HOBORS ur-rn ATT NjIKAIl Dhroblng Incidents flace Son of I reedom iVr. :nrtration. UUIUUIIU cil Formed Ar? F. b. ine. Two werr week-end by the ol Freedom Douk- V,sf in cards were iif-tLfiff to the gov-; te aeainrt call f ;; ,m: rrvti '' ramp-zr&. frave been placard bridge. l: i: 21 -A co-or-f ocMonnM firces In the : 1 of the civil popu- t: f m d herr. the t . , ti maintain a llbr-I .:raic!ial cImim, ' la.nmenta and to :ic hospital. ; -r.d, chairman of the i; r inmiasloners. took ? r. r.id' d organ-r whirh was held R Ci'Ss hail. Friday . ' 'd wre: r.. -Duncan Kerr. M: j C.ara Little. ' - rrprrscnUng moat :r hes and organ--. cf Mrs M. Du-Mr Head Hb- li N Sherwood (pro-: ' Mr Scaton cwUti. "(' A was represented zis Are 1 I M H I II II I m. i v m m. m m v-m m m m re Again In Control of Li., trti, ii ti.r.i ( Allied naval rrall iddrd their weight In bj bombing the Anilo ormi arrai. Br:fflfd In throwing "'my batk from their In the beachhead anil wwal hundred prison- 7 1 r wuicy scores Saturday -i i New York 2. c Ikiton 4. Sunday Ik ' 3n 5. -i 7 Nrw York 2. 0 Cu. ago 0. It 1 1) CROSS Campaign Organized Canvaisrrt Named for City In Drive Which Start Week From Today. Organisation of Prince Ituperi and district, for the forthcoming lied Croia campaign for fundi, commencing a week fiom today and 1 ailing until the middle of March, has been completed. S. E. Parker, provincial campaign committee member, la chairman for the outlying district in this area with Mlas Florence Parker as secretary. In the city of Prince Rupert there will be internal canvauea for the military, dry dock and Canadian National Hallways Mrs. S. A. Klelback. McHrlde to Fulton Street Mrs Alex Mitchell (organizer). Mts. Wm WatU. Mrs W. J. Richards, Mrs. Ruby Kwan. Mrs. J. J. 011- lts. Mrs Frank Ellison. Miss Mavu Thaln. Fulton Street to Borden Street WosU -Mrs. W. Brass organizer). Mrs Tr J. BdtW. ' Mrav J. 8. Black. Mrs Dan Parent. Mrs. W. Whlffen. Mra. Allan. Westvlew DistrictMrs. D. C. Stuart 'organlsen. Mrs. T. u. B!a. Mrs A. W. Allaire. Mra. J. N Forman. Mrs. II. B. Hlbbard. Mrs. B Clapp. Mra. Oeo. Hills, Mrs R 8. Seherk. Residential. First, Second and Third Mrs. J. F. 8mlth 'organi ser 1. assisted by members of Red Cross Corps. Business and Waterfront oyio Club Members Oordon Bryant organiser) Wm. Lamble. Wm. Stone. L. Lambly. Mas Asemis- sen. A. Dominate. J. Bulger. C. C Mills. Wm WatU. F. Dlbb, M. Brydtea. Joe Scott. Chinese Section Bennic Lee organiser), assisted by members of Chinese Youth Association. STILL IN PARK V A N r O II V LI I T h e Vanrou ver notice have located a in Stanley Park. WAR NEWS BATTLE 01- ITALY UKI1SIC SMASIIKI) still AM IS- l ie rret fighting In the Italian campaign still goes I the beachhead south of Rome. The (lermanv throwing livWonv a force estimated at 11 11 to 150.000 men Into the made a tun. mil, n.tmll,..i Into the Allied lines on fy but have been pushed hack at least part of the dls-r by the Allies u,o have resumed the offensive. Tie battle eson undiminished around Casslnn here the Americans "m forced to give up the railway station which tney nau l. Tin. Sill.. 1... nlr sun ' 11111 lorces are rrcciviiiK " - Tenly..U enemy aircraft were shot down yesterday. M)ON - The German Industrial city of Ulpslc had its wi attack of the uar Saturday night from the Royal Air r hfb dropped 2,300 tons of bombs, starting hse fires lailslllr Mir.... . l'i.i.. SI. l-nrrp fol- 11 1 with a mlehlv .1111.1.1 1.1...., vlrrilav. MosQUltocS n llft-U.. . . .. mt-n - - -..11 ana western Germany. Seventy-nine piaum "X the Royal Air Force Saturday and the Amrlcans lost 22 wmbers and fr fighters yesterday. There were daylight JfMrrday nti,fr tI0i ttit German targets as well as -v "micriands. HATTI.P. nw iMTCciA attaa.i . ' formation of Russian Air Force muno- M!,rlilf large fires and causing mucn "'''Man land fori 1.. f...... ti.r kIiIi-s. The Red 1' ma,' two to 12 mile sain and look lit more rftL nr wi,.. . null iifia Ull .11111.1. I., t otaruya HllSMil, The miSSia" uir Russia and on Krlvol Rog In the Budget Students See Food Picture Wei 01 SI, P'Wr city Cap 1 tend 3 "o S riV.1' Film Show; ft & Morning Q " -Mlren of th the B 1 t?j .h morning ' " a techni coior mm j. s- siDif . j). acnted by ; JL-, 5 manage menl In . of h clviliai nni -011 campaign l the Union Bo.i.d jf Ilraltn a;, othrr orgaulwi. jiu. C:c4"d by t!ii A!r Fore iliwn to Alt Force pe:.vjnn the film did a mouth-uaUrmv Arnold Flaten, president of the job of glamoilaing milk. .11 . Prince Rupert Red Crow Boctety, ' cheevr. ve"tai- and thcr vit la chairman of the city drive with mlru. An Interext-hoidmg tn., Rolfe Dlackbourn ai campaign manager and treasurer and H. A. Dieen aecretary. The city canvaaier are aa fol- low: C1T' OF PltlNCi: ItLTKKT Seal Cove Dtatrlet Mra. J. E Roddle (organizer). Mra. A. Ilarbe. Mr. II. V. Tatleraall. Mn W. Davldaon. Mrs. O A. Kelsey. Mra. W. D. Skinner. Mrs. O. Twlss. Mrs. V. McUan. Mrs J Madden. Hays Creek to MeBrlde Street ---Mrs. John Olbson organizer . Mrs Wm. Lamble. Mts. Sid El-Uns. Mrs. A. W. Large. Mrs. F. E Coy. Mrs. II. F. Olassey. Mrs. J. Hrnnlng, Mra A. Cowle. Mrs. R. J. Iilackbourn. Mrs. Jens Munthe, stroke wa. tl.e :. parlson of the requin m nu an aircraft for efficient sei -vk and the nutritional ntcds u( '.ii airman himself. The balance of ihr use of looci. common to eveiyday. Canadian tables was the theme of the 20-1 minute picture, with accent on milk and milk products 'and vegetables. It was shown that every food and vitamin required for the body Is containe d !n nv.l. meat vegetable, cereals, a1' fruits. The proper and canUnu-ous combination of these food makes for tntercsttoi? eating, and high personal efficiency. Vitamins were likened to thr spark In an aircraft engine, without which the ai: craft, no matf r how well fueled and serviced, cannot operate. In a spoken foreword to the picture. Hon. C Q Powtr. Mln later of Defence for Air. spok of proper food as a weapon of war and commented on the timely and valuable information contained In the picture. The picture is released for fiec public showing by Famous Play ers In their theatres ana wa. shown this mornthg through the courtesy of D O Borland, man ater of the local theatre. Sixth grade stuqents from an the city's public schools and student of Booth Memorial High attended the showing. U-Boats Fail To Pass Thru Gibraltar St. LONDON. Feb. 21 -Brl tUh planes and warsnips dest;oyed three oerman- r submarines and damaged several others In a pack which attempted unsuccess- fully for eleven days to slip through Olbraltar Straits j into the Mediterranean, the Admiralty announced Sun- day. I'.KjllTY YEARS OLD Birthday Of Bishop Rl. Rev. L M. Hunoi Honored Yesterday by I'arhbteners- His Excellency Buhop E. M. Bunoz. QUI., who on February 24 wl celebrate the eightieth anniversary of his birth, was yesterday, at the pressing re quest of the members of his church at home to all who wish- i noon over a hundred guaais. re-'p.esentlng every family tht parish, attended to present their 4 ) good wishes. Mrs. J. J. Oillls. president of 4! the Catholic Women's Leag""- assisted by Mrs. M. P. McCariery. receiTea uir guraw uiu jtcciii- ed them to the Bishop. . Mrs. Young was registrar of names of guests. Refreshments were served bv the Catholic Women's League Pouring weie Mrs. J. F. Ritchie and Mrs. .Smith. Senrlteurs were Mrs. Leo Dolron. Mrs. Joseph Oaron. Mrs. Carr. Mrs. Dominate and Mrs. Angus Oillls Fathers Lantagne. Racette and Joseph Carrol: l Tmnerature Local Tides lmum m 4t life tow Ui.k imum 33 Low kj:01 6!9 feet 18:43 1.9 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMiBIA'ff'NBWSTATER ... ill, tt. w J1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS ught Down Today BgglgigggaSsV'l IAN AIM'S nilSt ANTI-AIRCKAFT CRUISER riGIITS OFF NAZI ROMIiritS- Wh.i. . lie budge Ui : 1 (.he r breatit. a ehder bomb : i"-.sd b: .1 ii ;:,. i 177 ?, .....ca j.,i.si tiie Prime Robert's bow.s ?ad uei.t MiaiRht : r a Irertcr in the convoy. But a second before it wa to rum lilt the a.ark, the bomb took an upward turn, pa-ssed over the freighter's masts and plum-metu'd ijuo U.r- n-sfr 80 yards awsk The elghter U seen above, almost enveloped in the eaac8e of Water as the bomb fell Ambulance i Group Meets The annual financial', state ;ncnt ol the local St. John s Am- balance Association, read before a meeting of the association held ,n the Rod Crass roams yesterday tViJfloWrrWWM the gro&p to be in a sound financial condi tion. The full executive attended the meeting. The election ol new officers for the coming year was set for ; Friday night and the resignation fiom the executive of Angus Mc- i DonaW. first aid Instructor, was . ,n -,, , it, ir ruiwtr announcea. mi. .irji.a.u c- h; cni 10 During 0 ibto- take up residence in Vancouver A meeting for the full member ship will be held on Friday night in the Red Cross rooms. DLSTROYKR LOST LONDON The Admiralty announces the loss of the veteran destroyer Janet. guests. The ceremony concluded with benediction of the most blessed sacrament prior to which H Excellency preached a touchlni; sermon In which he gave an outline of the history of his life an: expressed his gratitude to the people of Prince Rupert for their mingled with tn ; unfailing kindness to htm. SWIITER THAN AN ARROW IN ITS FLIGHT-Shooting off the edge of the flight deck of a U.S. navy aircraft carrier, like an eagle in Its flight, a Oruman Avenger torpedo bomber heads out on a mission. The sharp bow of the flat-top kicks up a rough spray as the ship speeds through the water. Amendment To Libel Act By T. D. Pattullo VICTORIA. Feb. 21 () For- aier Premier T. D. Pattullo has . oductd in th" Legislature an nrndmcnt the Liic! and 3!ander Act whxh would force ewspapers and ! 'nodical pub- iu-atians which print statements ul poisons' conduct or state-? s n publish vithout dcle-1 r al!"ratloo the replies of persons providing they are f ;euonable length. THE TRUK ATTACK Big Damage Wrought by lAmericans Nineteen Vessels, Including Warships and 201 Jap Planes Destroyed. WASHINGTON, D C, Feb. 21. "The visit of Dee. 7. 1311. on Tearl Harbor has been returned and a partial settlement effected," said an official communique by the Department of the Navy yesterday on the attack by the United Stales Pacific Heet on the Japanese naval base of Truk last week. Details of the result of the attack on Truk were given in the communique. Nineteen enemy vessels were sunk, and seven .Wobable Href' SJloif installations were bombed and strafed. Two hundred and one enemy planes were destroyed. 117 being shot down and the remainder destroyed on the ground. The Japanese vessels known to have been sunk include three lUpt cruisers, three destroyers, one ammunition ship, three seaplane tenders and cargo ships. The vessels probably sunk included a cruiser and a destroyer. The attack on Truk lasted two days. On the second day there was no enemy response. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC Marshall Air Base Is Taken TEARL HARBOR. Feb. 21. United States Marines Saturday ' wk "session of Engaby Island on the westernmost Eniwetok aull of the Marshall group. En-P.aby. which has an air field. Is about seven hundred miles from the important Japanese mid-Pacific base of Truk. The casual-; 's were light. American naval vessels des- ! oyer i shelled Rabaul on New Britain Island and Kavleng on New Island, for the first time. Shore installations were damaged and ships in the harbors were truck. The United States war ships got within four miles of Ribcul and Kavieng. Not one was damaged. For the sixteen consecutive dav Rabaul was heavily air raided on Sunday by American piiuies which destroyed 123 .tons or bombs to add further to the Teat wreckage and destruction thetc. Admiral Chester W, Nlmltx. In - special communique, said that operations were proceeding according to schedule In the campaign against the Japanese In the Western Pacific-Further blows have been dealt on the Japanese In the Carolines. Credit of Province Of British Columbia Is At Highest Level Only War Prevents Cost of Education Being Taken Over To Study Municipal Responsibilities. VICTORIA, Feb. 21 (CP) British Columbia's credit is at the highest mark in its history and is not surpassed by any other province, Premier John Hart told the Legislature today when, as minister of finance, he brought down the budget. The province was able to relund $3,000,000 at maturity on the New York market at 25 per cent, the lowest rate ever obtained by the province at that market. Estimates for the year beginning April lanilcipated revenue of $34,505,225 which would leave of $34,605,750 and expenditures a surplus of $100,525. Mr. Hart said that war conditions prevented the provincial government from taking over all education costs but the government planned detailed study of municipal fields of responsibility and taxation as well as the whole system of education and its cost The appropriations for 1944-45 include $25,000 more than I formerly for grubstaking pros pectors. 1 j Mr. Hart also announced tax 1 rebates for men and women serving in the forces applying to real property and mineral claims to cover the duration of i service. BULLETINS ANOTHER DIG RAID LONDON The United States made another great 2,000-ton bomb attack ty daylight today. The exact objective was not at first disclosed but it is believed 'that fighter plane factories were attacked. TOJO REORGANIZES TOKYO. Premier Tojo has reorganized his cabinet with the dismissal of three ministers finance, agriculture and commerce and communications on account of a "serious" internal situation. The chief of staff of army and navy bases have been dismissed as a result of the Truk disaster. MONTREAL CAR STRIKE MONTREAL. The strike, which tied up the entire street car and bus service of Montreal Friday, ended Saturday but looked like resuming last night. A closed shop agreement is said to have been asked for, C.C.L. workers refused to man the same cars as those of ..the A.F.L. PRODUCTION CUT WASHINGTON General II. II. Arnold, chief of air staff, says that 25 per cent of the aircraft pioductlon of Germany has been destroyed as a result of the great raids on Leipsic Saturday night and Sunday. SCORED FOUR GOALS TORONTO Hud Coyle scored four of the ten goals which Toronto Maple Leafs made Saturday night in defeating Boston 10 to 1. He was a rookie last year and this was his first game this season. MONTREAL FIRE MONTREAL The Astor Grill. In the heart of St. Catherine's Street theatre district, was destroyed by a $60,-000 fire Saturday night. ASSASSINATION PLOT MOSCOW It Is stated, here that .1 Fascist plot to assassinate King Peter of Yugoslavia and place the blame on Yugoslav patriots has been uncovered. NAZIS' oTRIKE London Has Big Attack Schools, Convent and ment Houses are Buildings Hit. LONDON, Feb. 21 O) The Nazi scattered Incendiaries and explosives over London In a fierce attack Sunday night which set fires in many areas and caused some casualties. The Germans fanned out in all dl- recUons In an effort to confuse defences. The raiders were met by heavy anti-aircraft barrage and at least three were shot down. Three schools and a convent, hotel cd several apartment houses were burned out,' j JAPAN SAYS i LOSS LARGE Serious Defeat at Truk is AcknowledgedArmy and Navy Commands Purged. CfEW YORK, Feb. 21. RU-The Tokyo radio acknowledged today that Japan had suffered heavy loss to her great naval base of Truk and announced that chiefs of staffs of both Japanese army and navy have been relieved of their posts. Emperor Ilirohlto has personally appointed Premier Tojo to take charge of the Army. Stuttgart Hard Hit LONDON, Feb. 21 W The Royal Air Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force dealt a third great blow In 35 hours Sunday night, bombarding Stuttgart as a sequel to a record assault during the day on Nazi airplane factories by two thousand American planes and a Saturday night attack by the British at Leipsic. The attack on Stuttgart was In great strength and caused Intense ;Ilrcs. . Leipsic alone was hit by 2,300 tons of explosives. VICTORIA. Feb. 21. O1 Hon. H. O. T. Perry, minister of education. Introduced a bill In the Legislature providing for the reading of a Bible passage without comment and the recitation of the Lord's Frayer In public schools at the dally opening. BRITONS HONORED MOSCOW The highest military award of the Sorlet Republic has been conferred on three British military leaders Including General Sir Harold Alexander. THREE OBJECTIVES MOSCOW The Red Army is now driving on three major objectives Pskor in the north, Minsk In White Russia and Krlsvol Rog In the Ukraine. 4 it i 1 4- 43 if Si