ram 57. 1041 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE i k3 BI-X4 t jsu ruuu My says: "Help yourself to a bright Juture by your regular purchase of War Savingi Stamps!" knsn'.imia Elio's STORE Avenue, Pr.nce Rupert ROYAL CONGRATULATIONS ST. ALBANS, Eng. P; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Baker of Colney Heath near here, received a mes-Kage from the King congratulating them on their diamond wedding anniversary. Port wine Is named after the town of Oporto, Portugal. RESCRIPTON HEADQUARTERS Don through the years, almost since Prince Rupert I exited, we have served the people. The prescription kitory fc have always tried to keep modern, using :d pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. Ormes Ltd. Jfut Pioneer DruqgiaU :- REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Onpn Tlnllw frnm 0 a.m. till 9 TJ.m. pndayj and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-0 p.rn. e can say this in three words - BUY COAL NOW! ALBERT 8 McCAFFERY, LTD. 116 PHONES 117 RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Radian Fish & Cold Storage . nvrnx Co. Ltd. unman Colombia t IN...IM REDDY! f "rrl With the Forces News of the Men and Women on Active Service (Contributions Welcome) Terry Fortune, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Fortune, Is back .on this side of the Atlantic aeain afte having distinguished himself by being mentioned In dispatches In naval operations. Member of the original detachment of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve here, Terry has been In the Navy since the very start of the war. David Henderson of Barr is Anderson has received word from his son, Bruce Henderson, who U I with the army In France. Bruce was. recently In & rest- centre. u'A-iw TaTrf HLH SURE Ready to light up your Home Work! And there's plenty of home work ahead. Save your eyesight by studying with the light shining on your work not in your eyes. And be sure the light is bright enough to avoid eyestrain. Invitation to Aiyansh I.O.D.E. PRESIDENT VISITOR HERE; IS LUNCHEON GUEST In honor of Mrs. W. N. Martin, provincial president, " I.O.D.E., who Is visiting city chapters, a luncheon was held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. El Moore, municipal regent. In addition to the guest of honor, covers were set for 14 guests, all members of Mrs. J. Munthe, Miss Helen val entlne and Miss Florence Parker At a dinner to be held for all I.O.D.E. members at Reid's cafe, tonight, Mrs. Martin will give a report from the national convention recently held In Edmonton. PRACTICAL GIFTS,. In courtship, herons present sticks to their mates as nesting material. -Grand Opening - Y.M.C.A. Gym October 23 October 21 Welcome Festival 5 p.m. Sports and Entertainment All Week Dance Every Evening Free Transportation from Kincolith and Greenville Visitors and Basketball Teams should be at Kincolith or Greenville by October 19th or 20th to arrange transportation. SEND YOUR LIST OF VISITORS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE EVERYBODY WELCOME Local News Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Dance at Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, September 29th. Alderman and Mrs. Alex Sin clair returned this morning from trip to Vancouver. AReid's Cafe will be closed on Mondays starting SeDtember 25 and open Sundays as from Octo ber 1. (227) Mrs. A. T. Lashmar, who has been on a brief trip to Vancou ver, returned to tlte city this morning from the south. Inspector Ernest Gammon, provincial police, who has been on a trip to the Telegraph Creek district on official duties, Is returning to the city this afternoon from the north. Mrs. Ida Pearson of Terrace, Is a visitor to the city for tht first time In 26 years. Well known In the Interior district, Mrs. Pearson will return to her teach ing duties at Klsplox October 2. Mrs. W. N. Martin of Vancouver, provincial president, I.OD. E., arrived this morning from the, south on an official visit to local chapters. While In the city she. will be guest of Mrs. Jens Munthe Cambral chapter regent. She will return south Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. James Brough, j formerly of Prince Rupert but for many years resident at Smlthers, ;have left the Interior town fo Vancouver where Mrs. Brough jwlll, enter a nursing home, Mrs. iBrqugh was well known here In f the early davs as Miss Alice the executive of the Municipal letter personally. Chapter. j Attending were Mrs. W. N. j Cp-L- Wirier Outlook WUUOOK Martin. Mrs. G. E. Moore. Mrs. J. ; . . 5 A. Teng, Mrs. C. S. Oland, Mrs. R. 8. Grelg, Mrs James Stewart, Mrs D. C. Stuart. Mrs. R. J. Ker- Card pf Thanks Mrs. A. M. Ruddy wishes to express her deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings from all her friends. Special thanks are extended to Dr. T. C. Holmes and staff at the Burns Lake Hospital for their care and kindness dur. ing the Illness and death of her husband. She sincerely regrets she is unable to reply to each For Air Powers LONDON. SeDt. 27 0) The DoslibUlty. that the four great uu, iu.a ma., ... j. . railway companiesoj ureai. u FAR-REACHING INFLUENCE A public library book may reach as many as 250 people In Its lifetime. tain will seek a wider outlook for the air "powers" granted them by Parliament is foreshadowed in an editorial in the London ana North Eastern Railway maga zine. The magazine says the rail ways are prepared to operate the whole of the Internal and continental services required after the wars without a subsidy, provided all ibther operators are on tht same basis. ' , fit Is a bold offer, which the J government can scarcely Ignore, says the magazine. Buy War Savings Stamps. TWENTY YEARS AGO September 27, 1924 Ah editorial In the Dally New urged that eyery one of the 5,000 people In Prince Rupert should be an advertising agent for the city.' "Let the world know tha: B. C. Is the best place In the world to live and that northern B. C. is the choicest part of the province," the writer said. Sixty mineral claims were filed in the Terrace district during the summer months. Most of the claims were situated on Maroon and Goat mountains In the Klt-sumgallum Lake area, j The newly discovered Monk-I man Pass was looming as the j possible answer to the Peact River district transportation problems and was finding support in central B. C. Support this Army of Mercy on the Home Front Work among the needy and unfortunate, casualties of wartime on the home front, is efficiently carried on through the human touch and the understanding heart of The Salvation Army. It 1$ made possible by YOUR dollars. Give generously. Spot cmirAvftrf by I Evenson's Ideal Cleaners Phone 858 P.O. Box 99 Weldon R. McAfee returned this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Tinker re turned this morning from a visit to Vancouver and the Okanagan. J. S. Irvine, who has been on a trip to Vancouver to consult with specialists, returned to the cltj this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson, Hays Cove ave., are leaving today for Vancouver where they expect to spend the next couple of months. Miss Anne Fulton VJVJ5., of the Terrace military hospital, spent the week-end In the city visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton. Miss Theckla Fulton left on last evening's train for Toronto to pay an extended visit with her brother and slster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fulton. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged lor a full month at 25c a word. Red Cross Tea, Homecooking, Sept. 27, Workroom. Nurses' Tea, Home of Mrs. G, Bryant, Sept. 28." W. O. T. M. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday, Oct. 4, Catholic Bazaar, October 4 and 5, K.O.C. Hall. Eastern Star Tea, Oct. 5. Dry Dock Employees Welfare Association Dance, Staff Dining Hall. Friday. Oct. 6 ad Oct. 20. Music by Swing Quintette. Canadian Leelon W.A. Dance and Grand Drawing, Oddfellows Hall, Oct. 6. Little Norway Tea, October 7. Rebekah Fall Bazaar. Odd fellows' Hall, Oct. 26, 2 pjn. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, 3 pjn., Nov. 16. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov ember 23. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E., Fall Tea Nov. 23. J. H. MA1R. Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES G32 3rd Ave. Blue 69 Prince Rupert, B.C. KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. PHONE RED 247 The best buy in Monuments and Markers In B.C. is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 998. Prince Rupert Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. Phone Red 884 Delmore Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 tf Fashion - Craft" SUITS TOPCOATS A by-word with men who appreciate style, fine workmanship and value in their clothing. We have just received our season's quota of Suits and and Topcoats from this well-known maker and invite you to call and look over the Fall range. $30.00 to S43.50 30.00 t0 $41.50 SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Esther Tarleck from the Ll-Art Beauty Salon of Vancouver will be in charge of the Sunrise Beauty Salon during the absence of Miss Violet Mah. Specializing in Cold Waving and Hair Styling Phone Blue 943 Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton Street Julia Arthur DRESS PUMPS In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Colors with Dress Cuban and Low. Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines Black Kid Tango Pumps Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" POULSEN'S LUNCH IS NOW OPEN 6th Ave. E., Beside P.O. Station B. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Our stock fresh and complete, prices right POULSEN'S GROCERY Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNT AIN; PENS Besncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollar have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion