T4 if ! ill 1U- 1T"J m :t. ' J . SOH It FACTE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use lor publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are ilso reserved. ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Memorlam, Notices. Card of Thanks Birth Notices Funeral Flowers, per Name ;iasslfled, 2c per word, per Insertion, minimum .Transient, per inch Contract, per inch Readers, per line Black Face Readers, per line Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, per inch SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week Per Month By Mall, per Month Per Year 8 Columns, 12 ems. DAILY EDITION Burma War ... The war in Burma, fought by ranging troops at the end of incredibly long and hard supply lines, is apparently coming to its spring denouement. The monsoon season of heavy rainfall has arrived. The rains catch the Japanese still short of their goal of cutting the Bengal and Assam Railroad near Kohima and Imphal. Indeed, British assurances that they have the situation well in hand are daily becoming more assertive. And "Uncle Joe" Stilwell seems to agree with the British, for he continues to operate from the end of the railroad, vand it is now disclosed his Chindits havej managed to cut the railroad that has blen supplying Japanese on the Myitkyma front some 300 miles north and east of Imphal. In addition, the Stilwell forces are infiltrating to the rear of the Imphal attackers. Moreover, as the Chindits push southward they carry with them an all-weather highway, which they hope to correct with the old Burma Road and thus open a supply route that will supplement the air hump that presently remains the sole opening in the tight Japanese blockade of China a blockade thatjs doubtlessly a compelling source for much of the political as well as military difficulty of the Chiang Kai-shek administration. So, while coming of the monsoon ends any hope that mieht have remained for a Burmese campaign :by Lord Mountbatten's forces this spring, the change of season does not witness the reversal that seemed ,to threaten the Allied supplv line a few weeks ago. And, in the meantime, Allied naval power in the Pacific suggests other avenues to relieve blockaded China may be opened sooner than many had dared hope. Labor-Prog Whist Party Enjoyable Affair Saturday Night Drew Good Crowd On Saturday the Labor Procr- j-esslve Club held a social eve ning in the new headquarters on Third Avenue and Sixth Street. There were several tables of whist, the prize-winners being: Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) BHiViHivral SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands ( Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Engagement and Wedding .-. $2.00 .50 .10 .50 .75 .50 .25 .50 $3.75 .15 $7.00 .65 .40 $4.00 287 Lines to Column. Tuesday, May 16, 1944 ladies' first, Miss Roberta Kidd; ladies second, Mrs. J. W. Prusky; ladies' consolation, Mrs. P. Sco-vllle; men's first, J. N. Molltor; men's second, A. Wallln; men' consolation, C. Scoville. Sounds of hilarity which pene trated through to the kitchen, where refreshments were being prepared, indicated that the evening was a pleasant affair. Making it more enjoyable still was the fact that there were as guests two out-of-town members Mrs. Martin Loveng of Grassy Plalro and Tom McEwen of Vancouver. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL I5URNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon Good Cheer Club Holds Tea, Sale With tables tastefully decorated with, spring flowers, the Good Cheer Club held a verv SllrrPS.cflll cnln nt fn.-.., ! H.V wt i H 1 1 V. J WU1 It and home cooking on Thursday In the Valhalla hall. Pro ceeds of the sale, which was opened with appropriate words by Captain Thomas Miller, army padrt will go to the parcel fund for the boys and girls in the armed forces. In the fancy gocds stall were Mrs. R. G. Robinson and Mrs. Heath while Mrs. H. C. Johnstone and Mrs. Billinger were in charge of the home cook ing table. Mrs. H. Holllday was at the variety table. The tea tables were supervised by Mrs. Guy Braman. Mrs. L. Franklin. and Mrs. J. M. Perry. Preparation of tne refreshments was under th charge of Mrs. J. Flewin, Mrs. A. Dofour, and Mrs. Pepki: Lovely spring flowers were donated by Mrs. W. S. Ham mond. Nutrition Notes By ELIZABETH YOUNO LET'S EAT MORE FISH Why fish is considered only a "Friday food" is difficult to say, for it is just as delicious and appetizing on Mondays or Wednesdays or Saturdays and just as easily, cooked. Fish is a valuable food. It contains the same nutritive elements as does meat but is more easily digested becau - it has less connective tissuo. In addition it Is specially rich in vitamin D that vitamin so important for the 'building of strong, healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin- A, which promotes growth and enables Ihe body to. resist disease, Is present In' fish. Sea fish. Is the richest known source 1 of Iodine which, as you know. Is a goitre preventative. j it your family tires of fish, may the reason, not be that you are offering them the same kind over and over again? There are over twenty varieties of fish. eliher fresh, canned, smoked or dried, obtainable in our local markets. Have vnu trioH th all? Living beside the ocean as' wc ao, we snouia an De enthusiastic fish eaters and we should all know a number of temntlna and tasty ways to serve fish. There are so manv methnrU nt cooking fish that you needn't' repeat the method of cooking any oitener than you repeat the variety of fish. One thing to remember is that fish Is a very delicate food and needs only a short cooking time. PoaI. . ..-.ill ai . .. I vwiv juji, uimi me meai wn separate easily from the banes, and the time of course, will depend on the size of the niece ol fish that, you are cookine. but as a rule the cooking time Is much snorter than the time needed for meat of the same weight. Be cause of its comparatively low amount of connective tissue, fish, in contrast to meat, may be cooked at a higher temperature. If you want to make certain that the fish you buy Is perfectly fresh, examine the eyes, flesh and gills. The eyes should be bright and clear, the flesh firm and the gills bright and shiny. If you are purchasing fillets' or slices of large fish where you cannot see the eyes or gills, then be sure to get that which Is free from a strong fishy odor. Generally speaking, one pound of fish will serve three people. If, however, the skin, bones, head and tall are Included, as for Instance In buvlne a. fish for baking, It is safer to allow one pound for two persons. As for fish accompaniments, tomatoes and lemon arc especially good because of ther acid taste. Parsley makes a pleasant garnish for fish. It Is especially desirable to serve tomatoes and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and. cabbage with fish because these foods are needed to supply vitamins In which fish is lacking. For a very excellent booklet on fish write to the Department of Fisheries, Ottawa, and ask for '1100 Temotln Fish Recines." This booklet will inspire you to serve more fish as nothing else will. CON8IDERS FOOD PROBLEMS Canada was admitted to full membership on the Combined Food Board whose purpose Is to expedite utilization of food re sources of the United Nations. on October 29, 1943. 1 " iius bail i mfctta L.! Outstanding achievement in a field where Canadian skill and injeenuity have wrought wartime miracles has been the construction of Frijwtea in Canadian shipyards. Here a brand-new ship goes through first trials. The frigate b one hundred feot longer than the corvette, Is faster and nSJ121 f" heavier armament. The average coat is nearly l,o00,000. pehvenes for 1914 are scheduled at a rate close to one per W4 tokdfvered this year. Left, Marine fitter John SUncK installs tachometer and right, llaurice Anderson cuU through steel plates ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (By Dorothy Garbutt) Well fancy that now? You know that nice dance I told you about yesterday that was to be held at the forts this Thursday? And the junior hostesses were to go for the firs: time to any fort? Well that's off for the time being for military reasons. Sorry girls but. that's how it Is. However, Carl Clay, who has stayed on with our new regiment, intend i carrying on with his regular fortnightly Thursday dance So thU Thursday transportation will be at the Y to pick up the Junior hostesses. Three new babies last week af ter almost a month entirely ln-fantbss. Here they arc then: To Sergeant L. C. and Mrs Stokfi of the Signal Corps on May 7 at 2:30 p.m., a daughter, Darlene Mavis. Darlene welzhed E pounds 8 ounces when born you'll have to watch your figure uariene, that's quite a weinht for a lady your age. In my little name dook there is no meaning given for Darlene, nor for Mavf, but In the dictionary it sav that Mavis is a song-thrush. Signals again when Corporal Frank M. and Mrs. Rickert be came the parents of little Sandra Audrey Feme i Here I That's not fair on the name book, well have to put a sales tax on that) Han. dra was born on May 12 at 3:15 pjn. and weighed 5 pounds 2 ounces at birth. Sandra i .Vinri for Alexandra or Cassandra wnicn means "Helper of Mankind" or "She who Inspires love." Audrey means "Illustrious" whIU Feme is a symbol of sincerity; vn May iu to Naval Pay Lieutenant L. F. and Mrs. Chlpman a son was bom, weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, young Master Frederick Laurence, at 9:52 p.m. His first name Frederick means "Peaceful Ruler" and I.mifpnrp means "Laurel Crowned." Congratulations everybody I Dally News Advertising Brings Results. TOO LATE TO CLASSIC WOULD anyone owning Vancouver house In good condition consider trading same for one similar In Prince Rupert. Apply Dally News for name and addrejs. (117) WANTED- Wardmalds at feen eral hospital, Apply Naljqnal Selective Service AF 132, 1120) ADVANCES ON JAPS Headway by Allied Force In That Area llting Well Maintained. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NEW GUINEA, May 16 W Allied airmen bombed Wadke, north of New Oulnea and .the Shcu'en Islands, and strafe! Japanese troop east of Sole-nonls. New Guinea. While Allied bombers were blasting the northwest coast of the Netherlands New Oulnea concentrating on enemy air dromes, Australian land forces continued to advance along the north coast of New Oulnea, being now forty miles beyond Alexshafen or about half way to Hansa Bay. HONOR U-BOAT KILLER BELFAST, h Cmdr. Peter Gret,ton of Londonderry, one of Britain's ace u-boat killers of the ocean escort groups, has been awarded a second bar to his D. SO. KAlNO, Nigeria, a -The customs station here has been reopened to handle the resumption of trade in West Africa between French territory and Northern Nigeria. It was closed early in 1943. Cutting Off t Sub. Arrears Due to newsprint ration- lng and the requirements of our circulation audit, to- gether with greatly lncreas- ed demand, It has become necessary for the Dally News to eliminate from Its delivery lists subscribers who have fallen Into ar- rears on their subscription accounts. We must be in a position to Insure unlntdr- uptcd delivery to those who keep their' accounts paid up to date and, to do this, we cannot continue deliveries to those who do not keep paid up. Check your sub- scrlption to see that It Is In good standing and avoid toeing cut off, CANADA BUILDING NEW WARSHIPS n iM maim iiu.ww!ii Baseball Scores National Leacue Philadelphia 6. St Louis 11. Boston 0. Cincinnati 1. New York 8, Pittsburgh 7. Brooklyn 14, Chicago 3. American Lraiue Detroit 2, Philadelphia 0. Chicago 2, New York 10. Cleveland 3, Washington 4. International League Jersey City 10, Rochester 20. Newark 4, Toronto 3. American Association Louisville 4, Milwaukee 1 Columbus 11. Minneapolis 4. Indianapolis 10, Kansas City 4 Toledo 4, St. Paul . W.Ds Win Over C.W.ACs, Ladies' Softball Game The Air Force W D.'j opened the Area Women's Softball League last night at Oyro Pork by defeating the C.W.A.C.' 2ft to 8. before n large crowd of spectators. Scoring In every Inning save one, the R,.C.A.F. girls started with four runs in the first frame and added two in the second, four in the third, four in th. fourth, nine In the sixth and mree counters In the seventh Perry and Denson pitched for ttio W. D.'s while Athmas hurled tot the C.WAC.'a TIMELY KECIPKS SI'ICY Itllll.ETS 2 lbs. lamb riblets, front or flank, cut In 2 Inch pieces 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons thick .spicy meat sauce 2 teaspoons vinegar 2 tablespoons prepared horseradish 2 cups boiling water V teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Brown meat well on all sides. Drain off excess fat. Add remaining ingredients, cover and simmer until meat Is tender, about 1 hour. Add additional water if necessary during cooking to keep Quantity of sauco uu to 1 eun. Six servings. INDIA AIR-CONSCIOUS NEW DELHI, Oi--During the past year more than 1,000,000 men have been engaged day and night for months on end, In construction airdromes In India. Marine engine about to I: I Honored Before Leaving Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bur nett, who are In the employ ol the United States Army, have been transferred to the Vancouver office of the Atmy and left last evening for the south to as- sume their dutlea at that port. H Prior to leaving presentation , 'r ' were made to the couple by thtl. fellow -workers. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs ,1 Burnett were gUMts of honor at a party given by memovri of tbe Water Division at the horn 0! Mr. and Mrs C. II. Col Una, 301 Bfghth Avenue Bast. TIM III It Htl.i: MM1 Slt Troari will bn mwlMvl tf I tr Ulntaur of Land t Victoria 1 DC, not lifr than 11 m. on th" Oth day of Juno. 1044. (or lb pur-chM of Ucrnc X2383. to out S.iOS - 000 rt of Bpruco. Hemlock ami Cntar on an arm ! lulled on th North ahoro ot Cumh Into. Queen CharlolU laland Land Dta- j trlct. Two 13) jreara will b allowed for removal of tlmbtr. Further iMrtlcultni of the Chief Foreater. Victoria. HO. or OlaUkt Forester. I7lnc HUiert. U.O. j I.N TIIK MTIli m. ( Ill HT OF IIHITIhll Ol. I Mill I ! I I'KOIHTn IS TIIK TTI.lt OF TIIK ".tllMIS-! INTUITION .M'T" and IN Till: M TTF.It OF TIIK l'.JT.tTK . OF JOHI.I-H OMWtl.K, lri-ened. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor W. E. Flaher. mads on the 20th day of April. AD. 1044. 1 waa appointed Administrator of ths Folate of JoM-ph Oswald, deceased, and all partlea harlnfc claim agalnJt the Mid eaut aro hereby required to furnlah an mo. properly verified, to me on or about the 37th day of May, AD. 1044. and all partlea Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebted neu to ma forthwith. DATED at I'rlnco Itupert. nc, thla 37th day of April. A D. 1044. NOItMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, I'rlnco Ilupcrt, HO. TIMIII.Il HM.K X .llimH Sealed tender will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, ll.C. not later than 11 am. on tha 28th day of May, 1044, for the pur-chiut of Licence X 340O8, to cut 4.301,000 feet of Bpruce, Cedar. Hemlock and Ilalsam on an area cora-nrlslnir part of the West half of tot 009. two mllci Houtheast of Itemo, Range 8, Const Land District. Five (St years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars, of the Chief Foreeter, Victoria. DC. or District Foroattr, Prince Itupert, U.C. TIMIII II K.tl.K X 220.1 1 Scaled tenders will bo received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. HC, not later than 11 o'clock on Die fnreniMin on the 37th day of June. 1044, for the purchawi of Licence X 33033. to cut n.om.uuu feet of Bpruce. Cndar and Hemlock on an area comprliliiK pnrta of Ut.' S33 and 4803 near Balvus Btatloil, Canadian National Railway, Range 8, Coast Land District Five (S) years will be allowed for removal' of tlinbnr Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. 110 or District Forester, Prince Rupert, 110 m i nr. t '-i::u.i 11 r n in Tiir. mum imbw:: in 1 in 4l; 1M Hut V!-I!. I -1. KM ' till . .' Omclcry 1 Tlr t. r ihoue take- J.L-C SmCh K'. : k Barr & Anil MMITfD i.iM.nlilnr and H Aulo,.,.ilir SprlnW Coal SIW Corner 2nd Ave Phone ned 389 P1 a A. r-TTTTiOrKACTl Wallace Blck Alias n'i'fr . Tdrt V1 Electric " ,0 wnlHlnir, U'3""' Repair l'liotie