( i a i i ft 1'. PAOE TWO Ruin stored more of tbe great growth tad vitality element proteio io whole grain oatmeal thin ia n; other satural cereal you can lene your family! Today, with less neat protein available, your family needs this extra vitality protection of Quaker Oats more than cer! Quaker Oats is so outstanding that it con' talot nine out of eleven food elements abort in many present day diets! Serre delicious Quaker Oats daily; Children simply love Quaker Oats. It's so smart to protect your family's health and vitality by serving the o best cereal when so many other foods axe rationed. QUAKER OATS By City Carrier, per Hi MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS SUBSCRIPTION RATES per wees r Per Year Per Month By Mail, per Month Per Year - 8 Columns, 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. DAILY EDITION Tbe Quaker Oata Company ot Canada Umltrd THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue G. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR , The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publica- ils tion of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Memoriam, Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks -4 Birth Notices - Funeral Flowers, per Name riasslfied, 2c per word, per insertion, minimum Transient, per Inch - - Contract, per inch - Oonrterc npr Une . J5 $7.00 .65 .40 $4.00 $2.00 .50 .10 .50 .75 .50 .25 Black Face Readers, per line :r" 50 Business and Professional Cards inserted dally, per month, inch J-'a j. - Tuesday, April 4, 1944 Winning European War . . . Will Russia stop when she has regained her pre-1941 frontiers? The question which had caused sofne speculation is being answered in Rumania. The answer is in the negative. The Soviet is to drive on until there has been unconditional surrender of the enemy, which is the principal war aim of the United Nations. Foreign Commissioner Molotov announces that Russia, in smashing into Rumania, has no terri- Keep Gardening Here . . . We are busy people here in Prince Rupert but, no doubt, quite a few will still find time to do the odd bit of gardening. For many people gardening is the exercise which keeps them fit for their regular jobs. Vif Many people do gardening for no other reason than iS1' i . i..: i :i to Keep uieii premises u jiii, mil aiuve cuiu.cunjciucu to live in. Then there are the enthusiastic Victory gardeners who specialize in vegetables for the benefit of themselves and their friends in these days when fresh produce is in such great demand, so much needed and often difficult to get. Since possibly as many people are interested in gardening here In Prince Rupert as ever before, the Daily News will endeavour to carry on with gardening hints and gardening articles such as have proven a much-demanded feature in this paper from the I w days when the late H. F. Pullen started his intimate and chatty notes which had such a following. We hope to be able to produce information which will be both interesting and informative, possibly of more particular value to the amateur gardeners. Incidentally, any contributions or suggestions which the old timers among our horticultural friends in Prince Rupert may care to offer us will be sincerely welcomed. THE DAILY NEWS ACTIVITIES OF To Celebrate V.D. Blood Test Cantata Was interpretation were given extremely by Mix tioquetil S wanna Mi - w Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. i Olafaon at the organ. i-dTl,r T iBy DOROTHY GARBUTTl Easter Season Decree Endorsed 'Well Received The soloUts, whose glnglnglc; I , The Navy entertainment committee have asked me to tell you that their regular Friday night dance will be altered to Thursday evening this week because ol Friday being Good Friday. Dancing will be from 8 until 12 p.m., stopping sharp at midnight The Eleventh Avenue , boys have also planned a dance for this Thursday, but whether these two dances will conflict I can't say. However I'll let you know definitely tomorrow. Like everyone else I have been Indulging In a lot of postwar reading. I have tried to find some clear and concise plan set down which will apply to our own Canadian scene, not to Great Britain as does the Beveridge plan, nor to the States, but for ourselves. And I think I found it in a little booklet issued by the YM.CA, ! study groups and printed at the 'Ryerson Press in Toronto. It is .called "Canada the War and After" and Is a collection of ; essays by prominent Canadians. I The article from which I quote by J. F. Parkinson who is assistant professor in the de partment of political economy at the University of Toronto and Is enUtled "Problems in Postwar Economy." He Is speaking about some of the reasons for thinking that It will be possible to maintain employment at a high level after the war . . . I 1. When the war is over, the .government Is unlikely to demobilize ttK entire armed services, close down the munitions plants, and remove all the present economic controls. Canada will have to do its share in guaranteeing the pace. and government expenditures in these directions will probably be tapered off only gradually. 2. The people of Canada land of other countries t will have I have been deprived of such goods as automobiles, radios. clothing, furniture and decent housing for the latter years of the war. They will be anxious to buy these things, and man ufacturing firms will be equally anxious to produce them to meet the demand. This additional production will absorb men and women from the armed services and the war Industries and will help maintain the flow of spending. (More , tomorrow.) 'Graduates As tonal amDiuons din, must mus pm sue we enemy " r bringing about the unconditional surrender. The ac- Air bUnner tion of "Russia in invading enemy territory becomes the more acceptable to us when it is coupled with an word has been received from announcement of this kind by Mr. Molotov. Russia's J a b. SETS purpose in fighting and winning the war now has Prlnce RUpert. has been recent- been established, both by the action and the words ot iy graduated from no. 3 Bomb V,i CntTi'nr Tfon.iV.lir. tn ha nintp sinpprp as mirs. ling and Gunnery School, Mac Russia, and she has been assisted by the United States and Great Britain in the way of delivery of supplies, is putting up a great battle and winning the victory in a manner which commands the admiration and respect of us all. The scope of her present drive is far beyond what we might have dreamed j of two or three years ago. She bids fair today to im-j pose on Adolf Hitler the disaster which may bring) about the downfall of the Fuehrer and the hated Hit-1 lerism. ' j The thing which we hope for and confidently now is that soon the other partners in the United donald, Manitoba, as a Sergeant Air Gunner. lam lii i 1 1 m iNauons may oe aoie to launen a similar urive aiiuji &&Kvii;jj tu invasion of enemy territory from the west and that il Vancouver, victoria and events will culminate in the crand juncture at Ber-i waypbints. Stewart and lin when the European war will have been won. , North Queen Charlotte islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 5G3 British Columbia's Finest Salmon KITWANGA, April 4 Young people of Kltwanga wHl6ele-brate Easter Monday wflM a sports field day. which will include Softball tournaments for men and women, the season's .first bafeall game, a piilc in ;the afternoon, and daiMtf in the evening. I Invitations have been sent to friends at Hazel ton, Skeena Crossing and Kttwancool to come to Kltwanga for the Bastw season. Special Easter church services have been planned. T:y a Results. Want-Ad for Quick A leaolutlon of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce to Hon. O. S. Pearson, minister of health, that the provincial government proclaim and pat Into force provision of the Marriage Act calling for computet) ry pre-marital blood tests of couples contemplating mar.iage with a view tc determining the presence of. venereal disaatc received the en- i dorsation of the Prince Ruper: Chamber of Commerce last ! night. The Junior Chamber asked the senior bdv to give such support a. it saw fit and the Presented as part of the gun-day evening service at the First United Churchy Sunday gjght - a pre-Easter cantata, "Seven Words of Christ" waif greeted by the congregaUon as a plying and well executed soloed choral endeavour. Directed by John & ttltaon the cantata contained seven parts, each expressing a phase or circumstance leading up t ' the crucifixion of the Master. Certain desert pUve parage , motion of endoraaiion proposed ' ! by O. R S Bkckaby and & A. Cheeseman wa the rMi!' CcHO COM t i M W M nj.jk" - rL'uju-A3r.iafc4-fr-'. , s.- s -- th :t.-"s -v;- y.' i j.. mutt vi-j, im. -v ? imr. x turner shj s m 7V r.s, jim.'ym tsji usi. i ,yyy x n r s''s' s s is ,- ,n . - rmm i r'm r rrnt w - ' Throuch the silent spaces of the night it comes to you . . . First a murmuring hum then the decn. full- throated roar of a thousand horses passing overhead and swiftly the throbbing drone fades out beyond the dark horizon. It may be a T.CA. or C.P.A. plane winging its essentia! load of mail and passengers to where they're needed quickly. Perhaps that motor drumming through the dusky air is victory bound) with a cargo of fighting men. It's one of the marvels of our gc this compact engine unit with the power of a thousand or more horses. Without It -and the modern lubricants that keep it flying today's air speed and comfort and safety would be impossible Next time you bear that confident throb 'way overhead, remember that almost every airplane lying Canada's Skyways is lubricated completely or partially by . aviation oils made in Imperial Oil' refineries. Night and day, from coast to coast Imperial helps "keep 'cm ilying'V (imperial) PRODUCTS IMPERIAL OIL m LI MITE