Utitt. $ifl'l ftmti bomt ftono- thott wrtUf, irtim cooungcoiumn ... . at... MM Iflrf.lr irfu 111 ICMUir vi 'v. r tduibtc lmt tutt MonJijr UT ft CTORY FIRST t Buy Victory Bonds! Music Lovers! Come in and sec our larRC assortment of VICTOR AND HLUEIURD RECORDS Prices 50c to $1.35 CLASSICAL AND POPULAR ALI1U.MS $2.75 and up ( 1 izr .v ss i.w -'law. Baked Casserole the kit expensive cifs onJ ccnttroei intcrr 1. :I i. i uscwivcs arc 1 iukout for new WJV$ of SCTV- .nuinaal cm of p pcrly cooked, ;"ii5 and nutri-st expensive. ; i . you one : ways of dress-- Ac a casserole i.y really goes !i a leafy green I -rsh spring salid f ra king. ECONOMICAL BAKED CASSEROLE 1 lb. beef houU, dked 1 cup mniw vrgmlJe Mock 2 copi diced nxAed potatoes 2 tbp. grateJ onion or a link onion ilt 1 up. minced prtly 1 up. Worcester sauce 1 tp. ult H tf . rppcr ppr foyr people order one pound of bctf shouMer. Dice the meat, roil in cilsuKned flour and brown in hat fat, add 1 cup of stock, vegetable liquor or water and simmer gently for half an hour. Now combine with jxHitoo, onion (if available) parsley and scttoningt. Pour into grcated caHrrole and bake in a slow oven for one hour. ' yinehU ltd Iccortl Headquarters for Prince Rupert SIGN UP FOR VICTORY Prime Minister Churchill state.l the other day, "Victory may not be so far away, and will errlnlnly not be le"ll u ' the end. but the task Is heavy, the toll is long, the trial win be severe." You can hasten vlctory-you can Hchlen he task and the toll by signing for more bonds this time than ever before. Put Victory First BUY VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage tRlNCK 1WJPKIIT CO. Ltd. IUTISII C0LUM11IA Victory Hollow If Souls Given Up Says Padre Slogai of the 8ixth Victory Loan 'Nothing matters now but Vi l ory was branded an "ex- avagant" saying for most people by Rev. O. L. Douglas, naval padre, Prince Rupert, dur-ins, a sermon In the Drill Hall of H.MCS. Chatham Sunday morning. "If -we have to give up our wuls In order to achieve victory, it will be a hollow victory ln- ideed." Padre Douglas declared. "Above all, our freedom and decern should be preserved." The final victory over sin was Rained by Christ pn the cross at Calvary, the chaplain went on, and this victory U even now being consumated. He bore the burden of the sins of the whole world in order to gain victory, Padre Douglas added. The congregation Included officers, ratings, wrens and wives of navy men. Music was provided by the Royal Canadian Navy Band of ,UMCB. Chatham, under the direction of Petty Officer O, Noake. Legion Women's Dance Success Rothwell. Dan Parent, A. WU J. Ritchie of Smlthers pa.wd through the city on Saturday night on his way to Vancouver. 1 Thomas Kelscy left on Sat-urday night on a trip to Van- couver. Ross Nicholson, who has been ' manager of B.C. Packers here. ! Is leaving tonight for Vancouver to which city he has been transferred. DEATH RATE JUMPS I Holland's geneial death-rate 'increased from 8.0 percent per 1.000 population In 1B39 to 9.5 In 1942. "Build B.C. Payrolls" Restrictions Are Not Heavy Letters continue to come to us concer H mm ning rationing of Pacific Milk. Certain central areas, such as Vancouver, are restricted, but provision Is made for Infants and invalids or other necessary uses. Mast outside districts have no restrictions. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed li CHIMNEY SWEF.PINO Oil, BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. phone lllark 73S LOCAL NEWS NOTES General meeting or the Rod j CARNIVAL MEETING, secre- and Gun Club in Let Ion Rooms, Tuesday, May 9, at 8 p.m. (103) Jack Dean left on Saturday night on a business trip to Vancouver. In police court this morning Lloyd Wells was fined $20 or five days for an offence under i the Railway Act. Canadian Legion (B.E.S.L.) No. 27. Executive meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. tf After Inspecting the naval MRS. JL S. CUSSON U new in prft health divisions prior to the divine ser- Sh Ui tuUn. n&t,iim, utiptton mi vice Commander C. M. Cree. R hi Fiut-i-tire CN, naval offlcer-tn-charge. """'"i. V Kw,T J."" ; . . , . ' fif w . Buck f Mirrlnrtf with Fnut-4i?M .Prtnee Rupert, announced that . c.a.' Une4 SdEns Ur T.Uu. the base had oversubscribed its i than 200 percent. 1444 Mrs. Annette Woods Is leav ing tonight on a business trip to Vancouver. B. Thorsteinsson. inspector of schools, left Saturday night for Vancouver. Returning north, he will pay a visit to the Bella Coola On Friday evening at the district on of flclal dutlea. Oddfellows' Hall the dance sponsored by the Women's Aux- Superintendent O. J. Gray of lltary of the Canadian Letrlon the Royal Canadian Mounted was a huge success. The hall Police left on Saturday night as filled to capacity with some tc return to Vancouver after a two hundred and fifty persons brief official visit to the ctty. who thoroughly enjoyed dan- . clng to the popular strains o( Mrs. A. J. Curzon left on Sat- De Carlo's orchestra. urday night for Vancouver, ac Mrs. A, J. Croxford. president, rompanytng the body of ., her was In general charge and Mrs. husband who died last week. R. Mulrhead was convener. As- fheie will be cremation In the ststlng were Melames William south. son. c Mlcrtaioif. F Qiison, E. T. Kenney, M. L. A. for lr 1 LAnAUlAlx LU. IAMI L VAJ " V; Vr i I: ' . " 1 ,11L 4:. " .r was in ruaiRc ui mib. r. ujimi,, urua xnuruiii irmu iuipvc niiu flol.l llnttnr Mr n Murrav and Mrs. Hush in ilvt Saturday nlffht for a basi- sand r.. Cheese; Jewel . , Shortening ct . and i Slherleaf cm ir i Lard. i Minn, k MUirneao ana muiaminess trip to Vancouver ana vie- Rathwf &t lhc door I Raffle of a vanity set resulted in Walter J Morean winning ; with ticket No. 1371. Delicious refrethments were 'served at midnight tary's office, Wednesday, at 5 :30, 110) Hon. H. G. Perry, minister of education, after spending a few fiayi here on private business, left Saturday nljht on Ills return to Victoria. A Labor Progressive Branch Meeting Tonight, In Downtown Club Rooms, 8 pjn. It The reorganized Prince Rupert Girl Ouides' Association has been granted permission by the tchool board to use the basement of the new Conrad Street School once a week for the activities of the new Brownie pack under Miss Lawrle. William V. Manson. well known local boy and officer of the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Raiment, left Saturday night for Vancouver to Join the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was farewelled Friday night at the . of flcen mess of the Reserve by I feilow officers, a presentation lb- made. Announcements All adrrrttsomtrnU in thU column will be charged tor a lull month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Tea, May 24th. Mrs. W. D. Lamble's, 330 4th Ave. Dast. Valhalla bridge. May 3, 8:30 pin. sharp. Valhalla Hall. Everybody welcome. (103) Cambral Tea, May 11, Mrs Munlhe's. Dance Tonight IjOJ. Hall, formerly Eagle's Hall, at 5th and McBride, under new manage ment. Each Wednesday and Sat urday night. 75c a couple. , aCP. dance, Oddfellows Hall May 12, De Carlo's Orchestra, 9:30 to 1:30 am Concert by Drydock Choir, May 15 and 16. Male HosplUl Auxiliary Tea, May Help Norway Church, June 3. Try a Results. Tea, Lutheran Want-Ad for Quick Put Victor POTATOES Excellent Cookers From Prince George 100 -lb. Sack . SANDWICH SUGGESTIONS $2.95 ." lbs - I7e Red Sockeye Salmon. Individual size tin 18 Canada Paeker'ss Kam, per tin :J0c Kreme Whlpt Dressinic, 9-oi. jar 2.f Shinola Wax Per tin Karo Syrup 2-lb. tin Shredded Wheat OC 3 pkts. for iLv Giant Chipsti Per. pkt iTTw P. & G. Soap jrfc Per bar lUv PHONE m Sometimes Scarce... MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion We are still making this luscious bar, but naturally in lesser quantities. Soon, we hope, war-time restrictions will be over. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. Phone 775 "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 20 DOZEN WHITE TEA CUPS 9Cr AND SAUCERS JJL The Ideal gift for Mother's Day. Send In your mall orders, we iorward C.O.D. BUY VICTORY BONDS 327 3rd Avenue HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylepe Welding. BlacKsmlth, General Repair. rhone Red 881 Cemetery Service Those wishing plots tended to Phone Blue 615 and leave phone number for GEO. JLDAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E. RED 127 y First SAVE - With these Pay-Roil Prices Magic Baking Powder 12-oz. tin EGGS Grade "A" Large Fresh from Smithcrs Per dozen 39c OVERWAITEA .24 .24 .23 Cream Style Corn or Whole Kernel, 1 tins for 2J) ORANGES Medium, 252's, II dozen Larger, l6's, " dozen APPLES WINESAPS 'C Grade. Per box Fancy, per box ELIO Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Folding Baby Carriancs. Baby High Chairs. Baby Cribs. Boys' Wagons. TUT VICTORY FIRST BUY VICTORY' BONDS Meet Sic at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee b Tops) .If) Large, 200's, 2 dozen OOf $1.00 $3.55 SjS'MW FREE DELIVERY PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mcin Hours 600 a.m. to 2:00. a.m. Step Into Spring With HARTT SHOES We can think of no better way to spruce; up for Spring than to order a Pair of Hartt'sJ Handsome New Spring Shoes , : SOLE AGENTS . . . FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES"