fdfln IfHIIrl l .llllll t I yu haie tried a few Now Buy a Dozen 9Cp Prlcc ttOt Per dozen ncoa . 'in Iff V WWTM. " - - - u 1 1 . T FEX. i i- Airn ... b .u tie The SOAP aiuiuuvc Per Bar ,i ii Q. UK AfT Food !!-' Carton BRAND. v nouco before delivery is expected ''11 be appreciated. PHILPOTT fvitt a rn un -! V a.." 'ONE 6S1 . ... et7A Me at Meet . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee U Tops) 1VMH0'S3OlN6 A Few Drops Up Each Nostril Quickly Relieve Stuffiness OF 'COURSE MOT, .Specialized Medication Works Fast. Right Where Trouble Is! Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh comes fast as Va-trp-nol spreads through, the pose, reduces swollen membranes soothes irritation, relieves If fC congestion, helps flush out passages, ma ices .preatnmg easier wm try it 1 Follow directions in package. wmTi HWH Wis OFFICERS HAVE BALL Delightful Affair Last Night in Armory Was Centre of Social Activities. Social activity centred last nlht at e A01 here ota, jeers of the First (Reserve Battalion. Prince Rupert Mach ine uun, neid ineir nrst annual ball. About three hundred persons were in attendance at a thoroughly delightful affair. The big hall presented an attractive scene decorated with (Carlo's Orchestra, dancing was iln full swing from 10 pjn. un- W 2 ajn. I ueucious ana Dounteous re-17thfreshments were served buffet style at midnight during an ln- trTal I we dancing. , t c ffW commanding, and his officers were out in full strength to wel-'come and entertain their guests. Lieut T. N. Youngs was general chairman and master of ceremonies. Lieut. W. O. Sheardown was in charge of decorations. Kathryn Mohr Is Shower Honoree Mrs. Alargaret Montgomery j and Miss Marlon Ponsford were! co-hostesses last night at a de-J ,llghtful little shower held at; the home of the former In; honor of Miss Kathryn Mohr. whose marriage takes place on .Thursday to Flight-Sergeant W. R(Jyal Canadlan Alr 'Force. Oames were played, the winners being Mrs. Norma Altkens, Mrs. Virginia Honey and Mrs. Earl Becker. A pleasant hour was spent singing, with Mrs. Honey at the piano. After dainty refreshments were served, the hostesses car ried In a box, cleverly disguised as a huge typewriter. It contained a number of useful and lovely gifts. Guests present were Mrs. V. Honey. Mrs. N. Altkens, Miss Kay Shrubsall, Miss Violet Dell, Miss Kathryn Mohr. Mrs. O. Hill Jr.. Mrs. Gllligan. Mrs. C- J. Qr OlsenY Irs4JDan. .Parent Mr&, Ruth Greenwood, Mrs'i Earl Becker-. --Mlir-Marlon onsf6?fl and Mrs. Margaret Montgomery. Try a Want-Ad for Quick Results. PRIVATE TONES of Catarrh coldlogged nasal TOBACCO INCENSE Tobacco was once used by Indians in middle America as a medicine and as incense in re ligious ceremonies. The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon REID'S CAFE 725 Third Ave. West THE CHOICEST FOODS very carefully prepared Sandwich Rar Now Onen from 1 lit am. daily to serve Soups, Hot Beefsteak Pies, Eggs, Omel- etts. Chili, Salads, and regular Sandwich list. Pies, Cakes, Ice Cream Special Dinner Menu from 5 to 7 pjn. Closes at 12:45 ajn. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone RlarV 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY i.GHOAVMEIN,, sfc Opening Hoursr.3j " 3 pjn. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 NEAR OR FAR? HAS PERMISSION X WANT TO In Memoriam In loving memory of Mrs. Myrtle Weiehtman who t.n away April 11, 1943. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keens them near. Ever remembered by her loving husband. KEXTA PLANS AHEAD NAIROBI ffi The Kenya gov- h StoPs The For Your Recognized the world over as lead- ing in Quality and Styling. There is a Stetson-made Hat in All Price Ranges. . . . STETSON PREMIER . . . stetson MEDALIST . . . STETSON STRATOLINER . . . STETSON SPECIAL THE "BROCK" by STETSON ... - ernmen preparing a five- year construction progran which will cost apout 2,000,00f ( $9,000,000 J. The program wll be concerned with lncreasec school and hospital accommodation for all races, as well a; improvements in housing anc in roads. A4tm-h in the Daily News. Here. Stetson Hat lS CZSSS&sst VSJ?f MMh, W 6j Jem? I S W wf lf (o rn JO.JU , C7 rn .. V.JU C7 CH )l .JU C7 Cn ).JU cV ftf, JO.IIU .. .". - - Mil.. By Westovcr GAMES for the Whole Famili Table Tennis Sets $4.50 Bingo 72 card sets $1.40 Snakes and Ladders 75c Jig Saw Puzzles 60c up Funny Face Skill Ball 25c Fold Away Doll House Furniture 10c Blow-a-Plane 25c Bow and Arrow Sets 50c Table Horseshoes 40c A.B.C. Blocks 65c Spelling Sets 30c Dart Boards 75c Sail Boats , 30c up parchesi SOc Star and Studio the new Hollywood Game SOc BE TRANSFERRER hTQ BE NEAR A SOLDIER A TO OVERSEAS ( ) "'VOVER THERE DUTY MA'AM LafiJlJOR TO BE AV-'AY mm:'r -rr from ome ill i t I i -2 i t r ir- it i r "- i Jiip n II lll.V7HT.il "'T' l WfOJ J ST5 LrtlVVK I I SH 11 V I IT JTA t'A W ml W !AaBm . m- MM I t . X m lHK.MWLi - Si" I mwm V A 1 Wret'Z'Zs I I I V Z.il BST. L THE ' ! W I PICNICJL AMYBODy OUSTRORTWE PUN OF IT XATO SPEAK TO THE UlCOMMAMDiN3 Q lrX- OFFICER WEIGHTY MATTER! I T VtXJD BETTER. THIMK XT OVER A1EI3H YOUR REAOMSjJV&Sj PS5 fessSSf rRTT jl B f , - Vv i TI C ANADIAN. r,f if n OltWGKS .? H.le ' 7."r 'f.KAPEFRr.T r h rt n rr uoc LEMONS ..c 588. I. "if :i lb y.-.e lie 1 n 1 M-OAVIM While they (L 11- l- SPEARMINT uuui rasie Olant Contain rex i.prpa 1. ..., III h"l HI! I VII la Size, l v i a i ui ii r V i pkt tafford's Assorted Soups C.I Fashioned Bean. Noodle. O r, Vegetable. Per pkt. 8-oz Jar. wicemeat Earn L?l WILD ROSE. asiry nuur 7 fb. Cade almon TV I'ltIC KS Sl'IIJKCT I XTENSION Kf" SG5.00. To clear fj. C OFFEE TABLE. Rr" faaoa Tp dear -M4.UU. To cjoar f re HOYS' WAGONS. Smo. To clear ELIO Third 00(1 Stocs of Foothills, ' alley Cn.tla "OClln, .... WAITEA FKEB DELIVERY - PHONE 813 sALK I'HICKS IN EFFECT ALL WEEK ,1. - uN'8 JERSEY CHOCOLATE $1.63 for Smoother Skim. Vitamin Bl 38-or pkt for J's-ot Jar 29c 35c 19c 5c 9c 3 or 25c 35c Bars 25c MEATS Only Grade No. 1 Products Sold PORK SHOULDERS. Picnic style. Lb. :UI? PORK 8HOULDERS, Rolic4 and boned. Lb. . 10. BONELESS PORK BUTTS. Fry or bail Lb. I(r MAPLE LEAF BACON No. 1 side In piece Lb. . 10c sandwich mints Hedlund'i Potted Mca- 7-oz. Un 5 sardine spread Un 1 Oc 20c last 10-oz 39c tub far 31c 25c 15c 65c 12c 19c pack 39c 25c 2 " 43c TO CHANGE TABLE. CCC flH )JJ.UU vlJ QC ''J Clfl QC )'U.7J Furniture Store Avenue ' OAL! Alberta, and Bulklcy nnf nn linilll LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dr and Mrs. J. J. Gibson are! wici iiuiiimv visit.- or iiiK at Terrace. Un A. J. Ingraham, who has been on a vUlt to Skldegate, will be leaving the Queen Charlotte Inlands thU week on his return to Vancouver. Mrs. J. R. Morgan and her son-in-law, E. J. Palmer, will bo leaving Huxley inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands, this week for i trip to Vancouver. Frank dale, well known Skldegate merchant, airlved in the .ty yesterday morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands for a business visit to the city. MJss Anna Edmonds and Miss Alice Lange of Smlthers are in Prince Rupert for Easter week combining business and pleas- ure. . Mrs David Rutten of Massett j paying a brief vUH to the city. She arrived from the Queen I Charlotte Islands yesterday i morning and will be returning jme tonight. Word has been received In the y of the Wrth of a daughter i Monday of last week in Vte-t ina. to P.O. and Mrs. Ronald Davidson. Un Davidson was . rmerly MIm Kay O Nrtll of the Oatly News Staff, P.O. Davidson uverseas wttta the navy. Flying Off kef J. V. Scrtvener, . n oi j. v. oenveneT, former ml representative of the War-une prices and Trade Baard : re. i lisid si Bibsiag in air . peritlons oversea with the Hoy a: Canadian Air Force. Mr. Scnvener. the falhe;. is at prej-n: in Toronto. The Prtnee Rupert Oyio Olub i til again co-operate with the i Wtory Loan campaign here which is to open shortly. Vlc- ry man nwscages wiu d j l oured at the weekly meet-,,u,1( Apri, Ttt De Carlo's Orch-I ngs. The Oyro executive, meet? . falra :ig yesterday, left the matter! f Victory Loan co-operation I L. P. P. Dance, Eagles' Hall, fw:th William LamWe. unit or-iAprtl 27. . anizer here and one of theOyral , - . members. Eastern Star Dance, April 28. J hn Eddington of Seattle, wr-tern district manager of the Buoth Fisheries Corporation, -nd J C. Otlker, former account-' an; in the company's local ' branrh and now manager at Juneau, will be heie tomorrow jenroute from Seattle to Juneau 'here Mr Fddington wiil make an inspection visit while Mr. OUker take up his duties for ;ir season. 1IUVM. in iii.tr TTION .IJ. TIMHIK htil.f NJMII Thrre Ui be oltcred fr Mle at Publir Auction, at 11 o'clock in the . ton-noon on the 23rd day of Mav 144. lu tlw oil It of the Dlatrlct ) rorrstrr Maria Dulldlna. Vancou ver BC the Ucnr XS384I. to cut 19.030.000 Ibmof Spruce. Cedar and Hrmlock on two arraa altuaUnl on Skrdana Hay. Loula Island, Quen t harlot u Islanda lnd Dt-trlt Three (3) jreara will be allowed lor removal ox timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in penon may .submit tender to be opened at the hour at auction and treated aa on bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Poreatw. Victoria BC, or the Dlatrlct Pureatera at iTiur Rupert. DC . and Vancuu- cr. DC. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE, STOVES, KTC. EACH THURSDAY EVENING at 7 p.m. rommenring Thutsday, April 13 At the Auction Room, Third Ave. (Next to Commodore Cafe) Terms: Cash. .1. MAIR, Auctioneer J. M. S. Loubser D C. B-A, CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Rev. and Mrs. Edward Slater! ivrrflpe ipil npre iai mem a trln to Vancouver. Miss Margaret McCaffrey left this afternoon for a trip to Van- couver. Miss Margaret Hill left this afternoon on a trip to Vancou ver. Mrs. N. A. Rogan, who hai been visiting here with he.' daughter. Mrs.' Roy Burke, and her son, Andrew Rogan, for the past three weeks, left last night on her return to her home at Palatine, Illinois. Maurice Brydges, after spending a few weeks In the Prince RuPert Oen'jral Hospital, has now been able to return to his home on Second Avenue but It will be a while before he Is able to resume his office duties with the Northern British Columbia Power Co. , i Dally News Advertising Brings Result ' I Announcements All idrrrtlaemrnu In ttiU column mm be cbtrgrd tor a lull month at 36c word. St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring pink, yellow and green stream-Sale, April 13. ers which had been attractlve- iy arranged. St. Peter's Junior Sale. April H nt ., , Dry Dock Employees' Dance, rrMair niFi AnHi ii Rprera. . df QUlnttttc. Valhalla Bridge, April 8:30 pjn. Valhalla HalL . .71 Navy Auxiliary Dance. Odd - fellows' Hall, April 18. C.W1. bridge, whist, crlbbage. K.O.C. Hut. April 20. Lutheran Tea. April 20th. Job's Daughters' Dance, Masonic Hall. April 21. i t. O n a nvi fMrff11n.n' Nurses' Spring Dance, May 2, Oddfellows' Hall. : PresbyterUn Missionary Tea. Mrs. A. Platen's, May 3. United rnv Cnurch Spring Qnrl Sale. ,,.. May 4th. For that Long-wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER See National Monuments 60S Sth East Box 1(25 Station B Pince Rupert. B.C. DON'T FORGET . . THE BIG DANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1!. 9:30 to 1:00 a.m. I.O.I) L HALL (Formerly Eagles', Sth and McBride) Gentlemen 75c Roy Troverbs and His Orchestra Everybody Welcome TILLIE THE TOILER I MUSTN'T LET c D liwnui a. MAN'S MV j -a REVSOM FOR c50INa S OVERSEAS. M m iVlV I'LL TALK S WZ PATRIOTIC iOVERSEAS DUTYS NP IDQMT WAMT TO SEMD