PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Memoriam. Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks $2.00 Birth Notices - 50 Funeral Flowers, per Name 10 Classified, 2c per word, per insertion, minimum .50 Transient, per Inch .75 Contract, per Inch - 50 Readers, per line - .25 Black Face Readers, per line - .50 Business and Professional Cards inserted daily, per month, , per inch $3.75 8 Columns. 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. DAILY EDITION Monday, February 21, 1944 Red Cross Campaign . . . Next Monday is the opening day of the fifth mnnm'.valcinnr nntiminl pflllUmiirn OT ttlP ( ?:itlArllfiTl The report that Mussolini recently died of mental derangement isn't plausible. If mental derangement were fatal to Mussolini, he would have died years ago. Fighting Venereal Disease , . . Acticity of the Junior Chamber of Commerce in the drive against venereal disease is to be annlatidpd. The prevention of the spread of venereal disease has been the subject of much discussion and of consid. erable preventive action by medical and public bodies in recent years. The eradication of this dis ease is- not only desirable but necessary and any plan based upon sound public health principles, designed to prevent this disease through education and to eliminate it through vertical treatment, deserves the support of all giod c''sens. All will applaud t1 e active support of the Junior Chamber of Commerce is' giving to this fine national purpose and will wish it the full success which it " 'NCOME TAX - 1943 Income Returns to be filed on or before APRIL 30, 1941 FORMS NOW A VA I LA I ILK Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER 32 1 Sffoml Avuhic Phone 88 !l Prince Rupert And the "Y" 'living a terlM in Instalments by Mr. Dorothy Garbutt. lh Hvaas hrrr) (Instalment No. fit ters on them which automati- VUVV. - --T.r: cally makes them members of VSZTZ: Kea uross society wnicn wm as me tanaumn P-, f the ywca service wives' X . JrTj; pie for $10,000,000 to cany on its vast mercy work; Ciubs throughout the ienRth SotslnS SSS2i tor the ensuing vear. During the next two weeks the and breadth of Canada herein Ked Cross canvasser will call at your nome or ai ''" i waa appointed Administrator of tbe estate of Flank kaac. deceased. and all parties bavin tba tne wLd said eaU etiala a to to luxn-sh tumUh umc. wm. 1 toys sent to them from a tow up north. So while the children are busily playin In the corner and having the Notice to Subscribers xoTiri. ' suDscnoers o: the Dally her tot. issue a protUlonal Certlft-. 4 your last receipt. cmr oj iu in lieu oi aaid loat certificate, unleii in the meantime vana oojecllon made to me tn writing. IMTED at the Land Reristnr Ofrioe. Prtnoe Rupert. BC thu 2Bth 1r of January. 1B44 A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. f Deputy Reglatrar of Tltlea. IX THE SI IMtl Mt: Cot l(T OF HltlTIII 'OI.I'Mltl IX I'KOIUTK III the Matter of tbe "AdjiiiiiMrallwn Mf .uiil In the Matter of the IMale of Frank lna ieceaeil Inlektate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU lienor, w. E. puher. made on the 10th day of rebruary. AD. 1944. ,4444 m Quietly Wedded odd XfZ Saturday Night pulls and squabbles the mothers are knitting for the Red Cross! The marriage took place at or making curtains for the var- 9:30 Saturday evening at 230 lous messes, mending service sixth Avenue East of iEss Thorn clothes or mending for th Svelnson. daughter of Mr. and As I said previously, my main Military Hospital. LaUly, how- Mrs. Siurd Svelnson of Brrden-work Is among the wives and ever xhla RCAMC mending has bury, Saskatchewan, to Theodore families of the men and latter- ben taken over by a CWAC; Edward Crawford, son of Mr. ly, or course, among the service Whose duty It Is to mend these 'and Mrs Albert Crawford of women. We have a flourishing things. Bengough, Saskatchewan. Service Wives' Club meeting Service Wives ralsa their R- Sanies A. Downetl. ptutor every Thursday In the YWCA fundi tadn ihtlr mttabtn 0f First United Church, offM-ladies' lounge The members ated. aQ aftn0Oft 10e hkh are mainly wives who. because towards their tea and 5c I The bride, who wore her they have small families, can- towards a nli0 ft mother's wedding dress, was at- not go out to work and because lak a tura teiia a tended by Mrs. Uvgrld Vtltih. they are pretty well tied to fflr tXcUent use mver Leon Morse was grooms- rifili' Virkmoc flni it mnoli' In A - of these limited funds and so strange town. Here at their own f wnt monthJy The groom special club and they have - painter here. fo a uVm ho contract. enamelled triangle the "Y" to sanatorium. He symbol, with YWCA Service K .,,.. n KpV f Men's Wives' Club in gold let- ,oUd to j'oung women their own age. vour business place and ask for a contribution to Red ,; thAlr own problems and send three dollars a month to little 4 Jhii'". Rrrii7.?.VvrT...,. News are reouested. i at , . u He: OrtlfWatr i,f 7im No. tS3f.. . ,, ... . .. , . t BiMk l. sudJtWiu of iu!a' possible, to pay their Soutticrlr 77 rrr. more or lev, i subscriptions direct tO the T OIIICC trlt Map KM. whereas wtuictory proof of' Of course. In the event 4 ?L. 'Tk' Certlflc!t, oj of It belnx lmposslbl- to " do 4 , Title lMurd h th nim of Jclt . ,UI . , Bennett nu b-n nifd in thu otfic. payments may be 4 : notlc U ereby given that I ahaU, made to the boys. 4 the cut of -he fim hen paying. plea5e brln? 4 IX Till: SI'I'ltKMC ( (H UT OF HKlrin tail Mitn ix ruoutit In the .Miller uf Ibe "iloilnMri- Irallon Ait" anil In the Mailer uf tbe FMale ( Knul 01en, leeail. lntetale. TAKE NClTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge FLber. Local Judee of the Supreme Court of BrttUh Col. umbla. I was on the 18th day of Feb. , niary A D. 1944. appointed Admin i Istrator of the Estate of Knut Olscn. 1 formerly of Montreal, Quebec de. ceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of January. AD. 1044 AW persona Indebted, to th aald Estate) are required to pay tbe amount cf ineir indented new to me forthwith S rlatmC Btralnit I nrl alt rmw-, hanlnu 1.1. . .a. i art bmby rfaulred th ham rjit&i rMiiiirwi nie I properly verified, them with me properly verified on StfrJ? X, TiT ,h.' f.,tb a'or Mon tn ! ly of March of March. AD. 1844, and I all Dartles A n io4 fiittin hi,Vrfi.i,ik..,i. Sdd.Kto fctaf "e "quired will be made hAYlng reeard only to, to pay the amount of their Indebt. such cUun of which I shall hare '.JS m t.nwltn been notUled. , DATED at Prince Kunert Tt r I ninn .i u.i.,,. d, . .. this 11th day of February. A D 1B44. 18th day of February A D. 1944 NOH&fAN A. WATT. ; NORMAN A WATT Official Administrator, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, DC. Itlncn Rupert. BC INCOME TAX Forms now Available: T-l. for ue If you are In business or If. your lworae In 1943 was more than $3,000.00. T-l, Speelal, for uo If you arc an employee and earned less than $3,oqp.0O In 1943. Tor expert advice on your Income Returns see C.RORfJK ROME & CO. 177-18 llesner Block. Prince Uupert Having the proper Information with you will save you time and trouble. Bring with you: (a) T-4 slips given you by your employer, showing your total earnings and tax deductions In 1643. (b) T-5 sl'.ps showing your taxed Income from dividends in 1943. (c) Full particulars of other Income in 1943. (d) Receipts for Medical Expenses, Donations, Life Insurance premiums and principal payments on morU gages paid In 1943. (e) If passible, a copy of last Income Return you made out Basketball Buzz District basketball fans were given a blast by Sergeant D. E a year they spend a Pa., manasinir ditor of the on inemseives ana nave ACr0poas News, in th most re LTOSS. W V lie Will ' tell V'OU mat tniS - IS tne crucial year f " I here they J tilt are free V V to VJ bring WtUiPt the kiss. . "f i . . . "v: . i . J"1" . that United SUte of the r, that it is expected that there will be! children And i teU you it is t "ulys .xu if! "my newspaper thousands OI casualties IOl' wnom vast quantities oi-- " !" " ' ,nhV fm MrvU: and n the type or meal "One nw custom around here bandages, dressings,, hospital comforts and blood jj" .unV mothers and P"4 p- This u followed by . that e nv nvixM u ih;s Serum Will be needed. It is estimated that the SUp-lnearlr as manv children In the a ho'- Unfortunately the last business of giving tb piajwrs the $750,000 to finance its blood donor service which hasjbusUy playing in the Kiddies' Sgend thVgiS a 1944 objective of more than a million donors. There ;COpna a word about thu most too terrified to go homje are also the 5,200.000 life-saving food parcels foriKiddjM comer ."should be in- alone- prisoners of War (100,000) a week) which will COSt 'eluded here, as I feel It is Prince! Present $5,500,000. Other Red Cross services are: jam for Britain (approximately half a million pounds were sent last Ruperfs own special corner. IU0 u aQ ouigrowm oi me oia Every tov. every stick oi chll- Scottish AuxUiary. RCAF Club d'.en's furniture has been donat. ,and Composite AuxUiary. They ed In response to appeals made Jouncl that bT Po"ng their re year) ; the enquiry bureau, through Which messages through the Hut SDot for soes and membership they of relatives and friends in enemv and enemy occupied articles, we have a oiay pen. "aa uer meeungs ana ;ne countries are exenanged anu misng persons 10- vlc mtmg together was a cated, hospital visiting to arrange special diets, com- T and Mrs. Alex Mitchell, a s00 one and mz6e ior undfr forts and supplies for service men and women in seesaw and a doll's ttvnk by standins and amitv. military hospitals; home nursing classes prepared- Mr. Hallett. a canvaa swing One of the earliest get togeth-ness for disaster relief, nutrition, outpost hospitals, J bv Mrs- sirran. biark- ers of the wives was a Service Junior Red Cross, relief to Allied nations and the SrdoS's 'SSZ Canadian Red Cross Corns. nre k- nviachfe ur nv t-p nnH- th mnaht Ing foul shots." Pje remarktd. "Bark on the reservation vr used to keep quiet aad give the guy a break." he contrnu d "Just because' the joker doesn : happen to be on .the r'.M e;irn doesn't make much diffetenee ' However, Sergeant Page has a good word for the Canadian Ai Stars, who lost to the Yanks 43 - 40. but who are nevertheless 3 tough gang to stop" when they get going. It was the nineteenth victor j for the Yanks but one member of the team was quoted as say- ire he woke ud the morning af ter the game feeling like he hart What has British Columbia done for the Red. they left and another carriage, leadership of Mrs. James and!""" u,k "c'ot Cross? This is a question that you may want to ask rhai" pnd t0 bv the Jenners Mrs- Peterson who were enthu- j Reporu Irom AeropoBs the Red Cross canvassers who are collecting from ??h. i" the, !ils"c If": incidenun,. reveal that vnu OU to 10 makp maKe ,15.x... RP's S mmta quota 01 nf Ortmn W.UUU. Tpv iney will Will toll tell luuul,:" U4 oww the v J . w Uailwl armya new gym- RaVe us a number ol small cars hours of bowling were naajum will be openrd s,n you that m 1943, B.C., Red Cross facts and figures and toys arid the chlldrea of changed and they did hot fit In reveal that materials and wool to the value of SIS?,.- Borden Street School gave ns with the household schedule 010 were distributed to branches which returned jf f. a"!Uul Ior the Tomen; i Tnnm a v tricaUy Ughted doUs house., uwuc up aiuuca w uic jiuvnicicu wait?- These are but few of the toys house shipped more than a million overseas; dona- "iven n and the Service wives tions of useable blood to the number of 17,358 had themselves, when draiud or 1 nf T?,i n . t) i l r ' ri!i posted, very often Quietly leave Vancouver-10,000 from men and 7,358 from women: tS S Jj? tlt aiinubi tuns oi jam were maue ior liruain; nrst aid supplies have been sent to all branches for disaster relief; 6,226 messages and enquiries have been sent to and from enemy and enemy occupied countries and missing persons located through the Enquiry Bureau; DO home nursing classes with an enrolment of 1,836 have been held; 510,366.85 has been raised from the sale of salvage; Junior Red Cross raised $25,271 for B.C. crippled children and war work; 15 hospital visiting committees arrange special diets, take gifts and do other services for men and women in military hospitals. The total receipts for the year were $1,367,742 and disbursements $1,281,740. Mirths Login, Swift's fimcJ home ccono. mir,hote etkly, irtime cookingcolumn is a rrgulir feature of this page. Look for these viluiWe hints tich Monday Here and There KKSATX rXOl'lt To stretch lu wh'-ut supplies. Finland was forced to mix straw with bread flour during the First QiMt War. DECAY 1'lttVAI.tlNT Nine out of ten American children have oue or more decayed teeth by the time they reac'i the age of lx years. THAI'S 5,000 HATS POOLE, England & Ann-Hunt. 10. peacetime wo.ker : the tailoring trade, is champ; rat catcher of Britain's '.m-.' Land Army and winner ol a ver etip. One of 31 girl w rk r Is engaged as a on Jl destruction m uim-I she has trapped more than 5.000 'rata and gassed and p;!S .cA many more. CICTS TAl'CIIT (II.UHNO LONDOS ifri In the last P months. 16.000 cadets in Britain's Air Training Corps have been taught various stages of k::11iv: The corps, now three years old numbers 170.000 cadets UKAIIY FOK SF.CONI) IUONT LONDON - Aut:vrlttf have obtained particular i .c commodatlon available in v.. London area If non-ess-ntiai people are evacuated from n-valnn coast town of nr. "a n when the sertmd front open's 1 MR. T. K. PfMHIRET U .w .tM. IU Hill i u '' "' "r" "J " ill" ttutr fnit-tAmrt mmUt mud Vim rl Burk uf MMrrlitM aiik Fnii(--tn,CiwU' Rolled Rib Roast For small families this is still one of the choicest roasts- tasty and economical A three to five pound rolled rib roast is the iJeal order for the small family. Delicious hot or 3 cold, it will also supply at least one savoury left-over meal. A roast of this size takes about 30 minutes to the pound for medium done. Place fu-side-up on a rack in an open pan, 325 F. With the roait, cook potatoes wjikh you have previously par. Hasten their Victorious Homecoming Yen con hslp bring the beys heme by buying War Savings Stamps from your Food DoaUr every lime you shop. boiled in their skins then peeled and salted. Serve with a leafy gtecn vegetable and brown gnuy. CARVING A R01UD M ROAST IV foatt i, tjfj on ,1C !! with, the Lrgwt cut surface down. Push the fork into the left iJe of the runt an inch or two from the top keep the ftuarJ up. Now ilu sinnoiMy auoM tliejraui from the right side to the left. Uniform slices one-eigluh of thUk make nice servings. Thin slices make the ruau go furtlur. Carve servings for all present before transferring from plat-t to plates. Remove cords only as necessary. SWIFT CANADIAN CO. LIMITED A Domlnlon.widc orftanl.atlcm devoted to the conserva-tlon and efficient distribution ()f Canada'8 food resource. r omiies Mothei was tHHnf stories of the time 'she was a little girt. Little Harold listened thoujbt-fuUy ai she told him of riding a pony, sliding down the haystack and wading in the brook on the farm. Finally he said with a sigh. I wish I hud me, you earlier. mother With Minora Blades I Minora ti by far lh btl ond jKorpttl doubl-d3 blod in Id dan. (Ti IM qua lit blade In tt low-prk fiU. P I For Income Tax jl Itini'KNS StC It. K. .MOKTI.MKK rhone SS n Tnd Ave. lor HUhtUw DtCOItATINO and Mivrisr, Call LKO OVKK Itfd 3tS 7 iunln St. The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon i faeactwiu r mi Mutual B J "Uh and ft ICS..,'- . ... 1 rur uc:r i rappers ad Buyers.., We ;j mc;e , s a Jut rfctltfd a hirJ CO ATS t Hit Discount ty. W.GOIDBK Third A prUdi J.L L Chiroprad Smith 1A KWONG 5t(i l nor Kit CHOP Slf HOUSE Next U llti iJ 112 7th ATt III KM year pstrt&t(t4 Open S p.m. UE: TuesJty-ll 11 i: Outside Orders tm: i: m. riMae M K NEW ROT HOTEL A Home AI Tm4 Kites Jit s 3d Itooms, IM f Wilrt ITlnct KnperVl'l I'hone Ul T.0- M frzffiiam 7 Down through the yenrs. almost since Pr'j-.' mat exwira. we nave served tne people t..j i,l""l laboriltorv we hnvp nlu.nve trlerf (n Veen n-xlf-J1 sltllled phaxmaeUts. quality drugs, the be' ' cf N-i'r j A At dtfirf ft "4etl' UAir tin Ata "f T It 1 I and grateful for the confidence you have f..': -i 4 we continue to wive you. Ormesltd ufw Pioneer Druqgists X HIP, KI'.XAI.I, SIOItK PHONES II 'M Open llallr frcrm 9 a.m. till 9 pm. A Sunila mid Mulldays from U-2 p.m. and 7 ' 'tTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtfT' It uucii uauuso We can now deliver your coal orders H Kive us Ihree days warning before dclivw peeled. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LID. PHONE 11G and 117