If SIX a, t THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dallj News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights or republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per weex Per Year Per Month By Mall per Month Per Year r.... ADVERTISING RATES Death. Funeral, In Memoriam. Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks ..' Birth Notices Funeral Flowers, per Name Classified. 2c per word, per Insertion, minimum Transient, per inch . Contract, per inch Readers, per line Black Face Readers, per line, - Business anc Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, per Inch - - 8 Columns. 12 ems. 287 Lines to Column. DAILY EDITION .15 $7.00 .65 .40 $4.00 $2.00 .50 .10 .50 .75 .50 .25 .50 $3.75 Tuesday, April 11, 1944 Eve of a Crisis . . . The situation on the eastern front where the Russians have the Germans on the run suggests the war in Europe is rapidly approaching a climax. Dramatic changes may be expected within a very short time-changes heralding the first stage of the disintegration of the Nazi State in Europe. The final collapse may not be the result of one single offensive or one single factor, like the effects of air war. Nor is it likely that the end will come simply through "unconditional surrender" by the German Army High Command, to be followed by military occupation of Europe in accordance with a plan providing special demarcation lines for the individual Allied forces. and be intensified by the lack of an inter-Allied plan for postwar Europe and by the individual dealings of various powers with Europe's disintegrating political forces. Recent German territorial losses in southeastern Russia4 reveal the firt serious disintegration of German fichting forces. Recent retreats have been too hurried, and have caused too great a lengthening of Germany's Eastern front, to have been fully in accordance with a predetermined plan of withdrawal. There is no doubt that the German Army orig-inallv planned a strategic, large-scale withdrawal in Russia, the obiective being to shorten the Eastern front, to create a more dynamic political situation and to reduce the offensive nower of the Russians by stretrhinp- their suDDly lines tq the breaking point. Simultaneously, the defensive powers of the German armies should theoritically have been strenp-thened. Now the Russians have broken through the Dniester line. Germanv has about lost Bessarabia. If the Germans cannot hold the Prut line, Rumania will be lost, the Germans will be reduced to fitrhtin" on their emergency oil reserves and the entire Balkan front mav disintegrate. Russian armies now concontrate on breaking through into southern Rumania, skirting the Car pathian mountains and aiming directly toward Bu charest, the Danube and Czechoslovakia This strategy, by avoiding a direct struggle with the main forces of the German Army defending the German borders, would avoid the fatal experience of the last war, when the Russian armies met disaster in their attempts to cross the Carpathian Alps or to enter eastern Prussia through Poland. Stalin at that time was opposed to the Bolshevik offensive into Poland even though the hope for a German proler tarian revolution still was active in Moscow; even then he would have preferred a concentrated attack on the Russian southern front where now the Russian armies are engaged in their most successful offensives. The p'rogress of the Russian Army vyjthin the next few weeks will reveal whether the German - Army can temporarily stabilize its Eastern front. The German armies may still be able to call up re serves and base a strong defence on their shorter supply lines. Meanwhile, the mam Russian forces now stand at the gates of the Balkans. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY HI KT II DAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN pENS Bcsner Block, 3rd .Street Phone 234 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.C.A. (By DOROTHY GARBUTT) This week-end promise. have plenty of enteTtalnmen? for the boys and girls, what with ihe local Army Show "Cinder ella' then, of course, there is Don Flynn the pianist and accom refreshing cup of coffee they vener. serve to everyone each evening. And incidentally, I got involved in a game of crib and beat my opponent by one peg in the seventh and last game. What a setl Klemtu Native Woman Passes KLEMTU. April 11-The death occurred here last week of Mrs. Jane Robinson, at a great age. The deceased was known as a benefactor to her people and an outstanding figure. Klemtu villagers united to build a vault for her coffin and funeral services were attended by a great number of native residents from Bella Bella and Hartley Bay. ate music was played by the Klemtu concert band. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 193 KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE C12 7th AVI- WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday.10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Thone Red 217 Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident Bee JOHN L. WRIQIIT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 THE DAILY NEWS QUEEN MARY CHAPTER HAS 5 EASTER TEA & V- Cox. Servlteurs !" Novelty booth and home i cooking were presided over by i oanist of the trouoe. I'm nretty .Mrs. Ernest Gammon and Mrs. sure that Don too has been up H. M. Foot. Mrs. J. C. Griffith here before. and Mrs. O. Wedcr read teacups. Mrs. James Laurie presided The civilian tickets for th over a beautiful display pf gar-Army Show are on sale all this jments made by the Refugee week at Orme's Drug Store. 1 1 Sewing Club sponsored by the hope as many civilians as pas- j Chapter, sible will take advantage of this Mrs. E. V. Whiting - was in opportunity of seeing the army i charge of the main raffle, win-boys and gkls at play The ning tickets in which we:, comedy Is toeing 'produced by drawn by Miss Elspeth Mac-Sergsant Stewart Carson and Kenzie: this work is right up his aHey First, cutwork tablecloth -as his peacetime Job was with Ticket 67. Lottie Braun, 1063 the CBC and what he doesnt7th Ave. East. know abaut plays and thing, isn't worth knowing. Second, cutwork runner Ticket 175, M. O. Macauley. 701 5th Ave. East. Sunday evening I went up to Third, hand-painted picture the Knights of Columbus Hut .Ticket 434. J. Currle. and was much taken with their I Fourth, war cerUftcateTr-Tiek- beautiful new card room. It is et 195. J. S. Stewart, 121 7th SDacious and well lit. v ;;h green Ave. East tinted walls and brown tiled Fifth, pillow slips-. Ticket 289. masonlte borders. The curtains Mrs. A. J. Croxford. are quite original, being bele A chocolate cake, raffled by colored burlay printed with dl- the home cooking and nqvelty agonal stripings In shades of booth, was won by Mrs. Lloyd ,.. , . j. A. Ti.i: ,;i rust. Mr. Balazno very kindly " DiRoy isiana wun uexet no. roillicai crises oi me uauan jjc may co.., uv..ul, , - a d a CUihin bv Mrs. -! . XS W VI ( TW w v . - r . - - by accident or design IH never N. Altken with ticket No. 24. tell), I was Just In time for the I Mrs. William Brass was con- Moose Lodge Has Revival The local Moose Lodge is taking on a new lease pf life. In faci it is more active than it has been for four years. At every meeting a number of new candidates are Inlated. Olllls Royer. one of the pld time members, is the governor qf the lodge this year and, under his leadership, the organization Is flourishing. The last meeting was held on Tuesday evening of last week and the next will be Tuesday of next week. Transvaal To H. Clifton conducted the ser- -i i i vices and soloists were Joe i f PPfl I .llllflrPn Brown or Hartley Bay and w Robinson of Klemtu. Appropri At Schools PRETORIA, April 11 The Transvaal provincial admlnls tratlon has informed the gov ernment that It is prepared to .undertake the feeding of Ain- ican school children provided that the necessary extra staff Is made available. At present I there are no facilities and since there are 175,000 African school children in 1,000 schools In the Transvaal a large organization will have to be set up. . There are five inspectors of African schools in he Transvaal and the administration Is pressing for their number to be increased so that they can apt as supervisors in the feeding scheme. A further handicap is the fact that most African schools have no school committees such as those which have helped to create the feeding ischeme for European children. Some mission bodies have Indicated their willingness to undertake the responsibility of accounting for the money which must be spent on the scheme. PATRONYMIC The prefix Mac attached, tp a name originally meant "son of." P Whifflets From The Waterfront Capt. Lorne Godfrey has taken over command of the steamer Camosun, relieving while the regular master, Capi McLean, takes his annual jSays Canucks Brave in Hong jKong Fight In spite of inclement weather rvtnf.y Australia. Aurll 11 playing fpur days at the the annual Easter tea held, by j,Mrs. Donald Needham, re- Navy Drill Hall and one of the Service Shows from Vancouver playing the various units and the Capitol Theatre next Sunday night. Our old friends, the Strand Dancers, with pretty Lota Strand, will be one of the numbers, while Harry Booth, an ex-navy boy. 1 1 believe Harry was at Chatham at one time) Is with, them as singer and impersonator. As no troupe would be complete without a blues singer Mary Mack contributes bar tal ents to this part of the ww'" iMrs Queen Mary Chapter. Imperial atriated from an internment i rv ..... l. t v. . r" ! . urucr wuusitmo u mc camp in Hong Kong has reo.cn-plre. at the home of Mrs. Alex. Ld Australia to Join her hus-MacKenrie In aid of the Chap-lbamL she travelled 25,000 miles ter's War Fund, was the usual jto come nere but her route ha, success. inot been revealed. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, the regent, j MrJ Needham was a captive received with the hostess the inf .v. JaDanese for 21 months. many guests who called during Durtng her captivity her weight and for classical pieces there Is I Mrs. W. VV. Wrathall, Mrs E. T Hilda McLennan who Is a well jApplewalte. Mrs. W. J. Pinnlger known violinist from the Van- and Mrs. J. M. Taylor. Cashier couver Symphony Orehestra. And was Mrs. M- F. Kempton Moose Legion Holds Dinner- Initiations A Jolly dinner was held by the Moose Legion in Reid's Cafe last evening with about twenty-five members n attendance. A tine meal was served and the feature of the evening's proceedings was the inlatlon of half a dozen new msmberi. Ql? mcgayjg, Noble Noith Moose, was in the chair. praise to the highest degree the couraee and bravery of the the afternoon. Presiding at apped from 118 to 81 pounds. 1 Canadian troops In their flsht beauUfully appointed tea table, Sne ntnsei to say anything! against overwhelming odds be covered with a lace clotti and about hfr experience!l m cap-j fore surrender became npces-centred with daffodils and tap- Uylt but 5ne wanted to sary. ers, were Mrs. J. E. Boddle and , , . ... . ATTENTION... Astoria Hotel, Jasper, newly decorated and renovated, now under new management. First class Dining Room and Lunch Counter. Meals served at all hours, 30 rooms, 15 with bath. Reasonable rates. GEORGE ANDREW, Prop. CINDERELLA OR - "dmqther-What Have I Done?" A TEMPERANCE ? COMEDY IS FIVE ACTS PRESENTED BY THE Canadian Army in Prince Rupert , NAVY DRILL HALL April 11, li, lfi, 17 SERVICE PERSONNEL FREE CIVILIAN TICKETS 75c Civilian Ticket; are available a" Onnes Drug Store Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer Druqciat THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 pin. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pin. and 7-9 pjn. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents' We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos ancj Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD "A GOOD PLACE TQ BUY" HAHY CRIBS, all steel, drop sides, finished walnut, roll edge mattress $21.50 10 DINETTE SUITES in different designs, finishes and colors. Priced per suite of six pieces from SKIUHI Phone 773 We appreciate your Mall Orders 327 3rd Avenue DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Daily News Is compiling a Roll of Honor which It Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, on land and In the air. To make this list complete, It Is essential to obtain the co-operation ot the public as a whole in submitting the names. It is impossible for the Dally News or any one person to compile the list complete so we arc asking YOU to be responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following is the information we would like you to fill In and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR Daily News, Prince Rupert Name, ,MM Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) Rank ..... .. Next of Kin Relation , Address n Date of Enlistment il Date of Discharge t If Casualty, Nature and Date ,M Remember, if you do not submit, a certain person's name, no one else may, You are responsible, 1 . 'i 1 I f I 7 I t peeled. Over fiere. ovr il. 17 A .i rO l m ihe Htorh Canadians Everywl SWEET CAPORAl CIGARETTES "tU p Utm h wk hbe - mhm Coal Orders Wc can now deliver your coal ordcrv f . i .f J.n.- Rive us inree nays wnrnuiK m-iuir uh Bwm. mm r m rrrnw 11 HLULM Ot n-UHl I LIU PHONE 116 and 117 PHPFPT RDM m . m m m i f i 11 SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Si IMtlNCK Hill ekt Co. Ltd. "" Annette Powell's pi Beauty Is No Of Under the w manaf?eK" Mis' n.,vvii Colli reggy uw Voa OKI" ltd Slrrrt, Across From 1 M01'"" Phone Itlue 91T for ADVERTISE IN THE