. : az six :'1S HI m Expert OPTICAL SERVICE V7 DODLMEAD CHAS. CHAS. DODL ftTlVVtE I Optometrbt in Repairing Charge Jewelry Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER MAX HEILB RONER DIAMOND MERCHANT ring Togs for CHILDREN... Coats Dresses Underwear Hosiery Hats Blazers , Night Wear Sweaters Skirts Blouses Baby's Wear, too Mail Orders Promptly Filled Rupert Peoples Store "In the Heart of I'rinre Rupert" THIRD AVI- Next to Ileilbroner's rhone BLUE 907 SIGN UP FOR VICTORY I'rime Minister Churchill stated the other day, "Victory may not be so far away, and will certainly not be denied us in the end, but the task is heavy, the toil is long, the trial will be severe." You can hasten victory you can lighten the task and the toil by signing for more bonds this time than ever before. Put Victory First BUY VICTORY BONDS e Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA DibL Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY B I It T II L) A Y AND EVERYDAY CAIt D S W A T E It 31 AN'S FOUNTAIN TENS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 Step Into Spring With HARTT SHOES We can think of no better way to spruce upVfor Spring than to order a Pair of Hartt's Handsome New Spring Shoes for Easter. SOLE AGENTS .. . FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" Classified Ads Advertising In this section Is payable in advance at the office. IMease do not ask us to deviate from this rule WANTED apartment for navy man and wife. No children. Phone Blue 921 between 6-8. Mr. Lowe. (93) WANTED Homes for 3 pups Call at 340 6th Avenue West Phone Red 280. (95) WANTED Four or five foot fox wire; wire clothes line. Buy or trade. Phone Black 823. . WANTED Housekeeping room, by soldier and wife, by July 1. Apply Box 740 Dally News. WANTED TO BUY 4 or 5-room'ed house, close In. $500.00 cash. Terms arranged. Box 741 Dally News. (94) FOUND FOUND Girls' silver Identification disk. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Fountain pen; can be obtained by identifying same and paying for this FOUND Bunch of keys on ring on 6th Avenue. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS. A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 DANIEL BJARNASON PAINTER AND DECORATOR Quick Service. No Substituting of Material General Delivery Ideal cleaners "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guessci Waterproofing .a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mali Orders Box 99 MODERN TAILORS We are open again for altcr- tlons on Ladies' and Men's Suits. Quick and efficient service. .Reasonable prices. 318 5th St. (Behind Royal Bank) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving SMITH & ELK INS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative Box 526 1315 PlggOt Ave, Prince RuDert, B.C. timiii:r mm: x.i.ihii Scaled tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B. C, not later than noon on the 23rJ day of May, 1044, for the purchase of Licence X33841, to cut 19.030,000 feet or Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on two areas situated on Skedans Day, Louise Island. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Three (3) years will be allowed fur removal of timber rurther particulars of the Chief Forester Victoria, B O . or Dlstrlci Forester, Pruce Rupert H,0 FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT Four or , FOR SALE 1938 Chev light de- five room modem house, un- livery. Valentin Dairy. (95 1 furnished, by reliable local ,aik 5 hp 2-rvlinder ro" " resident. Urgent Phone Blue L. .f . ?! 184. (95) WANTED Furnished rooms or isicau engine, uu svai.ci, tit good condition. Cheap for cash. Apply P. M. Wells, Casslar Can-neiy, BC. (93) FOR SALE Good Monarch stove. Blue 825. (95) FOR SALE Coal and Wood Beach cream enamel range. Hot water front and reservoir. Pilce $50.00. 500 11th Avenue East. Phone Red 486. ;93) FOR SALE Six spools trolling girding. Cheap. See Imperial Machine Shop. (95) FOR SALE 1P38 Ford 2-ton, 3 urd. all-steel dump, also flat deck. Phone Red 446. (97) FOR SALE 'New house. Apply after 6 o'clock, 924 6th Avenue East. (94) FOR SALE 8-12 H.P. St. Lawrence engine, twin. A-l condition. Write P.O. Box 1008. Station "B." (95) FOR SALE 5-room house, $500 cash. Vacant May 1. 1845 11th Ave East. Also Dominion Dairy buildings. Contains 15,000 feet of lumber. Phone Black 608. SHERIFFS SALE The complete Sawmill Plant, known as Nobles Sawmill, situate on Bablne Lake about 27 miles from Burns Lake. B.C. will be offered for sale at the Omin-eca Hotel, Bums Lake. B.C.. at auction for cash, on Tuesday, May 16 1944 at the h-ur of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, unless amount of Judgment and costs of execution have been settled In the meantime. In ventory of the property to be sold may be seen at the office sealed tenders may be submit- be treated as bids when opened at the sale. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. M. M. Stephens. Sheriff. (Dated, April 19, 1944). FOR KENT FOR RENT Room for working girl. Phone Red 600. (96) FOR RENT Garage. Phone Green 155, after 6 p.m. (tf) FCR RENT Furnished room. Gentleman only, 843 9th Ave. West. (95) Beauty Culture In all 1U branches ' VANTED 206 4th Street Phone 655 HELP WANTED THE DAILY NEWS CFPR 1210 Kilocycles SCHEDULE THURSDAY I'M. 4:00- Sound Olr 4:15- G. I. Jive 4:30- Kay Kyscr 5:00 Caravan 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 CBC News &05 Recorded Interlude 6 15 People Enjoy Facts 6:30 Albert Prata 7:00 Fred Waring 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 Bine Crosby 8:00 Major Bowes 8:30Boo Hope 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30- Classics for Today 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time 10:30 Great Music 10:45 Band Wagon 11:00 Cioslne announcement Fit I DAY AM. 7.30 Musical Clock 7:45- CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Novelty Tunes 9:00 Recorded Interlude 9:15- Music a la Carter 9:30 CBC News 9:35-Transcribed Varieties 10:00- Henry King's Orchestra 10:3011111 Billy Music .0:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Xavlcr Cugat I'M. 12:00 Wayne King 12.30 -Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 School Broadcast 2:00 Silent Here and There 103 NOT OUT TORQUAY, England, O "Wicket still standing," was the Inscription on a cake presented to Mrs. Frances Sarah Wlckett cf the Sheriff, Prince Rupert, ,at her 103 birthday celebration or with the Sheriff officer in n was the gift of a nephew. charge at the plant. If unable to attend the auction sale, SOCKS STAY SHOUT LONDON, The Board of ted to the Sheriff marked Tfade has decided, despite pro- "Sawmill Tender." which will! tests, that men's socks will stay short until the war Is over. I'GAMIA COTTON FACTORY KAMPALA, O The first cotton factory in Uganda will be established soon. This will Introduce Into Central Afica a new industry with a potential FOR RENT Room in private market of 10 to 12.000,000 Af- home, close in, for gentleman, rlcaru and an ultimately higher Phone Green 155, a.ter 6 pjn. i standard of living. (tfi i BIRTH KATE III STOCKHOLM, tf The number of children born in Sweden In 1913 was more than 125.000, the highest since 1921. WAR WORK TELLS LONDON, tt Twice as many j pairs ui Bircvfcaviia m i-.u.v war are now being worn in uru-aln according to W. E. Harry, editor of the publication, "Op- WANTED Janitor for local tlclan." One reason is the high hotel. Apply Selective Service j percentage of war workers over AM120. (tf) ;40. WANTED Clerk for stationery store; either sex. Apply National Selective Service, AF 125. (tf) WANTED Warehouse man Good wages and working conditions. Apply Selective Service AMI 18. (95) Stenographer, per manent position; good wages RUBBER RESOURCES EXPAND NEW DELHI. f India's rub-txr resources arc expanding rapidly and continuously. The country's present annual production Is aboirC 17.500 tons, DURBIN IN FARCE FILM "His Itullcr' Sister" Entertain, hit I'rature on Capitol Screen This Week-end Dcanna Durbln has been seen In several light comedy pictures but "His Butler's Sister." In which she is starred at the Capl tol Theatre this Friday and Sat urday. is her first real farce The stoiy Is of a small town girl who goes to New York to visit her brother, a butler, an finds that her brother's boss ha fallen In love with her. Some very unique comedy situations are Introduced to the plot and a most hilarious film Is the Miss Durbln has two co-star Franchot Tone and Pat ODrlen the latter as the butler and the former as his employer Other prominent members of the cast are Aklm Tamlrof f. Eve' lyn Ankers. Alan Mowbray Frank Jenks and Walter Catlctt Navy League Women Have Fine Dance The Women's Auxiliary of tht: Navy League was responsible for p very successful dance Tuesday night in the Oddfellows' Hal, j the affair being one of much j enjoyment to a large crowd which included many men of the I forces. Alex Mitchell was mastr: of ceremonies and music was by Jean dc Carlos Orchestra, The affair was In progress from 9:30 pm. to 1:30 a.m. and delicious refreshments were served, Mr. Agnes Murray was con vener. James Simpson and Harry Calderwood presided at the dec: assisted by Mrs. J. E. Boddle and Mrs. James Simpson. Mrs, S L. Peachey and Mrs West were tn the checkroom. The refresh ment committee consisted of Mm. Thomas McMeekln. Mrs. L C. Boy. Mrs. T. Yule. Mrs. Theo Foitunc, Mrs. John Bremner and Mrs. F. Barber. IN MANY SEA FIGHTS LONDON. Matron of a war factory. Mrs. L. B. Dunster wears the African Star ribbon. She served In the merchant marine, was under fire at the evacuation of Dunkerque. saw the Jer- vix Bay go into action and was there when the San Dematrio was hit by Ocrman shells, IIKLI) IN SOUTH AFRICA CAPE TOWN, Oi There arc 50.431 Italian prisoners of war In South Africa. Of these, 10, 434 are employed by farmers and 3.678 arc employed on gov-, ernment works. iv tiii: MPKKfir. rot rt or IIKITIMI Cni.lMltM IV VHMUT). IV Till; M 4TTI.K TIIK ADMIN-H1KriON ACT AND in Tin; mattir or tiii: mtath or (IIMtl.l.V OTTO MIIIHt, iHtirmlv known (Illlll.r.S, Mil I I It. KrirnfU. tiitettate. TAKE NOTICE thl by Order of ; llli Honour Judge 7laher. Local Judge of the (Supreme Court or British Columbia, I tu on the 5th day of April A D. 184. appointed Administrator of the EtUte of Charley Otto Miller, otherwlsr known a which U practically all used In charie. Miner. reeaed who died vi.ik.ii i ot) or atom tn, nth day of Feb- India lor war jiuijuav. ruary A D 1914 All person Indebted I to the aald Estate are required to , pay the amount of thetr indebted MOVED TO SAFETY ineae to me forthwith and til per- itnir nirTirf rtnlnn for (Jia sons having claim against the said Must be EOod tvois and ab!r J1' '"J"". - -,Etet are required to file then with Service AF124. --- 1V" tmlnnr-ihlr. wam. to safe OnCS the 15th day of May A I). 1944, (all (tfi , . i.j ,n wnicn diitrimitlon win be made !have been almost completed, having regard only to tuch cuima WANTED -WaltresscJ for local When Japan entered the war, f DATm it'mw'RurnT.'iS caie. Experience not necess- many or inaias war prouucuui. ath day or April ad. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT. .,. i... oureuYc -v - i- Official AdmlnLtratot Service Office, No. AF122. (93) vulnerable to air attack. prince Rupert, no. LOST LOST Pocket book at Dry Dock, registration card, $32 or $42, snapshots. John V. Brletzke, Box 1323 Station "B." (94) PERSONAL PHOTOORAPHERS We will purchase good quality photographic negatives, size 2V4x 3'4 or larger of native scenic, game fishing, lumbering, boating, or other industrial activities In the Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Island Areas, black and white or Kodachrome. Please forward negatives to us for Inspection and we will advise you of lm mediate acceptance or return same promptly. Steffens-Colmer Limited, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. (113) SYMBOL OF PROTECTION In Medieval times, the betrothal ring presented on the tip of the sword meant a knight would fight for lib lady BRITISH COI.llAMJIA I'ACKF.RS LTD., Vancouver, Canada 19 i 'IS ON THI SAM! MOO RAM Cartoon "Pass the ItUcullv. Miranda" llir .iiiiiimis ay ar . -In The l)eerf World News Caaiiiil J lsMisMMHsVldMe uiHDH mmt stllllll will YOU will YOU T S. E. PARKER LTD. i , :s il "Caty IWl - . 4? i.l: Ton! and Mercury Dealers and Service HERE IS (JOOD NEWS! , t jeanlnt Kor even though tho calendar says, "faprm.., time" . . . Hie Variety Store is ready to help ta of c Irk out 'of housework with a largo slock ' aids '. . . polishes, brashes, cleansers and nnJ'lW"gspol. an you might need to make your home shining less for the new season. So take an inventory o utility clo-sct today . . . and remember that The Store will suve you money as well as llme THE VARIETY STORE