Tl ni . i i ne uaiiy vews . . . Daily Edition: Wednesday, December 20, 1944 Published every afternoon except Sun-, by TPrlnce Rupert Daily News limited. Tnlrd Avenue. Prince Rupert BrltUh Columbia, a. A. JJUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: ill J?meT. per week . . . IVr Month Per Year By Mall per month Per Year ., 'wis . 40 $4 00 I MEMBER ABC. Something to Be Expected .... Tljp war had been going so well on the Western Front of late that some of us --might have been been starting to think it would be just a wajkawav frominow on., ' To-penile who felt that way Jhe new German counter-offensive fray prove rather alarming and disconcerting. To the realistic thinkers of war, on the other hand, such a counter-offensive comes as little surprise. In fact it was something to be anticipated., and prepared for. The Allies. are said to have more men jfn the field in western Europe today than the enemy. Doubtless, they have aerial superiority. And, of course, the enemy have practically no seapqjver left. . The eventual outcome, therefore, can never be in doubt now. It is; realistic to say that but it is also realistic to assume that the Germans are not .yet beaten and are capable" of at least one more great death struggle which may be grim and sanguinary for them as well as for lis. " Meanwhile Allied military authorities are announcing there is nothing to be unduly alarmed about. As long as a battle lasts, its tide must-ebb and flow. Just now mmr ho one of the phases when the tide is not not be be lontr long in in turninn- turning hnnh back again Action Or Inaction . . . United States Secretary of State Edward Stettinius has made a very guarded and non-committal statement m regard to the Polish boundary situation even though some commentators mayhave called it an important one. PAGE TWO Mr. Stettinius savs that the Amen-' Vm- o 1m. v - mgio yj rtrtf in ITS can government will have no objection to an agreement on the future frontiers ! I k I of Poland providing the United Nations ! N TC Hfl X Y iff ' i t u VJUI concerned agree upon them. lU 11 As a result of -the statement of Mr.J l A P Stettinius, nothing can be said to have ' M ft fl TCl l" mm been clarifeid on the Polish frontim-l1 ,UU,M 1 1 l 1 1 question since, after all, Poland and Russia are the most concerned United Nations and between them the issue is still quite unsettled. United States contines its fence-sitting policy in regard to this as well as the political and territorial problems concerning others of the liberated nations. Great Britain may be making mis- world can be established. more favorable War situation, there may not be so much daniror fi nnnnrrh nlttin .,n i.. 1 1 . t runnln, agl st ,. si(Ic hui nyZTmSo " aiu "UL lwilu A cuuhL una mere appears to be no good reason why they should be permitted to return until nftP- tha a Tells of Seeing: -Many Former Rupert Service People In Winnipeg A few month gay Christmas trees at their mastheads as gleefully as ch.ld dren at a Christmas party adorn. ea witn cracker can.?. I hrme Jnpae.,o themselves, le it 1 f ,-on, Z Z7,s "Z?&gL?Z the possibility of sabotage in one Way Chrutmas Eve and' the moan or another should any disloyal Nip-' over "1C ,nountain as ppnesejjet back with 'the loval: The I 2 a'laf 'en Mrs. . : Brass and Ueut. Don Adams rbn A ?nooi ic flmf lS0r(lers 1 , and " f V mipht 1 1 came out of Midnight Mass to- Ui. anse 'and tha some of the Japanese wther. nVijt;.et hurt: That might have re- which reminds me that Dan percussions on those of our people who has Jutt 56011 Psled nere l H-M are being held prisoner in Japan and !nmChl?alaaSv,SpeclalServices who even now, Ly not be any'too well IgPS fii "" ttit;oraie tne renewal of our It WOUld seem Wise to -. leave . V. Well II 1.11 RuPrt friendship we're going to see Paul Rcbason in "Othello" on Saturday. Talking of saijors-I always did a lot of that, didn't ' I? I saw Signalman Bob Mac-Tavish and his wife when he was here on survivors leave. He was was on on ae the'Restigouche. Re He and is over if thPn Thn a u ri .i.. ,;. .iVwrt.v ,uu ."urRene Jeannotte were oak when 1CW united Mates authorities they were in Prince Rupert and are making a mistake in permitting i pais they were to the last be- uiem 10 return to their coast. There cause Bob was with e wl"n should be the most serious considera- he J"111611- Ronnle Gr?fn Ot Similar action. ' called on me n Th. m ov.. IvflDDLE EAST " 1 angle the other daV- He now OANTEEV ' LOVmv a CAIRO, 0-Th"? generdl offi- luHt ll", Iter Elliott, RESTORE CRYSTAL PALACE : Ste. Hye. taking another cer commanding in SfefiSeS WNDON. -Crystal Palace, i course He says this time hell, East, recently opened a new club 'lon'erTt work eaTdavZr3 ifTS auditorium In .south A"d I sawiyoung SiguL- ; for African soldiers in Cairo i'! lif r hday,becau: London which was destroyed by son wh trumpeter wilh with refreshments TnA teinTSce hS? tra" ! "re several years ago, will ba re--ant Isidore's dance band , Eramaphone recdrds available Wmw a, 3 1ieel" St0red aft" the war at a cost of wnen the Winnioeg Grenadiers i . a""w- approximately $4,500,000. . were in Rupert. He Is now dis- and BEST WISHES to all of you this Christmas from Rcddy Kihivatt and all of us. ljiJrd:.l:r.i.i?i cnarged and working1 for the I railway. He says that Sergeant w ui viic uicja-Mr; uicre, wnom once upon a time' I took to the cleaners in darts. Is now working at Eaton's. I must look him up. And LAW Juanita Scharff's sister LAW Corriveau omes to the Centre very often for 48'b. Juanita ti. or was, at Group headquarters. Sick Berth Attendant Blake's sirter soent some time here too. and C.P.O. Paul Berthelofs eldest son Arthur Is ln Winnipeg attending St. Paul's College, the same school rny boy Gordie honors with his presence. Arthur Is coming down to my mother's home In Selkirk for Christmas Day and will spend New Yeafe Day at the Centre with me, tih-less he decides he has more maii- ly things to do than wasting his time at a girl's residence. Although I'm not dojng Traveller's Aid work any more, I've . . 1. Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY . PHONE 657 GEO.JJAWES AUCTI0NEEER and VALUATOR SALES .CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave, E. Red 127 THE DAILY NEWS been down to the train to see Al Hotobs, the former Navy I schoolmaster at Chatham on his way to his new post at Sydney, N. S., all bright and glittering , with an extra ring on his coat , culf. I also went down to the station to meet my old "V" friend Chester le Malatre. He was on his way overseas. "Yes, they've come to the bottom of the bag" l was his wav of nuttim? it nh member or at least I hope you ! bet of the Acropolis Hill boys to J0 I USed to do mv dflllv Anion 'bp mpt Jnhnnv iieiH to Violr. i,c I neo 4. - , ... i . . .ii ihcsc i;ages unaer the ana 1 imagine 91111 axs at the title "The Hut-Spct." Alex Hun- Empress dances. Today Eva La ter called It something else and 1 Pierre phoned me from the air-so did a lot of you I know but port on her way back to Rupert that's besides the nnlnt s nr,, 1 1 should lit A in hnva Hwmnrl n r r m.xA 1 ... heart Jcldence tomorrow and the next j my J k. U V 1 " -. vwaswSve HI4U W HAb for f n nil nt . . . I j . all of you and Is perhaps! day are our birthdays. Fate Is rwnlniscent of that earlier col- always happening. Return of Japanese . . , Slops' StS Tslt And oh' of t. : i. 1 ..1,1 , , ... rn.i! rtnu 1., r,,o-f real holly gent all the wav from so far away are we from such delights. Far away, Indeed I Do you know I had to pay four dollars for a Christmas tree here? And hen I think of the beauties th lilrfiway Regiment bovs used to bring me for free, I could weep. And now, my best and slncer-esl regards for a happy Christmas and New Year to all my very good friends in Prince Rupert. And do I mean all! r Wjth the Forces News of the Men and Women on Active Service (Contributions Welcome) Local Butchers Worrying About Delivering Rather than Obtaining I Local butchers are worrying not about obtaining the 3,000 or so turkeys which are being ordered for the Yuletide festive boards In Prince Rupeit this year bitt how they are going to get them out to-jth.ejr customers. It boked like an olmort Impossible task ye.'terday as the ment dealers watched trucks moving In tilB ,'htrrt. n tl,. I . WEDNESDAY nry IHKtt I HUU5AND TURj(EYS ORDI and then nnlntrrl In Inn. Ii.i t the union m orders n the other. So there is next "eai Cu ... ai I T'V every inaicauon that the ment 1 4UC revj.;:o; a siting to all 'plane with her. Funny thing, but ! r-l. dealers of Prince 1 tab)lhment takes but it is at least not nvikimr dhl tl ' umff"as my r Rupert arc go- r, VL K"fert riend and erstwhile when we were both there we used j thave an extremely ment ho;.tf; iniQf-.l-n miSItlhe nf 01 inaction Wi in , nrnmpintf wimh en mhh t c., ui-. ... Leading " Aircraftsman ntwwwinii xuiu. Herbie . . ' busy uuajr inrn.n..ii.. .... i i i 1 Uu wij no 1 iw; ut oiruiuayg 10- Morgan, who before enlistment mp 00in n,nt ana day this uon " Will JiaVO to ne settled' snnip w.nv nv sPot from the wilds of wi nnlnpo i aether as hpv U'pr nnlw ti rlnf k .'i.l it. I T)re-PtirUlmn uaV tt ...111. livlntr bonu int. . another before the neace of the wlinlo DecaUiC its symbolic of the very apart. And by a straiw coin- Dallv News mechanieni trf. ilt end there for there are also scale- ouic ti 1 . . ..' . . """'".warm warm spot nnit T I VmiH hold In i i i ... j .i.. t . . . now ivw stationed pbukiuiuu at ui. Moncton, Aiujictuii, new New utivv r oracrs " ior turkeys and aim Brunswick, having been rejiosted spw-tal meats for the New Year from his former statlnn-in One. dinners. interior, rim . Peared to be ,f ' , , ;r!"!! i unorubed plucked. City Workers Aslc New Pact agreement h .. Employee Vv.m ... has been mistt WELSH PEACE Un-J bee. He is expected home on ! The moit of Prince Rupert's j Wales towns a leave early in the New Year. turkey supply will come from the qulrles from l 11 is, lu ue nopeu lliat UanacJa WU "'the 1 w,n.n pacKinr n;u:es this sh,: an XfiZ , I 1 Pacific Coast Our hou- manufacturer not follow the example of United States ItZXrSr nd a horaJ ' n,ws classified Ads br,n8 PTtX7k Jla'f - -and permit the return of the Japanese , down on the water wearing the. , -her son wbat ai houy w.s like, quick results. HZrvS "m sUc abtut tn tll nnnctnl .,,.o ...... e xl. . onw little ll.ti. nh.i.. . . " " J ' cu"1"" PIS. auS all through the It TAKES A KID TO MAKE A CHRISTMAS ... CVCn when the kid is a sJx-fnotcr, and twenty-two next birthday. Even when he's now a seasoned fightingman with a string of campaigns behind him, and maybe one or tvv ' ahead. To Mom and Dad this Christmas Eve he's still the Jittlc boy with the big eyes, who sneaked out of bed and pecked between the bannisters for a glimpse of Santa Clans. Funny; little codger lie was . . . hoping to catch Santa in the act of filling his stocking... tryinp to ficure out how he . managed 7 to squeeze down the diimncy ' beating his new drum, whooping it up, singing carols at the top of his voice... that was quite a ' while ago. Once again it's Christmas Eve. "I'll be thinking of you, Mom and Dad," he writes; "Gosh, it's hard to Jxficve it's my fifth Christmas away. Bet the tree looks swell. And the candy canes and pop corn. Save 'cm for next year and we'll all celebrate together." Mom can't sec the postmark very clearly, or the writing cither. Dad seems to Ik having trouble with his glasses, too.. But when they look at the kid's picture they know from his cheery grin and big comment s,,,u" shoulders that iiiji the wjc job ion he's lies uiiiiig doing i is in in ...torgctting . f all n about it . in . the wild excitement of pood h .mils fliif !. c..:. ..r fi. .:,.,,.. ..,;n Kv Christmas morning. . .stamping around the house and flourish again all over the earth. CUT RATE SHOE STORE ACROSS FROM ORME'S DRUG STORE XMAS Shopping START EARLY SO YOU CAN HAVE FIRST CHOICE OF OUR SMARTER LADIES' SLIPPERS "lllllIO, ONTAIiq THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED FROM Sat., Dec. 23 to Sat., Dec. 30 We wish all our customers and friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR VAN'S BAKERY Oil 3rd Avenue a"1 t : 1 or "IK ft . VI ;a the cl ff;terrtj :vr the, 1 i