Lrr-gfUV JULY 8. mi mm - LET'S GO" Farmhiff falls all STUDENTS FaILM lalMnir is definitely scarce ...Students can (ill the gups made hy war in tin; rank of thoe needed on the laud. ...Hoy 15 and up and girla 10 and up arc urgently needed for furint thiH Htiiuuier. . ..Tlii in tiie chance for boyn and girla tu winner a real patriotic appeal. ... Don't hav "uo" I 0 II or? "Is how you go about it: ACT imV! Consult your Aca Pami Placement Officer, or any local Committee .cMUtl;Uhed for placing farm workers In your district, or a district Agriculturist; or Write to the Director, Dominion-Provincial Emergency Fnrm Libcur Service, 8H Yet Ha-stings St., Vancouver, H.C; or Communicateiviith the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. ' Tins Am-nrnrursT is imot by tub noiercnci 'rrAn'nifW or IJUWLU. AS VhVX 0' T11E IJimiON.lOVlNCJAt. ru.M I.'O'.Tt rBW.RAM. mmm lunch IS NOW OPEN Clli Ave. IU Reside P.O. Station It. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Our stock fresh and complete, prices rijiht POUISKN'S GROCERY Courlejy and Service I rre Delivery Red 411 13 TAXI Now in operation Under New Management service 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 108 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Western Region it.. nrrl. nt Iho Thief u'uuits win oc ntcivru ui nit ""'-- Iui-uiru PnoinAA. it, i i . iui.. tittaWA nVlnrk noon. wiimipi'K. muiiiiuiki, unni wv . I Wednesday, July 10th, 1944, for the Bricking in of Two iso H.P, H.R.T. Boilers In the Engine anca nmu I'" R"pert, B.C. Plans, specifications and form of contract may be uuu lurm oi icnuer oovainvu ut I Chief Engineer, Winnipeg, Manitoba; District Engineer nt Vanrnnuni" tMi.i.. nrinn Tinnprt: and the '-Wv4, wifiiiui Ul, I iwtvv . - I C-N.U. Agent at Prince Qcorge, B.C. Tenders will not be considered unless made on rorm I applied by the Railway Company and accompanied by .m 1 1 . 1 . 1 unnV In P.nnHn "ttcpicu encque arawn on a cnancrru uunn. " Ir ln favour of Canadian National Railways, equal to five hA ..... . . . I 1 cent - - .y pr the total ww v amount iiiiiuuim wi of the v tender. - Iwork, No bid bonds will be accepted with tenders on this The lowest ofr (any tender not necessarily accepted. W. R, DEVENISIT, Vlce-rrcsldent. Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 4th, 1944. r We are specializing In the newest NESTLE'S COLD WAVE Especially suitable for finer hair ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY S1IOPPE Fourth Street. Peggy Saunderj. RURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackplnc, cord $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association See JOHN L. WRIGHT Special Representative Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. phone 37 P.O. Box 54.. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Veterans At Round Lake In Session spent the past two or three yea In the south. i.Mts. Greig and Miss Ve!m. THE DAILY NEWS 1 PAGE THREE SMITHERS, July 5 Bulkley Valley Branch, Canadian Legion, held an annual meeting of the branch at Round Lake hall last Wednesday evening, when 25 members were In attendance This has been an annual oc-caiton for the Branch for a number of years, to allow the many veteran of the Round Lake, Quick and Walcott area to attend. The principal business of the meeting on this occasion was the report of the President, J. W. Turner, who had attended the recent conventions of the Dominion Command and the Provincial Command of the Legion 'ji Vancouver, as a delega'-e from i this Branch. Mr. Turner gave a very Interesting account of the two conventions, and his report was appreciated by the meeting. Smithers Boys Visiting Home Several Smithers boys who are members of the Royal Canadian Air Force, are visiting their homes on furlough at the present time. AC 2 James Goodacre from the school at Saskatoon is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodacre. PO. Norman KlVpatrick is also home on furlough and win soon leave for his new appointment at Boundary Bay. Sgt. Kenneth Houghton recently graduated from a school as a navigator, has been promoted to p.iot officer and is visltlnr his parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Houghton. LCpl. John Williams of the R.C.A. at Prince Rupert fe also enjoying a short, holiday at borne. A TERRACE Sft. and Mrs. Mangnall ar rived at Terrace from Vancou ver, to spend furlough at thn Lhome of George Little and Ml Clara Little. Mrs. Mangall is daughter of Mr. Little and h Gregg arrived here on Mond from Vancouver to spend a hi: -day in Terrace where Mrs. Ore: ; Bed until two or three yean ago. FIRST AERIAL COMBAT The French are believed to have been the first to use the bajloon fil warfare. I Locals Mrs. Sam Ferguson and children returned this morning from & holiday trip to Vancouver. f II. S. WALLACE CO. are closed till Friday in order to take Inventory. Open Friday. (15?j. Miss F. MacDonald returned this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Annette Woods returned to the city this morning from a brief business trip to A Sons of Norway Dance, Thurs day, July 8, Oddfellows' Hall, supporting Carnival Queen, 9 to 1. (157) G. W. Nickerson returned this morning from Vancouver and Seattle. He has been away for trie past tew m,onths and also visited Eastern Canada and the United States. D. G. Borland, manager of the Capitol Theatre, is a patient, in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, suffering from a complaint which developed soon after his recent return from a trip to Vancouver and Banff. Announcements AU dTTtlmit In this column wUI be chirpd (or a tuU month at 25c a word. W.O.TAL Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday, July 5. Dancing 10 to 2. DeCarlo's Orchestra. Orange ladies' Dance, July 7. Oddfellows' Hall; DeCarlo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Dancing 9:30-1:30 a.m. Norwegian News Reels, Oddfellows' Hall. July 18, 8:15 pm Admission 50c. Advertise in The Daily News. AUTO REPAIR DEPT. CLOSED TEMPORARILY We wis!? to inform our customers that commencing Tuesday, July 4, our Auto Repair Department will be closed for a period of two weeks, to allow us to make alterations and install new equipment. During this period we will continue to service auto parts, tires, batteries, oil and gasoline. Long Motors pi Ion e 52 General .Motors Dealer Goodyear Tires Home Gasoline FOKMAI. OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDMl NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Your Shop, ping Tour should in elude a visit to this nearby Butcher Shoo where you'll always find an abundant supply of the ALL TRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. j COURSE OF LABOR (Continued from page I) V. J. Macklin, chief executive officer of the board, an expert on the Intricacies of orders-in ! council, and Major H. E. Thurs-S ton. United States Army consul-,tant to the board, experienced engineer with terrific energy and clear Judgment. The chairman explained that jthe function of the board was to deal only with defence projects in Alberta, British Colum bia, the Yukon and Northwest Territories. He thought that the board had done something towards bringing about amicability between laboring people and the employing authorities United States and Canada. After his reference to the Atlantic Charter as containing (the course which should be 1 charted for labor after the war was over, Mr. Hen wood con-eluded with an expression of appreciation for the hospitality which had been extended the board here, of realization of the magnificent future which must be in store for Prince Rupert and the wish that there would be the greatest expansion as soon as possible for the city and port and prosperity and happl-Iness for all the people here. CoL Stewart of the United States engineering department. also called upon by Mayor Daggett, introduced the port personnel officer. Major Stavlck, and executive officer, Major Raper. CoL Stewart said he had been greatly impressed by the membership of the labor board. "We are grateful for the sympathetic consideration accorded us by the board," said CoL Stewart. "I believe it Is a good thing that the board has come here to see the situation and study our nroblem at first hand. It ! should prove of much value through having successfully ironed out some of the difficulties which we have had." Among those in attendance at the luncheon were members of the city council, local industrialists, representatives o t unions and the presidents of the senior and junior chambers of commerce W. J. Scott and L. M. Felsenthal, respectively. Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. rhone Red 881 The best buy in Monuments and Markers in B.C. is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave. first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 398. Prince Rupert DANCE TUESDAY, JULY 4 Swlngmen's Orchestra ODDFELLOWS' HALL Barr & Anderson LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND IIOUSE-HOCD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 116 4th Ave. E. RED 127 KWONG SANG IIINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p m, to 12 pjn. p.m. to 12 pan. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 Your $1 Contribution may . win for you ' A $7,000 HOME AND ORCHARD At Pentlcton in the lovely Okanagan Co-operate with the FORT BRISEP.OIS CHAPTER, I.O.D.E, CALGARY, ALBERTA In their efforts to raise funds for Chapter Activities If you think you can dispose of books of tickets in your district Get in Touch Today with the Fort Brisebois Chapter, I.O.D.E. 116 8Ui Avenue East, Calgary, Alberta VOLUNTEER WORKERS WANTED CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Men and women to assist in Booths, Conces-. . .. - sionsr etc PLEASE REPORT to Bill Stone at Wm. Stone, Clothier, Corner 3rd Avenue and 5th Street. Hon 1 .kk . t A' GALAXY OF tit TUNES FOR DO Eriuutf p"""" ' . . o WBV VICTOR RECORD HITS -XTTfOR STRINGS-;---! jir.HT-DMSW 'll- v.iU HEAR t " J . ril.nrtOO melOOT ;.t. ,oin lupcr in? ' m - TiiiiMin HHL "JmmkKtf 'S POP" wfcch dot LmmTmWkSttmmmwP -H ,0 ,p I of iHHHH 'WzVmmW:W!Mr i 'h wain L mo X A Eixtj timi you buy a utw ttnrd, try t bring an tUrtctrJ im uitb you. RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Srnokjtdl Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage FR1NCR RUFERI Co. Ltd, mfTISU COLUHMA