ca Temperature Local Tides iriS-0 fat' W Lx - are re 43 AR NEW MILL IN INDIA BATTLE .... IL. I - I. . I .. l .. 1. J 1 I i -r. in a lull in nit hiihii ii iciruuru iiom in DM.." - . . . . ... . , .iKiith i imp"' " uj Ji .bich pr'ln on t,u communications tent V dnflnf In ce fttral Ilurma In the Mojaun), "V" - l.l it.. IttiiiJ bttij cauaiiies on uic enemy, aVCTOX All Japane ship caught at anelior al I ind Yip by an American ik force raiding thee Li i ttm dis l ere 'llh'r lunk or damaged, It I teleL JAP SHIPS ALL HIT QUIET AT ANZIO -IlilUn faubt troop hare been sandwiched In ig force rlnilnc the Allied beachhead below Rome. Lrapmure quiet on the land front there now with WlcUhu and artillery fire. HKDS DEEP IN RUMANIA hs-Tlif KnttUns thrutt deeper Into Rumania today , irtillfrj rime of lail, driving ever closer to Lwow. liU Rumsnla on a broad front, the Ked Army has fifty tUUtri and struck to within nine mllei of lati. u lmporUnt rail centre, the Mocow radio announced WILL MAKE REPARATIONS klVGTO.V Secretary of State Cordell Hull yeiterday IrrriM of hirmeir and all Americans at the accidental lit iSii city and said that reparations would be paid. THIRTY IMIOATS SUNK Wi-Thlrty German INboati were sunk in the Atlantic to, it it announced. BOMHINfiS IN MARCH t). Brithh bombers dropped Jl.OOO tons of high ei-w toffndUrles on enemy territory In Europe In March iTirtni dropped 30,000 tons. Sell time ses st ram Wsr t.'! Hun. lad ifcjj. according ptr neajpaper u I ..pport 1S ? pr.iv.nce af the after tad a.oud i: m f the tl";'City a V I : ubdivl It . a:;d that be utk for thi; r f (ie Indlscrl- pcUirtlme houses by Alderman r iia that it ' ' Uto I" ! war main. ar r-v.:f. tor rrn t : : Rush-"1" lying J -J L 1 to be rat sell "ti areas where ; 1 v ! ' fy the 'f-"Mn RudfWh, ears ies iced Anrll i r 1-tl.n m)ns day i c; "e .to. ,0Ur lSre casualties Kara (187,159. ABLE 1.1.- - r. - nae itn..i ' anoiiirr 1 L. . . till ... lUDDlv "16 prir. bin. -14 insider. rN Ah" butler Nay mht, it M ATOLLS ARE CONTROLLED PEARL HARBOR, April 4 IN- The Americana have gained control of fourteen major atolls In the Marshall Islands follow ing disappearance of Japanese resistance, the Department of ihr Nary nrwOTCffl iocaTTTTCSl Includes ten more atolLi which have Just been taken with prac tically no fight being put up. AtolU still held by the Japan ese are Jalult in the western chain and Wotje which has an air field. Must Defer Airport In a report of the rchablllta-Uon committee, read by Alderman O. It. Ruddcrham to the city council last night. It was tated that the committee would not send a delegate to an Aero nautical Conference to be held In Toronto this summer. Alderman Rudderham commented that tn the matter of an airfield for Pilnce Rupert, It had been hoped that the city would have got an airfield as a result of certain projected operations across the harbor but that th-; project had been dropped and would be much too, expensive for the city to complete alone. There Is no spot near the city where the construction of an air field would be feasible, Alderman Rudderham said. It was decided by the council that Prince Rupert's need for an air field would be presented to a national planning authority after the war. Four Day Holiday City Hall Inside Workers (Jet Four Day Week-end at Easter City Hall workers will get a long week-end at Easter, thc council decided last night. Acting on nn example set by the Vancouver council, it was decided to close thc city hall on Thursday night and not rc-open U until Tuesday morning. City hall offices will not be open as usual Saturday morning. The motion, moved by Alderman Sorensen, and seconded by Alderman Arnold, was passed by the council which agreed that, since both Friday and Monday are holidays, there was not much point In opening for busl- ness for three f and a half hours on Saturday. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER- 1 MY Canadian iV. iifiM.. V WIiDK flUlxlX United Slate Engineering Department Leaving So Will Do Nothing Mayor H. M. Daggett told the city council In meeting last night that he had Interviewed Col. T. J. Weed, United States commandant heie. regarding repairs to city streets considered as being the responsibility of United 8tates forces and that he had been told that the city gov ernmcnt would have to get In touch with Major Ocneral W W Foster. Canadian Northwest commandant at Edmonton and that his decision would govern the amount of repair work done The matter came up during the reading of the Board of Works committee reoor: by Ai detman Mack, committee chair man, and was Included as a re commendation. It was also recommended .a the Canadian Army be grantcj the uk of the city roller fc street repairs. The boaid recommended '.ha the contracting firm of Mi Carter and Nairn be noUfid that their proposed method cf tepalrlng Seventh Avenue Ea' U not approved by the city coun cJl, and that the city w,il ac cept no responsibility In fut ure maintenance of the street If the work Is carried out The matter of icpalring 'he crushed sewer on Second Avenue was held In abeyance pending a forthcoming Interview between he city engineer and the DU' trict Engineer of the Navat Ser vices. The report was accepted b: the council on the motion of Alderman Black, ftfcbhdW by Alderman Sorensen. Bulletins MAX KOKCK FISHING WASHINGTON A government spokesman said today that the country mmt be sup plied with halibut, even If it became necessary to enforce fishing under regulations. COAL STRIKE SERIOUS LONDON Speaking of the Yorkshire miners' strike, which Is paralysing British Industry. Labor Minister Ernest Bevln said: "The situation Is worc than If the enemy had bomb ed Sheffield and cut our com munlcatlons." ntJCIIAIlEST nOMIIEO LONDON United .States bombers struck at Itucharest for the flrt time lat night. Septic Tanks Receive Blame The 'unsanitary and unhealthy condition" existing In the area along Ninth Avenue between Eighth and Mcllrldc Street, was protested by Marvin E. Rowe In a letter before thc city council last night In which he asked the council to take action to tclleve the odors of sewage In that part of town. Council members were sympathetic to the complaint. "The odors there are pretty bad and their cause should be Investigated," Alderman Hills said. He added that there were other parts of town where the stench was Intolerable due to improper elimination of sewage. MHprman Atnold laid thc blame on septic tanks, which are the responsibility of thc ownets; nnd thc matter was set aside for reference to the sanitary In- spector who will be Instructed to get In touch with the owners of the offending sepuc ian. LONDON Oi Burled 16 days beneath debris of a dwelling struck by a bomb during nn nlr raid, n Persian cat crawled ueaklv from beneath some floor boards ben we reached the scene. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Local Mans : Brother Is R.C.A.F. Hero f Enjoying a well-earned furlough on ihe Pacific Ccast, Flying Olflcer R. 11. Strouts, veteran of many oversea.-. bimbe: assaulU. Irviuriins the -mashing of Rommel's (wees in Africa is on lh;,s ri,a: rrnewln3 ac-qu-antan-r-. ::n c'.itives an'! .;ar.v i..u : . tii ,,:ua-!v i'en- aaaaavPJaaaH LaaaV aaal aaak. 'tvaaB F. O. STROUTS ing a bit to return for another slap at try en.-m.N He is a bro Iher of Constable R W. Strouts who is With the provincial police here. inc 2-year oh wireiess r Gunner came through 34 opera tional tours. Including three of the liOOO plane assaults on the Reich and declares he got his biggest thrill from helping to chase thc "desert fox" Rommel back to his lair. Formerly attached to the Royal Air Force. FO. Strouts. who calls New Westminster his home town, Is now with the R.OA.F.. Over such targets as Cologne. Essen, Bremen. Hamburg, Mannheim and Stuttgart." FO. Strouts handled the guns on several occasions against attacking enemy fighters, but recalls thai when the Allied forces really got rolling In Africa there was not a great deal of air opposition to the crusading airmen, who never gave the Oermans a root. Sweeping over at night, they would light up the area under attack with flares and then circuit and return to blast the fleeing Huns with bombs. The Oermans got little chance to sleep. Following his tour of duty in the Middle East, FO. Strouta returned to England and Instructed for a time on heavy conversion, that !. training crews who were converting from two-engine bomb-ets to four-engine aircraft. He enlisted In the Air Force In Vancouver June. 1940. One brother was lost In operations overseas. F. F. Strouts who was a navigator. Revolt at Venezuelan Government . CARACAS, April 4 CO A Ven- ezulcnn revolt against the rov- eminent Is reported to have broken out in thc republic of El Salvador. SLEEr-PRODUCINO Scientists have proved that drinking warm milk Induces sleep. Trees provide almost all the aThe iUic m the i acinc TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1944 Frigate Gets U - NA3tl WEAK 1 Only Few Destroyers Has Little Alonjf Euro pean Coast With Which to Meet Hritish Fleet LONDON, April 1 (CP) (Icnnany has on ly about 12 destroyers posied along the Euro- pean coast -from Nor- way to France to put against the Hritish fleet. This has been revealed following the further disablement of the battleship Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjord where the already damaged ship was hit with aerial torpedoes. Mail Delivery .Here Proposed I)el(ability Tlaced Before Tfince Itupert Chamber of I Commerce Last Night. , . T- m i. t a ! I wara ar jasi nignis meeting oi'clty councii. u,c rnncc "up v-namocr oi re "le ocauwBiuiy oi a.are ne stricUy to make money house to house mall delivery must remlndcd that wrvice being instituted In Prince bUc coms Unl of iu sire in Canada withou; received from had a complaint uch i service Mr. MacKenzie said. supcrlrjtndent of tele-Besldcs being a great convcnl- hones to lht, effect ence to the people, a mall de- livery service would help to pro- vide employment for returning war veterans. The suggestion was referred to the civic com- ounce iur rcpuiu VETERANS IN T.C.A. War Service Iilots Taken Over Under Rehabilitation Tolicy WINNIPEG, April 4 As the beginning of a policy of rehabili tation of returned airmen, TransCanada Air Lines Is engaging for its flight crews a number of men who have dls-MtiKulshed themselves on operational duties sverseas and who are now back in Canada, their tour complete. They have been made available through an ar-langement with the Royal Canadian Air Force and are undergoing specialized air training before being assigned to service. The first five men are: Flight Lieutenant E. L. Howey, D.F.C.. Exeter, Ont., who was a member of thc famous Demon Squadron, took part In 1,000 bomber raids of Oermany and was decoiated for gallantry. FO. R. S. White. Orlllla. Ont, who took part In 40 operations, im ludlng 14 raids over Oer- ninny, served In Faypt and I Jbya and was at Malta for three monlhs. FO. S. II. Bolton, Stcttler. Alta., who was attached to the coastal command In Great Brl- tain and flew as far as Iceland, For J. C. Morden, Fleming, Sasks who has 34 opetatlons to his credit In Wellington bombers end was In Egypt and Libya. FO. ,R. C. Fogal, Edmonton, whose duties were over Scot- land. Gibraltar and North Africa. Twelve other men will soon begin T.C.A. training. TFLEVISION PROPOSED CAPETOWN The annual report of the South African Broadcasting Corporation states that the corporation must be in n position, as soon after the war as possible, to finance a televls Ion service and to Introduce an adequate broadcast setvlce for natives. T BUDAPEST HIT AGAIN Royal Air Force Follows Up Its Attacks on Hungarian Capital NAPLES, April 4 ft - Royal Air Force bombers followed up yesterdays daylight attack on Budapest with a night smash against other targets in the Hungarian capital through which supplies roll to the southern Russian front, steel works, ar- j mament plants and railroad yards rrla iioro were IVia the main main fa targets. route I Gorman ueriTian OiailOnS Sfatinnq Off Air Today LONDON, April 4 W-Oerman radio sutions ieit me air 10- day indicating an Allied raid over Europe. TAXIS MUST SERVE PUBLIC P m i rt . in Mil. si Pniin-il I Meeting. City taxi drivers must be made to realize that since they operate under city license, their purpose Is to serve the public." Alderman Elliott said last night In o riicjMieclrm nf a (nntnnrta. 1 " " mc drivers think that they i-,t k.I hu . oXncri.nce o tail everv ! -mn,n nnt get a reply from any of themi ne ad(ied. There Is more money being I made by gambling In the back; rooms of taxi offices than there Is by driving taxis and that Is why the public does not get service," Aid. Elliott claim ed. Following the reading of the report It was learned that local taxi drivers had already met with the transportation committee and had given assurance that they would draw up a plan which would result In good tax service. "Local taxi drivers are not organized but operate strictly as Individuals," Alderman Hills, committee chairman, said. Trying to Get Radio Network Possibility of Using Wlie Now Available Being Looked Into by Chamber of Commerce. Reporting to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at its regular monthly meeting last night D. C. McRae. chair- man of the radio committee, disclosed that his committee was taking up with the Cana- dian Broadcasting Corporation the possibility of obtaining un- used wires now Installed Into rrlnce Rupert from the outside for the purpose of transmitting network programs to thc Prince Rupert broadcasting station. To commence with, the matter 'was being taken up wtlh Ira Dllworth, the regional director, and, falling action through him, u would be taken up with Ot- tawa. A vote of thanks was tendered by the chamber to thc radio committee for its sustained activity in connection with the local radio situation. AWAY, FOUR. YEARS Thc first contingent of the First Canadian Division landed in the United" Kingdom on Dec. 17. 1939. three months and seven ,days after Canada declared war. Wednesday, April S High 11:45 18.6 feet Low 5:51 7.9 feet 18:05 52 feet H.M.C.S. Wakesiu Bags German Submarine In Battle Of Atlantic CfTAWA, April 4 (CP) White engaged on t. 'ty in the North Atlantic recently, the frigate, H.M.C.S. Wakesiu, Lieut. Commander J. P F. Eraser, R.C.N.R., was attempting . to attack tt- - wakesiu carried out a series of attacks with depth ciiarges wtucn apparently mor- tally wounded the enemy under- sea vessel and forced it to the The frigate Illuminated the enemy with star shell and, in ui .. cmnpany wjin ine mgaie xim. . " D. Birch, BUR . onpnprf firp nn th TI. ! boat, int srnrpd hv thi. fricraf. tv-p. vented the crew of the U-boat from manning its guns and a few minutes later the enemy sank item first Nineteen survivors were picked up by His Majesty's ship3 and made prisoners of war. The engagement took place early one morning in a rising sea. The U-boat had been fol lowed for quite a while. ENEMY COLLAPSE Nazis Are juumoiing Russians In Sirht of Odessa and Also Driving Against Lwow. LONDON, April I CD German-Humanian lines are crumbling on a 450-mile from deep inside prewar Poland down to Odessa on the Black Sea. In the Odessa area the Russians have captured one hundred more localities and are within sight of the major seaport In Poland the Russians are forty-five miles from Lwow. OLD MEN'S HOME HERE City Councii Thinks Something Much Better Should be Done Prince Rupert owes it to itself to have an Old Men's Home that the city can be proud of, the city council feels. In the report of the police, health, relief and licensing committee, read by Alderman Hills, it was recommended last night that the various social and service clubs in the city be asked to contribute to the cost ot a new Old Men's Home and that the city defray the other half of the estimated $10,000 cost. "The Dyer Apartments are not suited for an Old Men's Home," Alderman Hills said In commenting on the report. "The men there are living in squalor." The project was supported by Alderman, Nora E. Arnold who', clalmine that charity begins at home, said: "This city has been more than generous to outside causes. The Red Cross asks us for $10,000 and we give them $20,000. Victory bond campaigns have always been oversubscribed. Surely we can find the money to give our elder citizens a decent place to spend their old age." It had originally been the Intention of the council to raise half the cost of a new home by selling the Dyer Apartments but, It was learned, the project Is not feasible. At the suggestion of Mayor Daggett the plan was turned over to the committee for further development after it had been approved by the council along with minor Items in the report. PRICE FIVE CENTS Boat destroyed a U-boatvwhich . a valuable convoy. " The GET OUT OF WAR WARNED BY rrr r i r i ar r II KM Mil LONDON, April 4 0 Moscow radio, In a broadcast In the name of tne SoTtet government, caUed on thc Rumanian people 10 cannon me uermans ana capitulate at once. The broadcast warned that aU Rumanian would become a battlefield unless the country .capuuiacea. Port Arthur Leads Series New Westminster Loses First Decision In Allen Cup Western Canada Finals. PORT ARTHUR, April 4 CB Port Arthur Shipbuilders de--' feated New Westminster U5de- Alien Cup western nnais nere jast night to lead the series one i victory to none. The first game had been tied. Handling Of Explosives Chamber of Commerce Would "Move Commodities Over Gibson Island. The Prince. Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night decided to move towards having explosives handled through Watson Island, where all facilities are available for such a purpose. Instead of over the local water front The port committee brought In a recommendation to this effect to the chamber. The recommendation had the con currence of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It was adopted. The report of the committee stated that the peak of large construction work here which had Involved considerable quantities of explosives had now passed and the situation, which at one time might have Justified some alarm, was now Improved. All safety regulations were observed here strictly, the report said, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had all times kept close check on movement of explosives. Explosives had never been left in docks or sheds here but had always been moved In box cars to a safe distance. The Chamber agreed that there should be following up of the "recommendation that, If necessary arrangements coum be made, explosives should be handled at Watson Island and not brought Into the city at all. City Meat Markets Will be open ALL day Thursday and closed ALL day Friday. All Orders for Saturday delivery must be In by Thursday. (Signed) Sterling Market Bulkley Market Jones' Family Market IMt Fishermen's