CAL NEWS NOTES . vm r in. Arnom riaien win i3t Hn. F .is: February uraay mum lor Vancouver, corn s' Hi. I II K I refresh 10 CENTS 4l Bow'iW United i-.:..: a uxe i"," t": regular C sb. pr;s revive Club lihist drive at 1 llc.Il, Saturday, 3 p.n rrizes u 142) , Ha'1 of-Hupeit Mach-; louver j 'alee a ( ur irz St John Am- ' Red Crc-.i Rooms. 4i t St Sunday. p: attend, U2 en s CANADA blnlng private business with at tendance at the annual convention of the BrltUh Columbia branch of the Canadian Red Crow Society. Aid. O. W. Rudderham, ten days after the incident, Is stilt unable to resume hU'woik because of injuries sustained when he and Aid. J. S. Black were set upon by American soldiers on the street. It may be another week before he will be able to return to hU normal duties. Men,30, 40,50! Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? labia. W-m. Msia I. trtsjt, ajOjafiawf a. lan a ssiai t rm. tis. miI n Mi, " sjrsiy wmm as , it Work Boots GKEI5 WLMKIfS TII-SONHUKC. 'Moose Head Hranrt- Tl I HUSTON'S icntl:ilU Solid nnd Comfortable rga CALENDAR FOR 1911 Price 75 cents your favorite bookstore. Ma W Ml i ri r. i.i v jnoe xore ua. i t www r w w i he nome ot uood ohoer i nr BEAUTIFUL USEFUL l vcryono likes the now Va v ' I F YOURSELF BY HELPING US 1939 I V7' Have Your Bus Fare Ready ! I "fis1 fish" 'din!!10 ,lrivc1, musl whit while you 1 l,cf l'assen poin nmi l inu Mi'ii 1 r 1 ! I V cd .11 L'rw. 1 O ' Hltl irtltl tV-- MM".'" tint T ai'ply that few wconcls ol the i.s late. Let's keep it on time! John Mederlclc Md'hee. wilperll with the Canadian force In Italy lflOOSe i Mint picture recently appeared ,ln the Dally New, la a son of Carl McPhee, well known In Prince Rupert as a tvnewriter service man. The family reside in Vancouver and is well known to George Stanton, president or the local Uollermaktrs Union. Stoker Petty Officer Trevor Hill arrived In the city on thU morning train from Windsor. Ontario and. after spending a week's leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ulll, he will leave for the Atlantic ooat to continue hut naval Announcements C WL. Bridge. WhUt and Crib-bage. K.O.C Hut. Ftb. 17. 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. C.C.F Dance. March 10, Oddfellows' Hall. DeCarlo's Orchestra Dry Dock .Employees' Dance. March 18. Proverb's Orchestra. W.A. Canadian Legion Dance, I.O.D E Hall. March 34. CLEAN, QUICK k 1 SHAVES WITH h I BLUE f il yyLLL 1 1 1- BlADSj ; 1 LC3MHR writ i r ii f 'i V in tiTaiili I m "A TRIP through the jfX Gillette faaory showed mc why I always gtt clean, quick shaves with Blue Gillette Blades, I saw steel hardened in automatically-controlled electric furnaces ... saw the blades sharpened in grinding machines weighing scleral tons yet so precise that they arc adjustable to 110,000 of an inch. So my adicc to any man who wants to enjoy shaving is to use Blue Gillette Blade." THB DAELT NEWS Ladies Dance-Social The Women - of the Moose, Chapter 211, again played host to members of the Moose Lodge and their friends at a social and dance following their regular monthly business meeting In into... ... MAMw. iiicivr uric ij lucuiuciA a uii friend. In atnHonrtt at f Vw LcomP' social evening which began at 9 o'clock. Oames and dancing were enjoyed until midnight when refreshments were served and run away with the hotel keeper's wife. Jones: Heavens, who will teach his Sunday School class? Notice MiTirt. I.WH KIMTI(Y ACT Itr tfyrtlMratr of Till' N 57AJ7-I. t Ittarl I. SbttMn ( Ihr sullMrtv ? urn, mrr ur Itm, ,.f jt IM, Ran;r A. Il. IrM. MP KM. I Prince Rupert And the "Y" iBlng (trim lit tnatalment by VI n Durotby CUWutt, the Hoatem here) (Installment No. 4) One. perhaps I should say the most Important, war services the Oddfellows' Hall. '"oa u""e inp V" ",c With Mrs. W. II. Tolln, senior .?" tfy.lsTrCi m ob tr to regent, In the chair, the meet- fmd Uvnf u" tor th lng was featured by the lnitla- uw,m fa,ml tlon of two new members. , , t sauurs who are on loage ana for service men who are on subsistence that is, living out and so on. Although I really wish the wives would be nershlp of Mrs. G. Hague. Ita .t,e h.0B!" afU?r The committee In eharee of war' lm arrala ln" 80 sense e that common the entertainment consisted of w t ir ., vt,. n sense is a little too much to ask anrl Kr. T aCltf.11 sensible, stay at home and use their allowances towards buy- upon mem ana bo long u iu wives and families follow their and fathera-and they fundi (husbands has stolen $100.000of the will do so as long as they are on the same continent Just so long must I keep on trying to find places for them. As opening gun In the Rooms Registry Campaign I placed ads I in both the newspapers. Since then these ads have been the w kihea.1 uiiAitruir, nrani ox ... . . . lur. lnrrnt liilrMatr. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 Official AdmlnUtrator. Hrtnra Rupert. BC. P.U. Box 341 FKASEll STREET ntl.NCE It U PERT naHaaHHBaHBBBBaBHaBBlBBBBBaHBBB plies were wonderful- Jie could ' TAKE NOTICE that bT cxntrr oT rnmc nn'nnrt siren on the ehes- (he toth day of rbruary. ad. i44. terfield, or the children could I waa appointed Administrator of l,ust move Into the Te back the extale at Kniik Imk. dntard. . . . , . . , and an partita havmc eiatm. agam.t bed, they were glad to give up the wtd nuu are iM-reby requurd their room. It was a marvelloLs u furuuii mr properly verified, . ,, to me on or brfore the nth day response and one T I can t recaa ,n nf March. AD 1944. and aU partlra now without a bit Of a lump Indebted to the Eatate are required , to pay the amount of their indrbt- In my throat. In fact I telt a T, m. ,tS!.hw,,h . bit of a heel that I had delib- DATKD at Prince Ruprrt, BC. . , , . ... thia nth d.y oi February, ad. im. erately worked the sentimental riUKMAn A. wavi. on (7 If hut thi ne-r ILseir WAS genuine enough. Another time we had an American woman and five kiddies land In on us. They had missed the boat for Ketchikan and had to wait five days for the next boat, so as usual they were sent up to Mrs. Oarbutt at the "Y." So ooo. I started In the old phone routine but "no dice" as people were dismayed over the prospect of five children. Once again the newspapers came to my aid and featured a last minute call for help on their front pages. In that way I got them fixed up 1888 when Canadians first began to say, "There is no other Tobacco just like Old Chum"... Canada celebrated 21 years of Confederation . ; i Telephone, were Just coming into practical us ... Gladstone and Macdonald were the prime ministers of Great Britain and Canada . , . Fashion pages described the new styl woman's bathing dress requiring only sin yards of flannel . . . Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Yeomen of the Guard" made Its debut on the London stage. OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality Mrs. Evans Heads Hospital W.A. At the regular meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxil iary held in the Nurses' Home on Tuesday, the annual reports of secretary and treasurer were read and the following mem bers were elected to office for the year 1944. Honorary President Mrs. S. V. Cox. President Mrs. C A. Evans. Secretary-treasurer Mrs. H. Paulson. Executive Mrs. Keays, Mrs. J. Ivarsen Mrs. S. B. Calder. andj Mrs. Bremner. I Representative t o Hospital BoardMrs. S. A. Kielbaclc Sick Committee Mrs. Bremner and Mrs. Keays. C.N.R. Trains Pali? ttscpt Sunday From th Eatt Dally except iirmCzj 8 p.m 10:4 5 pm. by night. Mrs. Haudenschild took three of them, the eldest girl and tw boys, Mrs. Hougan took the little girl and the mother and youngest boy stay dren two years old and under live in my memory as an uis- ,. tv- ihp torlcal-I might say hysterical K-hv u and frets.'they -date I shall not soon forget nnnt hft. lhp nr(n.r I came in at ten a m. and found Qut jomeh t think the Lord . , ik. .v.. o.,.if.,,. r my aesx, uwrany w arrp m . aftpr y... nnd vht Tme !J; sailors. "ATaraUiif .25 had come kHhsome -babies seom to "'.S; !.nnowhere,;no wk aU w,th otners i tar cspu-iir-nn or on nvonth from datlon suppUed tftem )usi no- motller nad done ne- best and Sat3 .iU6c hl?r. 1 Mt an,d bI the relief In her eyes when I "STLS that had placed T evening m u it Md we would uke them m rrrtltlrito unl-w In th mrantlma only nine bQV.S. The radio Station mnrp thflrt rr.mnpnitkm Z&f"- - at a moment's notice very kind- 7Jne datto at thr Land Rrfttry ofnc. ly put out nn SOS for me on the ntn-r Ruprrt b c. thi wth dr six o'clock news. I made a path-1 ' . au. etlc emotional, and thorough?? rvputr mimnt of ntiea. sob sister plea out of it ending t1iF"mtki Mr "rit rt or "PPe ot Prince Ritoert. wb-e itKiTin ou t Mint are these boys to sleep toru?ntr' m ii.. MattiM """"Jiminuiratir.n That got them By seven pjn ut aiwi every boy had a room. The re- h Mfliirr i i.Mir i.f rail". LONDON. tt) Orcmp Capt. Frank Whittle, Inventor of the Jet-propelled airplane, has been elected fellow of the Rayal Aeronautical Society. ! MORNING FRESHNESS K II Juit Do This at Bedtime Tonight 1 your mirror hovft yrm looking tixni n.l roil 1WI lUtleM in tke nvirnmi In a cup cup ol ol .w, Impront r tntaltin warm at brdtinie. AVtr, Improtrd Orallme brlpt to rclirvi; that IrrXiof o( iMrvuua tetKtVm. iu fcil d"i 'Ir-ViM-oU are pr""nl fur rajr ilijtrtn. 'ITn fmf Armenia Mp to rcplmufa the Lwlr wUilr NOTICE Is hereby given that means of keeping our need for , supervisor's room r"v- the ANNUAL GENERAL MEET- uC aa , "ly, -hlch we made inV) a make ing of the Members ol tne puduc wib wuwiy ucy -'shlft bedroom, the Salvation ! PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL brought in a large number of jA kmd,y ,endIng nJ I HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION will rooms Of course the demand is , blankeU n were not be held at the City Hall on much larger than the supply ' Dmttaaaei Dut someUmes one I Tuesday. February 22nd, 19U. w we niace on an average o to use Nelsons blind eye at 8 zu persons eacn montn m rooms. p.m. where me matu?r Buliie. I ne next move was xor me u - , conccrned. to Keceive Auaitors Kcpoct " "b- and Financial Statements licit rooms and if I did not for the vear 1943. nave exactly the response I To elect five Members of the had hoped for at least I made fitranded Board of Management. jinem rooms conscious ana, m-To appoint an Auditor. directly. I opened up the way The Membership fee is Jl.00.for a number of nice rooms for oer annum and can be paid at officers and their wives. (he Hospital or left at Ormes We have had some hectic mo- irior to February 18th. at.ments In the Rooms Registry. i h ich date the membership list will clae. H. W. BIRCH, Secretary. Before all the sailors went off lodge and cornp and into bar- racks I had the fun of trying to get rooms for them. This was not too bad a Job on the whole but one day. May 15, 1942. will Just recently we had a yount couple the parents don't look out of tnelr teens, ana two were sent up by the Vanouver Dry Dock office and through some mlxup somewhere, found themselves stranded and brokr when, they got here. However. Miss Schneider and Mr. Wilson are doing what they can and they were settled. As you might guess a recreation hall is no place for the permanent home of two chil .Vnr, Improml Orallio contain more tit Vitamin A, Ri ami I), and tlw minrrab CalHmn, ITkb-j.Kotu ami Iron, than ever to rrp!rru.4i worn out nuwie, nro c anl bmly crib. Try it Impnxrtl Oralline. Sreifit IitfTMi't help ou to watr up trrAtrr, more buoyant. (rt Otalline tilaj at yinir ilrug or fuoil atorc iJT, IMPROVED OVALTINE A Few BroDS . Up Each Nostril Quickly Relieve PAOE THRE8 J.M.S.Loubser D O, li-A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Pbone (41 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 For Highclass DECORATING and PAINTING Call LEO OYER Red 395 867 Borden St. Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They: deserve it. See National Monuments 602 5th East Box 1425 Station B Prince Rupert. B.C. B.C. EMPTY BEER BOTTLES PURCHASED Quantities over 10 Dozen will be picked up. Pbone 950 or Red 970 Quantities under 10 Dozen to be delivered to our warehouse No. 811 Fraser Street CITY TRANSFER Adrertlse in the Daily News4 Stuffiness of Catarrh Specialized Medication Works Fast. Right Where Trouble kl "Soothing relief from stuffy, "painful distress of acute catanh comes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces swollen membranes soothes irritation, relieves m nm UP congestion, helps flush out coldlogged nasal WBlili passages. Makes breathing easier A.7DA.NOL try itl Follow directions in package. Vt' a Rw" W warn 1 Tr T i rit I v A rich satisfying drink, -the coffee which thousands enjoy .you will too!. Drip or regular grind, in the flavour. fresh pack. -4 rr FOR YOU BtmmmmmS awattT aw ammmmmmmmmmmmtT A-M m aaaT Fragrant ;and flavourful. A pleasure to drink and to serve ! Makes 288 cups to the pound.