local Temperature i r 0 I'. II i sessions What contractors and I11 B In,u- western anchor "Uid be of great of Wmi defences n Normandy.! with problems and acvrputble decss- tA at the outlet. t ) hu colleague board which he a happy family" deference they :i occasion. He trance that full Wiis given to all an then proceeded ' individually the 'he board. Keen. CMO.. of : Idler of the test x iw in thu. abk ? counsellor, i Donald, of Edmon- 'ai engineer anl wlione influence had been a factor in the ' of Edmonton in j had a strike In 35 ' A.;. -lie. prominent of- American Ftdera- Ixr at Edmonton and ' walking encyclope union matters. Carvill. chief Belec-olflcer at Edmon- a wealth of experience of employment. wiwd also introduced ' aed on Page 31 capturing the railway station. vs. Use IirttUri advance, which captured- Vecsoo, two mlkssl south of Carptquet and four; mile southwest of Caen, en- countered only light opposition , The Canadians, who hold uk , town of Carpiquet. are dlcglni; in while aeroHc the air field to the math western Canadian in fantrymen were forced to give ground slightly. The Americans captured 17 village in an advance down Cherbourg Peninsula during the past 21 hours. Saskatchewan Cabinet Will Get Less Pay II EG IN A. July 5- Premier T. C Douglas yrtrrday announced the membership of the new C.C. F. cabinet for Saskatchewan the first C.C.F. government In Canada. Cabinet ministers' salaries arc reduced to (3.000 per year. R. E. Moore returned this morning from a trip to Grand BOXING SHOW AT Staff House Dining Hall Tt It Avenue East MAIN EVENT Young Tommy Burns CANADIAN ARMY Ray Smith U.S. ARMY THURSDAY, JULY 6TH, 8 P.M. iivritn lj" k Lii wt r l i .i...ih(.i..h viiii Doors Open 7:15 p.m. Auspices Boilermakers' Athletic Club TICKETS ON SAl.P AT f'lcfVITO CIGAR STORE jr. As General Montgomery launches a new attack which whenls around the Nail key position of Caen Canadian move forward With rirltUh fftfTM Th ntrlimi h.-. r, , i , strS flnd afoot rnorm " to ncw Ptlona crcat treat war war strug- c for which full miit needs be cx-aj Ural terms af-wja over by glrtng ;4oj-ment to the came home andi r to the depend-'j..en ' r. was presided ' - If M Daggett i ptaUhcaUon I ha. Labor Hoard had T.e to Prince Hu-. llATTI.i: OF NOUMANDV Canadians Fighting Hand-to-Hand With Nazis for Carpiquet Field-Americans Take Le Haye du Puts SUPREME HEADQUARTERS OF ALLIED f the board had EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, Julv 5 (CP) Cana-tu.doubtdi, "idiarw today foUcht hand-to-hand with the Germans Bulletins iscouti:d i tio.m ciiamiujc OTTAWA Llguori Larombc, only Canadian Party member in the House of Commons was named Tuesday night by the Speaker, Hon. J. A. Glen, and ernrled from the chamber following continued interruptions of a speech by Matlme Ilaymond of the Bloc Populate. Members adopted a mo tion barring Lacombe from the House for seven days. riiiNci: gkokgi: fikes PKINCi: GLOKGK The only major fire still raglnc In Northern British Columbia is re ported between Huby and Ol-sen Creeks north of Prince George. Minor fires have been reported in scattered areas through the district but all were said to be under control. i:isi;Mioni.H ovr.u ntovr LONDON Grnrral Risen-.hower flew over the Nail lines In Normandy on July 1, viewing the battle front. He was reported to have been pleased with what he saw. He flew in a formation of seven planes. CONDITION SATISFACTORY ; NEW WESTMINSTER Con- ; dition of Staff Sergeant Gal- i lighter, who received chest ' injuries in an accident on the , Pacific Highway near his farm I at Ijntlcy on Saturday, was reported today to be satisfac- lory. MACMILLAN'S DENIAL VANCOUVER H. K, MacMil- ' I Ian has denied statements of Tom Held, M. i In the House of Commons at Ottawa that his Interests held a monopoly of the timber Industry In British Columbia and obtained more than their share of steamship charters. Only four of eleven timber operations were his company's, Mr. Mac-Millan said, and his Interests held only 1-50 to l-?5 of the timber stands. Ills company was using only nine of 39 Park Steamship Co. vessels. Carnival Queen Standings Olive lluculak Eleanor Storseth Betty Grclg 46.000 45,000 35,000 The city fire truck slid off the road while on its way to answer a call at 194 Atlln Avenue last night, and bogged down In the muskeg a short distance west of the Wcstview bridge The fire was not serious, t Difficult To .Stand I In Savs t Adolf Hitler at the week-end HALIBUT SALES LONDON. July 5 O Chancellor Adolf Hitler. In hu second speech within a week today acknowledged that 'enormous courage and utrength of nerves are ncc- euary to stand up In these times," the Berlin radio an- nounccd today. "But we thall not capitulate before any difficulty." added the Fuehrer. - NAVY HUNTS HOLD-UP MAN The Roya! Canadian Navy was called by Alaska authorities to take part in a search for Willie Simpson. S3, Greenville native after he had allegedly attempt ed to hold up a cannery store at Hidden Inlet. Alaska, and stolen a boat to make a getaway ; The search ended on Sunday with Simpson s arrest at Quln amass Cove by B.C. Police Inspector Ernest Oammon who took part in a navy boat. Simp son is now lodged in the city Jail here A cannery employee Is believed which had bcnIOr LarpitjUCt air field oniV three miles to thewest!to have been Injured during the o' !of the heart of Caen while the British to the south SSid ;nlcn ,P4f" on eTutri repulsed tank attacks and the Americans entered Ixm commandeered the American seine boat Lillou to make his escape. Extradition proceedings are expected to begin at once. American Destiny. 13,000, 15c and 13 VxC, Whiz. Canadian (Celling prices. 18Vc and 16Vic I Cape Spencer. 22.000, Atlln. Arctic I. 25,000, Storage. ! Bessie Mac, 40,000, Bacon and ; Royal. " cape Spear. 21.000, Pacuic. Alean. 20,000, Booth. P. Dolron. 27,000, Storage. J. R.. 16,500, Storage. Torborg A.. 5,000, Bacon. Success. 4,500, Storage. Eighth Is d. a coast have advanced to the j outskirts of Roslgnano, less than 13 miles from Llvorno, headquarters announced to- day. REINFORCE LANDINGS Parachute Troops Being Placed on Netherlands New-Guinea Island ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NEW GUINEA. July 5 O Parachuting troops have reinforced the United States perimeter on Nocmfoor Island off Netherlands New Guinea where American landings were announced yesterday. The Island has no seaworthy approaches. Japanese positions east of captured Kamlrl airdrome are being liquidated with the help of tanks and troops advancing on two remaining Island air strips. Metlakatla Girl Dies Myra June Haldane, 11-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Oeorge Haldane, of Metlakatla, passed away on Tuesday in the Prince Rupert General Hospital after a brief Illness, The body and was put out by firemen is being sent today to Metlakat-who were given a lift In the city la where burial will take place police wagon. on Thursday, WAR NEWS j BRITISH SUBS SINK ENEMY i LONDON British submarines have sunk nine supply ships and damaged two others during recent patrols in Far Katttrn waters, the Admiralty announced today. JAP STRONGHOLD TAKEN KANDV The British have captured UkhruL Japanese stronghold north of Impahl, while United States forces in North Burma annihilated an enemy force attempting to penetrate the main air field at the Japanese base of Myitkyina. Three Japanese attacks around Myitkyina was repulsed with no important changes in the battle line. KIEL CANAL BLOCKED LONDON A section of Germany's Kiel Canal was blocked by. a low-flying mine-laying force of mosquitoes late jn May, effectively tying up the canal and stranding hundreds of tons of shipping at its Baltic end, the Canadian Tress learned today. Several Canadians flew with the precision force who sealed up a Urge portion of Germany's shipping a short time before D-Day. BOMBERS ARE BUSY LONDON British and Canadian bombers smashed at railroads troop concentrations and flying bomb nests in France last night while .mosquitoes hit Nazi fuel supplies by blasting a synthetic oil plant in the Kuhr. Twenty-seven planes were lost, nine of them Canadian. British heavies also struck at pilotless bomber 'bases of the Nazis while the robots came over Britain in fewer numbers last night. GARAPAN HAS BEEN TAKEN United States Forces Gradually Taking Complete Control of .Marianas PEARL HARBOR, July 5 0 United States forces, closing In on the Japanese defenders of Sarpan. have squeezed them into a narrow northern neck for a final battle for the strategic island in the Marianas group. The capital city of Garapan. principal administrative centre for the whole Island group, has been captured after being virtually razed, United States battleships having lobbed shells into jthe city which at one time had a population of ten thousand persons. United States Marines command dominating positions over the escape corridor to the north. moving Un Three Northern ROME. July 5 tt-The Brl- 1 A f li tlsh Eighth Army has drlv- AnTlY LaSUallieS en to within five miles of i the Important communlca- Two Prince George men and j tlons centre of Arezzo on the 'one from Dawson Creek are list-j road to Florence while the cd on the latest Canadian Army Americans on the west asualtv lists. Seriously wounded is Private Jack Price, who has been serving in an Alberta regiment. He is the son of Harry Edward Price, of Dawson Creek. Private Theodore Melvan Tos-off, son of Mrs. Glayds E. Tos-off, Prince George, Is lifted as having been wounded while serving with a British Columbia regiment. Listed as having been Injured is Private William Murdoch Hoff. son of Bcrgvln C. Holf, of Prince George. Private Hoff ha. been serving in a British Columbia regiment. Donations To Pioneers' Home Housewives' League $ 5.00 Belmont Hotel 50.00 Mrs. J. H. Payne 10.00 Mrs. Boyd 5.00 Mrs. Smith 5.00 Incognito 5.00 Judge Fisher 10.00 Mrs. K. Moen 10.00 Mrs. B. II. Boulet 5.00 A Friend 10.00! S. J. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Earl Becker Mrs. Greenreed Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Bartlett A Friend A Friend Mrs. O. Smith Mrs. Berner and Eric Macey's Confectionary Alex B, Stone Alex llalg Aid, T H Sorensen BABY DIES OF BURNS Phillip Peter Green, six weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Green, natives of Port Simp Local Tide Thursday, July 6 High 0:55 2Ii) feet 13:58 19.3 feet Low 7:41 12 feet 19::41 6.7 feet 65 SO 1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBJANEAVSFAPER XXXIII No. 156 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS miitr si'kaks bor u be Seen ui Russians Drive On Baltic States Charter .f tnnrrriallon to Ser . -- nftrr War Stressed paragraph of the , i .icr desire to tb: M:n fullest collab- br''C:. aU natioru in , Held with the ' - ,;.nj for aU 1m B- H L . -i-i J tandards. cconom: jjid social security w -3d of Edmonton Uie Western La ..(.- Jie keynote for f ibor after th-So he told a enri h waj tendered '-.loon to member beard following a Hi .ut ter, the ai- x. i individual was xp ; a. ? If the premise v i be u '..a'.cd The neces-it :xl- wi best exempli tt a i;ih:cs wnicn were 1 -M. Frontiers Of Latvia and Lithuania Are Being Approached By Reds Polotsk is 'Latest Nazi Stronghold to Fall Germans Appear Helpless to Halt Soviet Juggernaut I New Move in Finland LONDON, July 5 (CP) The Russians completed l capture ef Polotsk in White Russia after hours of hand-to-hand fighting, driving 35 miles west of previously announced positions and heading for the ancient Polish city of Wilno. Capture of Polotsk was announced Tuesday, night by Premier Joseph Stalin. fit Is a pivotal communication I Coast Outlet For Highway Is Imperative EDMONTON. July 5 "Construction of a coast ouUet to the Alaska High- way is imperative." said STATEMENT RESENTED I Special to Daily News) SMITH ERS. July 5 Fanners of the Bulkley VaJey fail to see the point in the poverty attributed to them by the Labor-Pro- j ereaMve candidate who recently a political campaign. Not many farmers in any district live it. affluence but the fanners of Northern British Columbia are son, died last night In the i probably not behind those of any prince Kupert General Hospital ; other district in annual earn-as a result of burns received i ings. They have their good years , wnen nis DaDy carnage caugnt ana tneir poor years, out the fire yesterday morning at the home of his foster mother. Mrs. Catherine Green, Sunnyside cannery. According to testimony given Bulkley Valley never sees a crop failure, and in good years some farmers do extremely welL It would seem that the great est poverty noticed by the Labor-; by Mrs. Katherine Green at a Progressive candidate was in the coroner's inquiry this morning, i attendance at his political meet- she had left the Infant In the care of her nine year old daughter, Phyllis, while she went to work at the cannery about 9:30. About 11 o'clock, Mrs. Green said, she was told that the baby had been burned. Rushing back to her home she found that the baby had been rescued by Mrs. Caspar Webster, who had been mending fishing nets nearby. Mrs. Green took the baby to the cannery office, where It was put in a boat and taken to Dr. Hopkinson at North Pacific cannery-There was a small wood fire in the stove when she left, but she believed It had gone out shortly afterward, Mrs. Green told the deputy coroner. The baby buggy and a stuffed chair which were ablaze when the baby was burned were removed a considerable distance from the stove and she thought It doubtful if the fire had come from the stove. She did not think her daughter, Phyllis, had been playing with gasoline. The child, who was taken to hospital here on the advice of Dr. Hopkinson, will be buried at POrt Simpson. YANKS SINK MORE SHIPS WASIIINGTON, D.fc.. July 5 (ft The American Navy yesterday reported the sinking of seventeen Japanese vessels, Including a light cruiser and destroyer, by American submarines. June Customs Receipts Up Customs receipts in Prince nn Rupert were $67,722.03 during. 'no 'June, and the year's total so far 50 i is $298,154.22. Last year $55537.-, k'qq 49 was taken In during June,, 5oa and the six-month total wa 5M $364,982.61. In May this year, 5 00 $52,996.94 was received. j ANOTHER WORD FOR PICNIC 25 qq 5 oo The annua: outing of English 500 printer and their apprentices is 10.00 called a waygoose ings. His meeting at Smithers brought him 15 listeners and other points throughout the district appear to have been in proportion. BASEBALL SCORES TUESDAY American League St. Louis 4 -3, Philadelphia 0-8. Detroit 4-4, Boston 3-7. Cleveland 3-7, New York 1-2. Chicago 0-3, Washington 2-2. National League New York 2-1, St. Louis 6-9. Brooklyn 2-1. Cincinnati 6-2. Philadelphia 3-0, Pittsburgh 2-4. Boston 1-2, Chicago 7-4. International League Jersey City 5-2, Newark 6-8. Toronto 8-0. Buffalo 14-4. Syracuse at Baltimore double header postponed. Montreal 3-4, Rochester 2-3. American Association Minneapolis 0-5, St Paul 2-12. Milwaukee 11-3, Kansas City 7-1. Toledo 5-4, Columbus 3-6. Louisville 15-5, Indianapolis 8-3. Coast League Los Angeles 5-3, Hollywood 6-0. Oakland 9-1, San Francisco 2- 0. Seattle 3. Portland 1. San Diego 2-1, Sacramento 3- 2. TO VISIT OTTAWA OTTAWA, July 5 General Dc Gaulle will visit Ottawa In about two weeks' time. Prime Minister King announced yes- centre of much Importance east of the Latvian border. Today it was announced the Russians had captured 300 more places' one of which was the district centre of Myeri within 10 miles of the Latvian border. Two huge Russian armies, advancing rapidly today upon the Baltic republics of Latvia and Lithuania, are moving at such a pace that one or both of them may reach the IronUers of the Tlll Clot within fh... . it : Maitland ,Kh of nrH.ul British Colum- iJr Vtmr .u,i dy- .,k- Germans appear bla here yesterday. I pushes. wcanwuue aioctnoira reports that the Russians have begun a large scale landing operation on the northern shores of VU-puri Bay In southern Finland in a apparent attempt to establish a bridgehead behind the Finnish lines. A Finnish communique was reported to have said this Wednesday. Hengyang By-Passed Japanese Are Again Using Gas Against Chinese in Fighting in Honan Province CHUNGKING, July 5 (CP) The Chinese said yesterday that heavily reinforced Japanese, charging behind mustard gas and artiillery fire, assaulted Chinese positions in Hengyang but failed to budge the defenders of the be lea -gured rail centre on the Canton-Hankow Railway in Honan Province. The Japanese, who by-passed Hengyang on the east side, are reported to be south of the city, making progress in a drive to seize the entire Hankow-Canton railway route acress China. Yesterday the Chinese were being hurled against a strong enemy spearhead which stabbed 46 miles south of encircled Hengyang and bloody fighting was raging in the area. The Japanese force had swung to the southwest from the outskirts of Anjen, 38 miles southeast of Hengyang. RAIDING ISLANDS United States Carrier Planes Sink Jap Ships and Fire Installations in Bonin Group PEARL HARBOR, July 5 0!-Unlted States carrier planes sank five Japanese ships, damaged several others, fired harbor Installations and warehouses' and destroyed 25 enemy planes In a raid on Iwojlma and Hahajlma islands In the Bonln Island group. Cruisers shelled Iwojlma and rockets were used by carrier? I in concerted attack on the two terday. He will make a public islands, appearance on the parliament Landings are not reported on grounds. either. Carnival Attraction Flower Show -July 13-14 A Copy of the Prize List can be had for the asking at Daily News, Evening Empire, Vance's Flower Shop, Prince Rupert Florists or Ormes Ltd.