i! "4 PAOS TWO THE DAILY NEWS PIllNCE RDPHUT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION p?t Tuesday. February 1, 1941 Labor Healing Breaches . . . A rather unique spirit of cordiality and co-operation seems to exist in Prince Rupert between the two major labor union organizations the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada and the Canadian Congress of Labor. The apparent healing of the breach here in Prince Rupert between the first vice-president of the Canadian Congress of Labor and the president of the Vancouver Boilermakers' Union is also something to note with interest. The rifts between labor organizations and factions were so recent and so wide that it makes it appear remarkable that they could have been thus soon healed so thoroughly and completely. Some may be wondering, if they can get together so completely, why, in the interests of efficiency and economy, there should be two separate major trades : union organizations at all. After a person passes deep middle age, life becomes more precious in inverse ratio to its value. Hitler's Speech . . . Adolf Hitler, his forces now admittedly facing defeat from the military standpoint, is resorting to a battle of propaganda and he is very astute and in-'sidious t about it. We must arm ourselves against his endeavour to stir up division even before the war ends between Great Britain, the United States and Russia. That was obviously the purpose of his speech on Sunday. Certainly, it was not a rallying talk for tlP fJpT-man riAnnlo tn wVinm Via Vinrl rmtVnn rr n nffay Almost every time we try to cook up an we get burned. A Pitiful Voice... Another speech was made on Sunday this a pitiful wail from the once pompous Duce of Italy who bemoaned the fact that Italians had to suffer the indignity of being defended by the Germans. Naturally, he forgot to mention that it is the British, the Americans, the Canadians and the Free French who are now engaged in the business of liberating his people from the clutches of the Nazis to whom he sold them out. We would almost pity Mussolini now if we did not so despise him as one of the greatest quislings of the war. . The man who gave his bride a cookbook for a Christmas present is doing as well as could be t expected and attending physicians say if complications do not arise he may be able to leave the hospital early in March. HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS JOIN THE Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage riUNCR RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA Hartley Bay t o l otnn aenas $iuu t To Red Cross v The native village of Hartley Bay, with a popu- lation of 167 persons of whom 85 are children, sta- Bed a drive recently to raise "funds for the Red Cross. As a result the sum of $100 was raised, the amount having been forwarded to the Prince Rupert Red Cross Society by Rev. J. A. Findlay. the minister in charge. SEATTLE GETS BETTER PRICE Recommendation Goes to O.P.A. In Regard to Halibut Three Cents Per Pound Differential SEATTLE, Feb. 1 O- A com mittee of fishermen, boat own ers and dealers recommended unanimously on Monday at a conference at the American Gardeners are already getUng into action on preliminary work. The heating quesUon continues easy and there is an ad -Ijuate supply of fuel available, barring some sudden cold spell which could hardly be very severe or prolonged now. CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule TUESDAY PJH. 4:00 Sound Off 4:1-G. I. Jive 4:30 Rebroadcast Music from America 5:00 California Melodies 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up 6.00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Sports Interview 6:30 Royal Canadian Navy Band HM.CS Chatham 7:00 G, I. Journal 7:30 To be announced 8:00 Fred Wanng's Pennsyl- vanlans 6:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Contented Hour B: 00 Fibber McGee and Molly 9:30 Soliloquy 10:00 CBC New3 Broadcast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time. 10:30 Suspense 11:00 Closing announcement WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical CIock 7:45 "CBC New 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Novelty Tunes 9:00 Morning Visit 9:15 Freddie Martin and Dinah Shore 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Homemaker's Program' 10:15 Kenny Baker 10:30 Tune Wranglers 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded 11:45 Enric Madriguera TM. 12:00 Mart Kenny Orchestra 12i30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 High School Series 2:00 Silent CITIC CENTRE (Continued irom Page visible to consolidate THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY mlnton). as well as a number 'co-operation of the citizens of One) pf fine lounge and club rooms. ; Prince Rupert and the efforts Believlng that It would not bef an active, hard working economically wise to attempt to mlttee. Situated as we are. far various sums of money into one duplicate such a building, theorem other conynunlties whldi central fund. A committee con- committee of the Civic Centre) could supply regular visits from slsting of two members from Association have arrived at an each of the four organizations concerned was given the task of drawing up a constitution for a Civic Centre Association. Since the organizations had' made themselves responsible to the public when raising funds, that these funds would be used for a specified cause, it was necessary, before turning these funds over to a Civic Centre Association, that the constitution of such an association would safeguard the responsibilities of the parent organizations. This, safeguarding was accomplished by arrangement with the Dominion Government whereby the government will make certain suggested alterations In its plans for this building and the association will take the building over within six months after hostilities cease. Since Prince Rupert will have a building with ample space for most Indoor sports. It now develops that the only additional major sports made possible by the building of an arena would be Ice sports and box lacrosse and both these are vestlntr rnntrol in the hands of seasonal sports. We also hare a committee composed of two to consider that a large, ccn-repreentatlves of each of the trally located, suitable site for four organizations and two such a building would have to general public as should show Ullice OI ITICe AOmmiSirauon , niir rhll conference that a three-cent , ..Due t0 our lkck of beaches dren. many of whom will prob-per pound halibut price differ- and our uncertain climate. ably earn their living on the ential be allowed in favor of swlmralne has always been an water, will leam to swim and aeaiue as cumparea wiui level at Prince Rupert southeastern Alaska. to forward the recommendation to Washington. Canadian representaUves did not express any adverse Pussy Willows Out Here Now . 1 1 te February 1 willows i . , sees rmssv DUl despair. all around the town as an In so kindly warning Great Britain and the exceptionally mild winter con-United States that, after the War Was Over, thev tinues. In the gardens dalslas would have to battle Bolshevism in their own lands, and P?mroses e n blossom. the r uehrer at least conceded that Germany' now had no hope or expectation of having postwar influence on those nations. He conceded the victory to Russia by his own words. There is reason to. believe that, if we are gointr to be faced with Bolshevism after the -war, it will not necessarily be foisted upon us by Russia. And, if the majority of British or American people believe after the war that there are some things about Bo shevism which they should accept, it will be for them to take them. The democratic privilege of being able to choose the kind of government the majority of people want be it Bolshevism or any form is something for which we fight against Hitlerism or Fascistic dictatorship which we know now we do not want. tic uncertain pleasure In Prince be made able to take care of jRupert and many of our chil- themselves and to assist others The O.PJV. officially promised eyer ieamjng to swim, thus los-.has been stated by others. ing what is not only a health-j should this result in the saving ful and enjoyable exercise but of only one life, the whole pro might also be the means of sav- jject would have more than Jus- ins valuable lives. The wish i titled Itself. that Prince Rupert might some day have an indoor swtmmlrrg "It has been said that a swim ming pool will not pay and also by so many different people can be stated as that It Is almost unanimous. "When the committee launch ed a drive In 1942 for voluntary subscriptions to the Civic Centre Association funds, one of the points made In the pamphlet issued was that a swimming pool was one of the ultimate ob jects of the association and on this basis some six thousand dollars was voluntarily subscribed by the people of Prince Rupert. ICE ARENA OK SWIMMING POOL NOTICE For t "Recently, suggestions have been offered that an Ice areni be substituted for the proposed swimming pool in the civic centre plans. It has been suggested that such a building would pr-vide for skating, hockey, basketball, badminton and lacrosse. Since Ice sports, basketball and badminton are all winter sports, carried on simultaneously. It would be necessary to have a building large enough to accom modate both the Ice rink and suitable gymnasium and half space for basketball and badminton. Should It be suggested that the Ire rink could be clear ed of Ice and covered with a sectional floor as is done m Madison Square Garden and probably In other large arenas. It must be pointed out that this would be a very expensive operation and even then would limit each sport to two nights a week. To those proposing such an arena it must also be nointed out that the Dominion Government has let the contract and construction will be started in the near future of a large building to be used as a recreational centre for the armed forces in Prince Rupert. This building, centrally located at Second Avenue and McBrlde. will cover an area of approxi mately 170 feet by 125 feet and I nart if it will be two storevsl high. Under the one roof will be a 50 foot x 90 foot gymnasium, a 50 foot x 90 foot auditorium with a moving picture projection booth and a complete stage (the auditorium can also be used for dances and bad- Mutual Benefit i Jealth and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms No. 6 City Rest Rooms, located opposite City Hall on Fulton Street, will be open to the public daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. commencing February 1st. H. I). THAIN, C ity Clerk. neither will pay teams of sufficient calibre to hold the Interest of fans of any sport. It will be necessary to depend on local support for either a skating rink or a swim mlng pool The logical way to finance the operation of either will be by the sale of annual family memberships. Your committee feels that the average parents are far more likely to scb.ocrlbe to such a family membership which will give their growing families an ill-year opportunity for swimming instruction and sport and them selves the chance to renew their youth In a large, well knept swimming pool than to a membership for any other purpose. 'The committee of the Civic others elected by such of the be found. As against this ajCenUe Association has no in their Interest by becoming members of the association. These representaUves are Instructed (Avenues, alongside what will by and are responsible to their eventually be our civic centre appointing bodies. In this man-1 building. This would give us a ner. the interests of the various compact, economically operated sections of the people of Prince, unit. Rupert are represented and noj "A swimming pool would be particular group can be stam- ,an all year sourre of enjoy- l peded Into any action which ment and health-giving pleas-: might not be to the benefit of lure to people of all ages. With 4 L ..ItlTenc UUAHA ne n rt -.Unlit Trrwdp ' 'MmwM . Indniptnn .... a fact that'ed. a further statement will be without the made." J DON'T mm TO CHEAT MY FAML of the Big eaffi Factors its' m it IN WHOU-miH QUAKIR OATS 'SSI I know that no oihf r natural cereal aivei them luch in ahumUnce of protein mcat'i main element. Grim in c chilJrrn limply muit hate protein for normal grow to aJuIti for ttamina. Whole-grain ojtueal it alto richest ef alt natural cereals in vitamin U needed for auund aerves and tup energy. So erve big nowlt of delicioui QuaLer (Uta to toj family daily. Nothing matches that delicioui nut-Like hole-grain flavour. No other cereal gives the same healthful benefits lured hjr Nature in real whole-grain oauneaL QUAKER OATS T-f --f t Initio VTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTT Wood Fuel Please let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We have plenty of wood on hand. Phone your order for wood to your regular fuel dealer. . ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 INCOME TAX RETURNS We hate to remind you butIncome Tax returns still have to be prepard! Did you take- credit for all that you were entitled to In 1942? We have a simple record form In respect to 1943 which will assist you In preparing these complicated forms and in recording your post war refunds or deferred tax. In addition, there is a filing envelope for receipts for donations and medical expenses and for wage and dlvldent duductlona slips, etc., all of which have a bearing on the tax you will pay In 1944. This record system was devised by a chartered accountant for the use of personal taxpayers. Price 25c for envelope and account cards. Employers! We have a limited number of these envelopes and suggest that you order a supply for your employees. Dibb Printing Company llesner Illock 3rd Avenue. Phone 2.11 4 UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAiAAiitM. .LETTERBOX VKOKS HALL PAKK Editor. Dally News. To my mind it would be. It impossible to build a civic L centre wi'h a skating arena on t account of the original cost ana ipkeep. I happened to be in Vaniouver when they were build .he a tkatlng rink there. I was fpinir all the Dice and cotn- oressor. I aked the man In charge what he thought would be the cost. He said $1W.000. That was when labor and materials were very cheap. A swimming pool would be very sensible but It too would cost a lot of money. It would be a big Job to keep the water warm If I was on the civic centi I committee I would suggest that swimming pool can readily be tention of adoottne a dictatorial I the civic centre Wei be dropped fitted into the remainder of the attitude in this matter. uelUvr i for a while and some of Uv block between First and Second An hev intend to be diverted monsv suent on a ball park from their duty to the people which Is badly needed here. they represent by the clamor of There wculd be a good chance to a few people. The committee has surface the piece of ground that given the matter much thought the army his cleared near Mr-and has at every opportunltr Clymptrt Park. There Is a hill discussed the pros and cons of , quite close by where the nere a swimming pool or a skating rink with the people they meet It Is their firm belief that a large majority of the people they represent are in favor of a swimming pool. They believe that even those who favor a skating rink w under present circumstances. swimming pool Is the most like lv DroJect to be a success not only from a financial angle but vv,5SfXV , ., ... , . .. nrst inlOe. tattle, or nasal trriUUon. from the point of service to the i jtl uimuuum cUon aids Ntrr cuiiunuiiiiy a a wiiuic. "The committee Is now arranging for a further expression of opinion by their parent! pool has been stated so often that an Ice arena will not. It; bodies and when this is obtain sarr rock could be easily secured i FRED RffTOU This Fast kill realize that, Action HdpS PREVENT 'Colds Developing drf mm agalMt tl cuM-antf brtpi prtrent colds from Crmoping. Try VICKS YA TRO NOL A I 14) P t. (leArtwit rTTVTTTfTTTTT f Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's , SNACK BA (Our Coffre I, j,w around the Jeto one day and, i aaJLaaaaaaaaaaiiii, I - Fresh Local Raw J Pasteurized MM VALENTIN DAI J PHONE IS) SKKVICKS TO a ... . itajpuiniB, sirwan tl North Qacen Charlotte tuul Full InltMnution, TVtitl and llcrallat l ltAN'K J. SKLWU Prince Kuperl AfrM third Ave. rhaatll AAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAlAAJAa Just Received SHIPMENT ENTERPRISE RANGES For Wood or Coal ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Hally News) f uun inrougn me years, almost since Pr - ?, prl first existed, we have served the ople. The prtscripao jaooraiory we nave always tried to keep mode , J skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the bet of equine! As we tart a new year, we are proud of v..? rt ana grateful for the confidence you have shown k M:l we continue to sme yoa, Ormes Lid. Ztfi Pioneer DruqgtsLx me KIGALI. STORE PHONE V mdCl Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sondaja and Holidays irotn IJ.2 p.m. an m -TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Men's Work Boots ClREll TILSONHURC, PALMER'S "Moose Head llninn" THUltSTON'S Dependable, Solid mid Comfortable Family Shoe Store Ltd. 'The Home of Good Shoe ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS I" T