Prince Rupert- Nogaisk lf?3 Meeting of Citizens of Prince Rupert in City Hall Wednesday, April 5, at 8 p.m. Mayor Daggett in the Chair jjniO1 ADDRESSES BY:- M, Norah Arnold. C o!"nel Martin or Deputy Heroic Thorsteinsson t Mr J, T. Wallin Kcv A. F. MacSween I ntler auspices of National Council for Canadian Soviet Friendship OOD SAVE THE KINO olation ospital urchases r b:urd has been ucaUh, police, :i committee services and ,n the Iso.a-u ' Mt basis for i ic year and Ailciitioii... .He purchasing agent hs been authorized to buy new urates ! 3 the stove In that Institution, cccordlng to the committee report read to the council meeting :t night. The committee also recommended to the city council that the purchasing agent be authorised to buy a new heating stove, for the isolation hospital. The new vegetables, tampala, was Introduced recently from China and India. Ar'oria Hotel, Jasper, newly decorated and ren-uted, now under new management. First tiasa Diimip Room and Lunch Counter. Meals rvd J all hours. ')0 rooms, 15 with hath. Rcar.-iuble rates. Nil GEORGE ANDREW, Prop. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where dollars have more cents" We hare a complete variety of available Groceries, Frelt Fruits and Vegetables Tobacco and Confectionery- mEE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly 'Tur-.dayt. Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion Mid Wave Coming Soon! we w,:i be closed for one week while attending the Fnssr -;'..-.n for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a nn;:- without heat, pad, or marhlne. Watch for itl SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MAII ' lh Ate. nd Fulton St. SHOP AT THE rhone Blue 913 SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store" We handle HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Bight oai Orders nccan now deliver your coal orders. Please c 118 three davs wnrnSntr 1wfW ilolivorv OX Poclcl. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. WIONB 116 and 117 - LOCALS- ACFPR Tuesday 6:15 p.m. C.C V. Broadcast, LAC Archibald, Skeena Federal Candidate. (80 s Jack Mumllem Is leaving on Thursday night on a two weeks' business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. . A The Rupert Peoples Store, Cut Bate Shoe Store and Rupert . Men's and Boy's Store wlU be open Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to accommodate Easter moppers. 8l A NEW 8PRINO STYLES for the YOUNOSTERS-Coat sets, hat, di esses, jiclrts, and blouses. Wee ToU Shoppc. (85) City Engineer O. S. Hanes told the city council last night that, as a result of a correspondence carried on with the office of the Hon. C. D. Howe, he had received assurances that copies of plans and pi of lies of the sewage and waterwoiks Installations in the Wartime Housing areas would be given to the city. So far, Mr. Hanes said, he had received only portions of the plans as they had been originally proposed but had received no plans of the actual construction yet. LONDON a - An old English sliver Queen Anne kettle en-graved with a coat of arms, with the lid shaped like a minaret, j was sold for (6,750 at an auction i here. It was made in 1708. Funeral Notice Hiih requiem mass for the late Mrs. C. II. Hankhuon, who passed away on Sunday, will be celebrated in the Church of the Annunciation at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning. Card of Thanks The Tuberculosis Seal Sale Committee of the Municlpa: Chapter. I.ODE , wish to thank the citizens of this district for 'he verv aenerous contributions BASKETBALL Opener For Port Edward Yanks, suffering their first defeat in local basketball, were defeated 17 to 38 by Port Edward last night at Acropolis gymnasium in the opener of a bet two-out-of-three game play-off series for the Wallace Cup and senior basketball championship. The nest game will be played tomorrow evening at Port Edward and the Port Edward team should have the advantage of their own floor. It was a wide open game with very close checking. Port Edward outshone the Yanks in plays under the basket but was far behind in taking penalty shots. Moline and llenson were largely responsible for the win of their team. Ketchmark was ill and was played only In the rioting part of the game. All the Yanks played fast basketball but d'Autremont was smothered lime and again under the basket. The individual scoring was as follows: Pert Edward .Moline 1C, llenson 17, Ketchmark 4, Man-son 1, Thompson i. Total, 47. Yanks Keinrr 4, 'Lacina 13, Swanson 2, d'Autremont 2, Ieiss 7, Garulloni 38. Beferees were Comadina and Hatfield. EXPORT SERVICE Operation Of Cargo Ship Line . . . . and anA MmmarA mmmprrp 4 i tt Vv4tr hntna ei osVcH eVu4 Basement Flood Not City Worry the possible blockage of a drain comprehensive and able report pipe leading from the building to a sewer on Sixth Avenue, was responsible. The water level. Mr. Haynes told the council meeting on the subject. In addiUon to the minister of trade and commerce at Ottawa, copies of the memorandum are being sent to last night, stood three and a han the provincial Postwar Rehab- reet above the level of the sewer jiutation Council and Olof Han and It was possible that the i son. M P. for Skeena. drain had been plumed by earth moving operations nearby. Mr Hanes was of the opinion that the stoppage was in a private drain and. therefore, not a The report referred to the necessity of full employment being maintained after the war, Develonment of foreign trade throueh Prince Rupert would! city responsibility. It was moved jbe an Important factor In post-by Alderman Brett and second-iwar urosnerlty. There ware the ed by Alderman Sinclair that the meeting accept the city en natural resources In this area such as lumber, fish and grain glnecr's findings and that the! products which the committee petitioners dc so lniormea. J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Dlock Phone Orcen 995 For that Long-wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER See National Monuments COS 5th East Itox 1425 Station It Prince Rupert, 11.C. FOR A TAXI Telephone 65 Stand: Grotto Cigar Store Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) was convinced might well form the basis of a healthy export traffic through here If a regularly scheduled service of cargo vessels could be established ana maintained. The lumber industry, for Instance, was making a notable contribution to war; production and should be maintained after the war In the exporting of lumber, poles, piling and ties, forest products being in demand In Europe. A pulp and paper mill too was a logical Industrial development at Prince Rupert from which further cargo for export from here would originate. Then there was frozen fish and canned calmon to be moved to the United Kingdom. The local elevator could also provide part cargoes. Regular sailings of export cargo' vessels from here would also be welcomed In Alaska. There would be the warehouse facili- j ties after the war but a lum- ; bcr assembly dock should be provided. The committee recommended that the authorities be asked to plan for the establishment! of a regular cargo vessel scr- vice from this port as, soon af- j ter the war as possible, that these vessels should be of suit- j able type and speed, that there . bo adequate refrigerator space and that, if the essels required I were not already available, steps j be taken to have Uiem con J structcd at the dry dock here, i THE DAILY NEWS PASSED AWAY ON ISLANDS The remains of Captain It's so easy to enjoy all-day confidence wben Ik: The federal minister of trade , April 6. ! having been forwarded to thejCaw hlP service from Prince vannmivpr offief. of lh n n. Rupert to the United Kingdom K sGT?' I WW "LlfMpe fla CXMh" land other Pacific Coast ports, the principal cargo to be handled from here being lumber, fish and grain products. ThU follows up a proposal made n couple of months ago to the Chamber by E. T. Kenney, ML A. for Skeena. A recommen- An investigation by City En- Nation along these lines was Binccr O. S. Haynes Into the ' presented to the Chamber at causes of water standing in the ' last night's meeUng by the basement of the Masonic Temple ! trade and commerce committee, on Sixth Avenue, revealed that;which was commended for its your plates are brfd in place by this "comfort cusLioni'adentist's formula. I. Dr. Wernet's vent sore gums. Powder lets you a. Economical: 10. Total, 1 enjoysoltdioodi, small amount ' avoid embarrass- lasts longer. mentof loose a. Pure, harmless, piaU.Ilelpspre- pleasant tasting. fwwfi-30.MowT tot MifhtJ Announcements W.O.TJ.L Dance Wednesday, April 5. Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 2. Refreshments. De Carlo's Orchestra. I Presbyterian Spring Sale, 143 Christmas campaW The J IvJS F receipU were $1831.10 lesi!t Commerce to take steps to-ierblJ 0hes -fcros expenses of $85.85. leavlns a bal- i rd the postwar establish- , ance of $174525, this amount mem oi a reguiarjy scneauien Norway Invasion Service, Luthran Church, Saturday, April 8, 8 pjn. Queen Mary Easter Monday Tea, Mrs. Alex. McKenzie. St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale. April 13. St. Peter's Junior Sale. April 14 Navy Auxiliary Dance, fellows' Hall, April 18. Odd- C.WX. bridge, whist, crlbbage. K.O.C. Hut. April 20. Job's Daughters' Dance, Masonic Hall, April 21. L. O. B. A. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, April 27, De Carlo's L. P. P. Dance, Eagles' Hall, April 27. Eastern Star Dance, April 28. Nurses' Spring Dance, May 2, Oddfellows' HalL ix-i :- J. M. S. Loubser D.C.. BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 DON'T FORGET . i THE NIC DANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 9:30 U 1:00 a.m. I.O.D.E. HALL (Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBride) Gentlemen 75c Roy Proverbs and Ills Orchestra Everybody Welcome KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE C12 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday.10 p.m. to 12 pin. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Thone Red 247 i Projects In (North Worthy VANCOUVER. April 4 S peak- Stephen Herbert Carlson, age in bet"" the Vancouver Board first been Tegarded as defense Dire. 58, who ! ' 1 passed awav on April j 1 at Beatty Anchorage, Queen i Charlotte Islands, arrived In the j city this morning 'enroute to ! Vancouver where burial will t take place. I Captain Carlson, who was j master of the tugboat Lapointe. . was of Swedish parentage, and ! was a widower. He was well J known In coast shipping circles, j I A son. Corporal Stephen Carl- ! son, arrived in the city last night j by plane from Vancouver and I will accompany the body south. DUNDEE, Scotland f Very I j Rev. James Weatherhead, dis- j tingulshed Scottish church : ! leader and former moderator of 'the United Free Church, died here He was 81 i mmmwfrnVmmmwBifm WJJ.tV.VJ. WlM UUGH,EAT,TAU(,rREf OF EMBARRASSMENT i Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re-shingllng Free Estimates .GEO.JJMMES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment UG 4th Ave. E. RED 127 REID'S CAFE 725 Third Ave. West THE CHOICEST FOODS very carefully prepared Sandwich Bar Now Open from ilyivm. dally, to serve Soups, Hot "Beefsteak Pies, Eggs, Omel-erts, Chili, Salads, and regular Sandwich list Pies, Cakes, Ice Cream Special Dinner Menu from 5 to 7 p.m. Closes at 12:45 ajn. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pjn. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job. Phone Rlack 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN PAOZTHR1? of Trade yesterday, Major Gen-1 projects in the north would. M eral W. W. Poster defended the used as an offensive again Alaska Highway, the Canol pto-1 Japan. Ject and the Northwest .Staging j Route as amply discharging i OLD MONEY functions In a common war ef- Cocoa was used for current t fort. He said mat what had at and commerce in the Aztec En ufferers of Painful SINUS3A&' ' J . . i- ... r n Pfllioiu Stuffiness . . A A I Just a rew uiv - n .r It's grand how Vicks Va-tro-nol clears congestion from nasal passages gives sinuses a chance to drain. Results are so . . Ji ir i i mm gooa Decause va-iro-noi is specialized medication that works mm m mua rightwhere trouble is to relieve painful congestion and make W llf Uti breathing easier. Try itput a few drops up III fll MAI each nostril follow directions in folder. W A" I K U " N 0 L 1 only, EXTENSION TABLE. rrr AA Reg. $65.00. To clear JJ.UU 1 only, COFFEE TABLE. tit Qr Reg. $20.00. To dear V''J ' 2 TABLE LAMPS. CQ AT Reg! $14.00. To clear J 4 Large BOYS' WAGONS. CiCl QC Reg. $13.50. To clear IU.7J ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue Sewing! Ladies: You can now get made to order Buttons and Buckles of your own material and design. Place your orders with . . . A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Time flies, one quarter of 1944 is gone. The anxious question is what does the next quarter hold for us. Our Store will be Closed 6th and 7th of April Send us your orders by mall Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue Annette Powell's Beauty Shop Is Now Open Under the very capable management of Miss Peggy Saunders 4th Street, Across From Tost Office Phone Blue 917 for Appointment