TAY JANUARY 27, 1844 Ictnctdct's Favourite RY'S COCOA Lfwy A Cup of Food Briefs From Britain I: for . . . - it,. s'DC"' Because oi fnflllltr tin MANCHESTER. Eng. O A general dealer here wai sentenced to four vear In penitenti ary and (Ined a total of $18,000 for receiving and veiling Black Market goods. LONDON tf When hta flre- Sh th sIam engine was called out to answer ( l don a fumed Albert a false alarm Fireman R. Sat-l u '.at curfew ha chel. was crushed to death be-j -j wght entertain- tween a gatepost and the en-' glne. mtt VACKME ' may not vU ' al 77 I In my hpptn gyrH rrJay, I JiJn't mln lh UmU Put IHM 0 float, 'lyjAr lnttrA fnnj ftrluttr trot my Imnfa miitfl tl Jay Lrr.' Sun itai jour inurf1. I. l.-.l quota t.l I .1. I .....1 r...li. iVr in my rtxry w )uu ttl llirrr ml (! rmmt il a Imlr day wlirn ihi ilu rt )anr l,arv. If lie baan't an) Kojal IVat or lUani, lir may liaie .et t u Mtaf Ka lakr Miinrlliinc tl.r Hut fur aiuilil), luk for "llal Ul) fir.. CANNED FOODS Vntil March 1 when we will re-open, bringing with us the latest in hair styles from the south. f5 ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE llh Street (Across from I'oU OffUe). rhone Blue 917 Thrifty Housewives j WE FEATURE ... A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at nil times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. m You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "Mr and Mrs. W. J. Scott and man. JoseDh. will leave flaturdav night for a three weeks.' trip to Vancouver ami elsewhere in tne touth. AAttCfltlonl Civic I.ubir Fprler. atlon Delegate Annual Meeting. jan. jo. ,:au pjn. Carpenters Hall. Housewives League Whist and Social Evening, Frl., Jan. 28. 8 p m. East End Hall. Everybody welceme. 28i j c i. iwnnejr, Hijv. xor jBkeena. arrived In the city thU morning from Terrace and w. leave tonight for Victoria to attend the session of the Legislature. He was the speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scanlon and child are leaving tonight for Vancouver whete Mr. Scanlon Is to enlist for acilve service Mr. S.-inlon ha been employed as a hto't fitter at the local dry dock and has beets eempany sergeant- major la the local reserve unit. Mr. and Mrs. Rabert McKay are at present on a trip to Van-1 seaver. bring expected to return to the rtty tn a week o: so. Men,30,40,50! Want Normal Pep, Vim, Yhjor? I- 11, ,.. . M CFPR (1Z4S KIUc?clsl Schedule nirusnAv P.M. 4:00 Sound Off 4 15-Q. 1. Jive 4 30 Kay KjriAr 5 00 -Cafavan'iVlM 5 30 Feinonal Album 5 4S -Air Cotnmand 00 CBC News 8 04- Recorded Interlude 6 1 Sports interviews S so- We Shall Have Music 1;00- Major Bowe 7 0- Btn Crosby 8 00-Fred Warinir 8 15 Front Une Family 8 30- Jack Benny ;00 Ftont Ljic Theatre 8 30 Classic for Today 10 00 CBC Ne-s RebroAdrast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10 15 Show Time 10 30 Oreat Music 11 45 Band Wagon U:00 Closing announcement nti BAY A-M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45- CBC News 7.50 Mulcal Clock 8 30 Mornlnn Devotion 8 45Novelty Tune S:00-Mornlng; Visit 9:15- Music a to Carter I 9:35-Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Henry Klnn' Orcnesua 10 3011111 Billy Music 10 45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11 15 Broadcast or Messages 1 1 17 -Recorded Interlude 11 45 Arturo Arturo 12:00-Wayne King rM. 12:30 -SootlUht Bands 12:45 CBC News 12.50 Interlude 12:55- Program Resume l:00One Night Stand 1:30 National Newscast 2:00 Closing announcement TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ROOM AND girl. Apply News. BOARD for one Box 672 Dally (27) GOLD SEAL WIS aa. 1 Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and HrrrUs In Tomato Sauce are both on acth't service but will be back on your grqeer's shelf soou as conditions permit. THE DAILY KEWS PAGE THREfl LOCAL NEWS NOTES j Timely Recipes ' A Valentine cards. Jipiendld assortment, Dlbb Printing Co. Ltd. i 23 Private Harold Wasend. son of Andrew Wasend of Prince Rupert, ha been wounded on active service, with a Saskatchewan eglment. $h 00 THIS FOR Night Coughing ww a COtB stuffs up the nose, csuw mouth breathlnir, thnmt UcUe and night coughing, use this Ume-tesUd Vlcks trwtment thst -goes to Wit rttM 2 w)f at aacal At bedtime rub good old Vlcks VspoRub on throat, eit and bck. Then wsUh tu rtMTMl C-stimuuiim action bring relief Irom distress. It ruinurts to upper brestb-Ing pssssges with soothtnc mrdtclnAl vinorl. It STIsratSTU chest and back surfaces like a ln rnm( nrtln noulttco . . and it keeps on wortong f tx hours. ten kla W.-to ease m.tfKifnv mini rrtW. 1131UCU- Ur Borermi ana uiiw-"" bring (rand camfortl Try tt to- nlibt . . . Vkks VspsBsffl. I y LAMP. STEW This makes liberal senrirrgj for lour. 1 to V'7 pounds of stewing lamb cut up for stewing. 1 bunch of carrots, scraped and cut In Dlece. 8 small white onions or 4 medium sized yellow onions, whole. e to 8 small or medium size potatoes, whole or halved. 1 teaspoon Woichester Source, optional Salt and pepper. Directions: Wet the cut lamb I and then place the wet pieces Into flour and ores as much flour In to each piece as It wUl take up. Place in a pot, with a lid, some beef or other good drippings when hot place the pieces of floured lamb In and allow to brown well on each side. Then add boiling water, sufficient to jut cover the meat. Prepare the vegetables immediately the meat li started and place the vege tables in with the meat, place lid on pot and anew to slowly sirn mer for V2 to 2 hours Card of Thanks I wish to thank all friends tor her kindnesses and expressjaru of sympathy during my recent bereavement, also tor the beauti ful floral tributes sent to the funeral. JONAS ORODEN. Funeral Notice Funeral service lor the late Mrs. Annie McKay Stephen will be held at First united Chin-cn at 2:3 Saturday afternoon. Crema tion will take place In Vancouver No flowers by request. Announcements Dry Dock Employees' Dance.) w - i Jan. 28, Proverbs' Orchestra. Valhalla Oddfellows' Invitation Dance, Hall, January 28th. Women of the Moose Dance, Wednesday. Feb. 2, Oddfellows' HalL Dancing 10 till 2. Jean De Carlo' Orchestra. Refresn- menu. C.CF. Dance, February 11,3 Oddfellow Hall, DeCarlo's Or chestra. LOL Orance Dance. Sat. FebJ 12. 9:30 .sharp. Oddfellows' HaU Jean de Carloss orchestra. Good Cheer Club Valentine Tea. Home cooking. Satu:day. February 12. Clab House uo to 430. , Orange Ladies Dance, Odd fellows' HalL February 14. Boilermaker' Ball. February 14 th, Staff House Dining HaU. i C.W.L. Bridse. Whist and Crib- j bage K.O.C. Hut Feb. 17. 8 pjn. Everyone welcome. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are paytbl in advance at the Office N telephone orders Rate le per word per Insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Fatm, 40 acre, half mile from Terrace. 8 room house Oood building and implements. Apply Frank Morrl. Terrace. B, C. 27 FOR 8ALE. Coal and wood range, white enamel reservoir; like new. Linoleum, 9 x 12. 501 Sixth Ave. E. "23 FOR SALE. Ironing attachment fer Thor wasler. Phone Red 721. ,23' LOST LOST-Black and white cocker spaniel, Male. Sport- Please phone Black 624. Reward. 21i FOUND FOUND Some good leather gloves, odd hands, have been left at the Dally News office. Owners may have same by paying for this advertLvment. tf) FOUND Upper set of false teeth. Owner mar have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for tnis aa-vertLiemen tf) For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER rnone 88 824 2nd Ave, yTTTTTTTTTVTfVTTTTTTTTTT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) J AkkkkkAXk A AAAAAAA A AAAAAA NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away rrora Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 WANTED FOR S.LE. 4 h.p. Elto outboard WANTED. Small wheel chair. motor. Apply 702 Eighth Ave. Phone Black 509. East. '24' UNFURNISHED house urgently FOR SALE Bedroom suite and i ntficd by jeliable party. Phone kitchen set. smokers stand, rnrfr table, radio table, ches- Home OU, 743 or 744. PERSONAL (22) t.rfuu niia trfltoht linn, ax- wanted. Furnished room: m!nir came, with felt pad. I suite or small house for Air v.arwv orirt rirMWi. fim-n nfflrpr and Wife. No 882 Sixth Ave East. j children. Box 668. Dally News. WANTED TO RENT. $25 for Information and securing of smaE apartment within walking distance of town. XL J. Ed. ward- American Signal Corps extension 409. 25 WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house or apartment for family of three. Call Army 280 ask for R. D. McAxthur. 2S i WANTED. Unfurnished room or j rooms for lady. Phone Blue 716. ! ' 2fl WANTED. Small bedroom or den radio. Cash. State price. Apply Box 671. Dally News. . i WANTED. Furnished apart- i ment for 2 young ladles. Apply Bax 667 Dally News. 27 Will Darts who borrowed track Jack from Home Oil warehouse recenUy kindly return same i i For Mutual Benefit I alth and Accident See JOHN U WRIGHT Phone 741 Rooms No. 6 - i v. . I I Pioneer Pioneer R J.M.S.Loubser Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 648 KWONO SANG niNQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to Ring Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All yoar patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p-m. Tuesday10 p.m. to 12 p.nt. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 ,1 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled tt'itlirr Rlock Phone 381 IDEAL CLEANERS House of Better Cleaning" Authorized -FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Drwes Witbeut Guesses TYaterprooflnt a Speetaltv We Pick Up and DeErer rilOXE 858 Mn Orders Box 99 R. LAMR, TAILOR Ladles & Men' Made-to-Measure Clothe. 302 Third Ave, W. Waek 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture to all Its branches ofi th St. Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 r.O. Box 274 OYER & BJARNASON rhone Red 393 Decorating and Painting High Class Decorating. Painting and Paperhanging International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B 0. C.A.fJ. Trains For the East-Dally except Sunday From the East- Dally except Mon- , 8 pin. 10:45 p.m. Frora Terraco and-4-aclffc Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, For Terrace and Pacific Sunday, Monday W 'esday, Friday - . P-m. For Outdoor Work DRY-BAK CLOTHING For a limited time, to reduce stock for Annual Inventor', we are Selling DRY-BAK COATS AT WOOL WINCEY. All sizes 20 Discount. All sizes in stock WORK SHiRTS Watts & Nickerson 5J2 Third Ave.. MEVS and COYS' CLOTHIERS HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS JOIN THE Phone 313 Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. Krr,SH COLUMBIA St. Valentines Day (Monday, Feb. 14th) Select your VALENTINE CARDS now! COUTTS CANADIAN CARDS . of course are the nicest cards anywhere. Special Valentine sentiments for the girl friend or the boy friend for sweethearts, husbands and wives. From 5c to 25c each Dennison Valentine Serviettes Package of 40 15c -' JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE! Membership entitles you to participate in $15,000.00 . TREASURE CHEST CONTEST . The Variety Store I r i