MARCH 30. 1944 Wm Mart w wiiiwmmsmma gmm 1 lO 1 RY'S COCOA . M m t ttt. M m MM m m m M A. A SV ssb m mm w mm- mm m m m m m m m m mrm m m m m mm ' 4 .JltlnH f "T1 t Strap, ' official publl- a the British ColumbL-t Local Boy Is Promoted In Rank as M.O. Lieut. C. If. Weder. son of Mr W'- a and Mrs, O. Weder ww oi of thli mi, acKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. liNl'T STKEL RKDSTKAI) leel Cable Red Spring with Felt Mattress. izes 1-G and 4-0 Red complete $37.30 IT STKKL RKDSTKAI) nit Steel Redspring with wide Steel Rib- n Tina Iil i--i,iiff -ii Iinnnf lint cn ii no 'A A If I . . k' 1 1 1 1 " nit. .M.'inross I'xim. size oniv .... .v.t.t the day order received. INCOME TAX .1 Incnmr Kottirns to be filed on or before APRIL 00, 1911 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 - Sm. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWmm I j m -m c rJORM ADvtsnswa w ; i - ' i illli Till a v FOR EASTER? ( Tft t in Cr.. itit'll find n C ill Pfl M h innmf oiifr.rrtDtimic iTi Tin Tli:iL .w.a il Lli 11(11111 V 1 1 1 ' L' UrlLlllll certain to nleaso evervone vou want to re- i km nvt t i ; . 1 1 . mnr mcr iiiime you to remember nu your iam- 111 1.,1,,,1 1 1 ill '.. 1....1,Wlt HE VARIETY STORE LOCAL NEWS NOTES ; A Local 180 SoclaJ Club Masquerade Dance. Saturday. April 1, jj to 12. Three Prizes. Best. Orl-glnal, Comic. Oddfellows' Hall, DtCailo's Orchestra. (78 Miss riora Tumlhon left for Whltehors Tuesday evenlnz to work with the United States Engineering Department BRONCHITIS COLDS bltti Mittrf Witk VapoRu Oordon Parkin, whose father. !A. T. Parkin. Is ill In the Prince photograph of Staff ,R Hospital, arrived F W Gallagher. has been promoted to the e hargc of the Prtncc T J," naval duties at Victoria. w 1 1 1 lr the nrttcl? Which uicu:i ui titer uii i,i tc careers or Starr v daJaslier anrt four ""ru, wM:raii. a:; having "a soldier's' ne iu or tne ijuassu Ksver duty He will have In Brazil are 62 feet hljher than nnfri ijuniw inr ius- wiin me hiuv-hourin uaiianon. COAL! stocks of Foothills, Alberta, and Rulkley Valley Coals now on hand fn iiniru urn inn inn nrii iiiiiii'iirir iu ii v i i iii aw l will Imj appreciated. PH1LP0TT EVITT & CO. LTD. 1 UJI PHONE CSS Rev. W. W. Sllverthorn, of Portage La Prattle, Manitoba, 1 expected to arrive In the city this week to fill the pastorate of the Pint Baptist Church formerly held by the Rev. C. A, Wright who has moved to Vancouver. Since the Rev Mr. Wright's departure the Ret. A. Tipton Williams has been reliev ing the vacancy. Mr. William irtumed to Vancouver on Birth Notice Born to Lieut. R. O. Hoyt. Oreat Palls. Montana and Mrs. Hovt. ne Owendolyn Palmer of Prince Rupert on March 28, a daughter. Elteabeth Ann. GREAT EXPANSION The great wartime expansion of the Canadian Armv has taken ulace aroond the pre-war nucleus of 4,500 permanent force men Its present strent ih numbers 463.000. Notice to Subscribers l Subscribers a! the Dally News are requested, V ai ' all possible, to pay their subscriptions direct to the office. Of course. In the event of it being Impossible to do this, payments may be made to the boys. f When paying, please bring your last receipt. C.N.R. Trains for the Put ept Sunday 8 p.m I'rmii thr Dlly txcrpt MoikUt t0:4J p rm. l or Terror Bundtjr. MoncUv. Wrdnmday, ThuriKliy nd rrldy 4 p. Troni Terrire Monday. Turnday. Thursday. rrkujr and Saturday 11 a.m. THE MARKETS Sugar White, lb. .09 Golden Yellowi lb. .09 Meats Lamb Shoulder, lb 21 to .35 Bacon, side, best grade, sliced, package. 54, slab 45 Ham. first grade, lb 42 Cottage Roll, lb 44 Porlt. dry salt. lb. JO Veal. loin, lb 33 Veal Chops, lb .35 and .40 Deer, pot roast, lb .35 Ueef Steak, lb 40 and .45 Lamb, leg, lb .42 Lamb Chops, lb .35 to .40 Grade a: Large, cartoned, doz. . 47 Grade A, medium, doz. . 45 Nuts in Shell. Almonds, lb. .67 Peanuts, lb 27 Walnuts, lb 67 Milk Evaporated Milk. 6-02. tin - .10S Prult Grapefruit, Calif. , : .10 and 4 for .25 Lemons, doz .35 and .50 Oranges, Navel, doz Apples, id. Cooking Apples, lb. ... Vexetables rooklnc Onions. No. l .35 to .67 .... .10 .08 Okananan. 4 lbs. .25 Spanish Onions, lb lo Spinach .20 Beets, local, 3 lbs 25 Parsnips, local. 3 ids .25 Tiirnlns vpllnw. Ih. t Turnips, white, local, lb. !o5 Potatoes. 5 lbs 22 caiir. uarrous, t ids. 35 Tomatoes, Hothouse, lb. .. .30 Sweet Potatoes, lb 20 . Cauliflower, ench 15 to .40 Calif. Cabbase, lb 09 , Lettuce, ench , .15 Celery, lb 10 nutter First Grade , - . .43 Lard Pure, lb . .19 Flour Pastry Flour 7 lbs. .44 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.85 Second Patent 1.80 Flour, 2i'j . .05 Lieut. John D. McRae, who until recently was located at Halifax and spent a few weeks at Washington, D.C. before com- , Ing west to Vancouver, arrived In the city yesterday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRae. B, Thorstelnssen, Inspector of schools, was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. He discussed the social survey which is being undertaken in the city under his leadership. President A. S. Nicker, son was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Samuel Allan, referred to in I the raiding of the Terminal Club this week, was not Samuel K. , ' Allan, a member of the Boiler- makers' Union executive. Nor was a Wilfrid John Pllnt, also named. Jack Pllnt, well known local war veteran and nembei of the lighthouse tender service. FOUR VKARS AGO IN THIS WAR By The Canad lan Press March 30. 1940 Winston Churchill declared in a radio broadcast that Great Britain will "follow this war wherever it leads but we have no wish t . broaden the area of conflict German News Agency DNB, in a iwj summary, claimed inai jsi iBfrtish and French planes wer destioyed since the start of the war SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 . FRASER STREET Prince Rupert tifiiir ill W SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands 1 Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C3 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 193 Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They deserve it. See National Monuments COS 5th East Box 1115 Station H Prince Itupert. B.C. FOR A TAXI Telephone 65 Stand: Grotto Cigar Store IIONT FOHGET . . THE 1S1G DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 1st 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. I.O.D.E. HALL (Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBride) Gentlemen 75c Roy Proverbs and Ills Orchestra Everybody Welcome THE DAILY NEW3 PAQBTHIH9 TEA?; r 2uu ike Vackacp tuttkthe , OK it ' ' jew ' tsiiss& yss BLUE RIBBON - COUPONS dr. mm -7 Oeorge Washington was the owner of the first Pennsylvania oil weH. In IH Mjprrm rtinr! at llrttMi (old mill J in ITubatP In the M.itlrr of I hi- .lilnilnl-(ratlii Alt" and In llir Mailer i.f I lie lUlr tif Ji.Iiii Warnr, lirrrivnl TAKE NOTICE that by Ordfr of Ills Honor. W. E ruber, made on tbn 14th day of Uarch. A D. 1SH4. I was aoootnttd Adralnlstrator iwlth the U1 anncMdi of the Eatate of John Warne. deceased, and all partlea hav tng rlatma afalnat the aald esUU are hetrbT reaulred to lurnisn aame properly TertXIed. to me on or about the asth day of AprU. A D. 1344. and nil oarttea Indebted to the EsUti- are required to pay the amount ol their indebtedness to roe lonnwun DATED at Prince Bupert. B. C thlt Uth day ot March AD 1944. NORMAN A. WATT . . . Official Administrator Prince Rupert. BC MIMUAI. ACT (Form F.) Certificate of lmprnement. MiTH t Last Chance No 1. Canary No. 2, Canary No. 3. Canary No. 4. and Eagle Mineral Claims, situate In the Portland Canal Mining Division of Casslar District on the west side of American Creek and about 17 miles from Stewart. Take notice that I. W. H. Forrest, acting as agent for Wm. H. Tolln Free Miners Certificate No. 20W-E. Intend, sixty days from the date hereof to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certlflcatea of Improvement for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grants to the above claims and further take notice that action, under Section 85. must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. Dated this 37th day of July. 1SH3. Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MILK ArALKTINJ)AIBY; PHONE 63" Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIOHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 REID'S CAFE 725 Third Ave. West THE CHOICEST FOODS very carefully prepared Sandwich Bar Now Open from 11 a.m. dally to serve Soups, Hot Beefsteak Pies, Eggs, Omel-etts, Chill, Salads, and regular Sandwich list. Pies, Cakes, Ice Cream Special Dinner Menu from 5 to 7 pjn. Closes at 12:45 a.m. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN Announcements Bt. Ptter'a Sale, March 30. Dry Doek Employees' Danct. I Friday nJjht, March 31. Proverb's Orchestra. W.OXM. Danee Wednesday. .April 5. Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 1 2. Refreshments. De Carlo's I Orchestra. Presbyterian ! April 6. Spring Sale, Norway Invasion Service, Luthran Church, Saturday, April S, t p.m. Queen Mary Eastet Monday Tea, Mrs. Alex. McKenzte. St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale. April 13. St. Peter's Junior Sale. April 14 Navy Auxiliary Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, April 18. t C.WX. bridge, whist, cribbage. K.O.C. Hut. April 20. Job's Daughters' Dance, Masonic HalL April 21. L. O, B, A, Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, April T,, De Carlo's Orch estra. Eastern Star Dance, April 28. EARLY CULTURE Early culture of the Indians living in Mexico dates back to around 200 B.C. "I said good-bye! lo Conslipalioii!''j 'I've given up pills and harsh cathart ics. 1 louna my const h nation was due to lack of ""bulk" in my diet and I discovered that KELLOGG S ALU khan is a perfectly grand way to get at the cause, and, help correct it V If this is your trouble, stop dos 'ssssssssssssssb ing" with harsh pur-Katives with their lack of lasting relief ! Try eating a serving of all-bkan daily, uith milk, or sprinkled over other cereals. Or, eat several all bras muffins daily ! Drink plenty of water. Get KELLOGCS ALL BRAN at YOUT grocer's today in either oi 2 convenient she. Made by Kellots's in 1 Mi-don, Canada. KWONG SANG IIING - nop ke CHOP SUEY HOUSE Cl! 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All yoar patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 12 p.m. Tuesday.10 pjn. to 12 pm Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 J. M. S. Loubser D.C. DA. , t CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p-m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re-sblngUnr Free Estimates Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) for meek with HO waste... iur om , '""tr lam . ""-on -vptxi ta,Dnr '""n. APPETIZlKe HOME-BAKED BEAN DISHES IN JUST II MINUTES!... With Van Camp's Quick-Serre Beans you can have home-baked beans and soups in no time! Easy recipes with every package. Not a substitute for canned pork and beans. Your grocer has Quick-Serve Beans now! Made only by Van Camp's in Essex, Out. ft 1 '3,iUtl?mn'ri$ WJ aKSMLT'TTttMBw 6 TO 8 DELICIOUS SERYINGS IN EVERY PACKAGE! For Fishermen and Outdoor Workers PUREW00L WORK GARMENTS KERSEY SHIRTS Both Button and Zipper Styles. Cr t - - Air sizes. Each" :r. .v:vrr.v: )JaJ FLANNEL SHIRTS Pure Wool Wincey in Grey and Q 7C Fawn- Each J.U Wool Wincey, Khaki. CI QC Each V7J HEAVY PANTS Our stock of Humphrey Tweed Pants is complete. All sizes. Priced from, per pair $4.93 to $S.50 Sewing l Ladies: You can now get made to order Buttons and Buckles of your own material and design. Place your orders with . Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be closed for one week while attending, the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent wlthouUUeat, pads, or machine. Watch for it! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MAII Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue MS