18 If- WEDNESDAY JULY PAQE TWO THE. DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published livery Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Elmlted, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OP THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Memoriam, Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks ... . $2.00 Birth Notices : . .50 Funeral Flowers, per Name .10 Classified, 2c per word, per Insertion, minimum .50 Transient, per Inch .75 Contract, per Inch -50 Readers, per line r .25 Black Face Readers, per line - .... .50 Business and Professional Cards inserted dally, per month, per inch - $3.7B 8 Columns. 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column DAILY EDITION Wednesday, July 5, 1944 Planning Peace Structure . . . More force, more decisive and ' more restricted responsibilities will probably be the chief points of difference between the world peace structure which will follow this war and the League of Nations which followed the First Great War. . The form of this new structure is slowly being hammered out in the minds of expert advisers of the governments of the United Nations. The progress to date was reviewed by the prime ministers of the British Commonwealth at their conference in London. , ., , Until governments of the big three the TT United Kingdom United States and Russia come together and agree on something the form will not assume its full and final shape. A somewhat general picture nf what the set-un mav be. however, can be deduced as Canada may be obliged to maintain and employ force, in tne event oi aggression, is one oi uiu important unsettled questions. This policy of force will probably mean the retention of key bases around the world by thejarger states and perhaps some reciprocity in their use. Great Britain will retain its Mediterranean bastions of Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus and Suez. Former British and United States bases in the Pacific will be re-estabiished. Others will be added and under regional co-operative arrangements Australia and New Zealand may share in their operation. Some transfers of population, such as removal of Germans from territory to be allotted to restored Czechoslovakia and Poland will be carried out. Some of the planners are convinced that a mistake was made in the old league when minorities were given a right to appeal against the treatment meted out to them by majorities. The provision while well-intentioned was unworkable and a cause of irritation. So it is probable the new set-up will be less ambitious and confine itself to preventing real disturbances of world peace. There is also a disposition in important quarters to keep arrangements for international economic cooperation separate from the peace structure although their success is considered essential to enduring peace. Separate discussions are in progress on such questions as currency stabilization, tariff reduction, regulation of civil aviation, long term investments. On each of these questions an agreement may result in the creation of some sort of international authority in which varying numbers of countries will participate. Moved towards caution bv experiences after the last war some of the experts are averse to linking an uiese prooaoie agencies together. They hope that each will work out a path to usefulness by pro cess of trial and error. Eventually t.hpv miVhf hn linked up but it is feared a linking in the early stages would make the whole suffer for the mistakes of one. Notice FRASER & PAYNE STORE WILL BE CLOSED From June 8lh till July 7 Open July 7th FRASER & PAYNE ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (By Dorothy Garbutt) My ghost writer who signs i himself O. N. which I suppose With the Forces News of the Men and Women on Actire Serylce (Contributions Welcome) stands for ON the Spot, very' , ., . . . . . vinHiv cunniiort mo with fVio fni. I Soldiers who might nave lowing interesting Item. I quote- thought the training they re "Sergeant and Mrs. Bruce v- ; i 11 1 dldn UJUti t l have. uuvc. He lie had iiau hard ii-aiu so ai from the guarded statements i of political leaders imuch of the two pias from nnH tho tvonrlci nt ThnilfTnT. nPinfr IfmUWttU UV &UIUU."cx Hirumci ui u.u. til 114 tllW lllVltJ XSA. VWVVV,.. Q ) of their expert advisers. The post-war world will have more force since the idea of disarmament is no longer entertained. The big states amonglfthe United Nations' after victory propose to retain ppwer to curb aggressors and, if necessary, intervene when any nation appears to be building up towards the position of an aggressor. International police forces are not likely to be created in the future as far as it can be foreseen at Smith and their two children left for the south Monday night to make their new home In Victoria. After a well earned furlough Sergeant Smith will report for duty at one of the R.OA.S.C. depots on Vancouver Island. "Bruce, who is a native of Terrace, enlisted with the 102nd. It. B., R.C.A. at the outbreak of the war, later transferring to the R.C.A.S.C: motor transport section and for the past two years has been in charge of the jocal transportation depot. le has been a very Dopular and efficient N.C.O. with a deep-rooted belief in "service with a smile " During his last day with his unit he received many callers both frr.m the officers and men who dropped in to give their blessing and wish him the best of everything in his new posting. "The personnel of No. 4 Depof presented Sergeant Smith and family with a purse In aporecla-tion of his long and faithful service in Prince Rupert, for he had the distinction of being the "senior" member of the service in RuDert. The Garrison Serjeants' Mess also presented Bruce with a supply of smoke and at their regular Saturday night party Bruce and his father were entertained at a little special social. "Mrs. Smith is a former Terrace girl and is looking forward to this, her first trip south, as one of social interest. Members of both families came to Rupert to see them off. Oh leaving Bruce said he was going to find out what it was that Victoria and Vancouver had that Rupert who had been stationed in the south. "We all wish them God speed and the best of everything"." this time. The extent to which smaller nations such: m celve In Canada somewhat strenuous in character have not seep a thing, it is intimated by Lieut. Doug Scott, son of Mrs. J. W. Scott of this city, who was In Britain recently with a Canadian Highland regiment. They do their training there in a real he-man way such as doing six miles a day on the double with full kit and anti-tank gun weighing eighty pounds. Doug when last heard of was takinsr such a course of intensified training, no doubt In preparation for big events which, are now transpiring. Gunner Dan J. Magnet of this nfflcers versus Sea city, -writing from Italy. ex-:HCers. won by Sea sent by the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion. He says: There Is nothing that gives a soldier more pleasure and satis faction than a good smoke and they certainly help to ride the rough spots. You would be sur prised to know the comfortlne effect of a Canadian cigarette after a night In action where one dare not strike a light. Of course, we are not always under NEW HAZELTON Dewey Bullock, superintendent of the Silver Standard Mine, left last week for Vancouver, travelling from Prince George by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noel of Smlthers are leaving to take up residence in Nanalmo where Mr. Noel has purchased a business, i Thomas MMeekln and S. E. ' Parker of Prince Rupert motored to New Hazelton from Terrace and expressed great satisfaction about the hew highway. A surprise party was given Miss Rhoda Jeffers recently at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. RpvrirtM In 1!ftltnn. Ml Jpf . BLITZ MEMORIAL Iers nas en in charge of the CANTERBURY, Eng., OS The (junior school in Hazelton and Archbishop of Canterbury made does not expect to return. , a special Journey to an R.A.F I i station in Kent to dedicate a The city engineer has been re-small sanctuary chapel bulli ,?ue. . tJ??J?"d. r. "r the base built the chapel. --.icuue in uuub ui xviuivac uro.i store. A GOOD PI-ACE TO IIUY We are Just reminding you of things that you know. , . , That we have a large stock of Household Furniture, Redding and Floor Covering on hand. Send us your Mall Orders. I'hone 775 327 3rd Avenue REGATTA WINNERS List of Those Who Took Awards In Water Sports Saturday Winners of various contests and races in the Na'vy regatta Saturday were as follows: Sailing Whaler Race, Inter-service 1) Lieut. F. R. Hall. (2) PO Martin. Rowing Whaler Race, Inter -service 1 ) Stokers - Coxswain, Stoker Lucas, (2) Communlca' tionS - Coxswain, Leading Signalman Register. Raft Race tl PO Blbby, Bandsman Daren, v2) Lieut Comm. Astbury, PO Noakes. Obstacle Race, Intereervlce tl Lieut. F. It. Hall. 2) Leading Seaman Marsh. Cutter Rowing Race R.CJi. ficers. Cadet of-Cadet of Greasy Pole Climb Stoker Kanasevich. Tug of -War W. R. C. N. S. versus C.W.A.C. W.R.C.N.S. Interservice Stokers versus Chief Petty Officers Stokers sucn conaiuons dih una occur-RaCe-(l) Coxswain Leadline again in the future." W.R.C.N.S. Whaler Rowing Jitterbug Contest won by Ablr Seaman Ackrig and Miss Evelv. Busse. SEA -GOING TANK PORT MORESBY. 0 A tan' was at sea In a landing craft if New Britain when several troop laden Japanese barges were seen The tank crew opened fire anJ sank one and patrol boats sann others. KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishn Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 2nd Avenue anil 8th Street SOO-SUD NOTES snrt riurr:et was the ; scene of two accidental deaths during the past week. Arthur Ansley. farmer of Sherwood, near Thessalon, was killed by a Canadian Pacific freight trala UtUe Lois Boyce was drowned at Wabageslc Lake, near Naira Centre , Rifleman James Robert t Ca ling, son of Mr. and Mt Jharlea Catling of Sault Sie Marie, has been killed in act:c:; overseas. His widow and t: year-old son reside at St Ir nace. A cruise part of Detrrsit Yacht Club members and Hie wives to the number of about one hundred visited Sault Ste Murle a few days ago abcard the steamer Noronlc. U w? the first time a Canadian learner had been used for this annual erulse. There was an informal civic reception m which the Boo Pipe Band plaj ed a prominent part. Two weddings of particular interest at Sault Ste. Marie took place recently. Mls.s Helen Falcionl, younger daughter of Mr nnri Mrs. A. Falcionl. W- Pentathelon. won by team led c ' he brlde 0( j0hn Mar by Leading Wren D. Griffiths Sea Cadet Cutter Rowing Race, won by team under coxswain Sea Cadet Freeman. rcu quue uiieii ill ie last iew,Seaman Marsn (2) coxawal months and. undoubtedly, will Abh? Seaman BUuncr. asco, son of Mr. and Mrs. u Marasco. This marriage took place at Holy Romry Church At Central United Church Manse Miss Inez Victoria Parr and Enslo E. Lehto were united. tlf 1 1 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands , Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Acmt Third Ave. -Phone 6 Have a Coca-Cola You're invited to our house II . . . or how to make sailors feel at home Homes, these days, are often playing host to our fighting men and their friendly allies. There's .one sure greeting that will put them all at ease. It's Have a "Coke". To an old friend, Coca-Cola from your own refrigerator says Welcome back. To a newcomer, it says Stranger, you belong. At home, in camp, and overseas, Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes, his become the symbol of Canadian friendliness the world over. NORTH STAR .BOTTLING WORKS Authorlrrd Iloltlcr of "Coca-Cola" I'HINCi: ItlTI.NT A. MacKENZIE FURN'TURE LTD. It's nttunl for popular nimel to acquire friendly ttbrevii. WfJPffi Coc. Coca-Coll Coli oiled oiled 1 'Coke' Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY H 1 It T II I) A Y AND K V E II V I) A Y C A It I) 8 VVATKItRI AN'S FOUNTAIN FENS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 x3 is? Trfi Tj 1 WAR-TIME SAVIN Secmitcp 1.IL1I llllJULIIt IMI ' w m ' mw ----- " - t ot war iAVNU snouiu ix: juauiscu and for the following reasons: 1) Financing the war 2) Keeping prices down 3) Providing for the future Dy saving instead of spending now, yea w. hd yourself and your country provide for Qui security today and your own security toacc.i J wmw i v rk xttt? rat ma ak Am 11 a 111 aw a a au tia f Ot'NDED IN Hi' Up-tt-Jjtt Ihnhng or InJuilrj unJ IT tiLn I'rintt Ruptn Hum.h: (,, R. 1 HI.ACKAHY M Sitwari Unruli: II. I. W. W(K)I)K)RI). M..3f MATTRESSES AND BOX SP SI'KIXC IMLI.KI) Itn.mti.Dnot M ....,.. tl! lUm.Ct..... C..-: t.'ilK.I l..44 . Ilr ii.LH)iv;:i 0lllll I JUKI ,I1.1UIIT1 Deep Sleet) Hox .Snrinir. size 4-G R ELIO Furniture Store IIIIKIi AVJM.'K STq. coal! I ICS HALr ?m old JfmtjCodL .AmerrU w old soul mT ml Now it- the time for all good men to comet rhilpott, Kvitt it Co. and order their winter supply of CoaL it. wm y. w.uw ioo long and no sorry w " rest of the winter. Order your Coal no rooTiin.Ls mi.mi', i:r. ana nit. lUII.KI.r.Y VAM.KV I.tlMP PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. IMmw m ...i.sl B4 WU ntlNCK ItLI'F.KT ROOFING CO. Hoi 725 SpftUIUU on llulltup Koofi Itepttri, Ite.ihlnxllnt Free Kstlmatei Re-openin! of te L.D.0 CHOP SUbU CJIOW M Hours 0:30 a.m.