! - i .V rz Yanks Beat -3a PAGE FOUR All wi Stars (monthly cl 1. "or . i causes. t The Yanks got the opening I point right of f'the bat as Keiner jwas exiled and he placed the IbaL' 'tlettly through the hoop. ( jMMPnee $ocn followed lor the AU Stars. The Yanks set too .Rest of Women's league i. hot a jjace in the first quarter t feated High School Last ?lght tor toe local 10 keeP UP 1th- 'Time and time again Keiner of ) The Navy Drill Han was the the Yanks slipped through the scene of two fine hoop battles tight defence of the opposition 5ri which the Tfanks came to score. The play of the Yanks through for a 6? to 41 win over was fast and smooth with the the Area All Stars and the ball being flipped from one man "Women's League All Stars to the other and then into the Irounced the High School 19 to hoop for a tally. The play in 10. They were the last of an the first quarter was interesting series of exhibition ly clean but roughened up con-games which have been held sidcrably in the second. ' At quarter tine 'the score s! r ' 19 to 9 lor the Yanks. In the second quarter both teams seemed to get that added urge and dropped them in from all over the floor. With the Yanks starting to pile up points the All Stars' one and only San -terbane tried to keep up with (the Yanks and did a pretty good Job of it. He placed them in from every angle of the floor. In one of the instances In which the play became very rough. Dominate of the All Stars was ordered to retire to the bench. At half time the score was 41-42 for the Yanks. I The third quarter favored the Acropolis Hrll men considerably and they came through for 18 Be .... -v 1 point to the All Stars6. The i play was fast with many fouls and tip-offs. In this quarter the spotlight switched from Banterbane and Keiner to La-jeina, the Yanks' ace. who rush ed through the tight defence to score many points. At three-quarter time the Yanks still held the lead 59-30 In the fourth and final quarter it appeared as if the spirit of aggrandisement rising in the hearts of the All Stars might lead them on to final victory Throughout the entire quarter the All Stars out scored, out-shot and outplayed the Yanks. Had Angus MacPhee been his old self the sale of the game might have been entirely differ lling S ' jjj THE DAILY NEV73 ent. With about live minutes i remaining In the quickly vanning quarter the Yanks began to stall for time and. at the final whistle, were on Ihe long end of 67-44 score. G1ULK' GAME WAS OTENKK In the Wednesday night opener the Ladies- League All Stars trounced a powerful High School ' quintet 190. The game started very slow with the typical rough and tumble of the women's games. The All Stars led Hih II tho uv hiit ttlah tvut un a ! valiant fUht to the last The scare at quarter time was 5-1 tor the All Stars. At the start t&t the teeand quarter High oon..i come H mm Let liim help YOU to help end the war SOONER! TT ft'- School's Leorta Blaine twloe broke through the opponents' defence and scored. All this happened in less than a minute. The All Stars soon followed with thrce points to end the half at 85 in their favor. With a few seconds of play behind her In the third quarter Millie Bill of High calmly placed herself on the halfway line and dropped one through the hoop with skill and agility of a vet eran. During the game there were Innumerable Jump balls and fouls. At three-quarter time the All Stars still held a one-point lead over High Schooll tea 8-7. Throughout the entirety .of the final quarter there were JTln'S a fellow citicn who has undertaken a very big job one that will keep him "on the go" early and late, throughout the whole loan period. To do it hc, has put aside his customary work. So give hini a warm welcome. Help him by being ready to buy Victory Honds. In the last Victory Loan nearly 3.000,000 purchases of Victory Honds were made more than in any previous loan. Vet, since there arc about 5,200,000 people gain-, fully employed in Canada, about 2,200,000 still did not buy a Victory Bond! , Iiut the supreme crisis of the war is near and Canada now needs the help of every citizen, man or woman. 'Everyone must-strain for victory to the very utmost. If you bought bonds in the last loan, use the services of your Victory Bond salesman now for a still higher purchase. jfrjjftIf you did not buy then, determine that nothing shall prevent you from buying a Victory Ilond this lime. The Victory Bond Salesman will ask you to do only what everyone is asked to do. That is, to help supply in superabundance everything needed to hasten the war's end. Count up your resources for a supreme effort. Be ready to buy all the Victory Bonds you possibly can. Go All Out for Victory this way The Victory Loan Salesman can tell you everything about buying Victory Honds. He will explain how, in the first place, to buy bonds out of your savings. - ? ' Then bow you ran buy more lomls on the monthly savings plan out of your earnings. . . t Huy both ways. -Put every last dollar into . tliis race for Victory. . , . VICTORY BONDS Notional War Huomo CommtMoo countless lay up sboti uk i but surprisingly few found tin way into the basket. The A:. Stars seemed to find the mui !i needed pep to continue on to a victory and this they did with out much hindrance from High School In this quarter thry more than doubled their prey: ou core, ending up the game with 19 to the High School's 10 HtLSKNTATlOX Of TltOlMIIKS ' In the interlude between the garnet Commander C. M. Cree, R.C-V.. and Mrs. Cree made the presentation of tlte abamplon Ishlp trophies to the Little Americas for winning the play. joffs; the Yanks, the ehampton- Iship of the League, and to lnrnint.4 Wn'i fnr tha oham pioiuhlp of the Womei",Loai:ue Following this Commander Cree made a brief speech. At all breaks In Uie game the TIC Navy IUnd gave zest to thf evening by elegant rendition of marches. Following the garni1 the National Anthems of both countries were played. INDIVIDUAL SCOItINC I The Individual scores were . follows: Yanks Ladna 23. Keiner 18 DeUs 11, Walling ford 6. Oarze lonl i, Swatuon 2, Goldman 1 Total 67. Men All Stars Samerbane 17. MacPhee 10. Taylor B. Hud say 7. Doralnato 2. Sales l(u ton. Filch, Tout 44. Women All Stars Bruketta 7. Payne 5, McKale 5. Arm strong. aiUclte. Total 10. High School Uktlne 4. QUI 2. Orer 2. Qretg 1, MLeod 1. Sand hols. Oalagno, Ilerg. Vucko- vich. Total 10. Carl Clay refcreed the first game and MMurchle refcreed the second game. Brookman wa score keeper and South worth tunc keeper. FrecJ H. iilcpheni Gshawa Going Up in Junior Hockey Final OSHAWA, April 20 Oshana Oenerak defeated Trail Smoke 'Eaters by a score of IS to 4 ai d took a three game to nl! lr ad Uie bet of five came ter.' y or 'the Memorialed p.' MUem-' 'altc of Dominion junior hoekev championship. Fight Card Looks Good HUrvInt Itoting Kan In rrincej Kuprrt Are Due Tor Keat. After drooDlrur for at least I two years for laek of nourish- , ment. fight -starved Hrtncc Ru I pert boxing fans will be ablr ; to strab a few of the right kind of vitamins when Uie Uoller makers Athletic Club presents ilts "Orand Boxing Bnow leat- urlnif Canada's welterweUrlr champ, Phil Palmer, ex-navy man of Vancouver, and Chlto Hernandez, an artist of some re pule In the Unltad 8 tales mid iwcst. This and other battle- will eompow the card at the staff house dining hall on April Palmer has been hoeing a dif ficult but Increasingly succes- ful row In Bremerton. Portland and Hollywood, and 1 the pride of manager Ham AnVonelh.'- heart. "If he hadn't hurt his hand he would have licked Kid Polite Un Bremerton last week," Ham wrote us. "Polite Is one of the best welterweights In the world, " Hernandez has done most of his flghUog In western and middle western stales, and ha fought all the leading men In his class. There U : available here no record of his wins but he must have something on thr ball or he would not be covering such mileage to meet a classy fighter like Paimer. Hernandez Is a nrrlctlslnff member of the United States Army, so It should not be difficult to forecast where any loose cnatiRc that the Acropolis Hill bovs mlcht have will be iaia niifi m doubt If thev have any difficulty finding takers for their wagers. The Boilermakers have puliea the stapner on an engaging type of discord. Men,30r 40,59! Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? Ttt ttalrn TmiU TMm. Cwimliw mn HI'" faun. in., vl'sluln II i .1 i .ii.ili"p,'"-.ir Tmm4u iv w '' i II l"l 'll'f laiulli f nt fflnf. It" : t""-El., A Ml uu41tf . HtM Mftinn imuwi , TAKE ir MB, You BL GILU J " tS, lb Hi; UUde, br:j sharpcsi tijsi duccJ1 Tb;i r..n. i comr Jfatcr L krtnncil h light niivnilutur at It !uU ul i jour fccjl.-- ; max x THE REX Now Op;3 r tiriD C Ui III 1 f . . c a - mr k t 1 ' - J -.1 1 iiii.j -