I i PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Aftem&on Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited; Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION Monday, June 1, 1944. Case For Chartered Banks . . . Facts adduced and discussion in the House of Commons incident to the decennial revision of the Bank Act tend to show to the public that operating a cliartered bank in Canada is not as profitable as it used to be. The chartered banks, it is suggested, are being squeezed from below and above government policy has removed some sources of revenue, and higher operating costs, mainly taxes, have reduced profits. Most people view with equanimity the fact that I the chartered banks are now to some extent living on fat acquired in past decades. It has been suggested on behalf of the chartered banks that, before the depositors join in the derisive cheers which would accompany the spectacle of a banker on a mere subsistence diet, they might pause to note their own loss by way of lower interest on savings, and their greater expense because of charges for servicing accounts. The policy of such easy credit sent interest rates down and down, with the result that the interest now paid on deposits hardly impresses even a tax collector. The shifting of the note-issue privilege .from the commercial banks to the government een- 'in the past, there has been a real rivalry between the two, and there still is forthright competition between fthe various banks whose head offices are in ten different buildings in those two cities. The Bank of 'Canada head office is in one building. The real post-war problem is to get people to .spend wisely, sensibly, just as now the problem is to get them to spend only what they need to spend. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Have You Ordered Next Winter's Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! PLACE YOUU ORDER TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 j A lowly British football crab with a five-figure- debt created j.a sensation In this tilth year MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS ,of war by signing a 61-year-old The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use lor publics- ! football manager at a cabinet tlon of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated ; minister's salarv Nottingham Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. 3." tlo,tiL fm, in CountT- spying faith In 9n an All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. I unparalleled post-war surge i .towards sport entertainment made the first move to better itself by obtaining the services of Ma). Frank Buckley at an e-Umated salary of $18,000 a year probably the highest ever paid a soccer manager. The most-talked of faotbaQ deal In years transferred Buckley, wiio has staged maze outstanding foot- THE DAILY NXVTS activities or Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (By Dorothy Garbutt) 1 Nothing pleased me quie. soj I much this week as U hear that j two of our very old friends at , the 'V Buster Vien and Ron-1 ine Mason are now wearing the ' " u L - . I - - 1 M l There were some pretty disappointed lads and lassies one night last week when they were tackle a Job he ahray relished turned fnm tnUn (In attempting to guide Notts County to the post-war First Division. If ever I leave Wolverhamp ton," he once said. "It wW be to start at the bottom again with a dub with ambitions and the money to pay for them." One-time $l8-a-week footbatt- cause of trouble up the line. 1 1 suppose eventually they will CVd Time Dances at the Em Dreas are cettlne so DODular and I . abroad In the services, be has ;are right In Rupert. This is the relied almost enUrely on youn-j first time. In spite of news-sters for Wolverhampton, which paper reports that Breen and uurmg me inter maur uiuj a . i wouia aamn to ourselves me mediocre showing In the war-j possibility of the new Y build-time 5-team League North. fjng: stubborn, weren't we? ' Buckley once attempted t j r proaucc oiggr ana oeuer players through administration of "gland capsules." The treat- ment, however, failed to win what some fans caCed the "Gland Final" of 1939 when Portsmouth trimmed the Wolves 4-1 at Wembley. Buckley rose t n mana vrtot rtiitlM f rr.m tVlP evident tomorrow the Jcb will be com. tendency toward an even ereater central-.canoed in 1914 as centre-half Ration of financial control in Ottawi. If, as charged! England against -fliTiiSi MOn the radicals who WOUld impose even further Cen-i ??!?.i!a"?. ZI Federal Minister of Fisheries tTVfJ I7!ilinn "innln 1 i l i , , , . niw iu lira kiui at i. , ' i.wuuw auu iuunwieai nave naa control Blackpool for four years Norwich City one season. ' through the purchase of war savings certificates surpassed their objective of $25,000 to supply a Hurricane fighter plane named after the city of Sault Ste. Marie. The presentation wu mart hv Rniiartrnn Iartr j. M. MacDonald of North Bay. Mayor W. J. McMeeken and other donatories were In New federal building regulations which provides for loans of $5,000 for new homes are expected to result 1 nquite a flllup of residential construction In Sault Ste. Marie. Whifflefs From The Waterfront The Indian Department power cruiser Naskeena has been at a complete annual overhaul By Bertrand has announced ar- whereby 15,800.000 pounds from Canada's 1944 production, of canned flake fish, mackerel. Cfifi Clir kinTrC herrln and sardines Is to. be JVJU-jUI nU I LJ (acquired by United Nations re- 4 4 lief agencies for use In terrltor- The presentation took place les freed from Axis control. Uer- a lew nignts(ago oi a Koyai Canadian Air Force plaque to the eighteen schools of SauK Ste. Marie, the students of which ring will be the main purchase from British Columbia. is mr. siTKEMir roiKT or HHITI1H rilLt MHlt in mount: IV Tilt: MATT IK or THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" mu4 IN Tilt MATTEH ir TUK t.HTATK OI' MIL Mr NAM, M.ITAXID TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hlfl Honor. W. E. Pbihrr, mul on' the 13th day oi June. AO. 1U44. I wu Bpiiolawd Administrator ol th EstaU of NeU McNab, drcaMKl. and all parttva havluif claims against the said eatat art hereby required to furnish aame, property verified, to me on or about tba l&Ut day of Julr. A D. 18i4. and aU partlea In debted to the EstaU an required to pay the amount or their indebted-ness to me forthwith. DATED at Talegraph Creek. B.C., thl 14th day or jun. A.u . 1944. "ALBERT E. RODD13," Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek, B.C. TERRACE When you think of Terrace, you think of a vacation as It Is one of the beauty spots of the North, with Its grand Lakelse Lake which needs no Introduction, for It In known far and wide for Its hot springs, its scenic beauty and Its friendliness, Just the spot you've been looking for for that fishing trip or a nice quiet restl There are boats to rent and a few cabins available and Mr. Brookes of the Skeena Motor Transport will be only too glad to assist you In any way to make your trip an enjoyable one. Special Week-end Kales for Groups of Fifteen and Over. $1.59 IUch Ueturn. Uagtage Free Write for reservations and we will meet Saturday night's train and take you to the lake and return you In tune for Sunday night's train. The Bent in Transportation for Lena Comfortable Roadmaster Bulck TaxL Twenty-one Passenger Bus, Trucking and Transfer of all kinds. SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT P.O. Box 101 Terrace, B.C. NAVY HITTING IN SOFTALL Some Interesting Fart Brouglit to Utht tly Writer Haverstock ; little round QS. badge. I ami Some interesting facts told that those initials stand for 1 usually brought to light wrr, ornr n u jvu asc analyzing an atMeWc m T tKlftV tKatf Mn)k .MJ iui uuu wit j i iMAihj for "Good Soldier." Many of the girls and boys have been asking why we have had no Winnipeg papers In the paper racks when all the other clUes seem to be represented. So I tackled Breen who has the ordering of the papers and he tells me that there was some ball transfers than any other l mix-up In the addressing of the manager, from the richest club papers. It seems they were send-in Britain Wolverhampton lng jUSt to Breen Melvtn, Prince Wanderers - to a team which, Rupert, with no YMCA by-line in the last peacetime season fin-: attached so they were all going ished halfway down the Third , back again marked InsufficlenUy Division table. .addressed. So nrettv soon it wiE Buckley, who signed with Notts Un fUcKl nP and ihc 8 after, according to a Wolver- ti iTioune ana tree press will hampton statement "earnest !& gladdening our lives. rand persistent requests for release" from a life contract at ran annual salary of $6,750, will uy iuc ijuujiu is a loan on wnicii irie uaim pays in- une 01 nis oiggesi iran-acuons ! - - - wgaA c. This aukta In former days, too, Canada had 1,000 or l.Sf'SoM oi the -ronT irhan4"e to et hu around more branches than at nresenL Risinir posts mused .. v. " a rlrl instead of sUnglng her their closing. Perhaps good roads and motor carsisought to develop talent rather made some of these branches superfluous. But lower interest on loans and the restriction of the note-issue privilege was an undoubted factor which may have left some communities without a needed bank, and tended to concentrate banking facilities in larger centres. Government policy may have been right, in the main, but the thoughtful would like to see the small communities have all the seeds for well-rounded growth. A braneh bank or, better still branches of two competing banks are essential seeds. Of course the reason the note-issue privilege was curtailed and now is to be removed is that the Bank of Canada wanted the note-issue privilege itselfa non-interest-bearing loan from the public. By 1950 the Bank of Canada and the impecunious ,personal friend are the two permanent institutions tin the nation whJpn will cVn '; The public mieht note and nossiblv ihik veJL than purchase the ready-made article. During the war. with many first - string footballers half way across the room in the a proved Jitterbug fashion. It's true at last the contractors for the new Y building Of 17 has used so far tMa art clutfs; record and. In this regard, the Navy Softball team f II MCA , "Chatham" is no exception. Through the efforts of Writer . Max Haverstock. outfielder of the Navy squad, the team's bat- I ting averages are right at hand. 1 In lour games played to date, the entire team has nude 36 j bits for a swat mark of J 24 while the highest Individual average by a player who appealed In all four tilts was made by Stoker BUI Barker with 418 The Navy nine has averaged C75 runs a game to the opposition's AIA, and in hitting pasted a record of 9.5 a tut. The batting marks of players who appeared in two engmte-ments or more, foliow: Kcbiansky, c. ... Oreen, 2b. Brnokman. lb. Barker, ss. go on furlough but It's tough to (Cross. P-cf be disappointed when one Is j Makarsky, 2b. young. Haverstock. If Horner. 2b Astle. rl O. AB.H S 8 9 14 8 16 14 8 11 IVt .600 .500 .44 4M Xif 212 .250 .181 so many of the service people In Ptuhln- WrtlM" ,w Cnm are becoming convrrsant with" inwiu er. Buckley during his 18 years I victories against one defeat management of Wanderers , V'.V,' . Plavers who have anesred tral banks has COSt the commercial banks a pretty jtrought the club from otaeujltyi othfTdan(.M m thlon game ineiude Carlisle, e penny. A noie ISSUe 01 $IU,UUU,UUU was a loan Irom.r , ' t"'r,'7, VL h thP arng on them at the Ac- the public without interest A 'deposit of $10,000,000 Tt T''jST t... i,.. i.u - vi' 1 i ... ... ...vt.i. ,i. ii. i i i i I f .T . . .. . . .; , itherre they're m as Mvehr Mvehr as as mterbue ittterbue- c Ajrxaoaer. ei., mm Pearee. taU CFPR 124 KItocyclei SCHLDULK MOMMY r-M. 4:00 Round Oft 4:-a. I. Jive 4: Canfornra Melodies V.OO Peter and the pygmies 5:1 Canadian Yarn $:SO Personal Album 3:41 Mekxly Round-up 0:00 CBC ftewa 6:08 Itecorded Interlude 0:11-Ar You a Oeniua? O N Serenade In Rhythm 8 4-Ann Watt 7 U0- School for Parents 7 15- Front Line Family 7 30 Music from the Pacific 8.00 Mitt4e from America 8 30- CUR Singers 9 00 Hit Parade 9: 90 Waits Time 10 00 CUC New 10:09 Reeorded Interlude 10 15-rYaru far Yanks lo 30- Great Musk 10:45 Band Wfm 11:00 -Closing auywirvemtnt JVKSU AY JU. 7:30 Musleal Clock 7:45CUC News 7 50Mucal Clock 8.30 Morntntc Devotions 8:43 81nftnc Btrlnu 9:00 Mafilufj Mrrrick 9:15-Nebon Eddy 9.30 CBC News 9:3 TranscrhVd VarleUes 18:60 Metedy Time I0:30-Difk Ttdd I0 4i-Tby TeU M 11:00 SeaMiinaviad Melodlea 11:15 Broadcast of Meatagea ll:17-Heevirded lntrlude ll:4S-Dkk LeIVrt P-M. If :0 March Time 13:30-snolMlH Rands U:45-CBC New 12:59-Keefded l OO-Otw mfht Stand 1:30 Hit Parade 2:60--Uent Tto lesBttr, a neetunut prow Let's cut the baptist Y.P. Hears Speech ' i ! A discourse by Samuel Oert- slnter, the theme of whkh was drawn frjm the nineteenth chater of the book of f4t Luke was the damiaaat feature of the rcnalar weekly meeting of the Haptkft Ycwnc People's jUnton. hW in the Sunday ',hwl room of the First Bap-ti't Churrh Friday nlaht. The speaker baaed his talk on the verse: Chrtat saved othr and himself he could not save." Following the speech by Mr Oretslnier. a vocal duet. "Have You Counted the Ooatr was fang by Mrs. W. W. SUverthorn and Mrs Grrtatner Corporal Alrto Voung led the ntettng vhieii was attended by about 31 mttnbefa. Next week's meeting will feature a mtMtanary dialogue by Mlaa Gladys Oarrall and Mrs. Oretatafer and sonic by a male quartet. Col. E J Ryan, after a brief business visit to the city, retained Saturday night to his home in Vancouver Barr & Anderson li m mn finmblng and Heating Automalle Spcinlillnf and Cast Slwkert Corner 3nd Ave and 4 th 81. Jar in African JUBgW. U about I Phone Bed 39 aueieies um Navy tcasnrtne sar K a mbf lax a ad lu PJO Box 1294 n to fin National imZ? Fjton's. W NATIONAL Mov, - - """IT WEST END CAF (Chop Suy Hous, SATURDAY. MAY Completely Kt 3rd A, H'nt u u ill a ar I1IVV Rl IT A m nil I N HOTR A IIa. a . Kates lie i 50 nooms. Hot and a, Water rlnce Rupert. Bt Pbonr laf p o. fen iul ncv rir a a a r m m mm IUL VIA i ur kJM i - a ., CHOP St'EY CHOW MFJN Openlnt Hourr 3 pm to J tm. Znd Arenue (Acrou r. Prince Kuprrt M Phone 1TJ . ' So you know a secret ! . . . f So you've come across some vital information! . y ' S vou know about the movement of ships, planes? men or goods I . . . Don't crow about itl . . . A secret told is no longer a secret! It's a weapon in the hands of the enemy. OUR ENEMIES ARE EVERYWHERE t THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO., LTD. NtW WtSTMINSTtlt ' M IMTISH COtUMSIA