !IM 21c Quaker Macaroni Jh. I'kt. J2C Mb. tall tin Each Red Arrow 16 oz. pkt. Classic Cleanser U tins rrv's Cnrtvx 1-lb. tins. Each per packet Wlnesaps. Ter lb PIiaJJ... n Mild Canadian. Per lb. 55c 55c 53c Cut Green Beans rrr,u.49c iSp 1 inacn Lynne Valley. 20 -or Uns. - for 33c Clubhouse Olives Aylmer Olives Half Price TO CLEAR ! ! ! Sardine Spread Wee McGregor, -f 7 oz Uns. Each J-u' Eastern Mackerel 10c Canned Mussels Packed in 9f Bouillon, i! Uns Malva Coffee Booster lib. pkt. 10c Chicken I laddie Sea-Lect 9ftp AXJ, Brand. 16-oz. tin 22c 11c 31c 18c 9c 6c 34c Stafford's Soup Mix Pkt. .T ....... ..Jc Libby's Sauerkraut JTjn .............. 15c Hon Ami Powder Per tin 15c Parsnips, local, 3 lbs. 25 Turnips, yellow, lb. .05 lurnips. wnite, local, lb 05 , Potatoes, 5 lbs n Calif. Carrots, 2 lbs 25 ' Tnmafxw Itnthnnc 1V it i Oolden Yellow, lb. .09 Kggs Orade A: Large, cartoned, doz 45 Orade A, medium, doz. .42 Flour Pastry Flour 7 lbs .44 Flour, 49s. No. 1 hard wheat 1.85 Second Patent UBO Flour, 24's Si Mine Evaporated Milk. 6-oz. tin J04 20 ' Butter Overwaitea MOVING SALE I'Kll'KS EFFECTIVE WEI JUNK 21, to WEI)., JUNE 28 Your Overwaitea Store will be Closed for three weeks, starting July 1, while our new premises are ldng remodelled. We invite you to stock up on the.e fine (twin at substantial savings before we dwe. Watch for announcement of our re-open-injf in July in our enlarged, remodelled, modern premises. Stuffed 6-c. Jar Plain. 6 -or Jar Beefsteak Sauce Helm. Per botUe 29c I .Mushroom Soup Aylmer. 00y 10 oe. :i tins for Campbell's Chicken Soup With Rice or Noodle. :t Uns Canada Packer's Tenderflake 16-oz. carton 40c Vegetable Soup Campbell's. QIp lO-oi. Uns. it tin ''"' Tomato Soup Aylmer. 10 oz Uns. .'I tins 29c Pure Lard li for 29c Raspberry Jam 24-oz. Jar. OOK, Qp 2 coupons 2-lb. tin. Qc vra., 2 coupons 4 lb Un. gg 4 coupons 3-Fruit Marmalade Aylmer. 24-oz.z QHs jar. 2 coupons vi Orange Marmalade Aylmer. 4-lb. CQp tin. 4 coupons y Roger's Syrup 2-lb. tin. 24 arxxr c 2 coupons Rinso Large size 21c Palmolive Soap Cake 5c Wonder Illeach Hot tic 9c in good condition. THf DAILY N2W5 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Sweet Potatoes lb 2d i A Women of the Moose Rltuaus Cauliflower, each .15 to .40 1 tic Practice and Installation of Calif, cabbage, lb. ... Lettuce, each Celery, lb. Cucumbers, lb. Oreen Peas, lb uantc, lb. .09 .15 29 .41 J20 .79 Asparagus, lb 23 Radlanes, 2 bunches Oreen Onions, 2 bunches Nats In Shell Peanuts, lb Walnut, lb. Sugar wnite, lb Officers, Wednesday, 7:30 pjn. sharp. Col D. B. Martyn, Area Commandant, .returned to the city yesterday afternoon from & brief .15, trip to Vancouver. 15 . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Insulander and daughter left this afternoon for a month's holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Stanley BaBlnger and child, and Miss Dorothy Bailinger returned to the city yesterday af ternoon from a vacation trip to Vancouver On recommendation of the board of works, the city council agreed last night to rent its winch to Farris & Nash, contrac tors, at a monthly rental of $150, .10 1 First Orade 43 ,tne renter5 undertaking to re turn the article of equipment The same mould which yields penclllln is believed to hold an even more potent weapon against disease germs called i penatln. A Classified-Ad in the Daflj Hews will brine Quick Resulu. ii mm What is ii 4R FR1VATE ENTERPRISE? It is Ute mtunl desire to make your own iray, as far m your ability will take you: an instinct that kit brought to this continent the hijhrit standard of. life enjoyed by any wople on earth. It is the jffrttef democracy UiC UUUUJ ... J. M. S. Loubser D.C.. BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 We are specializing In the newest NKSTLE'S COLI) WAVE Especially suitable for finer hair ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Slreet. Petiy Saunder City accounts totalling $50,- 160.10, recommended by the finance committee, were passed for payment at last night's meeting of the city council. Ted Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Moore, left this afternoon for Vancouver to report for active service in the Canadian Army. O. R. S. Blackaby, mlnager of the Bank of Montreal, will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Licenses have been granted by the city to Robert O. Cummlnss to conduct a business of saddle horses for hire and to Marras It Aimer for a news stand and tobacco store. Aid. Norah Arnold, at last night's meeting of the city council, told of complaint having been made to her of an open sewer cn Eighth Avenue between Oreen and Eberts Street In which children, suffering from sores, were playing. It was claimed that The existing civic speclfica- Mrs. Len Orif flths left thU Hons for septic tank In the city ; afternoon on a trip to Vancou are to be reconsidered, it was ver- decided by the city council last night on recommendation of the health committee. The view has been expressed that these requirements make the cost of building septic tanks excessively'10 the c"y trom Van high. Official notification was re ceived by the city council last nljht of the postponement tolf1011 mn ,anttor- that he July 3 and 4 of session of the! p!,rmltte.d tak! annual Westem Labor Board which were to have been held here this Monday and Tuesday. A committee consisting of Aid. George Hills, Aid. J. S. Black and Aid. T. H. Sorensen Is making preparations as far as the city is con- Wartime ouslng had dug up the j the sugggestion of lack of pat-sewer and not closed it up. The ernal responsibility. The matter matter was referred to the board was referred to the finance com-of works. mittee. "Where do we go from here"? 22c t!ELfr That's an important question for all of us, but this ne know . . . Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have long shopping lists of things they intend to buy when the war is over new refrigerators, radios, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, cars things they have saved for during these war years. Thousands want new homes. Industry will have a busy time meeting this pent up demand when peace returns. Private firms are already planning how to give you new and better goods than their competitors, at better prices. This all adds up to jobs and opportunity for all of us after the war. Canada will be a busy place when Victory is won. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNI) Kit NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Your Shopping Tour should include a visit to this near- ? Dy Butcner Shop where you'll always find an abundant supply of the ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! Meet Mc at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 8:00 am. to 2:00 a.m, Mr. and Mrs. John Dahl were among those leaving this afternoon for Vancouver. Dr. R. C. Bamford returned couver where he attended a Can adian Legion Convention. A request from J. R. McCrim- muMuuii suirung JUiy 1 wim J. E. Unwin as hi relief wa granted by the elty council last night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halg arrived in the city yesterday from Vancouver, where Mr. Halg cerned for the visit of the board, 'has been spending a vacation. The Children's Aid Society of vf Jif betln senrice the Roman Catholic Diocese of Vancouver had an account for $3G0.39 before the city council last night representing the difference between what the city had paid for three local children being cared for In the Society's Institution and the actual cost of keeping the children. The children concerned belong to one local family and there was of the Merchant Marine for several years, but at present employed as a Deisel engineer in Prince Rupert. Birth Notice BORN Sunday, June 18, at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Cherrlll Mclntyre, a daughter. Specie PAGE THREE Acting Mayor W. H. Brett was U$ thehlef magistrate' chair at last night's meeting of the city council in the absence of Mayor H. M. Daggett who is away in Vancouver attending a Baptist Church convention. Announcements Presbyterian tea at the home of Mrs. J. A. Teng, June 22. C.W1. Delicatessen Tea, 3-6. Whist crlbbage and bridge at-i o'clock. K. of C. Hut, June 22. I pure Valhalla Dance, June 23, Oddfellows' Hall, 9:30 to 1:30. Whist Drive, Oddfellows' Hall, June 26, 50c. W. A. Canadian Legion Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, June 29. De Carlo's Orchestra. Coast Regiment Women's Auxiliary Dance, Armory, July 1. I Dominion Day Celebration, i Port Esslngton, Saturday, July 1. I Orange Ladles' Dance, July ?! 7. Oddfellows' Hall; DeCarlo's iieiresnmems. vanc-Ing 9:30-1:20 ajn. hase on BLANKETS . .AH pure wool. . . Whipped edges. . . Size: 62" x SI". . . Weight: 7 lbs. per pair. . . Shade: White. With Colored Border. And they're Priced to Sell at $6.45 each Fishermen & Mariners We now have the Revised and Enlarged Edition of The Hansen Handbook For Piloting Inland Waters of PURET SOUND BRITISH COLUMBIA SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Bos 725 Specialists on Bulltnp Roofs Repairs, Reshln(llnf Free Estimates KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chew Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 10 p.m, 2nd Arenue and tth Street KWONG SANG IIINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pa. Tuesday.lO pin. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Phone Red 247 J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Oreen MS