Ik Ownership Of ties Is Seen As iov't Platform Plank Columbia Li!cral hxccutivc Also Favors I kion and Inclusion of Japanese From This COl AMI, April 12 (CP) Indicating pub-il of utilities as an important plank of the pvernmcnt's platform in the next provin ton, the executive of the British Columbia teocia ion on lucsriay endorsed public own- all hydro-electric development. The confer A fA IIS lIC ping Up fir Run A, . S2 : The :c -r3l , In east- ( ., :ca where :: ;3:d them- i far-R jhs report " j of Tlr-R,rt: port and crashed cordon d fifteen t:-ar 8kala on of u Ue Crl- l"d T-t-iij under a R assault. :d Kerch r j on the ;t ! Diankol. 2' ms ccn-" ; ra.ltles f he Crimen hr ti r.j! rapidly " Institution There It 1 'a Totlat'i Advices ! The 1 a man at-A 1 dtfend- f nu and ; f shcll- i cr::.!id the ' k was thrown 'r irecments 1-aViJ bf(n lanrl. k:hhcad at Anzlo a new Allied of ' oe laui-hed there. Break an Ring P. April 12 The htin. . 8 a vlcU)r-y S2 ln Russla' They in .breaking I sur- "'n Nail dlvlslons Arrestd In e George HfKKU.i.'"'. "iwiwa to i -iK' city t and mandrel J 1 lrfptcd )50 weed to itremn. :"iRvancc ay, A t! k for m witt,: .Miar1- he klsrt.. -U,r Sergeant lnlior town ence passed a resolution urging ine Dominion eovernmrnt to , prohibit future settlement of I i j Japanese In the postwar period and the holding, owning or leas- Ing of any land by Japanese ana to expci an Japanese from Canada at the end of the war. KEEPING UP BIG RAIDS Two Thousand United Slates Planes Out Over Western F.urope Yesterday. LONDON, April 12 - Nearly two thousand UnlUd States bombers and fighters continued their daylight attack on Western Europe yesterday, conccn trattng on Nazi aircraft factories. Sixty-four bombers and i sixteen fighters failed to return. 184 enemy planes which down and 58 hit on the ground. The great daylljht attack of the American air force which tipped another hole In Germany's aircraft Industiy was directed at plane factories in Oscherslcben and Bcrnburg and I Industrial targets In Rostok and Arnlmswalde. nuiTisii m.sv HV NIGHT J Royal Air Force toombe r smashed at Aachen, Hanover and other objectives In Western Oermany last night and daylight t aiders roared over the contin ent today to carry the air of fensive into the fiftieth straight j night. Explanation By Hon. H. G. Perry Kerltal of I-ord's Prayer and Reading of Scripture Does Not constitute "Inslmttlon" VICTORIA. April 12 Hon. H. O. Perry, minister of education, told the British Columbia Teachers' Federation today that the reciting of the Lord's Prayer and the reading of the scrip ture In schools did not consti tute Instruction. The minister was speaking on recent legislation providing for such recital and reading. There was pro vision for the excusing of those whn rllH nnl rnrp to read or listen. GRADINA OCCUPIED BY SLAVS LONDON, April 12 O-Vugo-Slav forces have occupied the German base at Gnrdlna ln ccn-tral Yugoslavia, Inflicting heavy casualties on the routed garrison, The Germans arc said to be rushing fresh troops into eastern Rosnla nnd Serbia to coun teract guarllla thrusts. Baseball Score Pacific Coast LrR" Seattle 14, Hollywood 8. Oakland 0, San Diego 8, LONDON GETS AIR ATTACKS May to on With Other Methods of Attack, Says Timet London Is still under continuous enemy air attacks. The Times, London, describes what happens In the following words: "Air attacks of some weight have been launched against London during the past weeks. though so far not comparable with what we had between the autumn of 1940 and the spring of 1941. If any were optimistic enough to believe that the days of air attacks on Britain were over, they have been disillusion ca; out in irum mere were never valid foundation for thl belief. ' "It Is not to be expected that there will be any Immediate j cessation In these assaults The j lasses Inflicted upon the enemy j In proportion to the strength i which he has employed have I been appreciable, but they have nni not been (Trent great AnrmoVi enough la to oViiwir check him If he remains Intent upon his dcelgn. He Is therefore likely to go on striking In this manner. He may even, as the Prime Minister gave warning, put Into operation other methods of aerial attack." Barkley Favors Roosevelt Now For Fourth Term WA8HINQTON, DC, April 12 Senator AlWn Barkley. Dcm- ocraUc majority leader In the Senate, who broke-" with the chief executive recently, an nounced yesterday that he was nom supporting President Franklin D. Roosevelt for a fourth term. New Zealand Premier May Visit Canada WASHINOTON, D.C April 12 Premier Peter Fraser of New Zealand, who has left his Dominion to attend a Prime Minister's conference ln London, is expected to visit Washington and possibly Canada on his way. Eisenhower Talks About Invasion LONDON, April 12 General Dwlght Elsenhower told United Stales fliers yesterday that they would soon be flying from dawn to dusk ln connection with the great Invasion campaign ln Europe. Plane Plants Near Vienna Are Bombed LONDON, April 12 United states nlanes bombed three Mcsscrschmldt Airplane Factories near Vienna today. The planes came from bases ln Italy. I Roosevelt and Churchill Meet : BERLIN, April 12 A dls- patch published In German newspapers says that Prcsl- dent Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States Is on his way to the Caribbean sea for a conference with Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Washington an- nouncemcnt yesterday said that Roosevelt had left for a trip south for health reasons, 4 tt king to Quit When Rome Is Entered NAPLES, April 12 Oi King Victor Emmanuel said today that he would with- draw from public af- fairs when Allied troops enter Rome and appoint his son, Humbert, as lieu- i tenant general of Uie realm ! by formal transfer of power. The King declared that his decision wa3 "final and irrevocable." First Payment To Washington 'VARHINOTHN. D.C . April Is Awarded Is L Temperature Local Tides PS Thursday, April 13 51 High 3:42 20J feet lassi 38 16:39 17.1 feet fcC3 Low 10:27 4.2 feet A 22:37 8.0 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEVSft$ER l PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, APRIIH2pl9' PRICE FIVE CENTS rawing Issues In Province ncc After War Th- United States has made aisame' to win the Arthur Murray payment of $1,000,000 to 8wlMuRPhy for anothe. ypar, loca i . i ... . . i 1 tuiu V. n nl UAtU.ftWnli M zenana, oeing ine iirsi instalment on compensation for an air raid which was made by mistake on a Swiss city. SOME AID FOR CITY Federal Government Doing Some Repair Work Hanson Presses for New Fishermen's Floats. . -f Federal aid to the city In connection with the rehablli tatlon of Its roads and services. the local fishermen's floats sit uation and the present halibut fishing situation were matters discussed by Olof Hanson. MP for Skeena, in an Interview with a Dally News representative yesterday. Mr. Hanson Is spending a few days in the city during the Raster recess of Parliament Mr. Hanson stated that he Jhad been advised Just before he left Ottawa for tnc west tnat the Department of National Defence had obtained $25,000 for road Improvement work in the city. Of this amount $13,000 was to be used for the purchase of broken stone from the United States Army for road repairs, the remaining $12,000 to be used for labor ln connection with repairing road and other work. As for water supply, Mr. Hanson disclosed that the Department of Pensions and National Health has provided $5,-000 for the purchase and Installation of a new pump to be Installed In the city waterworks. The Navy Is also considering the lnstallaUon of a pressure pump to maintain pressure to navy buildings. A $75,000 sewer system was being Installed In connection with Wartime Housing here to replace septic tanks, Mr. Hanson stated. In the matter of new fishermen's floats and augmented ac commodation for the fishing fleet Mr. Hanson said this sub-(Contlnued on Page 41 commission vLONDCV. April 12 O, r- N. Jahturon of Prince Rupert was amon? Royal Canadian Air Force airmen selected by the Air Ministry for commission. Fourth Win From 0. Falls ''ith School Boyi Take Ust Minute Victory From Southern players in Exhibition Game Last Nijht. Before sailing home from their Invasion of the Ocean Falls fraUetball scene where last week ify polished off the southern -Jjh s-hool boys in three straight mgn school basketball com mandos last night administered a ,tas; minute drubbing to -the . paper makers, then caught tnc ; boat north. The exhibition game, whose score was 52-44 for Prince Ru pert, was played at the sugges- n of Ocean Falls, whose play ers held the opinion that their ernes of losses had been some what accidental SiarUng off with a determination that kept them in the lead lor the fi;st three quarters, the southern team then tried to maintain their lead by a hampering, defensive method of play, which was successful unUi the, local team, mindful of their niv -schedule: 'decided that things should be speeded up. An i8 -point spluige in the final quarter allowed them to get to Ihe wharf In plenty of Umc and with the comfortable feeling of victory During the first three quarter. Prince Rupert trailed by a controllable margin, the score at the end of the first being 15-12, and at the second, 29-23. REICH AIR DEFENCES Filhter Plane Strength at Peak, and Anti-aircraft Defences Doubled, London Spokesman Says. LONDON, April 12 A Royal Air Force spokesman said today that German fighter plane strength had reached an all time peak, and that the Ger Air Force now had 200 to 300 more fighter planes than at the start of the battle of Berlin. German aircraft defences had greatly Increased also, he said, having doubled in 1942, and doubled again In 1943. No Local Action On Fish Dispute Ite presentation of Local Boat. Owners and Fishermen ln Vancouver. No positive course of action has been arrived at yet by Prince Rupert fishermen in regard to the halibut price dif ferential dispute which has threatened a tie-up of west coa.st halibut boats. W. H. Brett, president of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union said this morning that his union Is standing by for possl-' ble action on Information from George Anderson, union secre tary, who is now In the south. "We are In conUnuous contact with Mr. Anderson, who Is keeping us Informed of events," Mr. Brett said. "We had a Joint meeting of boat, owners and fishermen on Saturday night at which we decided to act only on poslUve Information from our representative on the scene. He intimated that the course of negotiations In Vancouver were ln too fluid a state to bring forth an outright com mittal as to the local union's course of action. When word Ing of fishermen would be call- ed, With the halibut season open- tag on April 15. the customs of- fice reports that to date no halibut boat operators have requested clearance from this port. ENEMY HAD MANY MORE CASUALTIES ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, April 12 0 Headquarters announced Wednesday that American casualties ln New Britain campaign totalled 1500 compared with a previously estimated ten thousand Japanese wounded and killed. The American are now ln control of the bulk of New and at the third, 39-34. Their from Mr. Anderson made it ad-cf forts to dominate the action ' vlsable. Mr.. Brett said, a meet- durlng IU earlier part were over- come by the superior height of the Ocean Falls players. Dynamos of the local team were Clccone and Guivich, who tied for individual high scores of 16 points. Ocean Falls Sclandson and Fursyth with 13 points each, and Simpson with 11 points, dominated the Ocean Falls aggregation. Simpson, who extended six feet four Inches above the floor, was a constant source of interference to the local players. The teams: Trlnce Rupert Clccone, 16: Ourvlch, 16; Stephen, 8; Postuk. 6; Holtby. 2; Pettenpuzzo, 2; Jay. Dell, Cruikshank. Ocean Falls Sclandson, 13; Forsyth, 13; Simpson, 11; Cor-bln, 6; Kelly, 2. Norman Nelson returned this looming from a business trip to Vancouver. HURDLING VESUVIUS TO BOMB CASS1NO Allied bombers are shown passing over historic Mount Vesuvius on their way to bomb Casslno, the fortress town that was holding up the Allied advance In Italy Allied chiefs watched the planes rain over 2,000 tons of bombs on the town, reducing it to rubble. PiBBGiiftrtflBB ss9HBSBKflHHBSHsllflS Bs& v''wHE!nMBBiBBiS9BH jriBwB PICTURESQUE BUT DEADLY white phosphorus bombs as they plane on Lakunai airfield. Rabaul, New Britain, Is beautiful from a distance but there are those who can vouch for Its eifecUveness when used against enemy anti-aircraft positions and parked planes, as in this photo. INDIA AND BURMA Some laps Retreating Reports Conflict as to Situation at Impahl in Manlpur Prov ince. .A NEW DELHI, April 12 0. The Chinese Thirty-eighth Division, pushing south along the Moga-ung Valley In Northern Burma, occupied Tingring after a swift advance from captured Wak-awang and Allied forces thrust across the Pangly River west of Wakawang. A Japanese pocket west of Hpaduyang was wiped out by Chinese troops. Little change Ls reported around Im pahl, forty miles Inside India, although the Tokyo radlp claims that three Japanese columns are closing in on Impahl and the British defenders are already Isolated except for air support There is no Allied confirmation of this. Lower Birth- Rate Blamed On Foods Writer Declares Foreign-Grown Products Undermine Health of Britons. LONDON, April 11 0 Many reasons have been put forth for the decline of the British birthrate, and now ln the London Dally Mall a writer is blaming food for a situation the government has appointed a Royal Commission to investigate. Quoting medical and nutri tional authorities, the writer states that, "we are Committing race suicide with foreign-grown food. "There Is abundant . proof that an Englishman can' only remain the virile, sturdy. Inde fertile fellow, enjoyin; pendent, ... ... . . . posUlvehealth if he feea on food, grown on the best sou of his own country." Lord Geddcs in the House of Lords said that the typical second or third generation factory worker ln British industrial cities lives on Imported food and is not an Englishman at all as far as his chemical makeup Is cqneerned. Upholders of Lord Gcddes maintain that there Is "practically ho positive health ln British towns and cities." enlarg- lng on this to mean the ability to throw off disease and with - iout which the race Is "losing fertility, the urgent price of parenthood and the demand fori children." The pattern made by these burst over a Japanese bomber ITALY AND YUGOSLAVIA Important Decisions Reported Made by Premier Badojllo. LONDON, April 12 (CP) The Vichy radio reports that Premier Pietro Badogllo "of Italy has recognized the government of jVUrshal Tito. of Yugoslavia and Italy will re-' nounre possession of Adriatic ports on the Istrlan Teninsula including Fiume. There is no Italian confirmation of the report. SEES JAPAN STILL STRONG Warning Issued by Australian Minister of War Must Btill Meet Nip Army and Naryn MELBOURNE, April 12 Aon. Francis Ford, Australian minister of war, warns that Japan has so far used only five per cent of the strength of her army. This, as well as the main strength of the Japanese fleet, has yei to be met. More Atolls And Island Taken Over WASHINOTON, D.C, April 12 United States forces have taken over four more atolls and one more Island in the Marshalls., Using New Rescue Gear OTTAWA, April 12 The Department of the Navy ah- i a , . Mm lieBH h ihtt x i?v. uw vca uva j w Canadian Navy. It is like a great fish net and scoops survivors out of the sea. The advantage atitwll, eUmmate loQg stops in picking up survivors. Yank Destroyers Attacking Bases On New Guinea ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTH PACIFIC. Apprll 12 American destroyers have at- tacked three Japanese bases on .New Guinea with shellflre. ' George Dybhavn returned from a two week's business trip to Vancouver. ft. mm mi .it