' 20 r, mil 1 d Of 5:i -.LI prl GET "HIS" GIFT LLIAM r to Christmas Try Our New AT . . . festle's Cold Wave You will be Pleased EGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) lh Street (across from Post Office) To create the right impression F.S "CLOTHES OP DISTINCTION' leave it too TONE Phone Blue 917 Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now! EN'S & BOY'S WEAR AT REAL SAVING PRICES GIFTS FOR THE MEN . . . i's Silk Scarfs 1 kinds to choose-Speclal $1.00 10 $1.50 n's Silk Tics i real gift , 50c 10 $1.50 p's Leather Slippers i sizes - Black and brown- $2.75 to $3.25 i's Bath Robes Watywelght. Nicely trimmed; AH'slzesr U selection $6.45 u's Leather Jackets Genuine Horsehldc $14.45 to $17.50 n's Bill Folds Ali-leathcr, with zippers SI. 95 m's Leather Cigarette Cases S?c:id Sl.UU en's Sweaters au wool $1.95 10 Sb.UU len's Fine Dress Gloves Llncd or unllncd- . zk -Special $2.00 to $2.95 len's Leather Belts zes- -Special 75c 10 $1.25 en's Rain Coats $6.95 len's Gabardine Coats I Pawn colored $14.00 fen's Fine Wool Worsted Suits B.up and brown stripe all sizes Special .... $32.50 fen's Sport Jackets KC2 $21.50 Now $17.5U len's Heavy Lined Doeskin Jackets len's Winter Overcoats 6.yo Urge selection $22.50 to $35.00 GIFTS FOR THE BOYS ... ys' Sweaters All -wool, also cotton mixture all sizes 65c to $2.75 oys' Pants- wen made. Pair $2.50 to $3.25 Oys' Shoes All leather $3,50 $4.25 joys' Raincoats- special $3.75 oys' Ail-Wool Overcoats $11.95 GIFTS FOR THE HOME . . . W-Wool Blankets Qi-ey only 5.95 Bankets- White, all-wool $17.00 fr 5525.00 1. C. CLOTHIERS LIMITED f 'iird Avenue phone black 321 ore proZcn Fruits and tables Rasnbcrrics. "berries, Sliced Peaches, erprisc Fruit Co. PHONE 343 A A A A ft A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 M PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Our store will be open all day Thursday, Dec. 21. WATTS & NICKERSON. H. P. Robblns, of Nelson Brothers fisheries, Port Edward, returned this morning from a trip to Vancouver. A Over 70's Christmas Party in United Church basement. 2:30-5, Thurs., Dec. 21. Program and tur key dinner. Everyone 70 and over welcome. Please accept this as your invitatlon.none other required. Phone Blue 634 If transportation desired. (297) A GIVE THEM FOR CHRISTMAS Books of Theatre Tickets, for Adults, Children, Men and Women In the Services. Priced $1.00 to $2.25. Now Selling, Capitol. (300) THE DAILY NEWS PAQZ THREE Longer HtH ask ujtins Kj&wJS- your I FABRICS BfcySSl TAILOR Steel Couches slightly used, makes a double 04 O CA bed, Special ... New Occasional Chairs Covered with velour. Spring seats. Strongly built. Special prices. See them. New Chesterfields All-spring construction. Reduced price w $169,00 White Enamel OftC ftft Gurney Kanse PUJUU 1 Used Coal Range, 6 holes, like new $28.50 12 Dressers '$2750 B.C. FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Black 321 t j United Church Christmas Tree tonight, 7:00. Ken Harding left yesterday on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Victor Milton is leaving on tonight's boat for a trip to Ketchikan. Our store will be open all day Thursday, Dec. 21. WATTS & NICKERSON. Mrs. D. A. Careless returned this morning from a trip to Christmas Tree party for chilSren of members- of the Moose and Women of the Moose, tomorrow at 3 pjn. In the I.O. D.E. Hall. (It) A Will the holder of ticket number 179, M. McWhinny, winner of the Moose Christmas Tree cake, please phone .Green. 519. (It) Miss Marie Lock arrived in the city this morning from Victoria to spend the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mre. H. T. Lock. Harold Fisher, son of Judge and Mrs. W. E. Fisher, returned this mornlnc frnm Vnnomivpr where he is connected with.'-al law firm, to spend thc-holidays with his parents. The Rupert Peoples Store, the Rupert Mens' and Boy's Store and the Wallace Store will be open all day Thursday till 6 o'clock for your Christmas shop ping convenience. (297) Notice I will not be responsible for credit, debts or moneys obtained under my name by any other person than myself. GEORGE COLLINS, Port Essington. , Announcements C.W.L. Bridge. Whist and Cribbage, K. of C. hut, January 10, 8 p.nv Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's orchestra. 9-12. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every urday. Coal is scarce! Wasting fuel by overheating your house, is unpatriotic. Health authorities state that moderate temperatures are better for the health. Wear warmer clothing. Avoid cold drafts from open doors and windows. Do everything you can to save fuel. -Si DEPARTME HON. C. Bert Morgan has been able to return to his home after having been receiving treatment in Prince Rupert General Hos pital for a week. He is, gradu ally recovering. Mrs. C. V. Sutherland will sail Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to spend the next three weeks. She is going south on account of the illness of her motehr. Mrs. C. B. Balagno had the' misfortune to fracture her ankle yesterday afternoon in a fall at the Post Office. She was able to return to her home today after an overnight stay in hospital. Prince Rupert students who returned today from school and university -in Vancouver'to spend the holidays at their homes in. eluded John Moore, Jack Breen, John Holtby, George Hankin- son and Kosta Killas. Sergeant T. E. E. Median of the Prince Rupert Regiment administrative staff sails tomorrow night to spend Christmas at his home in New Westminster after which he will proceed to Brock-vllle, Ontario, to take a course, returning here in February. Mayor H. M. Daggett was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, his address having to do with municipal af fairs. President Frank Skinner with a few guests. Hon. II. G. Perry, minister of education, and Mrs. Perry arrived in the city this morning from Victoria and will proceed tomor row evening by train to Prince George to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Mr. Perry will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Stores to Stay Open Tomorrow The majority of local retail stores will be closing both Christmas and Boxing Day next week. leaving a gap from Saturday to Wednesday during which none will be open. The weekly half holiday will not be observed by many stores tomorrow, it is oves... "THE MEN'S SHOP" Archbishop As Greek Regent Is Recommended ATHENS, Dec. 20 tt Premier Papandreau yesterday sent a cable to the King of Greece recommending the appointment of Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens as regent of Greece. DORKING, Eng., ffli E. W. At-lee, cousin of the deputy prime minister, collapsed and died in a bus. He was 72. Every kind of fuel is a vital war necessity; Without fuel, trains and ships cannot speed troops and material to the battle fronts. Munitions factories and shops cannot operate. There are fewer men to produce coal in the mines; fewer trucks and drivers to deliver it that is why you must save all the fuel you can. Co-operate with your fuel dealer. Order fuel as' far ahead as you can. Be ready to take delivery when he can send it. Remove all obstructions to your coal window or chute. Think of all the other people who need coal too. NT OF D. HOWE m MUNITIONS & SUPPLY MINISTER Designed for HIS Comfort THERE'S NO BETTER WAY TO PLEASE A MAN THAN BY GIVING HIM SOMETHING TO WEAR A PRACTICAL AND USEFUL GIFT. WE SUGGEST: , ' Sweaters... LIGHT FAWN CARDIGANS AND ZIPPER JACKETS, IN TWO SHADES JANTZEN AND OTHER WELL-KNOWN MAKES . . . $4.50 to $5.95 LINED CAPESKIN, IN SHADES OF BROWN, GREEN AND BLACK., GOOD RANGE OF SIZES. $1.50 to $2.50 Suspender Sets... CONTAINING BRACES AND GARTERS BY CURRIE. Set BRACES Only Boxed. ' Store will be open all day Thursday, December 21 w $1.50 .51.00 Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS tmi'rimMHBSMBamm n ii. , mmmbmi mMmmmBismmmmMmmmmMmm: phone 21 THIRD AVE. W. mft " Lamps ' .n 3 !Xrr . . - CHRISTINA 1 1 1 SEE OUR STOCK OF BOOK-ENDS AND ORNAMENTS GORDON & ANDERSON, Ltd. FEDERAL BLOCK THIRD AVENUE A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A , A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ! i A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A i A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A i A A A A A