our friends- : wish you all again irry Christmas Last Call for Christmas Gifts! i in i have done our best to serve and please you nd that shall continue to be our constant endeavour. LBERT & McCAFFERY Supplies for Christmas TURKEYS DUCKS - GEESE AT PRICES SURPRISINGLY LOW! Fancy groceries choice quality fresh and cured meats. ill daily v a.m. iiuuugn iu u pan, inursaays to 1 p.m. r deliver Courteous service SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET DN'E 432 PEGGY SAUNDERS Annette Powell Shoppc) 5shes to thank her custom- for their patronage and wish them MERRY CHRISTMAS 53G 7th Ave E. N'S & BOY'S WEAR AT REAL SAVING PRICES GIFTS FOR THE MEN . . . ien s sine ocarrs All kinds to choose Special $1.00 i? $1.50 en's Silk Ties A real gift 50cto$1.50 len's Leather Slippers ' All sizes Black and brown- $2.75 to $J.Z5 len's Bath Robes- Heavyweight. Nicely trimmed. All sizes. Big selection $6.45 len's Leather Jackets Genuine Horsehlde $14.45 to $17.50 len's Bill Folds . n n K K X A H All-leather, with zippers $1.95 len's Leather Cigarette Cases Special 31.UU len's Sweaters Mi-wooi $1.95 10 $b.UU M r-' r C 1 .rf Lined " or unnnea Men s Fine Dress Gloves l sizes-Special. $2.00 to $2.95 Men's Leather Belts g A ' A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A All sizes Special 75c 10 $1.5 Men's Gabardine Coats Fawn colored $14.00 Men's Fine Wool Worsted Suits- L Blue and brown stripe all sizes Special .... $32.50 A X&tlJ A len's Sport Jackets Reg. $21.50 Now 1 $17.50 len's Heavy Lined Doeskin Jackets Now yd.VD len's Winter Overcoats Large selection $22.50 10 $db.UU GIFTS FOR THE BOYS . . oys' Sweaters All-wool, also cotton mixture all sizes 65c to $2.75 Oys' Shoes All leather $3.50 10 $4.25 oys' All-Wool Overcoats $11.95 vr GIFTS FOR THE HOME . . . !A11-Wool Blankets Grey only $5.90 Blankets j White, all-wool $17.00 to $25.00 Our Best Wishes for A Merry Christmas . . . One and All. A A A S A B.C. CLOTHIERS LIMITED THIRD AVENUE PHONE BLACK 321 Local News Items iMlss P. Clark was among those who left last night on a trip to.' Vancouver. Don't forget "Milk for Brit ain" tag day, Saturday, Dec. 23. , (299) Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Grelg re turned this morning from Van couver. Miss Nancy Rorie left last night on the Prince Rupert for the south. She will spend Christmas with her mother in Victoria. Mrs. F. N. Good returned this morning from a brief visit to Vancouver where she attended the wedding of her son, Lieut John Good. Wallace's Department Store will be closed all day Wednesday, December 29 for stock adjust ment. Open Saturday, Decem ber 30. (302) United States Immigration Officer F. N. Feero and Mrs. Feero left last night on the Prince Rupert for Seattle where they will spend the holiday season. Mrs. N. Mussallem, of Kclowna and Vancouver, arrived in the city this morning to spend the holiday season with her son Jack and daughter, Mrs. Gordon Bryant. Miss E. Arnold, who left Winnipeg more than nine years ago for Colombio, South America via England, is returning via Seattle to Prince Rupert with her husband, Rev. J. Thomas, and two children to spend the Christmas season with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. J. Arnold, Tenth Ave. E. Quartermaster First Class Howard Frizzell, US.N., arrived in the city this morning to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Frizzell. One of the best known local boys, Howard returned direct from Italy, after serving for the last three years with the American Navy in the Mediterranean and other European waters. Notice I will not be responsible for credit, debts or moneys, obtained under my name by any other person than myself. GEORGE COLLINS, Port Esslngton. Announcements C.V.L. Bridge. Whist and Cribbage, K. of C. hut, January 10, 8 p.m. Dance every Saturday nleht. Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's or chestra. 9-12. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Sat urday. TIIB DAILY NEWS PHONE 85 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS f Mrs. Douglas Sutherland left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Lutheran Sunday School Pro ..... tU...g.,b U U tlULAi CJrawford Moore returned this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. A The Quality Store op Fulton St. will be closed Monday, open ing at 11 o'clock Tuesday "morn ing. (300) Jack Sargent, Vancouver law yer, arrived In the city this morning on his way to visit his mother, Mrs. R. S. Sargent at Hazelton. The Kinsmen's Club has Ar ranged with Santa Claus to ap pear between 1:30 and 3:30 on Saturday afternoon in front of the Victory Loan hut next to the Post Office on 3rd Avenue (299) James R. Mitchell arrived in the city at the first of the week from West Vancouver to spena the Christmas season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R, Mitchell, Atlln Ave., Westview. GIVE THEM FOR CHRISTMAS Books of Theatre Tickets, for Adults, Children, Men and Women In the Services. Priced $1.00 .to $2.25. Now Selling, Capitol. (300) Regimental Q. M. S. W. E. Broadley and R. S. M. E. R. Mac- donald of the Prince Rupert Ma chine Gun Regiment, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver and will' spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season at their homes in the south. POSITION UNTENABLE Brigadier James Mess, Director of Recruiting, Not Satisfied With Government Policy. MONTREAL, Dec. 22 The former Deputy Adjutant General and director of recruiting, Briga dier James Mess, has been quoted as- saying that his position had been made entirely untenable by the government's policy of limited overseas conscription. Mess resigned from his post on Nov ember 2Ti. According, to the .Montreal tTitfraiin cnlH Viaf. snrh n. mediate, pressing needs for in fantry reinforcements, failed to assure a sustained, adequate flow of trained soldiers to the battle-fronts as long as they may be required, and left an open question as to -whether future shortages -would be promptly met. STRONG ON MINERALS Mineral products account for 99 percent of Bolivian exports. FISHING SUPPLY CENTRE Established 50 Years Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order bcrorc 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. 4 W serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. ii rmA i i iii ) AMMUNITION CONTRACT OTTAWA A Montreal firm is likely to get a contract for 250,000,000 rounds of 30 calibre ammunition which is being let by Hie United States. The fac tory Is the Defence Industry Limited riant of Canadian Industries, Limited, in Montreal. It's understood the whole contract will be given to I). I. L. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Head of Canadian National Grateful to All Officers and Employees for Their AVork out the year but the company and its staff have been equal to all of those demands," said R. C. Vaughan, chairman and presi w ai m i i i r Bmmm?m mi M 1 1 dent of the railway, In a message telegraphed today to all officers and employees. "As the year 1944 draws to a close," he said, "I should like to adian National family for what has been accomplished in this eventful year. Much has been de-. manded of the Canadian National system throughout the year but the company and its staff have been equal to all of those demands. For the untiring efforts of. all I should like to express my personal thanks and appreciation. , "The year 1944 has been one of successive victories for Allied arms and we all pray that before another year has passed there will once again be peace throughout the world and a reunion of families now separated by war. Cherishing this hope let us continue to give the best we have whatever'our tasks may be To all in the services and the families wherever they may be I extend my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year." Briefs From Britain By the Canadian I'rcss WYMONDHAM, Eng., Wy- mondham's anti-invasion plans will have a star place in the town museum after the war. LONDON, tift Television man-ufactiiers cstifiiatc that sets will be available!' after the war for considerably - less' than the $135 pre-war cost. LIVERPOOL, m In five years of war Merseyslde ship repairers have: handled 14,000 ships Including 600 Warships. LONDON, ff The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, an armored formation, have been fighting on the Western front since a week after D-Day. RUSHMERE, Eng., 0M- Rush-mere jesidents claim this Sul-folk village- Is the heallthle'st INDUSTRIAL WORKERS IN ANNUAL MEET H. E. E. Faure was elected pre sident of the Prince Rupert Industrial Workers' Union at the annual meeting in Valhalla Hall this week, other executive officers being: First Vice-President, W. Smith.' Recording Secretary, Mrs, M. Storrie. Financial Secretary, Mrs. T. Murray. Guards P. Forman and An-gelo Astoria. Trustees William R6bb, O MONTREAL, Dec-. 22- "Much oisen and Mls Bea Ruddefham. naa uucii ucmauucuui wic oaiia- , Dlegates to FTlnce KUpcrt La vw -ji !.,, r.....' u V, I . policy, designed to meet only im- I Ulrt" otcm wuuSu- bor council Norman Bellls, An gelo Astoria and C. King. Delegates to Civic Labor Federation W. Smith, A. Sinclair and Norman Bellls. Grievance committee W. Smith, C. King.and Mrs. P. Tim-mermeister. Entertainment commit tec- Miss B. Rudderham, Mrs. J. Mur- thank every member of the Can- I raV( n odegaard, N. King, A. Foreman, N. Bellls and W. Dut- fus. A vote of thank's was tendered to the outgoing executive. TAKE YOUR CHOICE In Ethiopia, It is possible in a slnnle day to travel from a re gion of oppressive heat to one oi Intense cold. LONDON, Two gang- chains which about 2,000 years ago manacled five captives each in Anglesey were used by a trac tor dtiver to pull trucks out of the mud. IN THE SUFR2ME COUKT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN TH MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP DANIEL MCKINLEY KEAN, i DECEASER. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 11th day of December, A.D. 1944, appointed Administrator with the Will annexed, of the Estate of Daniel Mc-Klnley Kean, who died on the 20th day of January, 1933. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with mo properly verified on or before the i5th day of January. 1944, falling which, distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I have been notified. DATED at Prlnco Rupert, B.C.. this 11th day of December A.D. 1944. ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS, Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek, B.C. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP-BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP AXEL JOHANSEN. DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 6th day of December, A.D. 1944, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Axel Johansen. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 8th day of January, A.D. 1945, and all parties Indebted to the said Estate art) required to pay the amount of thetr Indebtedness to me forthwith. this place in Britain Average age of ntXUotaXTvS:' DATED at Prince Rupert, n.c, 30 melt and-women in one part norman a. watt, Official Administrator, of tn,..in.,uoo the Village 1$ 80. Prince Rupert, D C. PAGE THREE Give him one or the other or both . . . for both are "musts" on every man's list of things he needs., "THE MEN'S SHOP" The Ties come in a variety of foulards, silks and wools; all the new patterns. $1.00 to $3.50 The Scarves are rayons, pure silks and fine wools, in a fine range of patterns. Several shades and white.1' $1.00 to $0.05 THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED FROM Sat., Dec. 23 to Sat, Dec. 30 We wish all our customers and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR VAN'S BAKERY 611 3rd Avenue itf a m 8 Lamps and Mirrors Lamps and Mirrors make fine All SEE OUR STOCK OF BOOK-ENDS AND ORNAMENTS GORDON & ANDERSON, Ltd. FEDERAL BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS. it 41 I i I tj