I The Daily News . . . Dally EdiUon: Monday, December 11, 1941 Published every afternoon except Sun- ??T..2 JSS. RUJ DUy News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert British Columbia, Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Per Month Per Year By Mall, per month Per Year .15 . . . . .65 $7.00 .40 14.00 MEMBER A.B.C. Getting Out the Vote . . . Vote as you please, but yote! So urges the Junior Chamber of Commerce in the campaign it is sponsoring to get out the vote at the civic election this week. It is a very worthy campaign at that and an admirable act in the public interest. We cannot all run for civic office and thus contribute a full part in public affairs but we can and should take a direct and active interest by exercising our preferences in the voting on Thursday, There has long been a deplorable apathy .as far as civic affairs here are concerned. The most inexcusable apathy of all is failure through neglect or indifference to 'exercise the franchise. Those who fail to vote have little right to criticize the manner in which our civic business is conducted. We gladly endorse the Junior Chamber's get out the vote campaign. PAGE TWO The Western Front . . . The operations wherein the Allied Armies are grinding their way towards the enemies' vitals may be in their present phase broadly described as the war of rivers swift flowing rivers whose bridges, one by one, will fall as the Germans go back except when a brilliant stroke, like that of General Pat-ton's men at Saarlautern, captures his crossing intact. General Dempsey's British Second Army, having nearly eliminated the last enemy bridgehead before Venlo, is solidly along the Dutch Maas. The American Forces in the Aachen Gap are steadily lengthening their line on Roer. General Patton now holds the river line of more -than sixteen miles of the Saar.. The French of course are on the Upper Pthine, both at the top of the Alsatian Plain and on a rapidly extending sector South towards Strasbourg. ' Looming over them all there is the German Rhine itself. The river has never been an insurmountable tactical obstacle, less so in this, war than in any other, but there is the important period of bridging ahead in conditions that could hardly be worse. 2 The Airplane Manoeuvres Incident LETTERBOX THE BUS QUESTION Editor, Daily News: The bus question before the property owners of the city reduced to simple terms Is: ."Do you favor the city owning and operating a municipal bus service an addition to our. muni. clpal utility structure?" The question Is sponsored and placed before the property own ers bv the Civic T.nhnr VoH.o tlon through their representatives in the City Council. The project Is opposed by one hundred percent vote of the "Partisan" organization now contesting all available seats for the council and school board. By falling to contest the mavnr- alityseat they expose their weakness. They fear a man-to-man battle. They try to gain admittance to the city council chamber by the back door .method. As a resident of the city for the past 35 years and one who has taken an active part In municipal affairs during those years I propose to vote in support of the bylaw and should like to induce others If possible to do the same for the following reasons: It is a revenue-produclne un dertaking. I estimate its gross revenue oi at least $2,00 per When officials arrived at a Pacific Coast airfield to witness private demonstration flights of new planes, they found the roads blocked with the cars of civilian sightseers. There had been no public announcement of the event. How did they know? Someone had talked out of turn. He may have been a loyal and patriotic citizen with no harmful intentions whatsoever. The majority of those wh6 saw the "secret" manoeuvres have been may conscientious war workers. But enemy agents may have been there also. They are everywhere. WATCH EVERY WORD YOU SAY ! The war in the Pacific is far from won. Movements of men and materials, planes and ships must be withheld from the enemy. If you know anything, keep it to yourself! PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY BY- THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Homa Away From Home Rates 75c up CO Rooms. Hot and Cold Water ttlnct Rupert, B.G. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" We have a complete variety f available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street THE DAILY NEWS month. After allowing a most generous allowance for operating cost and depreciation there will still remain $1,200 per month net profit. On those basis a net profit of fifty-seven thousand dollars would accrue to the city treasurer in a space of four years- That should satisfy the most pessimistic mind as a greater asset could scarcely be desired. Those estimated fieures are based on its present schedule which we all admit does not satisfy or serve the public as a municipal service would be com pelled to. In addition to the above the or our "Partisans" wonder what they were blowing out. What about our small school children forging their way to school through gales of wind, attending school from the out lying sections. In those days we young Non-Partlsan onranizn . tlon is not good enough for a foundation to build a city on. It Is a policy of take evervthlnz out. and apply it to the credit of individual bank accounts-strip the city dry of everything that can be taken and then wonder why we have no parki. no olaverounds. hrnkpn.Hnu -A sewers, rough sidewalks and In many cases none at all, no tree planting along our main residential streets. The Partisans are not here for that nurnose. Thev are here to take out and leave nothing that can be denasitPH to their Individual bank accounts in tne name and fame of frpn U' enterprise. , Prince Rupert Is the home of r$ the great working class who pro- i f$ duce all wealth that is enjoyed j ft by the whole community. To ' 2,? them belonff thp rpsnnnciwm,. I S preliminary to what Is to come ' four years hence when the : 2? citizens will be confronted with j the problem of reclaiming their ! hydro electric Rower that thev ; jfa gave up 1G years aeo In th r name and glory of free enter- ! a, prise. The city has never been 1 St able , to put one foot ahead of S? tne other since. i m In closing may I remind our to good citizens that the files of tfa the Dally News will discing m the editorial columns a strong 2? auvocacy of the city taking over 2? Ml il k.la r i . 1 . , RYTON, En& 3 Believed to 1 be the oldest member of the Salvation Army In Britain, Envoy Lawrence Lower died in his 100th , year In this Durham town. i ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Closing NOVEMBER .10 Reopening JANUARY 2 Third Avenue, Pr.nce Rupert Seena eena Q Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK" Parade Schedule 7:10 Band and markers to ' muster. 7:15 Hands fall In. 7:20 Prayers, colors and divisions. 7:30 Hands to classes. 8:10 Stand easy. 8:20 Hands to classes, change classes. ' 9:00 Secure. 9:15 Evening quarters. 9:30 Sunset. city would be establishing and I Class A First period, lead and equipping Itself with a garage l'ne; second period, anchors and and equipment capable of look- cables. ing after the repair and ser- 1 Class B First period, anchors vicing of Its entire fleet of and cables; second period, lead trucks and cars now operating , and line. at a cost revealed only, by the i Class C First period, Rules of annual garage bills. If revealed the road; second period, knots it would probably make some and splices. Class D-First period, first aid; second period, rules of the' road. Class E First period, boat-work; second period, signal flags. Class F First period, signal i rain and snow frqm the outly- , flags; second period, boatwork. ! ing sections such as Sections 2, ; Tender Division First period, 7 and 8? More than 15 years gunnery; second period, lecture uic sciiuoi Doara gave irec ana gunnery transportation to the children Duty Division Nelson Division had no "Partisan" organization German "E" or "R" boats have to guard and guide us in the been destroyed or damaged, in straight and narrow path of ser- the Nnrth Sea and English Chan-vice through free enterprise. nel sinne D- Day Citizens, the policy of our I fa. LUMBAGO, ACHES J I end PAINS I of building a city that will ac- M comodate thpir .roi i 1 K - b M 4UUC- y ments. tI regret to say the battle iE " s a miniature MAKE YOUR- CHRISTAIAS CARDS AND NEW YEAR CALENDARS Distinctive with our Local Views .c uu.1 o.ysw;in io De operated as a municipal service written i by Its then editor, the late H. F. fA WRATH "ALL AM D Pulien, based on service. , GEO- b. casey. f Photo Finishing P.S. r I the use term "partisan" SS advisedly. G.B.C. M THIRD AVENUE grocery $k ACROSS FROM HOSPITAL We are here to give our customers the best of service Our prices are right 500 5th Ave. East Phone 581 i I Slecl Couches slightly used, makes a double Q -3 to rA bed, Special . . . PX3U New Occasional Chairs Covered with velour. Spring seats. Strongly built. Special prices. See them. New Cheslprficlds All-spring construction. Reduced price Z- $169.00 White Enamel OfiC ft A CJurncy Range Vvlu" I Used Coal Range, 0 holes, like new $28.50 B.C. FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Black 321 ft 5 Monday. December FOR 11, A progressive and business-like atlmin; of civic afftm.1 aUm,ntratt J.H.M.AIR Aldermanlc Candidate Solicits Your Vote and Influence it 1 lhe l Polls on Thursday it I if lip ion WE'RE READY FOR WINTER Fine Suits for Every Figure Our new and vHoh t,,... lection Includes styles for even figure-tall, short, stout or On wiue assortment of patterns, aa-wool fabrics. Preclve fit m. Urful tailoring. You'll have n trouble being suited here No Charge for Alterations MORGAN'S MEM & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave. (Next to Ormes) LOVELY LASTING GIFTS 5-year Diary, with key $2.00 Pocket-size Diaries 15 to $2.25 Canada Date Book $2.00 Appointment Book $2.50 Daily Journals $1.10 to $1.75 CALENDAR PADS AND STANDS Small size .75 Large size $1.25 Holders for above $1.00 to $1.60 w MaAsAl Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY - WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us yo'ur order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We terve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest frrrh and cooked meat- frpsh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. ' TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W Just Arrived WOMI'N'S AND CIIIMMIN'H Paris Maid Slippers MKN'S Footguard House Shoes FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "The Home of Good Shoes" PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION n COUNT'