THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE .RUEERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every 'Afternoon Except Sunday ijy Prince Rupert :Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Death, Funeral, In Mcmoriam, Engagement and Wedding Notices. Card of Thanks Birth Notices - Funeral lowers, per Name classified. 2c per word, per Insertion, minimum Transient, per inch - - Contract, per Inch .-. DAILY EDITION Thursday, April 20, 1944 Ynnlli Wants o Know Whv . . . man for his own protection; if there were mo such! ruies, society wouiu quiCKjy nave to invent some. The ..old-fashioned father demanded unquestioning obedience. The children .of today, reared in a much more democratic, free home and community atmosphere, and invited to express themselves, are willing to comply with reasonable rules; the wise modern father explains why he counsels certain conduct. In a wider sphere, the democratic community cannot expect compliance from adolescents any more thin from radiilt -citizens, unless that community mkes an effort to explain the mutual need for social co-operation They Do Hot Fight Alone . . . Our purchase of Victory Bonds does not line up as .an .active participant with the Canadian in battle dress m the spnm battle being waged m Europe. We cannot fool ourselves on this point. For there is little or aio sacrifice here in Canada that can be related even remotely to the hazardous life or death work in which our boyg are engaged overseas. Yet the purchase of Victory Bonds is vital to the well-being of our men in Irattle for two reasons. First the .cash we thus provide maintains the flow of necessary material to the fighting forces. Secondly, and perhaps more important, the enthusiastic jo-port which Canadians at home give to a Victory loan informs the loys overseas "better than any other method we have at our command that the harta and minds of the overwhelming majority of folk back home are with them. 0 , j 'M''rt J. "1 Don't Worry About Vitamins and Minerals!" Willi tliro; avrrj;e-gfMf meili ly incluilins fruit juice Jlu Oviltine niglit anil morning I'm frll'mf til llie rxtra vitamin and miiHTaU I iwl, Widn iihL (umi .energy flwnu aiul inuKlc iiuiliinj; jiriiU'UM. Jut follow tb!a rm fur lirttrr brlilr 3 MIAlt A DAY OVAlTINt NIGHT AND MORN.NO Grt Ovalliue Uxlajr at drug or f.uJ toic. OVALTINE THC rROHClINO FOOD-DUNK SOVIET .BURIES MARXISM (Continued from page 1) MJiMUtJt Ui itus uajmadiai rtuLaa ... r " Th rnnarfinn Press i eriuslvelv entitled to- use lor Dublica-ktudes of ' sympathetic e:i's ami tion of all news despatches credited to it vor to .the Associated i wining hands to help utoktroy Press ln.thls.paper and-alro the local news published therein. tne l)Piesor. " All :righis of republicaticn of special despatches therein are, seems like the ELLMJ CKIVCU. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per wee - Per Year Per Month - By Mall, per Month - - Per Year starvation." "a wretched df .the earth." For that belief, naturally, Communist found ready and intense acceptance. Naturally their missionaries found multH nonseme the official Soviet' 15 ."body now declares It, don't for- $7 00 get that in addition to the irtll- .66 .40 $4 AO lions of workers who accepted it, there were alto. plush drawing rooms and revered academic halls that accepted it too. Km' unlifted in the .official q j Soviet theory are these: Savings, 10 1 eapMal, investment are necessary 30 1 to a progressive society. Market I 75 nriees are properly determined -50 1 by the needs yi profitable opera tion and the circumstances of competition. The factor which must determine wages is not prima ily the need of the wage earner but the amount of stuff he produees; that all men are not niuillu un In hl in nrivHiic. Instruction in dementary sociology, eo that youth tlon; tht. as they phrase it may have an understanding of social organization and . "the labor of a citizen of a so-their part in iit, is one of ;a number of positive steps ! ciaijtt seetety is not qualitatively which might be taken in the homes and the schools to unr1 tt. counter the present rebellion against authority on the ny recegnt the desirability part of youngjieople. j for ineentive pay and for plece- Attention has ;been drawn to the present guidance j work payment, long fiercely op-program Of the DetroitliUblic Schools, Which phased bpmuTatways on the belief lhat youth does not accept restriction UIMie any ,ystem Qt without asking why the community demands con-, tiety." they diart, pointing out formitvio certain laws and rules. l ''or -socialist "Too f requentlytime isnot taken to include young ZJ people :m the planning or to interpret plans to them, forces Khools and otner pubUc it is stated. "The adolescent, in his need to convince se: vices, not only himself but also the whole adult world that ,.EI.n,IA.ri: IJI)EA hefis grown up, exaggerates his behavior by constant of lxpi.oii ation rebellion. "However, once convinced that breaking Out ;ht w:nclyw goes the Marx laws and irules does not indicate adult behavior, but rather the opposite, he frees Ids. energy lor constructive effort." It is well recognized that laws cannot be enforced unless they have ;the support of -public .opinion. This should be recognized as .applying also to the rules and laws which youth is expected to .accept and obey. It is not enough to tell youth what to do and especially what not to do; they shpuld alsp be told wliy. The failure to do ,so is a fundamental1 weakness in the moral teaching of today. It is' because of -this that the wor,d "moral" is so much "in bad odor" with youth. Few young people have been told that morals are simply time-tested, unwritten rules, devised by 1 la f ZUi . . -: 7 7- witk tke m BLueRiirfok .4, i OK tV f GEO. JJJAWES AUCTIONKKR and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUIt CONVENIENCE FL'KMTLTIK AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND .SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Frre Appointment 11C 4th Ave, V.. IlED .127 Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident Bee JOHN L. WRIOHT Phone 741 Plonter Itxrn( No, 6 (doctrine at exploitation. This was the axiom that the . Interests of 'the different groups or classes In society .are unalterably op- ing the present momentous step for a long time. It has been sinning much against the Marxian t ospel. JJut this solemn and of- posed: that the largest class ; fieial iurlal .of the .Intellectual must therefore wage unremit- ;.I"rents of Communism U none- . I . .... 1 1 ,U . .. ... .V ,v....... ling wuiibic uii uii -iiic uuin classes. 'Out the window goes (the a celling is set on prices It long since Introduced Stak- I'hanovlsm or -special pay for spe cial work. Disbanding the Inter- 'Marxian materialistic coneeo-1 natlonale was in 'effect calling and individual incomes ure tuxed more heavily supplies are divided fuirly among producers and mcrchunls and nobody is permitted to take advantage of the war to get more thuu his fthure Ism; .that they had called oft the battle to overthrow governments and societies in capitalistic countries. .And recently as the -New York Times .points cut. In." Soviet press Ignored the Cist anniversary of the death of Marx, foimerly one of the great holy days of i the Soviet state. Recently, too, the pictures of Marx and En gels in Stalin's can- tlon of history. According to I off the foreign (missionaries oVf ferenctirooms have beenirep!acH Marx and his dlsdoles. wars I world revolution. 3n permitting Ltdnyiplctures of Soviet generals.' tnrt niiv bMnti nf mmnm. ! revival of rellelon. the Soviet ' -This official burial of:Marxlsm les, because of human greed, and committed further sin against i brings Soviet economic theory they end for the same Teason the Marxian dletles who regard- into line with Soviet realities. It Hence the intense preoccupa- ed religion as hot only useless makes it possible for the Soviet tlon of -old-Btyle Communists , bui possltlvely dangerous, "an to live in and co-operate fully and of ueonle like Mr. Coldwc. i ooiate of the masses." h a world run on capitalist with tprovlng" Ihaf behind this Nat many months ago. Corn-war lbs other wars lie the maeh- munlst leaders In North America inations of greedy businessmen. Jaanouneed that they were pre-The Soviet has been approach- pared to go along with capital- business principles. Where then does Russia stand? Roughly just about .where Germany now stands. State social- wages and salaries arc controlled to prevent higher production costs from pushing up the ceiling Priority I I xtftc. I WotaU 3i Victory Loans are launched rationing is introduced to ensure u fair share to everyone whllo the hoys are. out there fighting At 2 Canada's First Chokei FRY COCOA for Hmrishtnent and rim Ism has been abandoned and excess proHts arc taxed away ovcryhody for state capitalism. Our Canadian Socialists are going to find this burlal of .Marx to move qulk; base v. ing new t!Kcni ;3 .to embarrassing. Surrounded as he .'Will he mm - f to pay the costs of war 3 V u wim Marxians ana pseuco? I Iiotn Mi r t n. r ' """ " ' 15ii ond there Is more ' $ ) ibut half iif.lmt w In wartime, more jP money K pcml mudc ' f,,r. I people are norkinj; ty " ajftg A?J$ " " ' J ! (HL- . m CTs ' wuaalwwawaaHWPWWWBMaMBMraBB , jl 1 1 1 wmiti, f, ! . i T IftCWCllO COSTS ? I ! " fM c-fQ-P ' L;i wv: and pradut.ri and rP rr-, I ana worxeri nccu I I rv-A.vv , . .. rr?:uu:rrjruii . . .... rz Y"5WRyy.V and the vicious f3 but wages and salaries pKtf the iplral grows v- j V'.'WJ t j spiral of inflation don't catch up'with RtiPtij nd the ky i the ' gets, started L living costs ' rHrtrll ''m't Qr " V BLUE RIBBON J 1 & T ' I , , & hardihlp and confusion r 5.Pi. ' rnitPnlK. a COUPONS iw. , buys less Cx ,v money S sweep over factory, farm nLvv WTUCJ I andlcss, Jiirtd and home rU TA sum i J t70 " ' Cemetery Service Those uiahlng plots tended Uj Phonn Blue 618 and leave phone number for i 3 - - - . mm : I TO PKOTtWl Ua ALL FK?i THE RISING COST W LITErcv AND THE DISASTER OF INFLATION .l . 1. - Anr1l tit atiprlces Willi. n uic '0J t A r A) (Thlt It th third of a trfluMn VmuA tu mphal UPX nt of Wf rnln f urll" nr,"J, In l! rilof Ititai) w"l "" IWn lal,) 41