1 .1 m mi km r. PADS BIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODLMEAD Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repair Lnt Hand Engraving VISIT OUK RASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnenvare, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER 11 lf urn rrAiipis ImAA HtlLbKUNtK DIAMOND MERCHANT 11 l ( ItUI'EltT PEOPLES STORE I Announce ... j 1 W IS Newest 944 j Summer j 'SSj Fashions TESKSHa- for rour i C3i rt ( RUPERT PEOPLES j Jj STORE Have You Ordered Next Winters Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! PLACE YOUU OltDEIf TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 ELIO Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Folding Baby Carriages. Iiaby High Chairs. Baby Cribs. Boys' Wagons. PUT VICTORY FIRST BUY VICTORY BONDS PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert Ilrst existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown in us. May we continue to serve you. OrmesLtd. Zflus Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m, till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m, and 7-9 p.m. Classified Ads Advertising in this section Is payable in advance at the office. Please do not ask us to deviate from this rule HELP WANTED WANTED Chambermaid for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service A.P. 129. (tf) WANTED Local business re quires clerk-stenographer with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Replies in writing, statin" experience, if any, training and salary expected. National Selective Service No. AF133. (tft WANTED-Soldier's wife or woman for housework two or three days weekly. Phone Red 878 or apply 1005 West 3rd. (117) WANTED Assistant manageress for local variety store. Must be able to accept responsibility. Merchandising experience and typing essential. Do not apply unless able to accept permanent position. Apply National Selective Service. A.F. 1 131. (tf) HELP WANTED Gas donkey operator who is an experienced loader, one second loader, one swamper, one chpkerman, for mainland logging camp in Prince Rupert area. Apply National Selective Service office and refer to advertisement number AJ.1. 127. (tf) FOR KENT FOR RENT Mice bright room for gentleman. 939 Borden Street. Phone Green 187. (115) FOR RENT Room for single man. 742 7th Ave. West (tf) FOR RENT Vacancy, close In. Gentlemen only, sharing. Phone Black 965. (tf) PERSONAL PERSONAL Would Mr. Richard (Red) Cotton or anyone knowing of his whereabouts please phone Black 269. (114) MAY HAVE the use of two lots for gardening purposes, for digging and care of same. Apply 201 8th Ave. East, or Phone Red 339 after 6 p.m. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Red 934 or call at 1467 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired. Apply Box 749 Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS. A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty! PHONE 858 Mall Orders Boz 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative Box 526 1319 PlggOt Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchen table and dresser. Phone Black 393. FOR SALEStudio Couch. Apply 1137 8th Ave. East between 6 and 8 p.m. (It) FOR SALE English pram baby carriage, like new. $20.00. Phone Dlue 412. (116) FOR SALE Household furniture large steel crib, high chair and rocker. 903 7th Ave. Bast. (116) FOR SALE Dining room table and six chairs, Toronto couch complete, two kitchen tables, plant table. 1001 9th Ave. Bast. twr cai y ten Kood auto road. For narticu- lacs write Box 4S6, Kitwangft, B.C. (116) FOR SALE Dual business, bakery and cafe, new oven afcl equipment, excellent quota. Building 20x60. Also new 5 room house. Splendid opportunity for right party. Ill health reason for selling. $3300 cash. Box 126 Terrace, B.C. FOR SALE At Carnaby, 40 acres land, 3 acres cleared, close to highway and station. Good four room house, chicken house, woodshed and tool-house. Price $1,000. Apply R. Q., Box 1226, Prince Rupert FOR SALE 80 acres, two cul tivated, all fenced, two miles from station; four-roomed house with running water; barn and outbuildings; on main road, close to school. $1500 cash. Mat HoJowaty, Kltwanga, B.C. (116) WORK WANTED WANTED Part time work. Ap ply Box 1109 Postal Station B (118) WANTED WANTED Place to board dog. Box 756 Dally News. (116) WANTED Accommodation for quiet couple. Box 756 Dally News. (116) livery. WANTED- Furnished or serni-furnished housekeeping rooms FINE CONCERT New Choir Effective Dry Dock Male Voice Organiia-lion Makes Auspicious Debut. T!ie Prince Rupert Dry Dock an I Shipyard Male Choir, organized a few months ago since whu h time it has been practising assiduously, may now be added to Prince Rupert s worthy mu-ical organisations. Under the eonductorshin of C. A. Davis, it made its debut last nlglf in coi cert at First Presbyterian Church, delighting with a varied pr .isram an audience which al- w. wiun iw wmw, , TVI ilMCCO ( r ..... n ..... m. from station, partly improved n,wt the church. A well rounded out group of twenty-tcu-n roices. it was handled with discrimination by Mr. Davis. The list of selections es sayed by the choir was of a nature which, while not too ht'avy in character, brought out qu.aiues of excellent tonal ef-fed and harmony. Blending and purUion had been exccllentl" v eloped and the finished results achieved jsuch a comparatively short time after organization mav well be a matter of satisfaction to the leaders and congratula tion to all who took part. The program opened on a good-natured vein with Can- dl.h's "Song of the Jolly Roger.' followed by the old Irish melody "The Minstrel Boy." Well controlled power was dis played in the Welsh mari:-" air '"Men of Harlech" with its sur ging tones, the companion num ber with which was the soft and harmonious "Venetian Love Song" of Ethelbert Navln. A novel arrangement- of "Tom, Turn, the Piper's Son," which divided the choir Into two sections throughout, proved interesting. The ballad "Sunrise and You." sweetly rendered, closing the first half of the program. Following the Interval. Adam's rousing "Comrade In Anns" was presented followed by an ar rangement of "Annie Laurie" which was simple and pleasing. An outstanding number by the Chorus wa. Chudleigh-Candlsh's . modern "Convoy" with Its pow- V ANTED- Cottage or house- erful and Impressive echoing ef-keep ng rooms by Air Force I f ecu a vocal dramatization of couple- no children. Would a transAtlantic crossing and its buy furniture. Apply Box 78 j vicissitudes with final safe Dally News. lt haven In port of at least some WANTED Furnished liaht 01 lne ""P- Village Black- housekeeping room or small smllh and Sullivan's "Long shack for quiet service couple. iDay ctosc" e pleasing con-H. E. Deinstadt. npnrral dp. : eluding numbers. (116) "mwiis numoers inter spersed wun tne choral ,r-m w.m n V ViiVlOt JJ pro SJm i ii WANTED TO RENT For young j gram Included vocal solos by couple with 2 children, a four or five room house. Centrally located. Apply Box 757 Daily News. (tf) WANTED TO RENT Three or four "room house wHh bath. Would consider purchasing. Box 1005 Station "B." (119) WANTED by Army officer, two or more furnished or unfurnished rooms Immediately. Phone 646. (120) Sam McPherson who rendered Sanderson's "Captain Mae" and Clark's "Blind Ploughman" with his powerful baritone. Joe Popel contributed a classical tenor note with the slnnlne in Italian of "E Lucevan le Stelle" from Puccini's "Tosca" and the familiar Russian folk song "Otchl Tchornyla," F. C. Salter was pleasing with his bass renditions of "Shipmates of Mine" and "Two Eyes of Grey." Instrumental contributions, equally appreciated and well executed, were violin, 'cello and or small house for Chief Petty u.. U ZijfJtLT Zhli M Mnrel Jhnon and C Dustan 050 after 5 p.m. (It) ..erd OIrl Dream," "Marchc LOST Mllltaire," Tosclll's "Serenade" and the "Louis XIII Oavottc." Mr. nnvl' ' nlsnn unl,. ..... LOST Girls' gold Identification Rachmaninoff's "Prelude" and disk, with name on It. Please Ending's "Rustle of Spring," met leave at Dally News office, with favor. LOST-Fur A distinct note of variety on stole, brown. Finder .. please return to Dally News. ier v" wcre aracicr reel jjjjj jtatlons by Sergeant Stuart R. Viiouu odui a invuui ana oam LOST Brown leather pocket jOcts a Job," In the Cockney book with registration card style, a two-part novelty "Blos-and Union book, Oddfellows' som's Scenario" and a slangy Hall, Friday night. Phone 'American bit, "The Football Red 449. (H6) Coach." ZZ 71 1 Alan Crawford, formerly prom- itrt w nhu Z ul between ,chlld' man,8 ,wrl8t'lnent In Calgary musical cir-watch r Dry Dock and Aifr Rt ,,f cles- i, was .n. an ablc Plano accom- ""i. v"' "triui ,mnllt ago. Engraved "From Mother to John, Xmas 1942." 903 11th Ave. East. Reward FOUND FOUND George medal In Haw- klnson's Laundry. Name engraved on side. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Near Oyro Ball Park. U.S. Navy man's disk. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. During the program James a. Stewart. nrM'rfpnt nt fVi I . -1 .... w .... bllVIl, lu'jand Mr. Davis both spoke ap- nreclatlvely to the audlenpi. and to all taking part. The choir personnel Is as fol lows: First' Tenors-pJ. 8. Anderson, A. Arnott, J. Bouzek, J. Popel, W. V. Tattersal, Oeorge Johnson and A. E. Martin. Second Tenors J, S. Wilson. J. O. Stewart, E. J. Henry, J. Henry and James Simpson. Baritones Corporal Dcla-mont, 8. A. McPherson, C. E. Saunders, E. Woodward, E. Vallee, W. Taylor and Henry FOUND Door key outside Daily stangebye. news ornce owner may hav Basses A. C. Cameron, R, H, same toy calling at the Daily ; Adcock, Aunust Wallin, s, L News and paying for thia ad, 'Tcachy, F. C. Salter, William FREE FRENCH PICTURE HERE Dramatisation of Stirring Novel Presented on Capitol Theatre Screen This Wednesday Vivid dramatization of a best-selllng novel. "A Thousand Shall Fall," story of a group of 1 Fighting French soldiers who carried on their fight against Germany from the depths of a Nazi prison camp, the picture "Crosa of Lorraine," comes to i the screen of the Capitol Theatrs here on Wednesday only. After trfe fall of France, the' group of French soldiers whoi had been promised freedom find themselves In a prison camn un. der the brutal heel of a Naiii played by Peter Lorre. The en emy seeks to break their spirit and to turn them against each other. Some fall prey to the scheme but others do not. After i many months of hardshin and suffering, some are able to es cape to France where they in-1 cue villagers to wipe out an oppressing Nazi unit, then leaving for the mountains to loin mrr. rilla fighters. j There is an all-male cast headed by Pierre Aumont. who actually escaped to the United States alter the fall of France and hju since Joined the forces of General Charles de Oaulle. Oene Kelly has the part of a brave taxi driver. Sir Cedrlc Hardwick Is a gallant priest and Joseph , caiieia, a professional CFPR 1210 Kilocycles SCIIKUL'LE TUESDAY I'M. 4:00 Sound Off 4:15 a. i. Jive 4:30 Rebroadcast Music from America 5:00 Rebroadcast Waltz Time 5:30 Personal Album 3:45 Melody Round-up 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Sport; Interview 6:30 H-M.Cij. Chatham Band Concert 7:00 Fred Waring 7:I5-Front Line Family 7:30--Songs' of Empire 8:000. I. Journal 8:30 Contented Hour 9:00 Fibber McOee and Molly 9:30 Soliloquy 10:00 CBC News Broadcast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time. 10:30 Suspense 11:00 Closing announcement WEDNESDAY A-M. 7:30 Musical CJocic 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Novelty Tunes 9:00 Recorded Interlude 9:15 Freddie Martin's 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Homcmaker's Program 10:15 Kenny Baker 10:30 Tune Wranglers 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded 11:45 Reginald Foort Wain. C. W. Wardale and Louis Arroll. The usherettes last night were Mrs. Florence MacRac. Miss Mariorie Jackson and Mr. Morse. Door attendants were R. W. Long and Jack Collins. The concert will be repeated tonight and may be well recommended to the patronage of local music lovers. TIMIII.U HAI.K X3.1HII 5 ' be offired for Mle t Public Auction, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the 23rd dr of Mar. 1044. In the office of the DUtrlct Foreeter, Marine Butldln. Vincou-TSri.?-c- the tJhce X3384I. to cut 1K.930.000 fbmof Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on two area altuated on 8kPdana Bay. Loiilae I.land, trlcT" ChrlolUl Wwl Land Dla- tJlrre (V 1wt wlu be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In peraon may jubmlt tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated one bid." . fur!n.er partlculari may bo ob-talned from the Chtef Forealer, Vlc-i?rVL..DC 'or tne Dlatrtct Forralera ver Bno nuptn' 0 a - nd Vancou- IS Till: hi I'ltl Ml: COIKT '''II . II Dl.l .Mlllt ,N .TJ,,h.,.!.mi K ,,r "AI1MI.V. IHIKATIO.N ACT" ... .. and IN,T.":..MATT,;, ' TUB I.STATK m UOH J. HCIIWANtKAM P, ' Iteceiianl. ii.TAwE NOTICE that by order of Li i'n.or. w' K "'her. made on the Jeth day of April. AD. 1S44, I " PPJlnted Admlnlatrator of the Eatate of noea J, Bchwanekamp, de-tJOiZil .nvd . Ptlet having claim -10 fumUh aame, properly h. S''.; ra5 on or bout the 27th Ilea Indehtftrf in v. . . . i .. . ryJ'T'1. P the amount of ni-rrVr .""SI" 10 m forthwith. (I,?A . Prince nuptrt, H.O., thla 27th day of April, A D. 1044. pionaa n. 1IALLETT, Official Admlnutrntor, Atlln, 11,0, 1 DAY ONLY I'd ii IWTEB I f SSSSTL Jd r W Complete Bhuws Tur.lght 7:00, 9:00 "Inti:r.mi:zz()- Ut 7 49, 9 49) CodIIoI Boys' Pants Men's Pants Leon Errol la "Culie on Duty Kobt llrnchley is "No Nc ii r.ood.Vif World Xni Complete Showt at 1 10. 2 40 4 'yj Feature at 1 10. 3 20, 5 30. 7 4 S Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 0 HI UN WOOD Tor Summer II 1 Uii 1KA VMLK and Hoys' Clothing I'hont SM B.C. Clothiers THIRD AVLNL'E nioxi: BLria Special Prices for the Working .Man in Mcn'i Men's Raincoats ? $6.95 Men's Work Shoes St 53.95 Work Boots All solid leather - Oool selections. All StZCK Drc&i and Work Step Into Spring With HARTT SHOES SOLE AGENTS $95 S1.95 $2.75 We can think of no hotter way to up for Spring than to order a l'air of Ha"1 Handsome New Spring Shoes FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "THE HQME OF GOOD SHOES"