JUNE 19. 81.75 $2.45 He . r.lTTS. all wool. Oood :? rizes 38 to 44. Clear- 22.50 Mn's COTTON DRESS PANTS. Oood for summer wr All sizes. CO We-J mad JO.OU Men's ALL WOOL TOP COATS. Oood sizes Clear- tbeiow 12.95 cost. From j Mens RAIN COATS. All sites. Fawn and Oreen Tweed Tops. 86.95 at Boys' LONO PANTS. Oood tailored. Sizes CI 24 to 34. Now Uoys' PULLOVER SWEATERS. Special price "gQ now B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. IWta, CUM,!, IMP I'OUMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UMI.K NEW MANAGEMENT OF VV. MCK ur Shop, plnr Tour should include a vUlt by -j Hutcher uuw;iier n Shop wuerc I -- Ul ' bundant "PPly of the 3 ;.i AKtZfL A FULL BIN IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF A WARM HOME NEXT WINTER rVstcrn Canada depends on coal mined in the West Western mines must be kept working. You can help by seeing your dealer today; Order next winter's coal supply NOW well In advance of your actual needs: GOVERNMENT PLAN MAKES BUYING EASY To encourage early buying, the Goternment-sponsorcd Solid Fuel Credit Plan has again been arranged for your cowenience. Vou can buy now ... on a monthly payment basis. Aik your dealtr or banker for dctaiii i i 1 1 i sssssi m sssssi in - - - nni ArU Akin CAVCI DU 7 vJT nnu jhtui t A VHZS3 PANTS ' le'y W'H fmnhed Wooi Tweeds and Xt Ali 'He Prim ! $4.95 S6.75 Ut rOTTON SHORTS for i,-s...cr wear Suse 30 50c BUXKETS, ail wool Col-f nnd white Best f. " Prnrct at C" Mr Re K. Mr- : $6.75 DRESS SOX Good Irong Sum- Qflp 0X cipht. Now wool SWEATERS. d shades Puliovpr.i $2 50. S1.95 Dnrss SHIRTS. n'.'Wrtcd colors. all Men- Sharkskin WIND-BREAKERS. Fuli tippers. Spoiai price. S3.95 S4.95 Men's WORK PANTS. Good make. All sizes. Reg. S2.50 - Men's Strong WORK SHIRTS. QCtp 3DC Now at -.- Children's SHOES for Dress. Straps and laee styles. All leather. Sizes 10 to 2. Clearing at $1.95 10 $2.95 choicest cuts rr Meat. feJZF Fresh Fruit Kfm and Vege- tames in .anenn from lH5 - -r nirn 1 ' 1 fTT Iw"1 arrlvln5 4-4 j by each boat. i TT-1 I Complete line oi groceries. ALL PRICE!) FOB ECONOMY HEME! MtMeat... JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR 0ur Coffre , Top PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein flwTnTIo Bm" Hours -W H AMBIT SALES American At ceiling price. 15c and 13lc J B. Edwardf. 55 "00. Booth. Pacific Pride, 58,000. Storage. Canadian At p.Utec ortee. 18&c and 164. M . . t j u MA Tl .Iran 1 sea jviaiu, gojw, .. Inverean III. 18.000. Storage. Sampo. 11.000. B.C. Packers. Oslo. 17.000. Storage. Domino IL 11.000. Whiz. Joe Baker. 10,000. Royal. Kalen, 15.000. AtHn. Oldfleld. 13,000. AUln. Rupert 4. 2.500, Royal. Relief. 18.000. Storage. R. W.. 10.000. Storage. Announcements Presbyterian tea at the home of Mrs. J. A. Tens. June 22. C.W.L. Delicatessen Tea. 3-6. Whist crlbbage and bridge at o'clock. K. of C. Hut, June 22. Valhalla Dance. June 23, Odd- fellows' Hall. 9:30 to 1:30. Whist Drive, Tune 26, 50c Oddfellows' Hall W. A. Canadian Legion Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, "'June 29. De Carlo's Orchestra. Coast Regiment Women's uxlllary Dance, Armory, July 1. Dominion Day Celebration, ort Esslngton. Saturday, July 1. Orange Ladles' Dance. July 7 Oddfellows' Hall: DeCarkVS Orchestra. Refreshments. Danc- ng 9:30-1:30 a m. We are specializing In the newesc NESTLE'S COLD WAVE Especially suitable for finer hair ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street, l'eggy Saunders J. M. S. Loubser D.C.. B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 American Couple Are Wedded Here William IL Brewer. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE I t William Francis Snyder, chief of the United States Army Transport Service here, and Mrs. Virginia Bishop, ehaul- (eurette with the American Army here, were quietly married at a ceremony In the parson age of First United Church Saturday evening with the pastor, Rev. James A. Donne 11, officiat ing. The groom came, here from. Douglas, Alaska, and Is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. William Fred erick Snyder. tUm hrMA u from Rvalue ana The witnesses were Robert Stewart Nechletch ana. Mrs. Hilda Wlshart. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Flight-Sergeant Jarvle (Hlck- 'ey MacLeod, writing to his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mac Leod, tells of Interesting visit to j Edinburgh Edinburgh where where he he met met and ana w Mrs. Macintosh, whose huSband, an early day Prince Rupert reporter who was known as "Wee Mac" and who Is now with the Canadian Pacific Railway publicity department In London, is ir cnarge oi a inauian j-siuu j- auxiliary service club in tain-turth Mrs. Wlison, the former F'orence Smith, has lived for years in Edinburgh. Mrs. Car-miehaers husband is a medi cal caJ officer oiucer oi of the me Royal noyat Army rt""itog Medical Corps. Hkkey. Judging i from bis letters, not xoou n on tn Edlabureh whenever he gets leave and it U suspected there I must be some special attraction 1 there. He also visited Aberdeen lately. Bill Hunter, having gone from one extreme or tne country w the other, has been long enough Un St. John's, Newfoundland, by now to become acclimatized. However, he has had the misfortune to spend some time in naval hospital but is back on his feet again and anxious U get going The odd time he sees a Prince Rupert boy going and coming through Newfle DANCE TUESDAY,. JUNE 20 ODDFELLOWS HALL r The Seal of Quality British Columbia's 2 Finest Salmon SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and W aypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose meeting, tomorrow I Capt and Mrs. 3. R. Ellort . right, 8 o'clock, Eagles Hall, left on Saturday night on a trip Initiation. Mrs. L. M, Asemkssen left Sat urday night for Vancouver for a holiday visit. Canadian Legion B.E.8.L. Executive Meeting tonight, at 8 p.m. Miss Joyce BraceweH of the i Post Office staff returned this morning from a holiday trip to 'Vancouver. For falling to take out a trade is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. licence for the last sir months f -1 ,tf - 1i T . 11 ' .ulu.fl period, Walter LongwilL plumber. was fined $2 by Magistrate w. D Vance m city police court Sat urday morning. W. J. Schaeffer and B. W Drummond, young men who have employed at the local. dry FOR SALE - Small house, twofren members rooms and bathroom. Some furniture. Centrally located. Phone Green 628. 145) With the Forces News of tUe Men and Women n Active Service (Contributions Welcome) dock and have been of the reserve unit here, left Saturday night for Vancouver to be Inducted Into the army. Lance Corporal M. Peal, who has been with the Royal Can adian Army Pay Corps onlce here for the past year or so. left on Saturday night's train for Kingston, Ontario, havlns been transferred there. Mrs. Peal and children will be remaining In the city for the time being at least. H. S. Meadows, former man- Qf NaUonal Teie- ;as entertained by former Prince . . .nttae from VTc- Rupert people. Including Mrs-1 torta renew his subscription to Macintosh, Mrs. Stan I Norman News Is enjoying life Wtoon and Mrs. Cannicnaei tine , where he now Bves in farmer nuaa w uson - aiuiiaj retirement. His main diver sion is gardening with which he appears to be having great suc cess. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Axel Lund will take place Tuesday. June 20 at 2:30 from the B.C. Undertakers. 2nd Street, Right Reverend Dean Oibson official- to Vancouver. C. E. Saunders of the Dry Dock left on Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Alvln Daly and children left Saturday night for Van couver enxoute to the urum-heHer district of Alberta on a visit. Miss Helen Lakle left on Sat urday night returning to Van couver after spending several weeks visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lakle. The smallest known flowering plant In the world is watcrmeal, measuring about 122 of an inch In diameter. Get MX the Yittmin yon need ami VITAMINS All t e o wd UVER CONCENTRATE Vitatyim MULTIPLE CAPSULES Don't be confused at to which Vitamin, to buy. When you Uke just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsule (one of the golden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins in your diet needed for nonnal health. Twenty-five day supply for $1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VtTA VIM UultlpU a Nysl Qh!itj PnduA, stU tah ' Njsl Drt Stores. ANNOUKCEMEUT Due to interrupted train service between Edmonton and Prince Rupert, the meetings which were to have been held by the Western Labor Board at the City Council Chamber, Prince Rupert, on June 19 and 20, have been postponed to July 3 and 4. Fishermen & Mariners We now have the Revised and. Enlarged Edition of The Hansen Handbook For Piloting Inland Waters of PUGET SOUND BRITISH COLUMBIA SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 723 8peU1hts on Bulitup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngling Free Estimates KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chluese Dkhes Chop Suey Chew Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street KYVOXO SANO IllNQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 618 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pjn. Tuesday.lO p.m. to 12 p m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 pm. Fhone Red 217 J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Green 995 it WANTED Experienced Truck Driver tot City Good Wages Apply Selective Service, AM132 CASUALAIRES... THE WORLD'S MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE LIGHT AS A FEATHER FLEXIBLE AS A WHIP WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE Priced $3.95 Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, Quality, drugs, the best of equipment ... As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown in us. May we continue to serve you. OrmesLtd. 356 JXoneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 aJn. till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pjn. and 7-9 pjo. ffingCoaL JImerrv wa old soul, mJndlmoke dtnovfi-om pole to pole Now is the time for all good men to come to Philpott, Evitt & Co. and order their winter supply of Coal. Don't wait too long and be sorry for the rest of the winter. Order your Coal now. FOOTHILLS LUMP, EGG and NUT. BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE G51 PHONE (32 RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co, Ltd. BRITISII COLUMBIA Place an Ad in The Daily News It Pays