ii It: 31 K' 'I I 1 PAOE TWO the daily Jtetts ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. (By DOROTHY OARBUTT) Dead on the line we opened the J hut at four o'clock -or sixteen : hours Sunday afternoon. There j was a line-up waiting to get1 In when I went downstairs to unlock the door. It's grand having everyone back again and they all seem to be pleased with the decorations after the first gasp at the yellow celling. There U certainly a great deal more room m the main recreation hall, The I flowered curtains In the powder j room have made quite a hit too. We have a number of new books in the library, praise be. Agatha Christie, Oppenheim, Mark Twain, Sinclair Lewis and ethers. The library Is now up stairs In the Quiet Room and the system of lending books is still that of the "honor" plan that is the toys and girls do hei'r own signing in and out. It works remarkably well. There is how a music room too with a fine collection of good records. You do have to. sign in at the Vest for these however. Mr, Black and I went to a very wee American dance at the Camp Elliott barracks Saturday r.Ight. .Although we were the jchaperones we were "actually danced with and, as I for one enjoy dancing, I really appreciated that. We met boys and men from Texas and California and Alabama and "Ah declah to goodness, honey chile, ah never did heah such an amusln line o ttalk as you-all Southern gente-1 Jmen have . . . why ah almost fell 'foah it, really ah didl'There, you see, they've got me a-talkin itheir a-way! Anyhow it was fun and I liked them. i Who's coming out to the Old h"ime Dance at the Empress to-jnight? You get your tickets from "your own Y man. It's great fun ibut dont come If you mean to ijltterbug all the time. Those Jwfio do that can come Wednesday nights. Monday Is strictly old tlme squares, -waltzes, two steps jand one steps. You'd soon raise a (fuss if someone tried to horn In iwith a square dance on your Wednesday night Jive session jwouldnt you? Well then, turn aboufs fair play I , Tuesday night is another Ack-jAck ,unit dance and I hope you jgirlj will support It as well as Jyou did the one a fortnight ago. 'These boys have not had a dance in their own quarters for several months so be sure to turn out. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 51. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 5 p.m. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 7U Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 riiTiYiVwri SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands i Full Information, Ticktts and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 '' ' ' ' 6.18 last.' THE assault is on! Nothing must be held back for everything is at stake. And as the fight reaches new climaxes of fury, it becomes ever more important, in Churchill's expressive phrase, to "nourish the fight". We must keep more and more supplies flowing to our fighting' fronts . . . supplies which are now being used up on a greater scale than ever. Don't let us fail this lifeline of supply. Let us give our fighting men everything. . guns, ammunition, equipment . . . endless supplies in overwhelming quantities in order to smash the eneifiy by sheer weight of metal and weapons . . . and thus to help save lives. Each and every one of us must ask himself "Am I doing all I can to nourish this fight? With renewed realization of the task before us, with new determination to see it through, let us pledge ourselves to buy all the Victory Bonds we possibly can. Nourish and finish the Jight by buying mote Victory Bond f I