PAOB TWO THE DAILY NEWS PIlINCE KUPERT, BRITISH COI.UMRIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunttay by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue O A HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION Wednesday. April 12. 1044 Olof Hanson Retires . . . Olof Hanson, M.P. fur Skeena. admits for the first time publicly his intention to retire from the membership at the conclusion of the present term which probably means next vear. Mr. Hanson's friends had known for some time that he intended to retire but there had been the hope that he Wight reconsider and be a candidate a.train at the next election. Of course, reconsideration is even now not beyond the realm of possibility but is extremely unlikely. Holder by many years plurality of the record Cot lonevitv of tenure as federal member for this district, Mr. Hanson ha. been Skeena's representative at Ottawa continuously for the fourteen years since the general election of 1990. Steady, industrious and conscientious to the interests of his ridinu and his constituent- collectively and individually. Mr. Hanson has become something of an epitome of good service and it w ill be quite a task to have to cast about to find a successor suitable and aide to carry on the work which to him and to us has become Hither an institution. The next Parliament of Canada will, no doubt, have the tasks and problems of the postwar reconstruction period to face. We have considered the ma.unitudinous job of the war Parliament the most important that any Parliament in Canada's history to date has had to face. The ponfcwar Parliament'-position will be of an even more important bearing on the destiny of the Dominion. It will, therefore, be a serious business, this matter of Skeena ridinjtr settine itself about the makinir of a new choice to succeed Mr. Hanson. We the voters of the ridintr will be " ishinir to see follow in his footsteps a person not only capable of representing the interests of this ridine but of appreciating and dealim with national and international matters which will command the qualities of statesmanship from the members each and every one of the next Parliament. So we are well justified in urtrine- upon the people even at this earlv date the advisability of considering the matters with no little earnestness. It is important that Skena and every other seat in Canada should have a irood and able member in the democratic vet all powerful body politic as constituted by the Parliament of a nation which war has brought to full stature in the communities of the world. So. in our anpreciation of Mr. Hanson and his .irood works and in expressing a feelino- of reine that he has evidently determined himself not to jarive us anothev onnortunitv of sending him as our renre-senti-i've to Ottawa, we must conioin in our related comment the suwestion that the choosirur of his successor is a matter of importance not only to our own community and ridine; but to the country as a whole. About all of which we shall, no doubt, be hearing considerable from now on. Chief Justice D. A. McDonald . . . Probably no justice of the Supreme Court of Brhish Columbia was better known in Prince Rupert than the late Hon. David A. McDonald, more recently Chief Justice of the Appeal Court of British Columbia, whose passing we recorded Tuesday. A comparatively voune- man when he first occupied the bench at the periodical sessions of Assize Courts in Prince Rupert, we bad seen the Chief Justice grow oldr and greyer but his wisdom, learnedness and sympathy as a jurist never became impaired. He was esteemed by all those who appeared before him in any capacity in the courts and to his friends he was known at a congenial companion and associate. His passing i to be regretted here as elsewhere in the province. ROLL YOUR OWNERS GO FOR OGDEN'S j l im n to "The Weird ( irclt ", weekly Radio mystery thriller CM Olden s I'layhouse. ga J Mnr local listings for day and hour. J ujuaujuiij i gii:ggigg ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y W.C. . i By DOROIHY OARBUTTi When the A: my Show opeiu Friday night you'll probaoly se. one of us from the Y Standing up in the audience, and puniliim towards the striae and savin" very loudly 1 hat belong i" Ml For tin jiro(M rty men h.iv' jusi been in and what they Iwvi n borrowed! Cushions, a desk, a settee the same settee which, f inured so prominently in Car! Clay's well known opus "The Bathroom Door" and a sporting picture which hang on the wall in the men's lounge. Oh well. if - .Hid lia alike TTTE DATT.V KIWI J: in this frame ano iinyUung w can do to help them is all to The nod. I ne by toe posters afetrr) H arrived about the Serv Shews from Vancouver that IhU boa is to be called "In The Groove" and, judging by the dit- liaj type, the stars of the show aie Romaine and'fiabcUe. The-r uv.i youiv: person- are an acrobatic '"am Strictly Canadian. have just re'urwd from i lour of Ameiican theatres and nighl clubs and their art Is out- tandlng. The eantoen Ls uetUng an elegant roof ou it. My friend. Mr. Sedgwick of Yorkshire and ; J r: - Ls putting it on. If- Colonial with Online overtones and just a touch of the rococco. What I mean is it makes the canteen look a- though it is a ! , on lis own instead ol jimt u partition in one coiner of the hall Little Lee Lauret was in to say good-bye to me. She ha.s been up hare with her mother and father since last July and Mat Haul ls d afted south and three moie friends will have Isf; us. Trie lAtirei.s were ureal Ulnso fans and never missed a Friday night. Lee was rath-enrful about leaving VSalty" and "Peppy" who have been her special pals since they were tlnv kittens She wonderim: if they would have to have their NAVY BOXING MASTER HERE 1. union Has Dual Duties H II Ml I ( h.ilhani Following the beat ot mu.. eal conductors baton require jus: us much .ileitness a bojUiut are rdm to Raadaman Ci rdoi tonflll out cause as soon as ever she gets to Vancouver .she has to li.ive hers out And tnen th say that childhood is the happiest tune of one's lift-' Who said that? Sullivan, ol the Royal Canadian Navy band here, who has had wide experience In both en-; denvours. Bandsman Sullivan, former resident of Mlmleo. Ontario, roi i )urli has taken par' In more than HO bouts and hai lost on., six lie recently became Interested In boxing Instruction a'. HMC8 Chatham Native of Vaidun, Quebtc, Sullivan - faihe was a daunmei .) the C.ienadlar Otiards band of Montreal for many .i! (I that is what Sullivan now pl iys Sullivan began his musical activities at an early g? on the picolo but he shelved this instrument when he was IKtUee,, nMesUd in fcJj menred trini Stockley. Toron- iS t, 3ulliln Cl'Ur rfgL, HnBIHflll'V Mfil gggES T - Ii;mB9l mm taniuuaiigbj i ne"d to kW 1 '"Sht In Manrh. Ta think about gt him Hr i, n boxing nriuitl a5 - fi sir 6-3 mi ggBLgv S H mBSm"' gggHgggg .mwk. .dgg ggggggigg m A m ' fl t&fUBalSimwmmmW: ' ,wBwSgSMW ' Jf- A ifi'N.. 7 vi- r ., "J ' EvHBlBHHgflggJgegagflgflgHgHgtgVlgflglgHgB - Vm nun is i mi tin. Ebe pMmiae of il UloHHums on eer balll. lroiil. Hoi don't h i m fool ounelvet bj evading glgfl firini reiililx ol the es and narrilicr thai aWCll rvrrv of us befqn lliis victory is achieved We ul home OM no more gj hark and rlax than ran our bovg uo advanein on the lon and hitter road to Berlin. iiiiihI hack them Offe emiis, mainlain the fhiv at" vilal Hiir maleriids. We mtuH nave ever life fathlc by doiu eerMhin ill our Mnvci to help ghorten the war. We ejm viin onlv ifeverv Canadian Uif or lo r rsh' for all il i uorfli ' cottiitiu! all UiiiiiH hMh than tin lnl'"l fr'edom ami neenrilv xihirb VirtOTJ hrino oiiiM-ive and our ehibheii. Soon Canada! Sixth Vkkar) hea" jiivr you tin- opiorlunil lo liv "I' the priviiege of being a fcee Caaa" . . . liulouehed hv oeeiiialiou ami WVJ . . . nnhnnynaod In fear . . . and 'U"r in dtlei undaimi-'ed hv ihelll Of nd when I hi lime oiiiicx l""'r llmuts as Maw naaw hove fctwjgt''' '"'" WltTORY BONDS NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMlHEf