K FALLS April 11 (Special to Daily News) Ruoer High bchool boys are winners of hjrn British Columbia championship bashes bv a margin of thirty-nine points while h Falli i; iris took the honors from Prince h the ladies' division. The Arthur Murray 'ton. "nation P'tklehmiL l"waon. 1 Prlnce Pd 1th. P War 8mbcrs kij.! to is, lor nu trophy waj at stake In the boys' series while the new Alex Mac-Kenzle trophy was the girls' prize. The score In Sunday's boys game was IS to 44 and on Monday 59 to 51. Doth teams played beautiful basketball and Ocean Falls pressed the northern boys hard but the Issue was never In doubt Through much of the play, nevertheless, the teams matched score for score. Prince Rupert won the first game Friday 83 to 48. Ocean Falls won the girls' game Sunday 45 to 22 and were victorious 31 to 19 on Monday. Lewi and Mulrhead sparked the paper town play. The girls games were rough and tumble affairs but the referees kept things under control at all time. Prince Rupert girls had won the first game 28 to 27. The Booth Memorial High School boys' team will play an exhiblUon game with Ocean Falls senior men tonight before leaving for home whert they arc due tomorrow. BATTLE IS PROCEEDING lUllani In Action Proceedlnr Afalntt German In Cauino Area. NAPLES. April 11 (-Italian troops holding .Mount Matrons peak, fifteen miles nortlrwest ol Casslno, repulsed small Oer- man thrusts at two points, kill ing seven of the enemy and : taking one prisoner the first announced capture of Nazis by the new a: my of liberated Italy. The British on the Anzio beachhead drove off a Oerman platoon with casualties and repulsed other Nazi attempts at infiltration. JAPS ARE AMBUSHED Casualties Inflicted Hut Japanese Keep Up Treasure On Impahl and Tohlma. NEW DFLHI, April 11 Allied troops successfully am bushed Japanese forces near Tiddlm road, routh of the In dian base of Impahl. Offensive patrols working from Impani Plain inf Icted casualties on me Japanese In a number of clashe In the foothills northeast or tnc plain. Heavy pressure towards both Impahl and Kohlma Is being continued by the enemy. Bowling Leagues Started Official Opening of New Alleys For Industrial Workers Very Successful. With a large and enthusiastic crowd In attendance, the recently completed bowling alleys of tho Prince Rupert Dry Dock nnd Shipyard presented a gay nppcarance at the official opening last evening. Brightly lighted and with a pleasing color scheme the alleys will provide the workers with fine relaxation In their off hours. BEESWAX PRODUCTION UP DAU-ES-SALAAM 0 Tanganyika has more than doubled Its production of high-grade beeswax in the past year, and hundreds of tons are to be sent to Britain. Beeswax has many vital uses, many of them in Important war Industries. "4 s Hanson Is Retiring Federal Member Admits That He Does Not Intend to Seek Ke-elecllon. "It is pretty well known that I am not going to run again," commented Olof Hanson, M.r. for Skeena, when atked by the Daily Newt today as to his future plant In public life. Mr. Hanson rrfcrird to hi ace and the low of hit business partner, the late John Drbhavn, last year as "having made a difference." On inquiry being made of him as to when a federal election might be expected, Mr. IUnon expressed the opinion that much would depend upon the war situation. He recalled that Premier King had said he would not want an election "In heat of battle" nor did he (the Prime Minister) desire to extend the life of the government beyond July of next year. Is Remanded on Fraud Charge Charged with obtaining money from Northern Distributors Ltd by false pretenses, Uoyd Heb-biethwalte appeared before magistrate W. D. Vance on Saturday and was remanded for sentence. CONTRACT TO BUILD LINE Important Construction Project by Canadian National on Montreal bland MONTREAL, April 11 The contracting firm of C. A. Pitts Limited, general contractors, which was responsible for the building of the Shlpshaw Dam In the Sagueny region, was the successful bidder for the contract to build the new Canadian National Railways belt line from Bout dc L'ile to Eastern Junc tion on the Island of Montreal, it was announced today. Preliminary work is being started this week on the right of way with local labor. "Wartime traffic having thrown on exceptionally heavy burden upon the facilities on the Island of Montreal, the construction of this line at the earliest possible moment became imperative," said the railway president, R. C. Vaughan, and authority was given under the War Measures Act to proceed immediately with Its I I L Temperature Local PAGE TP 44 High S. "Li- A""1"! '3i . . .ec 7 Low . 6:44 3.9 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 21:44 7.0 feet BASKETBALL Rupert Boys Win Falls Series But Girls Beaten Out SERIES PUP (Vim Over Tort Quebec Take brml m a, ; 11 -tars " l-A de-pbuiMeri ' . t. fur last fct four out of t 'Western , I : was j and one w.s; meet '':c Domln- i.p. the ':c eastern t.r defeating :dward Final n AcropolU Floor - wo-' SlUp F'xurl Little defeated : Ys k. by a v senior r.x, area wis play- t f.rst of he be-and the c; r.cd up j nighfs I'ruts of I'mA the ut the C wn A way scores . in the " r'h work-: Ar fumed on vil caused ' ' : wither imance M 'r whose " shots ay and one-third x score, k 'hough w re almost '! as was , v 1 .ding the -J. socmed to ,: ' r sight of I ' ,- ' - i be needed rT for the ' i unncr- w -untj of 'r loor game w about. - Haf.:i!.d and M li: Hen- 11 Thomn. V Mar - It tacl na 0; . . 1 JfAutrcn Walling-and Oar- IMION SOLVED Nv ami er, L"-tnr a., '""lay . aHOn w.w he ,l.Wi!ht to dig. Brit J 5. "mi gTeache Vis. . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1944 Quit New Britain EM PI HE CONFERENCE? LONDON A conference of British Empire premiers is said to be shaping in London. Pilme MinUler Fraser of New Zealand has left for London, and it is thought that he may travel through Canada on his' way to the empire capital. CZECHS TO BE FItEE LONDON Tremler Joseph Stalin of Kimia has sent a message to President Edouard Bene cf Czechoslovakia saying that the Czech homeland' will soon be free and independent .again. DKOP 4.000 TONS LONDON, April II K.A.F. and K.CA.r. bombers dropped a record 4,000 tons of bombs, on northern France and Bel-cim last night. There were said to be 500 planes in the raid, which centted largely in the area around Ghent, Bel-glum. Following last night's operations, the Americans sent 1.000 planes over Germany proper today, attacking Industrial towns in western Germany. Examination of Employees Needed Standing of Men Under Call-up Regulations Must Be Recorded By Employers Before May 1. The examination of men em ployed In civilian lndustiles to determine their standing under military call-up regulations Is being carried on throughout the country under the National Selective Service Mobilization regu lations .and must be complied with toy anyone who employs male workers. ! All employers must complete their examinations of male employees before May 1. Under the regulations all employers must examine the documents of their employees to determine the standing of the latter under the call-up rules. Employers are required to report to the National Selective Service Registrar only men who have not satisfactory proof that they are not In good standing under the mobilisation regulations. They are not to report men who have satisfactory evidence tha: they are In good standing. Documents which may be accepted to show that a man Is in good standing may be any one of the following: A certificate of rejection issued by the army A certificate of relectlon issued bv the Navy or Air Force is not to be accepted as proof of good standing v A certificate of dUf.ha g jued b' ,he Army Navy or ! BH&BjBflBp8HSSBSKjIFSHBBMHBafl BRITISH A.A. ROCKET flUNS ROAR INTO THE NIGHT- A the British rocket guns In action against Nazi ar raiders. The thundering roars and burst in explosive patt nis against the have been In use for about two years, Construction and range CONCRETE BARGES LONDON Concrete nva. sion barges are if!? mass production along the east coast ol' Britain in pitparatlon for the attack on Europe. They weigh 128 tons, are 81 feet long and 22 feet wide. Seventy-fear hours is the record building time so far. I COMMANDO ATTACK CASABLANCA There were unconfirmed reports that a full scale Btitish commando atfack had been made on the French coast and that a big gun was seized. ; MORE" OVERTLME VANCOUVER Biitish Columbia shipyard workers are to get an hour and a half added to their overtime pay, according to an agreement reached with shipyard managements by the unions. The agreement provides that In addition to the regular overtime rate of pay, overtime workers will receive an extra one and one-half hours' pay. Approved by the War Labor Board, the increase is retroactive to December 22, 1913. Air Force. Ai mobilization form Issued by the . National Selective Service Registrar. Aifn who tare lost their docu menU should, either personally or through their employer, get in touch with the service branch from which they were dlscharg ed or rejected to have duplicates issued. Those who have been rejected by discharge by the services and were not given documents to that effect, should apply for such documents in the same manner as those who have lost his papers. The regulations state that in cases where men have not complied with the regulations, the employer, after teportlng such cases to the registrar,, must not di-mlss the men until advised to do so by the registrar. Forms known as Schedule Nine are available for employers to fill out the particulars of cases of non-compliance with the regulations. They must fill out in triplicate, one fo;m going to the Registrar, one to the employer and one to the employee. Men required to have proof that they have compiled with the regulations are those who were bora between 1913 and 1925. in- elusive and those born between 18C3 and 1912 who are classed unmarried under thti National M. bijza mo e n... ns picture Just released showing rockets leave their guns with night sky These rocket guns of the weapon are still secret NEW RUSS OFFENSIVE Red Army Moving Into Perikop Isthmus Penetrating Czechoslovakia. REDS STORMING ON MOSCOW. April 11 (CP) The Fourth Ukrainian Army stormed southward into the Crimea from two ilirections today in a drive aimed at clearing, all south Russia of Asis invaders as the Third Army smashed to within six miles of Ovidiopol, escape bottleneck through which remnants of the Nazi Odessa garrison are fleeing toward Rumania. LONDON, April 11 Following the capture of Odessa by the Third Ukrainian Army, the Fourth Armv has started a new offensive drive on Perikop Isth - mus of the Crimean Peninsula. A further advance of twelve miles has been made, j Meanwhile the First Army are j reported to have advanced 12 i miles into Czezchoslovakia while I the Second continues 'to move into Rumania. Noted Judge Passes Away Chief Justice D. A. McDonald Dies While Taking Treatment at Rochester. VANCOUVER, April 11 -Chief J.uslcejparld A McDonald of the Appelate Division of the British Columbia Supreme Court died yesterday at Rochester. Minnesota, at the age of sixty-seven years. He had gone to Rochester some time ago for treatment after a lenghy ill ness. His condition was comp- Heated by heart trouble. His Lordship moved to Fernie in 1909 from Ontario and late: came to Vancouver where he was associated with the law firm of Bourne. McDonald and Des-brisay. He was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia In 1932, succeeding the late Chief Justice M. A. Mac-donald as chief Justice of the British Columbia Court of Appeal. Born in Ontario In 187T. the Judge was educated at Olencoe HTih School, the Unlveslty of Toronto and Osgoode Hall. Before coming to British Columbia he practiced law for a time in London, Ontario. The chief Justice served as an officer overseas in the First Great War with the Fifty-Eighth Battalion. Esteemed by his colleagues on the bench and the members of the bar. Chief Justice McDonald was particularly popular with 1 court officials owing to fine consideration and thoughtfulness. The Judge was Interested In r ;ctry and was famous for his anecdotes. Mr Justice D. A. McDonald vas particularly well known In r m:e Rupert and is said to have -resided at more Supreme Court r --lens here than any otner udge An lmprotant mission p e about ten years ago was hen he heard an assessment ppeai which Involved city tax-:nn pcMcy. Air Marshal Kenny Passes OTTAWA, April 11 O Air Vice Marshal Walter R. Kenny; air attache for Canada to the United States, died in hospital here todav. REDS TAKE KURCH MOSCOW Red Army troops have driven 37 miles Into the Crimean peninsula, and captured a vital rail junction on the northern part. The penln-sular stronthold of Kurch was also said to have fallen to the Russians. Nips Abandon Gasmate And Retreat Towards Rabaul To Make Stand ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, April II O) By-passed Japanese troops have abandoned Oasma-ta, air and supply base in south central Nev Britain, and are In full retreat for a final stand at badly bombed Rabaul on the . northwest tip of the Island.! Headquarters announced Tues- day that an estimated forty thousand Japanese were left virtually trapped on the northeastern half of the Island. Air fields at both Casmata! and Cape Hoskins have been 8lvcn t"P by the Japanese. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN SUCCEEDS VANCOUVER. Ap:ll 11 With I a record of achieving almost 50 per cent above Its quota of $800,000 the Provincial Red Cross Campaign Committee has tum- ed over $1,170,000 to National Headquarters as B.C.'s contribu- tion to the work of the Society, "The most successful cam-.In palgn we have ever had," stated C. A. Cotterell, Provincial Cam- paign Chairman as he paid tri bute to the zeal of workers and generosityoX. .surrscfiheis-w".NQ one lrf"thls Province need feel we have left unanswered the urgent call, for help for our boys. It Is a great satisfaction to everyone concerned. Vancouver's share in dona tions was $514222 while Victoria contributed $141,000. New West- minster $42,000, Trail $40,000 and the armed forces $45,000. Other centres donating over $20,000 included Prince Rupert $23233, Kelowna $22,000, North Vancouver $20,635. and Vernon $22,063. Those contributing more than $15,000 include Alberni $16,055, Nelson $18,854, Kamloops $16,645, while ChUliwack had $13,905, Comox $12,851. Cowichan $10,850, Penticton $12,975, Na-nalmo $10,622 and West Vancouver $11,579. Towns contributing more than $5,000 were: Alert Bay $6,431. , Dawson Creek $6,000, Delta $5.- 129, Kirriaerley $6,750. Langiey : $5,300, Maple Ridge $8,500. Mat- squl $6,677. Mission $5,587, Ocean , Falls $5,748, Powell River $6285, i Prince George $6,130, Richmond : $6,078, Rossland $6,402, South Burnaby $6,600, Surrey $5,536, and Terrace $5,183. Totals for Northern British Columbia communities included Atlin $500, Bella Coola $460, Burns Lake $864, Fort Fraser $243, Hazelton $450, McBride $1,000, Premier $1,807, Vander-hoof $703. White Horse $2,657.. Bulkley Valley $3,641. SMELT SMELLS The smelt gets Its name from Its distinctive odor, which re- sembles that of the cucumber. Largest Canadian Air Force Yet Moves Out Against Nazi Targets LONDON, April 11 (CP) A huge armada of British and Royal Canadian Air Force planes the largest force the Royal Canadian Air Force has ever sent against occupied territory roared into France and Belgium last night to attack railway targets in four cities. Nine hundred planes were out las night. Mosquitos hammered I Hanover and other targets In the Ruhr and laid mines In enemy waters. Twenty-two bomb ers were lost but none of them were Canadian. PRICE FIVE CENTS Base POOL PLAN ON HALIBUT SEATTLE NOT SATISFIED SEATTLE, April II (CP) II. F. Lokken, manager of the Fishing Vessel Owners Association, today branded as "unworkable" a proposal by British Columbia fishermen to clear up price differentials which prompted the fish boat tie-up. VANCOUVER. April 11 O) The Vancouver Sun said Monday that British Columbia's halibut fleet will end the present tie-up and sail for the northern banks if Seattle halibut-ters do not accept a pool settlement plan presented to them over the week-end or fall ta offer a better alternative plan. Prince Rupert and Ketchikan are expected to hold meetings soon to consider the British Col- umbia plan which provides that the price ceiling would be re stored to the original level at all Pacific Coast ports and one cent per pound would be placed a pool. At the end of the season the pool would be dl- vided among Seattle and Van- couver fishermen- NAZI PLOT IN MEXICO .This Seen in Assassination At tempt Upon President Cam-acho Assailant Shot and Arrested. MEXICO CITY, April 11 An official statement says that several documents from Nazi sources were found on Lieutenant Jose Rojas, a uniformed officer of the presidential palace staff, who fired upon President Camacho yesterday. It is officially announced that Rojas, who was shot and wounded by soldiers when he attempted to escape after his arrest, was sent to prison. q . j otettiniUS cUlQ Eden in Session LONDON, April 11 W United .states Under Secretary of State -Edward Stettinius opened talks with British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and a statement said that the discussion covered the "whole range" of foreign policy relations. CITRUS CROP HEAVY KINGSTON W Jamaica's crop of citrus fruits is the largest for many years, being estimated at 750.000 boxes. Factories on the island are now making pulp and concentrated Juices in large quantities. YELLOW FOR PESTILENCE A yellow flag hanging from .. ship's halyard indicates tha there is pesUlence aboard.