PAGE-TWO The Daily News Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. : Third Arenue Qk A HUNTER Managing Editor Christmas Cards From our wide selection of fine quality cards, distinctive designs and many messages you'll have no difficulty at all in choosing your way of saying MERRY CHRISTMAS to your friends. Buy Nowl PRINCE RUPERT . . . BRITISH COLUMBIA. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week .. .15 Per Month 65 Per Year $7.00 By Mail, per month .t .40 Per Year - $4 00 DAILY EDITION . . . Saturday, November 18, 1944 Demobilization of Airmen ... With thousands of men coming out of the Royal Canadian Air Force as operation of the Commonwealth Air Training Plan in Canada ceases, the problems of rehabilitation in civilian life of men demobilized from the services will be increasing although thw. :.. be nothing yet compared with those that wi.irLt oouu aiier me war is over. The demobilization of men from the Air Froce will mean that some will be coming back to take over their old jobs, . find. new ones which they may like better, establish! themselves in business or industry. Of course, the problems of employment will not be great as yet while' there is still a manpower shortage but it re minds us that the time is ripe for us all to get down ' seriously to considering the question of post-war rehabilitation for they will affect most everyone. Seas Free Again . . . The German Navy has been once again, as it was in World War I, eliminated as a force in a world conflict. The major surface craft of the Reich are out of business, the sinking a few days ago of the battleship Tirpitz in a Norwegian fjord having been the final blow. The submarine menace may or may not be over but the virtual absence of U-boats from- the Atlantic for these past few months appears at least significant. The mopping up of the German Navy is making possible more daring exploits for the Allied navies as, the freedom of the seas for our side becomes once ! more established. J It is gratifying that the improvement in the war j at sea is not confined to the Atlantic but. may be i observed to a lesser extent on the Pacific. Of course, we, still have a job of work to do on the western .ocean but there is every indication that we will soon be getting around to that in a big way. It is easy to forsesee the day when Japan's position will be deteriorating as rapidly as is that of Germany today. Other Side of the Case . . . Correspondents and speakers on behalf of the cooperatives have endeavoured to show the fairness of retaining the present exemption which they enjoy from income and excess profits taxes which private enterprises have to pay. G. S. Thorvaldson, K.C., M.L. A. of Winnipeg, has made a statement which presents the case for private business in opposing the exemption of co-operatives, mutuals and government enterprises from these taxes. Canada is losing well over $100,000,000 a year through discriminatory tax exemptions which favor co-operatiyeg, mutuals and government business enterprises, says Mr. Thorvaldson, while private enterprise has to meet its tax obligations. Under the present tax system which permits tax exemptions, many businesses in Canada and their earnings run into millions of dollars are not bearing their fair share of Canada's war burden. Some of these businesses will emerge after the war with huge surpluses built up out of tax earnings at a time when their competitors were taxed to the hilt, a situation which will enable them to retain enormous advantage over their" tax-Davine- comrietitors in thp m. petitive world of the future. In Great Britain, according to Thorvaldson, cooperatives bear a similar share of the tax burden as other forms of business while in most European countries co-operatives pay the same share of operating the state as other business. Thorvaldson asks : "Can the Dominion afford such a loss, of revenue and yet finance the war and all its postwar schemes, including additional social services, assistance to agriculture in the way of floor prices and subsidies as well as the major task of providing adequate pension and rehabilitating our men as they return from overseas?" It doesn't pay to get too conceited. After . all, a pat on the back is only a few inches above a kick in the pants. If r www Dibb Printing Company BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE TransCanada Went Well Over Top . WINNIPEG, Nov. 18 Trans-Canada Air Lines employees went over the top in the Seventh Victory Loan drive with 98 per cent of the employees subscrib ing 113 percent of their quota, final figures issued by P. W. Baldwin, chairman of the system Victory Loan committee revealed today. A total of $340,000 was subscribed $40,000 oveT the quota. Per capita sales totalled ,$121.47 compared with a per capita objective of $10556. r r n n Radio Dial IF f it 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to, change) SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Sound off 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Lower Basin Street 5:00 All Time Hit Parade 5:30 Sports Roundup 5:45 At Eas3 6:00-r-N.H.L. Hockey 7:30 Organ Music 8:00 U.B.C. Radio Workshop 8:30 Dunniger 9:00 National Barn Dance 9 :3C Jubilee 10:0ft r,BG News 10:15 Lionel Hampton's Orch. lurau Saturday Night Seranade 11:00 Silent SUNDAY A.M. 10:00 Music for Sunday 1C:30 Sammy Kaye 11:03 New York Philharmonic Orchestra KM. 12:00 Music We Love 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Hymns from Home 1:00 Andre Kostelaneiz 1 :30 It Pays to be Ignorant 2:00 NBC Symphony 3:00 James Melton 3:30 Family Hour 4 :C0 Duffy's Tavern 4:30 -Village Store 5:00 Charlie McCarthy 5:30 Hour of Charm 6:00 Mystery Playhouse 6:30 USO Program 7:00 CBC News 7:15 W. Brockington 7:30 Bach Concertos 8:00 The Choristers 8:30 Sunday Concert 9:00 Command Performance 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Yarns 10:30 Silent MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9 :3J Recorded 10:00 Mirror for Women 10:15 Johnny Mercer 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Showtime 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:33 Message Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:45 Rajmond Scott PJlI. 12:00 Xavier Cugat 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 To be announced 1:30 Working Together in Tukwillia Valley 2:00 Silent RURAL HEALTH UNITS NICOSIA, fi As a first sten in the establishment of riir.ii FIRST OVERSEAS AIR UNIT I The first R.C.A.F. unit sent overseas was an army co-opera- Acoutti Board Lath Hoard Fibre Hoard Hard hoards in open iorm tnougn under a secret pretex. Reinforcement through conscription of our front lines in Europe sounds urgent. But is the reinforcement question a presented by the, Hon. Mr.,Ral-ston the true purpose of this drive against Mackenzie King? I say it is but the continuation and development of a conspiracy hatched in he camp of big shot reactionists, now aided and abetted by all organized opponents Hp-Mackenzie Kin? plus the right wing Liberals who are now ana have been acting as quislings Are we to forcibly send our boys In an effort to form an alliance to Cnlna to realn that country with the forces of reaction, now ' for the Chinese? I consider the led by John Bracken in the name i Chinese are quite capable, a of free enterprise and conscrip- I the Hussns were, If provided tlon. : !wlttl a supply of food and Not since the time th sltenl I war equipment, to free their own work of Donald Smith wrecked lsoil from the invaders lndepend-the ftovernment of Sir John' A. ! ently of our boys- 1 am willing MacDonald and Alexander Mac- I to do rlBht now to the extent Kenzie both within. a period olnt my bllltv The rest I leav-thre? years In the early days ,to tne discretion of Mackenzie of Confederation and .the build- Klng and 0en- McNaughton. But in? of the C.PJt., have Caha- Jiever wlu 1 say mey mav- lue hpalt.h unite In rim,i i . . ' -.- , ... vjjua, uwu ux a;ans Den conironteu with a the island's medical officers have deeper hid conspiracy. TheHn-left for Ceylon in order to study I ner slogan Is "Eliminate King at first hand the system of rural as premier, nothing else mat-health units operating since ters " - .. . i While I THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY ft THIS AND THAT ' ' '''' "She seals all my letters." consider no man Jn dlrpenslble, I also take the dp nortunltv to defend the lnte THE ACETEX LINE . Brick Siding Atphalt Shingles F 1 b r e e u Waterproofing Holl Hoofing Plastl-Seal Uulldlog Papers Cra. o o t Manufactured and Dlitrlbuted by CANADA ROOF PRODUCTS LTD. MACKENZIE KING THE CRISIS AND man not only in Canada but on the American continent. Editor, Daily News: 1x0,1 a tne internal affairs of There is one privilege mankind 03113(13 today a compared wits, insists on. That is the right to the last war and ask yourself to crucify its saviours. That right ex?laln the difference. The dit-appears to be asserting itself in i ference 1 this. In the last war the political crisis at Ottawa al- we had a lawver a the whee.. though all thinking people coula 71115 war we have an economist, see it coming to a. head for a wno does not fol,ow every wild long time. The forces of reaction. soose tra11 that lves scent-IIe ls with that quarter million doi , the handy man of those who lar fund exposed earlier' in- th I wcuItl llke to use him-year by Hon. Ian Mackenzie- ana In the matter of conscription Harold Winch, has borne fruit in 1 &ave my consent in the refer- a biz wav and now reveals Itself enaum or toe government to en enforcement of conscription in this country to fight on any front tarries a larfee question mark. We are committed to a war not only In Europe but also In Asia. China boasts of a population of four or five hundred million against our 11 million rpnscnption n not necessary. GEO. B. CASEY. SUNDAY MECTINC.S Editor, Dall:- K-ws: May I have space In your pap er to refer to an announcement rity and outstanding ability of I l-n -vour lss.ue of yesterday that etln wl11 be Mackenzie King. In the niatte! -F' h,f'd At - r . . , . . ii, , , .1 , , in nan unu wnicn reacneu England youucai economy anu "econ- lprinCe Rupert at 8 o'clock? I in r truruary, iiu. i omtcs he stands second to III t DESIGNED it in FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING ACE-TEX FIBRE BOARD The plans of. today's home-builders centre around thoughts of a modern, comfortable, economically operated home. Ace-Tex Insulating Fibre Board provides effective insulation, quiets noise, and is ideal for converting waste epace into attractive, livable rooms. S your Act -Tex Dealer no am specially concerned about this because of my own action In such matters. Years ago I acted as chairman of a political ' meeting hekl In the city of Sas-i katchewan on a Sunday evening. It war at the tlm when Mr. jColiiwell was struggling to hU I feet politically. An unsympath-i etic school board In Reglna was not helping him to get his political ideas before the public and It was difficult for him to arrange for a meeting in Saskatchewan at any other time. For act ing as chairman of his meeting. on a Sunday evening I was rath-j?r ??verely criticised but I defended myself by saying that I believed a courteous, sane discussion of national problems was i quite in place on a Sunday eve-nlng. I am still of the same opinion. But that Saskatoon meeting was held at 9 o'clock. In this there was a frank recognition of i the n'ace of the church In the life of the community and nation. Care was taken not to Interfere with the long established hour? of church worship. I am sorry to see that no such care is exercLsed by the local C.CF. I quite understand that there are mtr.fjers of the C.C.F. who consider the church an effete in stitution and who rather glory I in shewing their Indifference If ,not their antagonism In regard to it. Holding a public meeting on Sunday evening at 8 o'clock Is one way of doing this. It ls a short-sighted policy, The church has many weaknesses. It ls fairly TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver B. R. Con. .12 Bralorne 14.25 Cariboo Gold Quartz 2.05 Hedley Mascot .82 Pend Oreille 1 JO Pioneer 4.20 Premier 1.22 Privateer .39 Reno .05 '4 Reeves McDonald .22 Sheep Creek 1.08 . Whitewater .032 Minto 07 Salmon Oold .061;, Oils Calmont .22 C. & E. 1.72 Heme 2.90 Royal Canadian . .03 Toronto Beattie 1.80 Central Pat. 2.18 Cons. Smr iters 50. Olant Yellowknlfe 7.90 Hardrock .88 Kerr Addison 11.50 Little Long Lac 1.30 Madsen Red Lake 2.30 McLeod Cockshutt 2.85 MacKenzle R?d Lake 1.55 Moneta J5l Pickle Crow 2.80 Preston Fast Dome 2.47 San Antonio 4'00 Sherrltt Oordon .70 Steep Rock 2.70 Queentton 1.05 NORWAY'S BIOOEST Glomen, the principal river In Norway, ls 400 miles long. open to much criticism. But It still remains the greatest generator of moral ea rives t nets that there ls In the life of the nation. And It is on moral earnestness that such movements as the C.C.F. must depend If they are to do lasting good. Mu:h of the C.C.F. support comes from church leaders. I, for one, appreciate their courageous stand with regard to force conscTiDtion if in its onln- -anaan aniens or Japanese ion it became necessary. That a"?ft7 lhe '"hurches. '"ink, without exception take the same consent stands in Ottawa now and ls In the hands of Oenerai !sf.and: W,iy then thls ""nz of McNaughton who says ln!fnr c,lurcn on me Parl 01 ine agreement with Premier Kin? that It Is not necessary to use It. That is good enough for me. The local C.CP. leaders? I wrote Mr. iColdwell some time a?o and hav his assurance that he Is not In sympathy with It. J. A. DO.VNELL. ASTHMA Uoni Gup tor Ureufk C Sold on Mt,nv tSach Cuaruutrv! ORME-S Ltd. Corner of 6th and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, tleorge Lum Specializing in Lunches Chow Ale in Chop Suey From II a.m. to 3 a.m. Opposite Sunrise Grocery Delmore Frozen" Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, 8trawberrles, Sliced Peaches Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON at f SHOES for Fall Wear... Lovely shoe In open heel and open toe in cuban and spike are now being presented to you by Just Arrived WOMEN'S AND CIIILIIK.YS Paris Maid Slippers . MEN'S CUT RATE SHOE STORE Across From Orme, Drn, gj Footguard u CI i louse onoes FAMILY SHOE STORE 11 "The Home of Good Shoes" MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STQK "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" We have a complete variety of avaubl Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetate Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three ton 1 4 (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday. ! Opposite Canadian Legion Furniture - h HARDWARE mill OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ODD TABLES HOPE CHESTS TOYS " i"JL k " I GORDON UNDER