77m r .1 k i ie Ltey Vews . . . Dally Edition: Friday, December 15, Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. BrltUb Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: BJ City Carrier, per week 15 tr Month .-. 65 Per .Year f7.00 By Mall, per month 40 Per .Year . 4.00 MEMBER ABC. 1944 The Civic Election . . . The civic election is over. We have chosen by the majority of our preferences those whom we desire to conduct the business of the municipality. Now it is up to. us to forget any differences of choice and, confident that the persons., we have appointed will measure up to the responsibilities entailed, give them m l in.nnni" f iati n rwl on iAinif find themselves in the complete, and rigid grip of socialism they cannot complain they weren't warned. Delegates to the CCF National convention in Montreal certainly were frank regarding their ultimate objec- FUNDS FOR MALARIA LONDON, 0i An appeal has been launched through Britain and the Empire for $450,000 to help repair bomb - damaged PAGE TWO tive, which is the complete socialist revolution taking over by government of all business, big and little. - Eventually this would mean that every farm, every store, every shoe shine parlor, as well as the great mercantile, financial and industrial enterprises would come under the direct control of a political party. Convention delegates boasted freely and frankly that such complete domination was the ultimate aim. Only on the timing was there disagreement. Die hards from British Columbia favored advocating such a step immediately . More subtle political strategists from Ottawa would wait until after the CCF won a general election. The latter viewpoint was summed up candidly by National Secretary Lewis who stated that he would not take second They will certainly need that co-opera- l,,acto spokesman in ad- i . i . 1 .i vocating vnrarinfT rnmn complete ptp socialism snpm ism but mif tn:ir that uonanu support in carrying on tiie duties which have been entrusted to them. , The results of the aldermanic polling . were close enough to indicate clearly that no particular faction has any stranglehold on the preferment of the Voters of the city., It may be assumed that the electors will be look- at the present time I am concerned' with winning an election." That lets the CCF cat right out of tlie t bag. First win an election with! frontal attacks on the so-called big interests in which support will be sought from little business, white collared workers and the farmer. intr for results in the carrvine- of citv Then if the party wins, drop the mask affairs and will not have patience with an(1 proceed to socialize everything, the promotion of political and economic And that is what they would have ideas merely as such. The voting in to do, if the CCF won, because social-some cases at least was personal rather ism is "whole hog" or nothing. That nrnppss is Rimnlv tint foaoihlo .. . . I j i'v wouia soon icrm a women s aux- Taking . a chance on a spell of social- Hlary to' the unit. As for the ist government is like a rabbit taking Gaining program for the unit, chance boa constrictor. !he announced that durin- the a on a It is a " e . . , . coming year t wou d be a ong case Of being swallowed or nothing. Jmore advanced lines. He bespok; -rinancial Post. the support of all officers and men to regular attendance at Malta cathedral and build social centres for British servicemen at both Malta and Gibraltar. Buy War Saving Stamps. MAT.nmi PffoAv 'parades and assiduous perser- tages for disabTed mep and two ! "che thflr ,trn so , that tinit. the trip rnirlmpnf regiment m night oht K be ri for widows who have lost sons in the war are proposed as a war I memorial at Maldon. p You'll want to give her something she'll treasure ... I gjj and jewelry fills the bill. Choose a sparkling ring, g , pin or bracelet from our fine collection. j. . I JOHN BULGER LIMITED Third Avenue JEWELERS Opp. Post Office sec ond to none. ol F?rrle. when called upon. stated that he had not been In Prince Rupert so long yet he felt no stranger with the regiment. It contained at least one of the old soldiers who had served with him in France In the last war-Sergeant A. W. Allaire. Col. Fer rie expressed especial gratification at the number of boys in the unit. He hoped that they would continue their Interest and perseverance. The toast to the King was duly honored. Following the dinner and PURE WHITE'S Corner of Cth and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing In Lunches Chow Mein Chop Suey From 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Opposite Sunrise Grocery THE DAILY NEWS THIS AND THAT .? 2 a i tort"0? Splendid Affair Last Nlghl by I-ocal Keserve Unit With over 250 persons offi cers men, special guests and than for tickets. was the experience in Germany, m mends-in attendance, the first The emphatic rejection of the bus Italy and Russia. Eventually every annual regimental dinner and purchase bylaw indicates that the means of production, including agri- daince of Prine Rupert Mach- voters are not inclined to toy with the culture, comes under state control. lZ u.n Rjs'ment was held last .. . night In wartime Housing staff ij.v u' i i i idea of public ownership or putting out It is not just a case of taking over dining hail and was an out- the civic financial resources either in the banks, or the insurance companies standing success. cash or credit on responsibilities of or milk distribution Onpp snninlitim Special guest of honor for the Lamps 4r rvi "Marie, you don't have to be so thorough In your dusting!" REGIMENT HAS FIRST DINNER 1 i - 7 AND W m Lamps and Mirrors make fine MAY CLOSE UNSANITARY RESTAURANTS Intention to order the closure of "three or four" city restaurants early in January If they do Secondary importance in comparison starts to tu wind Ul) industry then men the in. evenln Cot Colin Ferrie. was acceptable incidental plan., fair and is very bad In some -tai.u:5 "1J "musuy, itnnfo commandant of Prince Rupert music McNauthton he continued. Un'Hi QiiMi rtcconfinl Qovir.'nno ; by Andy pbrc-', with sucii essential no services as business streets, of winding never ceases until defences. Major c. J. Toombs of-! - sewers, etc. The new city adminis- everything is meshed into a single ficer commanding of the TC&- ipV&W tration would do well to accept the very state-controlled economy. ment- presided. ; M . .v ' - fcwv a v a l. w . they considered no good and sufficient reasons had been advanced as to why the city should go into the public transportation business at Jhis time. pnn'r vnfp t Vipm inrn nnwrov in tVio on?y?f r i i u a 1 done to an excellent turkey din "". a tiwute uii tins iiewner. girLs of the C.W.A.C, acting bunch and turn them out at the next as servlteurs. there was a brief election if we don't like them." toast list. It is virtually impossible to social-' .i"?!" f'"' "I ize an industry under the reign of one attendance.- He wir-m mi Finnnnl Pc nnA C C V political party then turn it back into Ferrie, representatives of the W fituficiut r oil ana o .r . ... .:..i ii i ,i t .t r-annrii,. t..u iv,, JTu ilr jjuviue ui utiier nanus uruier anoiner 2i If Canadian; wxUp nn snmo dnv tnvWnnlirir.nl - nnrtv Tha .mcnmW.'n, Including the ladles? He fft - - ...w - . jWVM JVUAVJ J- 11V- M llOvl CliliUlljlL I , speeches, tables were cleared away and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the strains of excellent music by DeCarlo's Orchestra. A happy in , not comply with public health i I regulations was indicated Wed-1 ! nesday by Dr. It. G. Knipe, dir- ' 'ector of the Prince Rupert Pub- lie Health department. A contin- j ' uous state of poor sanitation In , the restaurants was given as the rc;son. I Coincident with his warning to 1 the operators of poor restaur- , 'nnts. Dr. Knlpe announced that i it Is the. Intention of his depart- : ment to present restaurants which have class "A" standing under sanitation rules with display certificates which will bring their standing to the attention of the public. These certificates at present will not make serious Inroads on the paper gltuatlon, since Mirrors ill! I ft .4? SEE OUR STOCK OF BOOK-ENDS AND ORNAMENTS POULSEN'S LUNCH Cth AVE. E., BESIDE P.O. STATION "D" As Good as the Best ' Better than the Rest POULSEN'S GROCERY Our stock fresh and complete, prices right Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 Dr. i Knipe revealed that there Is only 'one restaurant In the city which merits' grade "A" rating. Oiadlnn o ths. restaurants Is done by menns of a sanitation chart which Indicates the state of cleanliness of dining rooms kiU?hens, food, equipment, and terlude was a session of com- I the hygiene of the employees munlty singing led by Col. Fer- Restaurants graded 'D" Indicate rle and Regimental Sergeant j conditions which make them Major E. R. Macdonald. subject to closure by theiealth The committee responsible far 1 authorities, the success of the evening was Certificates issued to grade headed by Capt. W. R. McAfee "A" restaurants are subject to and Regimental Sergeant Major ' rernll, if the standard drops. Dr. E. R. Macdonald. The regimental band, under direction of Sergeant Peter Lien, rendered excellent music bpfire Knlpe said. While the general standard of sanitation In public eating houses has rlsrn considerably in and during the dinner. There the last 18 months. It Is still only r 15 PmAT. DECEMBER FOR STRENGTH FROM YOUR NEAREST GROCER VWTTTl .1111 Vl VI IffWFrflr KKXXKXX'KKKKXXXXXKKXXXtX'ec,... PRACTICAL ClFTf 'c i f ir r 1 k i i i r i J i i v r iil r i 6a 9 I ft I GORDON SANDERSON, Ltd. I it VVXtVKM. I5I.OCK TIIIKI) AVKNUK ... LOVELY LASTING GIFTS 5-year Diary, with key $2.00 Pocket-size Diaries 15 to $'2.'i) Canada Date' Hook $2.00 Appointment Hook $2.50 Daily Journals $1.10 to $1.75 CALENDAR-PADS AND STANDS Small size K Large size $ 1 .25 Holders for above ....... $1.00 to $1.00 Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY - WEDNESDAY FUIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M- Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon your delivery day. during We serve Special Red Brand Beef, All choicest fresh and cooked meat- -fresh .vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. i TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS ...o tl PHONE 21 THIRD Ave. - R 'U PERT B RAN D : ': SMOKED :: BLACK COD Oana dian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.