ar ifcuiufu umjiui, ui sawiogs ior mc ended was 17,91H,11G board feet as com- i . u n(W OfiU linn f I fnnf in In ..... If 14J All a largo increase. 1 ho scale per species I 4 Evacuation Of Tokyo Is On BERLIN. Feb. 3. A DBN dhrpatch from Tokyo says that mass evacuation of that Japanese capital city of 8,000.000 people Is under way. The mayor of Tokyo has said: "We expect air at- tacks and are taking men- ures accordingly." BULLETINS TO ARBITRATE DISPUTE OTTAWA Mr. Justice C II. Richards of Winnipeg has been appointed to arbitrate the Writ Coast Shipyards depute at Vanrouvrr and will leave soon for the I'atlflc Coast. Wll lll l.MSIIAVKN ATTACKKII I.O.MMf.SV-.More than 1,100 Amrriran bombers and lone rangf flchtrn attacked target' in Wilhrlmthaveti today, l'ntt ed State army hradquartrn announred.The shattering day-lllht ault followed Royal Air forte Mosquito attacks on targets In wetlern Orrtnany Ut night. SHIP IIKUKVIII UIST HALIFAX A freighter with crew of 26 h believed I'M bftween St. John and Hallfas. Sis bodies have hern wathed athore on the Nova Scotia roatt. ! MINKS CLOSINO IIOWN ! CALK A It Y Half or the ral 1 mines at Drumheller are tlos. ed down and all will be within a month unless more orders are received for coal. The fuel controller suggests that It might help to provide a market If people of the west would start putting In their coal supplies now for nest winter. 1M III.ISH ATROCITIES MOSCOW Russian news, papers have published lull details of the American and llrltMi statements regarding Japanese atrocities upon prisoners of war. ACRKK WITH KINC LONDON The Manchester Cnardian Nays "It U no wonder the esperlenced Prime Minister of Canada called the statement of Urd Halifax 'Inopportune.' The Yorkshire Post also agrees with Premier King's reply to Halifax. Prepare For Big Post-War Demand LONDON. Feb. 3 O' The Council of Clothing Trade As- . .. J soclAtlonst in a report i". public here, predicted nearly 1,000.000 people would una work In Uic British clothing industry after the war. That would be an Increase of 300.000 on the pre-war total. The council recommended that the clothing coupon tech maintained to "secure nique be . . . i a national minimum sionu.u for the first months or peace but said the number of coupons should be Increased as supplies become available. LONDON O) All official of the National Jewellers' Associa tion estimates at least 500.000 watches and clocks In Britain arc "out of service" because of lack of repair facilities. And nun if te A I Ill Vu 4i riant M UI I lUi I V Is Destroyed Two Million Dollars Damage Done In Destruction of Slarin-Knrjiir Factory. PORTLAND, Feb. 2. (CP). Damage rtimalNl at 013 was caused Wednesday night by fire which destroyed four of sis buildings at Hie Iron Piicman Manufactures Co." plant here. The plant was one of ihe largest manufacturers of Mberty ship engines in the L'nitrd Slates. Several firemen were injured but only one required hospital treatment. No workers were hurt. The fire started under the floor of the personnel office from "no apparent cause." TO HOLD PAItl.KY. Inter-Gov't Conference To Be Heidi Mackentle King Hope to Have Dominion - Provincial Meeting Before Long. OTTAWA, Feb. 3. tCP -Prime Minister Wiliam Lyon Mackenzi King an no need Wednesday In the House of Oommqaa that ttw governtnerrf hopa to TiaVe a general conference between the Dominion and the provinces 'before long." It would be the first of Its kind sine the Dominion-provincial relations conference in 191. The 1'remtM said that some province are now ready and willing to meet with the federal government in conference to dea: with some social problems and financial questions. It Is understood that questions to be discussed will Include those Involving a federal social security program concerning such subjects as health Insurance, labo: and other matters affecting provincial authority. VICAR SPEAKS OUT LEICESTER. England. 0 -Rev. J. R. Collins, vicar of 8t Mary de Castro Church here, paying a tribute to Allied airmen, said, "we owe a tremendous debt to them and ' 'ook forward to th? time when they have wiped out Berlin and the other cities of that land ot wa:mongers." cal Temperature Local Tides Friday, Feb. 4 Inium 44 JOTS High 10:00 19.0 feet 37 23:10 16.9 feet Low 3:31 10.0 feet 18:49 5.7 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRnMfltfMfAfe NEWSPAPER ..., Q at PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1944 PRICE nVE CENTS "3 a cr-i i r ft I1C tl tl'sVI f i ni... "G, & V, !! Invasion e ior i ins January more Ahead of Schedule II luulmc maiui icui nnu ,v? i. :.. o..:.. .... !.w.ui. f ..... i it ClilliiK miv-i; muiivil luiuairy uiHirll ha rot oil to a mucn stronger start than., m i . il I wa as follows., .ame month last hown for com- 1044 Jan 1943 P 3rd Ft Board Ft. mm 166,188 t r--2419 801.087 r.rjoaw 5.044,510 4 ' 59,589 1.782.812 ::86.646 160.403 37317 31.230 48,008 t v P05.11S 8.092.288 lornl Products ' poles and pll- amounted to f all being a'Cd with 174,-n the same ' Uu- January 1217 spruce t ,c as com-J 980 pieces In 'h.s January ' 5 irdx as com-3rts In Janu- I III IM. RYTFDY Lff I ILIl I ON W. Mori- nf Orrin Falls Church In Till Area Kim Year. M -f of Ocean j ' j.rmah of H Fx.bytcry of of Canada : . -;:,g session i. ig of re- " year work f plans for artiviUcs. BeUa Bella ;-y and Rev. 1 Kltnx. r r Kelly of : Ttnmaa Croa ' legate to gen :rJd in Lon- September C Darby of l. ..ate f Presbytery r irmng with as rhalrman upled Uic w 'U meeting riternoon and met last 1 ' reporting to c' pr'ent In the i 2l for surgical s 1 far a change P Bv:: t of Vancouver, tif missions, la ' ' ' the Presbytery . a'.M arc Rev. i the Thomas ? D, Martin of J A, Rutherford D, V More of Rev J A. Don-nupcrt Pi with 1.1V ' 1:1 Pomona of Mrs. ' Ootan Falls, Mrs. ' ,of Kisplox and O. p ' Prince Rupert. ude KO Julia worker. ' 1 CV C D. Clarke 'a Hreen Melvln of Mr , Christian As- 1" ' ! incurred Inn ' ' w :Uld ; grant power III . ii? ... " ' moderator. v r-f r r ;:1r al "uncll and oEhiEh tx'ou n the Benpmi JI1Q p.3'.her nn -t:. ' of candidates for "I'M AILSOLI'TtLY FIT" McS M'CiHTOX Up to Those Who Said He Was Unwell to Explain It, Says Retired Overseas Army Head GENKRAL OTTAWA, Feb. 3 (C lji Lieutenant Cieral A. 0. L. McNaughton, retired commander of the First Canadian Army, is back in Canada, the Department of National Defence announced today. "I am feeling absolutely fit. There is nothing wrong with me," General McNaughton said Rotarians For Swimming Pool The Prince Rupert Rotary Club, at IU regular weekly luncheon today, unanimously endorsed the swimming pool idea In connection with the local civic Centre project. Yeatrday the Oyro Club decided to defer for two weeks IU discussion of the swimming pool -ska tins arena issue. LIVERPOOL O1 Reconstruction Minister Lord Woolton has been awarded an honorary degree of doctor of laws at Liverpool University. .McNAUGHTON as ho alighted from his train and was interviewed by newspapermen. He said he would first take a rest and It would be seen what would turn upatter that. "I have no idea what reason was given for my resignation here," the General said. It would be up do those who may have made statements about his health to explain them. When the time came to give a statement to the press, he would, be "entirely frank and truthfL" "As far as I know I am still In the Army." said General Mr-Na ugh ton who did not know unttn tar would report to military headquarters at Ottawa. During the last 15 years Canada has halved Its maternal mortality rate. HOW CANADIANS TREAT PF.OPLH OF OCC'PIKD TOWNS Canadian tank men are shown assisting two aged Italian women returning to their homes ln'Ortona, Italy, after the battle for the town was over. Note the heavy rhJv worn f " ' h-K r RUSSIANS MOVE O.V. REDS TAKE TWO TOWNS Strongholds of Rvno and Luck In Poland are Evacuated by Nails. TEN DIVISIONS TRAPPED MOSCOW, Feb. 3. ( ) The Red Army has scored another great victory. Ten German Divisions hare been trapped by a two-pronged pincers manoeuvre on the Ukraine front, Premier Joseph Stalin announced tonight. Some military observers believe that the whole German front at the scut her ii end Is caving in. While two important railway towns have been evacuated by fie Germans in Poland, farther north the Russians are moving deeper into Esthonia northwest of Narwa. LONDON. Feb. 3. CP-Ger-tnan troops have evacuated Rvno and Luck, two strongholds In ! Poland, and have taken up new i poslUons west of those towns, the ' Berlin radio announced today. Rovno is an important railroad . . and I v,,,. highway junction , on about mS. J?SW? Pre:War UiO.UU AIIU liUl& U A likl&Kl bUWU about forty miles to the west. i: Japs On New Guinea Dying Of Starvation ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTHWEST PACIFIC. Feb. 3 rt The Japanese, Point on the northeast New Guinea coast, are fleeing Into the mountains to escape the advancing Australians. headquarters announced on Thursday. The Australians are advancing toward the I Americans In the Saidor atea and are now only about thirty miles away from them. Dead Japanese have ! been found, apparently vie- tlms of starvation. ALLIES WINNING. Cassino Is Near Fall Two-Pronged Attack on Important City Beachheads South o Rome Extended. ALGIERS, Feb. 3 iC t American troops which smashed the Gustav Line and outflanked Cassino from the north have driven to within five hundred yards of the desperately held German fortress on the Fifth Army fiont and are attacking it from the rear. Allied headquarters announced today. At the same time other Allied forces are making a direct frontal assault on the city The double-pronged attack on Cassino coincided with heavy 1 ghtlng on the Anzlo bridgehead where battles have been raging for three days In the Campoleone and Cisterna areas, Ihe Allied I bridgehead south of Rome has I en enlarged In the face of stiff resistance anu a numuer ui nemy .counter-aitacKi mrown back, a communique today said. In Berlin It Is stated that 250.000 men are drawn up for a final and decisive battle In Italy. Heavy withdrawals of Nazis forces are being made from the Cassino front to the west coast south of Rome. BRISTOL, Eng. 0 A teachers' conference on sex education, first of Its kind held In Britain, met here to discuss means "to make the children better equipped to face the -"-VV Action Is Proceeding Fayorably Impon' ii t Air Field is Among Captures Made by Amtr.cans Who Arc Having Minimum of losses. M xxoiiiitvjiuiN, u.j.t reu. a ir) tne invasion of the Marshall Islandsis proceeding "well ahead of schedule," it is officially announced. Further atolls have been taken including one important island with an air field. At all points the action is moving along favorably. Yesterday Admiral Chester CO-OPERATIVE TALK. UNITY NEEDED Is Not Getting Support That Might be Expected from Trades Unionists and Socialists, Says Rev. C. D. Clarke. , ... , , Although ,i,,m, co-operatives in Brt- tah are dol trp. tnendous business, there Is lack of unity in the movement and. paradoxically, trades unionists and socialists are among the most apathetic as far as actual patronage and support is con cerned, Rev. C. D. Clarke, former local pastor and now a co-opera tlve organizer, told a public meeting In Valhalla Hall last alght. Discussing "co-operative economy,'' Mr. Clarke said It pre sented the oppoi tunlty to change from the profit system owned bywm at once start repairs of the vne lew mj a system ownea ana controlled by the people. TV.... V..J W u . development of producer co-op-T eratlves in British Columbia notably the fruit growers in ths i Okanagan and the dairy farmers in the Fraser Valley. The consumer co-operatives had not kept pace with the producer co-operatives and there was a need for more effective consumer-producer relationship in co-opera Uves. As long as a producer co-operative, on one hand, was forced to sell Its goods in a profit economy and a consumer co-operative, on the other, had to buy in a profit economy, the co-operative move ment was at the mercy of that pioflt eccncniy. Therefore, a full producer-consumer, national and international, should be the ob jective. The co-operative spirit had developed more fully In the rural areas than in the cities where the trades - unionists lived. High wages did not mean co-opera tion, Mr. Clarke said, and raising wages could not stop exploitation. Increase in purchasing power was the real raise in wages. "One of the troubles is that trades unionists and socialists pass resolutions In support of cooperatives and then go home and do nothing about it," declared Mr. Clarke. There was too much of an attitude of "wait until wc get the government and let the government do It." In reality, there was the opportunity to suoport and assist In the development of the co-operatlvt; movement in a practical way. In a question and discussion period which followed Uie address, Mr. Clarke admitted that all political parties In Canada had shown willingness to support co-operatives which had made , progress under both Liberal and , VAinservauve governments, mere ; would have to be a watch-out. however, against legislation ad - ! verse to co-operation, warned Mr. Clarke. "If I were a Socialist, I would certainly get Into the co-operative economy," said Mr. Clarke. The meetlnc was presided over by Aid. O. W. Rudderham who said that he was "plnch-hlttlng" In that capacity for Rev. E. W. Scott. Tonight's train due from the east at 10:45, was reported thb afternoon to be running about an.hour late. ' Everywhere w. Nimitz announced at Pearl Harbor that American casualties were "moderate" and there had been no loss of Allied ships. The Japanese have been entrenched on the Marshalls for more than 25 years. The four-day-old United States Invasion of the heart of the Mar-snails tactical surprise so complete that a vital air base was captured in less than a day threatened the Japanese today with the imminent loss of a fine harbor. The four runway airfield at Rol on the northern -nd of Kwijaleln atoll was overrun Tuesday, the second day of the Invasion, the same day that forces went ashore at that point. The deep anchorage of Kwaja-leln Islet on the southern end of the atoll is seriously menaced with a third of the islet already in American hands. American tanks have already been set ashore on the Marshalls and enelneers it is expected captured air field which vu .damaged by bombing. RUSSIA WARNS FINLAND; TOLD TO QUIT WAR STOCKHOLM. Feb. 3. (O!) Unconfirmed reports are published here that Russia has demanded Finland get out of the war within six weeks or take the consequences. BIG AIR RAID- 1100 Planes Make Attack Wllhelmshafen Is Target Today Following Further Night Sorties. LONDON, Feb. 3 (CP) WU-helmshafen was the target today for a heavy attack by Allied big bombers and long range fighter planes, more than 1100 planes taking part in the raid which followed night attacks when points in western Germany were the objectives. Meeting Of Carpenters Routine business and a 'talk by William Page, of Vancouver. western representative' of the Carpenters' Union, were the substance of the regular meeting of the Carpenters' Union local held In their hall last night. No further decisions were made regarding the offending order in council P.C. 9381, which the local union has already protested to Its head office In the east and on whose word any further action hangs, It was said that the local union wouud pursue whatever policy was laid down on the matter by the national union heads.,