i - v:i if hi ." '5t f JLfc- PAGE TWO The Daily News Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert D"aily News Limited. Third Avenue. O. A. HUNTER Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week . .. .15 Per Month 65 Per Year $7.00 By Mall, per month 40 ; Per Year .'.4.V- $4.00 DAILY EDITION ... Monday, September 18, 1944 EDITORIAL A. PRACTICAL MAN TALKS . . . To those who "would see ourselves as others see us we would commend a terview with G. D. Archibald, engineer in charge of i gathering of over 100 merry-Skeena Highway construction, published elsewhere makers. The banquet room and in the Daily News. tables decorated with red, white Mr. Arc h hn d siurirosts satisfaction at the completion of the road which connects Prince Rupert with Terrace and the rest of the outside world, remit in our efforts and agitation to .J nave cut cuc4ucuC system being in order to promote ot the natural resources and wealth of this part of the country a development which is long overdue. That is good advice which we should not delay in heedincr. Annrnnriatelv PhnrnW nf PL. n.anA w 1,; nfrQt. ; I vimiiiwi vx juiaiti,i,c cm tvjr lino lino lucini m hand. Another interesting statement in Mr. Archibald's interview pertains to the city of Prince Rupert which he says is one of the most finely planned townsites he has seen and one which he asserts is not, comparatively speaking, an expensive of development as many of us had conceded. All in all, Mr. Archibald I i uii i , i i . . favorable impressions of "this beautiful city where the roses bloom in February" all of which should be reading of the farewell that, wo shnn ri not. n nnr uZ..i.i. iu mguways uiuuiii. imu the postwar development pimiipIi. flip Prinro Rnnprrl has nothing but the most the latest but he certainly October 12. Coupons 88 most gratifying and refreshing to some of the older residents who have come to accept its blessings and benefits as a matter of course and without due appreciation and others, who prejudiced to begin with, seem to consider it an imposition or a duty rather than a pleasure to live here. Mr, Archibald may be has not been the only outsider to see and appreciate uui uuuiueuus uppuriumues aim nappy Deneiacuons.of a local newspaper. Many NOT BAD AT THAT Canadians may well accept cheerfully the edict of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board that thev tni imvc jjcu aiunj; iuui icaa uuuci ucuvccji uuw Brigade Major, expressed his and the end of the year. Although we have had to hopes of losing the role of stran-spread it thinly, we have not suffered so far through ser very 5000 and becoming one having had to deny ourselves the generous portions ,f the happy Prlnce Rupert fam" which we were once so accustomed to enjoying. ySergeant Major Taylor. of the This is the fourth time this year that the Prices r.c.k., and president of the mess, and Trade Board has ordered postponement of the ' proposed a toast to the guests. vahdy date of butter coupons. The latest order, as announced Wednesday, affects Coupons 80 and 81 which originally became valid October 5 but which . will now not be valid until and 9 have been advanced to December 14. We may Be appreciative of the announcement by Sugar Administrator S. R. Noble that, although the sugar situation is the next thing to desnerate. no reduction in the sugar ration is expected this year, , i Beautiful' Plants- 2 YEAHS 0LI) SIX VARIETIES Each, 4.85 3 for 5.25 in Any PRINCE RUPERT . . . BRITISH COLUMBIA Six,.9.90 Jarkmani, purple Henry I, liiiyi' icliile .Mine. Andre, n'nlvl ml Itamona, vt'liely t lear blue .Mine, Vrillunl, roue Dutlic s of Kiliulmrgli, ilunble uliite NEW, beautifully illustrated Catalogue now ready. A complete Uneof nursery stork. EDDIE'S NURSERIES P.O. SARDIS, B.C. SPECIAL! Limited Number Home Work-Shop Mandrells Complete with Bearings and V Pulley, shaft ls approx. 13" long, " round, with '2" thread, 2" collars. TRICE PREPAID TO YOU, $5.95. Send Post Office or Bank' Money Order with order to ACME MACHINERY 1547 Main Street, Vancouver, B.C. AREA SERGEANTS' DINNER-DANCE The Area Sergeants made sc- j ci3l history Saturday night whey ' their mess hall, already well Known ior us nospitaiuy. Bandmaster Frank Delamom and his orchestra played soft mnct mirltol Trine! m.m. pating strains. Colonel C. C. Ferrie and the other guests of honor were introduced to the Mess by Garrison Sergeant Major "Robby" Robert son and then the banquet was under way. The excellence of the dinne. and the fine service was note worthy. Music, laughter and DrPdomir.,tP(1 thP hum a"c"' of flowers, under the personal supervision of the CWAC members of the entertaining committee, showed that the hand of an arusi mucn in evidence ana & womans touch. The yMCA provided beautiful flowers. Sergeant Major Robertson, the chairman, proposed the toast U the King. Colonel Ferrie, the guest of tlu evening, in replying to his Intro- duction by the chairman, speke highly of the hospitality that had greeted him in Prince Rupert. Finding himself a guest a. the Sergeants' Mess so soon after his arrival was an added honoi He also mentioned having heard j stories of tlf 3 "grim," Rupert weather but all fears of the worst Rupert could offer in the '"ire line of Ji weather wrouici were wcic more iuuic than mail ' 0ffsefc by the spirit of hospitality and the hearty hearty reception reception already already1 accorded him. r . The new officer commanding Prince Rupert defences is by no means a stranger In Rupert. many familiar faces greeted him, men who have served under him in the past. During the evening he had a chat with many of them r2r of the prS'S I pleasant reunions took place during the evening. " Lieut. Col. Rosebrugh of tht R.CA. spoke in complimentary terms of the "Sergeants." Major O. O. McOaren,- new SSgt. Clive of the CWAC, rep resenting her corps, extended hei appreciation and that of the other membersof the CWAC who have been recipients or the hospitality of the mess. "MUM" Clin was given the biggest hand of applause and a tangible token of the high esteem in which she u hPin b-m n the girls she handles the piano .whenever Maxle Boy breaks forth In song. . Seated at the head table were Garrison Sergeant Major' Robby Robertson, chairman, Sergeant Major Taylor, president of th mess, Colonel C. C. PeTrie, Lt.-Col. Rosebrugh, Major O. O. McLaren, RJS.M. R. Watson, S. Mi WO 1) Roberts, SSgt. Clive, CWAC, Sergeant D. N. Scheldt, CWAC, Sergeant P. Firth, CWAC, 'SSgt. II. A. Rogers, RCASC, and Sgt. O. Nordling; RCASC. To the smooth strains of Band, master Delamont's dance band the happy .gathering danced until the small hours In the morning when the singing of "Goi Save the King" brought thenight to a" close. SM A. G. Beastal of the Provost Corps and SSgt. Alice Abbott of the CWAC won the prize waltz with keen competition from SM Robby and SSgt. Clivi, of the CWAC, and Q.M5. Jim Moore and his wife. It was a very difficult task for the Judges but without question it was tne Terrace technique coupled with Alice's grace that carried the day. The prize spot dance went to SSgt. Clive and Sergeant "Maxie" Baer, the golden voiced baritone who sang "Danny Boy' land several other selections.. Corporals J. P. Garlich and Ri Cote, Sgt. Bill Lusney, chief steward, did a good job of catering. Assisting were Pte. Coma- 'dore, Gnr: Laurln, Pte. Dietrich, iGnr. Brass, Pte. Krocher, Slgnm Daigle and Pte. Charlie Mc Carthy. The party was an outstanding j success and the esprit de corpi , never better. A word of thanks Is fbrthcomlng the members of ths committee with special mention for GSM Robby Robertson who is always the life of the party and a tireless worker. THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY v. - MODERN WAR AND ANCIENT PEACE strong y contrasted as citizens examine tanks stopped before Notre Dame. PEACE RIVER RICH EMPIRE Vancouver Man Impressed Is Not Fully Appreciated "My visit to the Peace River . country (was a great revelation - ' " , V for t , Ji ganizer British Columbia wno ls a visltor to the clty on hIj way home, accompanied by Mrs McCormack. "That district, with its fine farm lands and other potentiali ties, Is an empire In itself. I don't think you people here in Prince Rupert realize trie possibilities that you have behind you in that area. It would be an eye-opener, if you have not already done so, to pay a visit to the district and see it " Buy War Savings Stamps. I.I II F.H A L-1- II 0 1 1 COALITION Editor, Daily News: Ed. McCcrmack, the federal LV3" oreanlzer British Col- umbla, helps neither his party nor the-country when he tries to Identify the CCF with Naziism and to stampede the voters on the false issue of "liberty or the Gestapo of Socialism." The fate of the Patterson re gime In Saskatchewan shows that this type of a smear cam paign finds no support among the Canadian people. Mr. McCormack talks a lot more sense when he says "Wi have the opportunity of con tinuing to move rapidly as we have done in social legislation without giving up our liberties and the rights respected under the form of democratic govern ment which we today enjoy." The vast majority of Canadians want this democratic progress. But since no single part has the prospect of electing a majority to the next House ot Commons only a progressive coalition government can assure it. Otherwise a reactionary minority will seize control as has already happened In Ontario and Quebec. There- is no question of estab lishing Socialism In Canada today. The question ls: ''Will thera be a Liberal-labor coalition to assure jobs and prosperity ov vill the Tories gain minority power and take us back to a new scarcity economy?" Like most politicians who raise the "red bogey" Mr. McCormack also shows himself able to deal in race hatred. With an organizer of this out look in town It ls small wonder that there is talk' among a section of local Liberals about Interesting themselves In a candidate who would be acceptable to the Progressive Conservatives. Such a man would have to op pose united Nations unity, op pose family allowances, health Insurance, a democratic labo: code, full employment, rising llv lng standards and national unity for that ls the Tory position r.nti that ls the exact opposite of the position taken by Mackenzie King In the last session! BRUCE MICKLEBURGII, CONCRETE HOADS (Continued from page 1) thence back to Rainbow Lake. 6. Via the Skeena River canneries as far as Sockeye and back to Rainbow Lake. 7. Prudhomme Lake to Tyee on the route now constructed. .Most Feasible Itoiite Is Used Since the other routes contemplated crossing the Skeena River by ferry at Skeena City and proceeding up the south side of the river, the seventh route- had always been considered the most feasible and economical but, due to opposition of the railway company to the road being constructed along right-of-way between Tyee and Terrace, it could only be adopted when the railway company was directed by the Department of National Defence to permit it. Air. Archibald paid tribute to Prince Rupert as a city. "A lot of people think Prince Rupert is nothing but a far AGREES AIRPORT NEEDED Editor, Daily News: Your editorial re Airport ls Indeed at timely one apd your suggestion that we campaign to obtain same should be followed up. The urgent need for better and more rapid transportation should be sufficient reason for overcoming all difficulties ol which no doubt there are many. However we have had many examples of what can be done In spite of what appear to be In surmountable difficulties to sight two projects well known to all of us the Alaska Highway and Canol oil line. These wen. built at tremendous cost and there ls no doubt that had the need not been so urgent they would not have been considered on account of excessive cost and lack of manpower to quote the excuse of the federal government 0"H". ...al..ci,. now is tne time to plan ror the future and surely the govern ment must realize that the time will not be long before there will be manpower available. Ii. what more suitable way could work be provided for those new employed in war Industries, the men hi the armed forces when they come back, than on a project such as this which will bo- revenue producing, one which will help to open up this great coastal area In particular? We have no direct road con nection with the south nor with the north although north anu south roads will no doubt come In the future. Aerial transportatloi is the solution which should be followed. It ls to be hoped that a vigorous campaign may be got under way at once, for as you say, an airport Is essential to Prince Rupert's proper development. H. A. PONDER, APPLAUDED WHEN DEAD GREENOCK, Scotland ff While the audience applauded a trick artist hanging by one leg from a rope above the stage of a local theatre, the curtain was lowered and the artist, 02-year- old Henry Seymour, was brought down dead. outpost," he said, "but I have found it to lie one ot the finest planned towns I know of. It was beautifully laid out by the original engineers who took advantage of every feature of the terrain." Nor waa this such an expen Sive townsltC for development i when one considered that struc- i MtlT?miSJrt or thSr tures put underground such as , tndebu-dnem to me forthwith and all viator siinnlv rirnlmpp nnrl Pon having claims against the water nnu suppiy, drainage bute are r,qUir(j to file them sewer systems did not have to with me properly verineu on or be-go deeply, nature having pro-1 .VhVch gfWi vided a gradient here whereas made having regard only to such in many other places water wTlleh 1 ha" h,Te mains had to be carried eleven i Dated at Prince nupert. DC this feet or more underground to escape frost. Natural drainage carried away the rainfall in Prince Rupert whereas some prairie cities, with one-twentieth of the rain, sometimes became inundated with five or six feet of water after cloudbursts. , , . ., . 'This is an economic site for a city considering every feat - ,, , j . , . . un. u ure, concluded Mr. Archibald. Thtswhere the roses bloon. in February, is a City built on solid rock and It has many ad- vantages." Mr. - Archibald suggested ,. , the i, - deilrablllty of the city being equipped ,.,1,1, with Street ,,. Signs. ' Mr. Archibald will spend a four Hove In VnnMivr nnrl ihnn proceed 10 uuawa m connec- lion wun me nnai cleaning up nf thp me hiiclnea """mess OI nf me hi local loral roaa construction, men ne ex- pects to return to his home In Saskatoon and resume the civic duties from which he has been on leave of absence unless the government should have another I jN the matteii op the "adhin-lniportant commission for him. I istration act" . AND in the matteii op the estate I .OP john shauman. inniAN navy nnnwq inuitN ftvr uiiuwa tom oTiimwisE known as NEW DELHI ff) The Royal J J1 deceased, intes- lndian Navy now has a person- take notice that by order of nel 13 times greater than at the " V"ou' 3uile nn"- V0! , . .Tdce nf the Supreme Court of outbreak of war. There are an nrith rwwnnu. I vn on the 7th Inerpoeinu nninhop nf TM.tlnn nf.. rtav of B"Otmber. AD 1944 ap- .. . fleers in Command Of Ships and In other high posts. , FOR SALE IJY TENDER Tlie Secretary of State of Canada and or Custodian offers I for sale by tender: OHP. HOFFMAN STEAM PRESS AND BOILER. I Tenders should be addressed to ftiA t v. tw v. a .1 nrr- I for press up t0 noorii paCKiC uayngnt saving Time, on the I 4th day of October, 1944 and be accompanied by a certified! cneque payable to the Custodian ior lOVo of the amount tender ed. Arrangements to lnsDcct will be made on aDDllcatlon to MeSSrS. COlIart ailU McCaflPrV Ltd., 353 West 3rd Avenue. 1 Prlnei nnnprt nn : T-h" The highest Or ' any . tender . I not necessarily accepted. I Thpsp nnpt'q irn offeror! fnr Sale ntJ ,.,lthn,,t Without . . any warranty , whatsoever on the part of the Custodian as to the condition or fnto nt romlr i nariTN pr; DATED at VanCOUVer. B.C.. i this 18th dav of Sentembr. 1 . a . , " THE CUSTODIAN, 500 Rdyat Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PFIONE 657 Carries Own Cake At Arctic Wedding WINNIPEG, Sept. 18 0 One of Canada's most unusual wedding ceremonies took place aboard the Hudson Bay Company's boat, the Nascopie, at Southampton Island, Aug. 19. The bride was the former Lcrna Mary Johnston, an aircraft worker In Winnipeg, and 1 now the only woman on South-' ampton Island'. WlUlam C j Brownie, an H.B.C. post manager I In the north for 17 years, was j the groom. j Attendants were Mr. and Mr. ! W. A. Heslop. who were rescued from Fort Ross last winter by an American plane, and who were on their way north to a new post. The bride made her own cake and took It with her. She left Winnipeg Aug. 7, went by train .to Churchill to board the Nascopie there. A Winnipeg florist ordered Amcidlum orchids an packed them for her to take along for her wedding corsage. Many of the guests were members of the Inspection party of the Northeast staging route air bases. i I- IN THE SUi'REMB COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN tUOUAiti I IN THE MATTER OK THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" . 1 AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ANTON ANNANAISSON, DE-CEA8LD, INTUBTATK. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His honour Judge J-Uner, Lural Judfe of the Supreme Court cf British Columbia, I wis on the 11th day of Bpteml. A D. 14, appointed Administrator of the Eatate cl Anton Annanataeon, who riled on the 21t day of February, I44. AH persona llth day of Heptember. AD. uriieiai Aominwiraior. NORMAN A. WATT. Prince Rupert. 11 C. ' ' in the supreme court op w TllBTw&C8rumN istration act" MATTINgP 1M TJE T1IB estate op john obis lawler, other- I WISE KNOWN AS JOHN LAWLER, deceased, intestate. 1 take notice that by Order of ; His Honour Judne FUher, Local jUd(;e of the supreme court, of ! Brituh Columbia, i was on the 7th pointed Administrator of the Estate Jhn w'er- lhtt" on a date between the 1st day of 1 June, 1944 and the 10th day of June, , ,D44. ... n,.,. inrt,bted to tiw aaid eute are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all prersons bavin claim iu?l"at tne m -- quired to file them with me properly ..irit k-u.f.VA- h, i t k . t 7;lh-, - . r Z"t"; card only to men euima or wnicn 1 hll have been notified. i ; Dat t Prince nupert. BC . thU ,7th day oi Bemember. ad. ibm NORMAN A. WATT Offlelal Administrator Prince Rupert. BC. IN THE SUPIIEME COUHT OP nniTISH COLUMBIA t r mmtiaTi minted Administrator of the Eatate of Jnmen jAhn Siiarman. otherwise known a Tom Sharkey, who died on th ?"nd rlav of June. 1944. All rvrmrt lnrthted to th xald eetate are required to pay the arnoi'nt i of their lnrtehtednM to me fnrth-nfMiand M nern havlnr elalma r.nii't. tv (i Fs'te are re-"i-i-e't '" tbei with m nron- erlv verified on or before the ISfh rtov of nrtobr. 1044 fMUn? which dtMMhton wl'l be mode havln regard nnlt t anih rialma of which I a11 beve wn notified, lt'y h.' vri. Official Adnilnlatrator prince nupert B O IX jir ori'iti'MR rnntT OF Ul(riiii rnii"tni JfJ Tt'WI TTFr OP T?'! "ADMIN-IC!TnTTON AfT" ANn ,IJ T" wn.TTM tituov ITI.DER, DE-rnuqipp INTPSTATE. TA" NOTlr:: that hv order or Ut ltnnnnr .ItvW Fluher Irt-al ""," "f he Bpreme cvmrt of British Oolumhla. I was on the 14th day of Bent em her. AD. 1044 nnnoint- i Administrator of the Estate of wini" nnry Eider, who died on be ?nth r'aw of Aurmt. 1042. Alt persona Indebted to the aald estate are reotHrd in pav the amount of their indebtednesa to me forthwith f ft".JD'Z',,?ni, hnvine claim ae"'?.? the aald Estate are renulred to IllO1 them with me nroperly verified on or- hefore the Hint da nf October. 1944, fatllntf which distribution will I Kji bo tv. made a ri n hatflna. hatlnir rirtH regard only nHltf. In to alt such elnlwi of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert, BO. this 14th dav of Rcptember. A D. 1B44, AI.BFRT EDWARD RODDIS. Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek, BC. is Tin: NiTitmr. rnuiT of IIKITINII COIIMItlA IN rnonATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP AXEI, I.UNO. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that by order of II la Honor; W. E. Fisher, made oil the 12th day of Beptembcr, AD. W44. I was- appointed Administrator of the Estate of Axel Lund, deceased, and nil parties having claims against the aald Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or beforo the- 16th day of October, A O. 1944, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pav the amount of their ln dehtednesa to me forthwith. Dnted at Prince Rupert, n O. thU 13th day of Heptember; A D. 1044. NORMAN A, WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. vl a i his. Musi Go The human t, the understand nfn. p.. A " " '" ve generously! V HI. KAVUmKI 1 nnitnnvje. (vnr. LTD. British Columbi i r?! i oi n oil I tirl I IV Mill r LIMITED Automatic Sprtokliii Coil Stolen . 1 1 i' 1 1 h' i if .1 II 1 i i ..'-" - PHONE 53 . i nr .. Coal and wo J.H. Furni lire anu.w AUCTION ARRANGE" AND CONDUCTED NEW AND CSB FUBNITUW VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES 632 3rd Ave. rrince ItuP"1, It Meet Mc at JOHNHfl (Onr Cofff I NEW HOTtl a Home Atf tfnt " 50 Rooms. r!nre Itu' f Phone 281