PAGE FOUR Ejpert OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OCR BASEMENT ...ORE for Fine China. Dinnerware, Glasses, Baccate and NoTelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant STEPS to a Smart Comfortable Season GO TO THE . . CUT RATE SHOE STORE Widths From A through E. All sizes. SHOES FOR RROTHEK, SISTER, MOTHER AND DAD Cut Rate Shoe Store 50C Third Avenue Phone Green 595 Mail Orders Promptly Filled . A. MacKENZiE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Tlace to Buy" CHESTERFIELD SUITES in 3 pieces covered with Velour and Tapestry, with full Spring construction. Per Suite, Priced from $175.00 10 CEDAR CHESTS in beautiful matched walnut Veneer. Priced from $39.50 1 Phone 773. MUMLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete Tarlety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion CONVERTIBLE FOLDING GO-CARTS Folds easily, well padded inside with storm aprons, makes into a comfortable bed. Colors: Blue and Maroon , $26.50 COMFORTABLE CONVERTIBLE LOUNGES Comfort and appearance, upholstering in tapestry. Spring construction, compartment for bedding $59.50 to $87.50 It pays to come in and look around before you buy. ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) RUPERT SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Canadian Fish & i'RINCE RUPERT (jO. ' Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist la Charr Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enrravinr The new alligator and snake and lizard 'combinations are here. Also suedes, kids and patents. For Just the right color combination to match that new winter ensemble. Don't fail to see the new shoes on sale at the' Cut Rate Shoe Store now. Across from Ormes Drug Store 327 3rd Avenue BRAND Daily Cold Storage Ltd. ""PUSH COLUMBIA Classified Ad FOR SALE TOR SALE 1943 General electric radio. Call after 5 pjn. at 1133 7th Ave. East. (43) FOR SALE. In Terrace. 20 acres of land, 18 cleared, 5 acres In fruit, good outbuildings, close to school. Comfortable home. For further Information write W. A. King, Terrace, B.C. 152) FOR SALE Chesterfield, electric Victrola. Phone Green 668. (tf) FOR SALE Radio, good condi-Uon, table model, $70. Phone Red 347. (44) FOR SALE Gas 2-drum donkey on skids. Information at Howe & McNulty. (48) HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to mind two children one or two nights a week. Red 395. (45) WANTED. Chamber-maid for local hotel, Apply National Selective Service AT. 106. tf) WANTED. Saleslady fw local 1 furniture store. No. AF112 Selective Service office. tf WANTED. Old established gold mine in the North wants miners and muckers. No experience necessary. Apply National Selective Service. C 583. (64) WANTED Janitor for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 107 (tf) WANTED. Woman or girl for housework. Two hours forenoon. Phone Blue 995. (43) WANTED. Warehouseman foi well known grocery wholesale. Clean wotk, good wage? regular hours. Apply Selective Service Commission. A.M. 108 WANTED. Two experienced waitresses for local cafeteria Good working condition'. Standard wages. Apply National Selective Service. AT. 111. 1 WANTED Man or woman with knowledge of bookkeeping, stenography and ability to write good English andtneet public both outside and Inside. Permanent position.- Apply in writing, stating age, qualifications, experience if any and salary required. If man, state military category. Apply Selec-tice Service A.M.-10. ftfl BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT Some time available Apply Daily News IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 . . Mall Orders Box 99 . B. LAMB, TAILOR . . Ladies' and Men's Madc-to-Measure ' Clothes . 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 j HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving . Beauty Culture In all lts.branchcs 200 4th Street Phone 655 . SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE' SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. s WANTED WANTED Furnished house or suite. $25 reward, for Information leading to secuiing of same. Box 689 Daily News. (45) WANTED Single room for dry dock worker; board optional Box 691 Daily News. (47) PERSONAL SHOW CARDS H. Lome Cornell, Specialist in Interior Decorating, Signs. Phone Blue 142. (50) FOR THE BEST in Painting. Paperhanging and Decora tine. Phone Blue 378. "We can satisfy." (43 1 FOUND FOUND. On Eleventh Street yesterday afternoon, lady's books, etc. Owner may hav j same by calling at the Dai:vl Nw ard ay.iig for this advertisement. 12 10 Kilocycles CFPR SCHEDULE MONDAY rM. 4:00 Sound Oir 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 To be announced 5:00 Peter and the Pygmies 5:15 To be announced 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up B:uO CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6: If Are You s. Genius? 6:30 Serenade in Rhythm 6:45 Ann Watt 7:00 Music from America 7:30 Music from the Pacific 3:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 3:30 CBR Singers a:00 Down Eeat 9:30 Waltz Time i0:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Yarns for Yanks 10:30 Great Music 10:45 Band Wagon 1 : Op -Closing announcem en t TUESU.W 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8.30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Singing Strings 9:00 Morning Visit 9.15 Nelson Eddy 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Melody Time 10:30 Dick Todd 10:45 They Tell Melt :00 Scandinavian Melodies 11.15 Broadcast of Messages 11.17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Dick Leibert PJL 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By 'DOROTHY OARBUTT It's a very light dance progiam again this week so far as "Y" activlUes are concerned but 1 understand the United Services organisation holds a weekly Tuesday night dance and thst each Thursday night there's a .dance on the hill. The Navy dance scheduled for this week has been postponed for a week until March 3. Wednesday Y.M.C.A. dance Empress Hall. Prince Rupert Area orchestra. Thursday Regular Fortnightly Eleventh Avenue dance. Navy orchestra (we hope). Olrls to meet at the 'Y And it's also a very light hew baby program that Mrs. Alex Mitchell has to report. Only one this time a young Anglo-AmericanMaster William Lee Harrip-ton, whose parents are Quartermaster and Mrs. Geo. Hampton of the American Transport Service. "Butch." pardon, "Bill." weighed six pounds nine ounces at birth and was born on February 7. At last I have some Y.W.C.A. support right here In town, Leading Airwoman Laurel Sanderson is now posted to Number Four Group. Laurel's mother It Mrs Sanderson whom I went to Vancouver to meet recently and who U'an executive of our National Committee. I hope Laurel doesn't go and tell on me when I take unofficial make - and - mends. Chester met her I was out when she called and he said she looks like a nice friendly girl who wouldn't do that for worlds. Although be did add that it was a good thing someone was up here who could keep an eye on me. I met Pte. Paul Klssell the other day who used to play hockey for the Winnipeg Monarch. He said their regiment could get together a first class hockey team as they had a log of league players with them if only they bad the Ice. He says they mis that more than anything out here. Dally News AatertUHng Brings Reeults. 12:45 CBC Newa 12:50 Recorded 12:51 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 School Broadcast 2:00 Silent GOVERNMENT NOTICE NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD . Incorporation of Cost of Living Bonus into Wage Rates - C"7lin ATTENTION of all employers in Canada, subject to the Wartime Wages Control Order 113 (P.C 9381), is directed to the provisions of the Order requiring them to establish for each of tlnir occupational classifications, not above the rank of foreman, a single wage rate or range of wage rates as prescribed by the rules set out in Schedule '"A" of the Order by adding to the previous authorized single ' wage rate or previous authorized range of wage rates the amount of previous authorized cost of living bonus, and that such established single wage rate or range of wage rates shall be effective for the first payroll period beginning on or after February 15, Employers who may not be paying pre ' vious authorized cost of living bonus as required by General Orders .of the National War Labour Board, issued under dates of August 4, 1912, and November 3, 1913, pur-. suant to the provisions of the Wartime Wages Control Order, P.C 5963, are required to include such amounts of cost of living bcm.i in the establishment of wage ; rai of their employees under P.C. 938 cffuiise for the first payroll period ning on or after February 15, 19ff, as stated. C. P. McTAGUK, Chairman NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD OTTAWA. CANADA SMITIIERS Smlthers and district is to kpI 21-hour service from the Dominion Government Telegraph and Telephone, a letter from the Hon. Ok)f Hanson, M.P., reveals. A four mill increase In the tax rate will become effective this year, the village commissioners have decided. The increase will bo from 16 to 30 mills. Canadian National Railways have agreed to give the village an annual grant of $300 In lieu of taxes on their property which is outside the village limit, and cannot be taxed. Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They deserve it. See National Monuments 602 5th Eat list 1115 Station It Prince Rupert. aC NOW SHOWING AT LEADING THEATRES ACROSS CANADA IN TECHNICOLOR Tin? clnr)' nf the It.C A.I-'. cirtilific diet, told for the firt lime on tin ?cn-ii. 20-PM E Church and State Make Prosecution "A combination of Church and 8tate always brings persecution." asserted Stangelist Dahner at the Oddfellows' Hall gtnday night. The subject of the Lecture was: "Who is the Man Named 66r The evangelist read the thirteenth chapter of Revelation and other associated scriptures In nr-Jer to Wentfy the being with the number "ew." Mr. Balmer quoted from a number of commentaries to the effeet that a false system of religion answered to this description. Hi dwelt on the magnitude of this system, which the prophecy declared would make war with the saints, to overcome ihem. and dominate all kindreds and nations. The g:eat apostasy in the church of the third and fourth centuries brought into existence the power called the 606 of Rev. 13:18 said the speaker. His number was the name of a man. A human power sitting in the place of Ocd was here pictured and ystem of religion that ran an opposition to the religion thn: Ood invited mankind to accept Mr. Balmer In closing uraed ron his audience to reject falsr theories and shun evil, but to treat every human being as thr purchase of Christ's blood. INDIA'S NEW VENTURE NEW DELHI 0i Before the war India manufactured no chemicals, but is now manufacturing annually 80,000 tdns of sulphuric acid, 4,500 tons of coa: tar. and many other chemicals. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY TlIONE 657 Am 1 I - a. . ON THE SAMi: I'KOORAM EXWAf r S ' PROPER FOOD IS A WEAPON OF WAR I For (he first time the screen tells the story behind the scientific diet of the RCAF Produced by ihe RCAF in TECHNICOLOR MERRY MELODIE irtmviniiriiaiiiiiiaiia... IN TWO REELS BOOK FREE TO ADULTS IUotI on llic film, thi rt.luur-ful ImciVIh U nuilr atailaMe through llir life Insurance companir in tanaila. In limilril numUt. frrr. In Mlrtm of ihratrr olioaint Training Taklr. ,tk an alien. danl for your mpy. TOO LATt: TO CLASSI1V LOST -Purse on Third Avenue, containing money and Jewelry Finder please turn In to Dally News office. Jewelry valued as keepsake. Finder may keep money. (4I SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Itoi St I Fit ASH II STREET ruiNCi; iturKin Mr. Drlldal and Mrs. Johns HAVE RE-OI'KNEI) THE Mouse Trap Cafe Hours 3 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Super Coffee, Hamburgers and Onions, Homo-made pies and Cakes JONES' FAMILY Store of Ous'Jty Meatl ntwon URAMlrtfl:., i J .id 1 ll TODAY and TlK-SIUi Hi mixer. tr,l KprtUIMt h ! flood Repairs Kttkl r f. THE REX i Now Oprn fat I CHOP 517 CHOW Mil OjxnlBf te 1 pit. ta 1 1 2nd Atrnat ifcrtl Print Raatrill float 13 CHIMNEY surf on. m uNrRs a AMI urn NVw aw. re Phoni tUA ' II AMIYM.'I HOME SEW Meet Me! JOHN! .lohnnj'i SNACK (Our Col'f"' SI-KVICUP Vanrou-fr VH .North quern ChirW1 Hill lnlw..u"r and B"""' Kit AN K i- Sf I'rlntr Hup"?' Try a t.t-W Results. MARKET 1