MARCH ? )CAL NEWS NOTES , ,.. ir. r a jr m tup v- hji ytjifouver. Be '.-re li'H riuittf "turn to nta 'icA-lantlc. ot Mr. aj)d rR I f last nlah cr wb".-i he hopes to Canadian Air I- Hocry manager of C:l umc- Ltd. co- ilnrs leit :.hh after- B? C rota where? hjc I of a newly, m Marmrr, r operative jllcc-y i leave foj DO ,i. ) 4i i'o-gor- h Bilf.ish Colum- t; ;a o ' uer before in i niKht deny i ;1 dumped dsS : ; id ..nt..,'t oa in Si I iA' Bu I, pre ;r ,: I u; :k ',:d up u:;0 buri:- AN INVALUABLE m l..' d in mak J'1 'r .iV'Ul 8Ii( . ft Fred Scaden wa the wlnpei of the war a vlogs certificate In the weekly raffle for the benefit of the Queens Fund at the last regula: weekly raecdlng of the Prince Rupert Rotary pjub when the speaker wai Navai Padre C. M. McKlttric'k. A leUer from the Brttth Columbia Shipyard Conference In regard tt a meeting to be held March 11 and 12 In Vancouver when postwar rehabilitation of induitilal worker, farmcri and war veteram will' be the principal subject of consideration wan read and filed at last night''. .vteeMn? of the city council. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Pmmette had a letter before the city couRttl last nlcht en-rtorslni the stand of the council a Meklng a new agreement from Wartime Housing Limited according the city a better deal In connection with .and acquired ; by the company for its industnn' 'hau.'lng project.- SB 7 In thr::uch the years, almost since Prince Rupert i' ?A, we have served th nnni tt nr i x:s have always tried to keep modern, using I P quality drus. Uic bet of equipment. ie . art a new year, we are proud of our )eW ' i i r irie confidence you have shown In ui,.May ii 7 i' ; yrvp vnii irmes Ltd. jfi Pioneer Dru.Qp ist P.XAM HTORE PHONES 81 :inri 82 O; Dai?y f rom 9 a to !1 9 p m i tr.d Hi .i&i'.i, frum 12 2 p.m us:d " 9 pm. JSSALLEMr5 ECONOMY STORE Wr.crc dollars have more cents" Me have a coiurle variety of available occrjes. Ifrch Fruits and Vegetables Tobaceps and Confectionery IkELIVERY throughout he City three time weekly T;:r di.s. Thursdajf and Saturdays) Opj)olte Canadian Legion INCOME TAX Income Returns to be filedlfrl or before AVUh 30, 1911 VOlim NOW AVA1I.AHLK Trenarpd by R. E. MORTIMER fnixl Avenue I'hone R8 en's Work Boots UKH TILSONHIIKC. I'Ali.MnU'S "Moose llcacl Hrapd" THUItSTQN'S 1)clHlnilaJ)1c, S(lid uu Comfortable v Nly Shoe Store Ltd. 'Tlle time of Qqod Shoef A Moose meeting tonight at 8 o'clock In Erle' Hall. Initiation Maurice Drydge left this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. The city council last nlgh ! adopted a report of the Utllltle r Committee which recommended 1 on the strength of a complaint f:om the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers con-icernlng working conditions at the telephone exchange, that i provision be made In estimate j tor re flooring the telephone ex- change, and for enlarging the ! toilet and washroom facilities 1 thert. The pollee commlitee of the I city council will give constdera-j tton to a letter from the Prince I Rupert Chamber of Commerce ; raising the point that fast drlv- ln$ was contributing to the dust nuisance on city street and also statins; that there was a practice i of cais driving at nlht with only one light. The letter was read at last night's meeting of the chamber and referred to the police committee. Announcement An arivrrttMtntnu In this column mm be ctut far a lull montb at 26c a word. C'.C.F Dance, March 10. Odd-fCi.owV Hall. DeCarlo'a Orehestra pr. sbytertan Mirch 13. Choir Concert. St Patrick's Tea, tale home c .oking. 3 pan. CartJ party 8 !- m K.o.C. Hall. March 17. I.iiMf Norway Tea, March 23. Vathalta Dance, Oddfellows' Hall Mrch 34. De Carlo' Orchestra. WA Carjd rn letrlon Dance LOD E Hall Vr-f Sr Peter's Sale March 30 mm lit ii . 1 1 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria M'aynolnts, Stewart and and North Queen Charlotte Islands full Intimation, Tickets aod Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Thjrd, Aye. Toone 568 The Seal of Quality British Columbia's TTSSnl Sid il Finest Salmon IF NOSE A recommendation that 9 'toaation of iSO be made to the I with three members in the Com Community CoudcII Association. I mens. Is Britain's newest politi was included In the report of the I cai group ana seldom has such Sunday openings to accommo-Flnance committee to the city i an Infant political movement date military and Y11CA War "nuncl! :a"t night. CLOGS UP TONIGHT numail Vl-tX( nostril, rt'(l) shrinks swollen membrsnes. (2) soothes Irritation. (I) relieves transient naaal con-Rettlon . . . and brings greater breathing comfort, via arc Follow the complete vlIUt VATIO NOL Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Mr. Silas Dawson will take place from Grenville Court Chapel of B. C. Undertakers Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. (56) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FCH SALE Furniture and two-room cabin, 601 Ninth Avenue West. (61). WANTED $25 reward for furnished or unfurnished, house or 284. suite, urgent. Phone Red LOST -Wallet containing identification Finder please return to McCutrneon s Drug Store. 58 ' ' I ? y k MHffl TKol's VYaf I Need WI10U Graia Oaaker Oots ... Ricketl ef All Ntrt.rn DON'T l OKOKT . . Tin: tun Coal Orders DANCE WEDNESDAY, MAKC1I 8 9:3Q p.m. to 1 a.m. i.o.d.k. hai l Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBrlde) $1.25 Couple Utiles Free l!oy 1'rovcrbs and Ills Orchestra Everybody Welcome We can now deliver yr coal orders. Please give us three days warping before delivery ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 11C and 117 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE 61) PRACTISES PREACHING. NEW PARTY IN BRITAIN By ROSS MUNRO Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Mar. 7 Q The hopeful Common Wealth party. (continued from page 1 might be some practical difficulties Involved in this. The custom of queuelng up is I unrversai in tne British Empire, leader of Ccainita Wealth ,and U generally respected, but Group in United Kin jdom ! that It is certainly un Trn, Over Big Estates to Na- falf persons should be lm-.. r-.,!; r neded In their businesses, and uonai riuu wlU do anything In my legal I power to assist those who may I be suffering. This theatre has done every- ; thing to accommodate crowds as swiftly as accommodation I I permits. anc we are keeping open long hours which Include."! Deen so mucn in tne public eye Services, and the present con as this one, Igested conditions over which Late lajt year it won the ,by-iwe control are respon-election In the Conservative . slble for these lineups, stronghold of Skpton apd the j i might say that we were serious British political weeklies j prepared to relieve this local and the London and provlncla. ' entertainment congestion two press read all kinds of ominous , years, a 50 to the extent of portents and warnings to the building another theatre In this Rovemment into the triumph of city, going so far as to have the Commonwealth candidate. I property, plans and equipment Now the leader of the move-; arranged for. buj vhen ready ment. Sir Richard Acland, 37-, to go ahead wp were refused year old baronet, member of a permit by the Department of parliament for Barnstaple In Munitions and Supply at 0Ua-pevon. and founder of the Com- wa. and you will agree that If monwealtb movement last July we had been allowed to con-when he cut adrift from the Lib- summate our plans that It would etal party, has followed his poll- ihave eliminated the present ex-tlcal conviction to an unusual , Lsting conditions, limit and caused quite a sUr In ' In closing might I say that jB; Main. ' 'my company Is still willing to Common Wealth advocates, (co-operate to help local condl-I among other things, national jtions by carrying out their or- ownershlp of land and Sir Rich- 1 Hjlnal plans made two years ard has now turned over his ago. two huge estates, totalling 16.000 ; D. O. BORLAND. acres. Id southwest England to i ; ! th, National trust It Is the lar- j "SjSVSfJVSS r ge-t Single gift the trust has re- t the Minister of LarxU at Victoria, rf ived BC - no later than 11 o'clock In the . , Itorenoon on the 11th day of AprU. In a speech about his action, '. lor the purchw ot neenco he X34S9- to cut sooo-ooo feet of said "Rlihtlv jbiii or or wronalv wrongly, it n on folir ltml situated at oas been my growing conviction JHkaUa and M&mett Inletn. Queen in these last vpars thit hav ! Charlotte Inlands Land District, i.iese isi years uia; u-c we nave ; ,2) TM n mowed for r.'iw reached such a point irj remnvai of timber. "rther oartlcular of the Chief; Ji- hitorv wry that mat the me nrivat private mmr- Owner- , ' poreater. Victoria BC or DUitrlct! ship of large properies of all Porter. Prince rtopert b c kjuo. including large landed es- ; I , . . ,V. .u. IN THE MPKKME COIKT OF ;.nd economic development of tkobate . ,,,,.. r i In the Matter f the ".lilutlnMra- Ojr country. j trati.m Art- anil To Write for Living !n n,r Xaner -r the l-tate of Knut He retained a capital sum 1 take notice that by order of 'T.'m the estates which he caku-1 Hts x' FUher. Local Judi?e . ... , . . , . of tb Supreme Court of Brltlth Col- af.?tj will last him Six month-? umbla, I was on the 18th day of Peb- wvien I expect to be able to'rf A 94-. PPointed Admin- . ' . . I Intra tor of the Estate of Knut OUen. earn my own living as an auttl- formerlT of Montreal Quebec, dear he added referrlne to doII- c,ft ho died on or about the ' ''"""S PO ... ( 3rd d,y of January AD. ISM. All a, writing he is doing. persona Indebted to the (aid Estate Sir Richard has been Liberal ! !.. "T'fl' M. p for Barnstaple since 1935 ' and aU persons having claims aalnt I tne MUI Estate are required to file iuid uiu until uoiii last idM dimmer suuaiir when nen he nethem w,.j, roe properly verified on organized this new party. :or before the Jlt day of March The Common Wp.ilth man! - R. 194. faUlng whlch distribution Cereols !. Gr.w'mg Factor! fto M rr national owner- to 1. protein, the cry thion ibifit roeat'i mi a element. Uiiltlrta mult bue pro Itin lot nornul arowih. Adult! mutt hot it for (min aoj to help iaht fiujrue. Ntlure richly ttored to idiot important fooj dementi in Wbole-Grtin Oatmetl 1 It tnj alone imonf ceretlt. Cue rout (tmily in onJtrful protection djilr, ww Mil M DiD llMKlt ire tctrce inj ratioool. Oct a package at our I grocera todie atari each Jv m 1U1 this hole wmc. dclicioua, U hole-.rain hrealfavt, TV, U.t-lit rummtl '''MS V HSIIU 4JU ttUUMlaiHlWUit l"'".:u : al mines as well as a large num ber of vital Industries. Self-gqv- i frnment for the colonies is ad- I vocated as well as Independence j for India. ; Its foreign policy also calls for establishment of a world councii to handle shipping, civil and military aviation and interna- 1 tonal trade. ! Common ownership, however i the backbone of Sir Richard's policy and he is preaching it up j .' nd down the country. ; "It is no use tinkering with the i past. " he says. "It is no use compromising between the past and the future. We must reject the past and begin now to build a new social order.. The people of j the world cry out for three things: the earliest victory over ! Fascism: the building of a world j of fellowship and plenty: the j prevention of future wars." - The following sales of property I weie reported to the city council last night by the finance committee: lot 21 and the east half of lot 22, block 18, seqtlon 5 to Jqbn Olscn for $300: 'lot 17. block 12, section 1. to Dr. L. W KcrRln for $695.00: lot 40, block 22. se--tlon 6 to Harry B, Eastman and Barbara Eastman for $245. GIVE GENEROUSLY Fashion Footwear A. J. DOMINATO. triir tw msai rtftsnrii such claim of whl nr regard only to men l snail have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, BC thla 18th day of February A D. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C u Late Late ol Yukon) Chirppractor Smith Block Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized 3IILK VALENTIN HAIRY rilONE 637 PKINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Builtup Roofs Repairs, Re-shingling Free Estimates NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 THE REX CAFE Now Open lor Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 to 2 a.m. 2nd Ayemie (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 One Bright Spot in the World Give Generously, . . THE NEED IS GREAT! A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD, "A Good Place to Buy" EVERYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN Ranges, Tables, Chairs, Kitchen Step Ladders, Kitchen High Stools, Kitchen Floor Covering, Baby High Chairs, Velo to renew your walfe and pictures, to decorate them, Kitchen Mirrors. Thone 75. 327 3rd Avenue GOOD FRIDAY comes April 7th Select Reautiful EASTER CARDS Now! Complete stock now on display. Don't be disappointed at this pleasant and appropriate time to remember your family and friends with suitable cards. Cqutt's Canadian Cards 5c to 25c from eMaeMvs.Mi SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store" Wre handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right J.M.S. Loubser D.C., BJL .Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 641 Mark every grave while you have Uie opportunity. They deserve It. See National Monuments COS 5th East Box 1115 Station B Prince Rupert. B.C. Place an Ad in The Daily NewsIt Paya