PAGE FOUR Pleature drives art definitely outt But there re other kin- -Salee Drive, tee eumple. They're very tathionakla and paper, rubber, scrap metal are all vital to Victory. Be in the Fashion- -support ail Salvage Drive. ALDERMAN GEORGE HILLS. over CFPR this (Monday) evening, at 7:15, just after the. News. CUT RATE SHOE STORE ACROSS FROM ORME'S DRUG STORE XMAS Shopping START EARLY SO YOU CAN HAVE FIRST CHOICE OF OUR SMARTER LADIES' SLIPPERS. MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Electrical Contractors COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL & MARINE ELECTRICIANS Electrical Supplie Home Wiring and Repairs Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster ' Phone Blaek 367 32C 2nd Ave. Local News It A Hear what Ham can say in 10 minutes over CFPR, 7:30 tonight. C. A. Brind left Saturday night on a business trip to Ocean Falls. Constable E, W. Bell left Saturday night for Vancouver on escort duty. j Hear Harold Ponder tonight, C:30 p.m., radio station CITKt United Choristers Concert, First United Church, Tuesday Dec. 12 at 8:30 pjn. Admission 50c. (289) Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Greig left Saturday night for Vancouver where Mrs. Greig will undergo medical treatment L.P.P. election rally originally "scheduled for tonight postponed till Tuesday night at L.V.V. clubrooms due to Civic Labor Federation rally tonight. A. E. Farley, or Farlev Con struction company, Ottawa, left Saturday night for Vancouver after a business visit to the city. His company is building the Y.M.C.A. war services building here. i Evenson's Ideal Cleaners an-I nounce that they have made the necessary preparations to take care of jour Xmas Cleaning. Prompt delivery before Xmas or .New Year assured. Please bring in your work early. (294) Peter Wikdal has purchased the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tattersall on Fifth Ave. E. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fossum have taken up residence there and Mr. and Mrs. Tattersal are now lfving at the Inlander. A CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Local business and professional people and others, If they desire, may use the columns of the Dally News to express their Christmas and New Year greet ings to customers and friends. There are some interesting mes sages and illustrations still available for such greetings which will be featured on Christmas and New Year's Eves. The most Important thing is to place your order without further delay. ems ' i . i II JPgjpsjSjSjsjjsjSjsjS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW Serving Canada, by promoting the development of splendid modern highways, are CM cars and trucks. Serving Canada's mines, where roads are rough and the going is tough, are thousands of rugged GM trucks. THE DAILY NEWS PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A Vote the Labor ticket and also for the-Motor Bus by-law-Civic Labor Federation. (It) A vote for Ponder is a vote to re-establish labor unity and build civic unity. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Minns are leaving tonight for Victoria to take up residence. Mr. Minns has purchased an apartment Droo- erty in Victoria. Attention Co-op Members! Call for your tickets for the Cenr tennlal Celebration on December 21, at either of the stores before December 15. Admission by ticket only. 232 flTCOlDS I 'sTviv- ) Relieve misery direct A Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. No 27, executive meeting tonight at a o ciocK. Miss Muriel Vance was anions those leaving Saturday night for a hcAiday trip to Vancouver. A GIVE THEM FOR CHRISTMAS Books of Theatre Tickets, for Adults, Children, Men and Women in the Services. Priced $1.00 to $2.25. Now Selling, Capitol. (300) C. A. Berner. Intendent for Canadian National Railways, left on Saturda night's train for a trip up t.iir line as far as Jasper Park c:t official duties. Mrs. Gus Krause left Saturday night for Vancouver and will return this week with Mr Krau: who has been in the south for the last four years on account of Illness. Mr. Krause is nuw iu much improved health. Mr. and Mrs. George Frizzeil, both in good health and .-.ait it returned to the city on Sams'- day after having spent the .sum mer at the Skeena River lint Springs. They are taking up re sidence on Summit Ave. in the home which their son, Dou;.u has purchased from Mr. and Mr C. G. Minns. Gerry Hanley Is Shower Honoree Mis Gerry Hanley, whose marriage to Art Holtbrook of New Westminster is to take place on December IS, was the guest-of-honor at a shower held Friday night at tfce home of Mrs. Leu Doiron. Tenth Avenue Raat. A very enjoyable evening was spent playing rumoli, the prise winders being Mias Jean Krause and Mrs. Mary Pihera, and singing to the very able accompaniment of Mrs. O. V. Hanley. The bride-to-be was the recipient of many lovely gifts presented to her In a beau tifully-decorated basket Later delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Amont; those present were Misses Gerrv Hanley, Jeaiuile Dolron, Mar-jorie Tattersall, Jean Krause. Margaret 'Doiron. Mary Miller, 'and Mrs. a. Clccone, Mrs. Miller, I Mrs. G. V. Hanley, Mrs. May Pihera. Mrs. A. Haig, Mrs. D. Deane. Mrs. J. Galloway, Mrs. A. Peterson. Mrs. H. V. Tattersal. Mrs. Flon-ie Herche k and Mrs. L. Doiron. 1 Announcements All advert bwmentji ln this column wl be chained for a full raontn at 23c a word. For voting information phone Ponder Headquarters 5G4. Dance every Saturday nleht Oddfellows' Hall. n rnrin-s or chestra. 9-12. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. C. C. F. Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec la. t iT mk TTO w iris PI r l "3 T5 YEARS OF 1 years, tbe engineering resources and technical skill which GM had built up served Canada in the production of heavy fighting equipment trucks and tractors, guns, shells and planes. Representative of GM Service, in communities from coast to coast, have been Canada's General Motors Dealers. Long active in providing both passenger and commercial users with the best in automotive values, these dealers, during the war years, have pledged themselves to the task of "Saving the Wheels that Serve the Nation". After Victory, when Canada's requirements are once more tuned to peace and progress, Canadians may rest assured that General Motors will serve and amply fill those requirements with "More and Better Things for More People". Serving Canada's homes and farms by providing thrifty transportation, are hundreds of thousands of CM cars and tfucks. GENERAL MOTORS iiH OF CANADA LIMITED 7 IJ " ' E W4fe, l aTw HST1 1 J aTl 9 9 9 9 9 9 g w 1 I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 wiiai to wve r Here's a Practical Solution! MAKE DAD, OR HUBBY, OR BROTHER, A GIFT OF ONE OF THESE SMART STETSON HATS . . . NO FUSS OR BOTHER ABOUT WHAT SIZE HE WEARS OR WHAT SHADE 1IHTD LIKE . . . SIMPLY OBTAIN A STETSON OIFT CERTIFICATE, COMPLRTE WITH MINIATURE HAT AND BOX. AT OUR STORE. Stetsons are priced from $7.50 to $ir.00 The 'Brock by Stetson at $(..()() THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 173 CRVtCE TO THE WATOH KN ' I ! J, .r ' Mil jSW ' 11 ' 11 Sarving ConaoVa lumber industry oro ilurdy CM haulogt units, built lo stand haavy usage. For jhree-quarters of a century, the history of General Motors In Canada has been one of Service . . . Service to the private motorist-Service to the industry-Service to agricultureService to the nation in war and peace! This 75-year long tradition of Service has its roots in the pioneer Canadian carriage shop from which today's great GM organization originated and developed. It has found expression not only in the manufacture of fine transportation equipment-but in the maintenance of that equipment. It has played a prominent part in making Canada mobile, prosperous and great. It has put wheels under this growing nation. and has kept these wheels rolling, trustily, thriftily and well. Throughout the critical war II w "The Men's Shop" Serving Canada al war, In every battle area, are more than silly types of CM military vehicles. Serving Canadian industry and commerce are CM commercial vehicles of every type. CM-IOIX Off - Ml l . m ami n 1 1 1 t il lEiMmTMF iv t i ' 1 1 ! iM Si 'wmtoiiA w vur riqu S3?,' In a TUN -1' mm o vw VaJ aA.ullir: your figure ui'j give goddess - like : crepe with coilrt:? h and back lntcTet, to: with a curt, provocate "START STYLE VP n . 5 P L E A b 1 kel r i tt Sh rb oes, i n . 2 Aou; On SaU I FASI FOOTWEAi S 518 3rd Ave. Ex.'! Inrnme Til m-" . Returns "", it R. M0RTIMI 321 2nd Ave. - CANfl flC HOPKEE rhol chop sua HUU tctS 612 7th AV. (NextJoKlne1811 All your pat""18 ODenSP-m.1211 Outside OrstT PHONE BE 247