27. 191 NAZIS IN t'tmi? Head of the po- IOr task nr i' When the war is over and the J boys come back from the battle front, can I look them in the eyes, unashamed and unafraid of criticism? lng Germany after the war, will be Col. Gordon Herbert Ramsay Halland, soldier and policeman. Col. Halland, 50, was first headmaster of the Hendon Police College. Albania has a population of 'slightly more than a million. THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THRIB The Experts Say ... By the Canadian Press '1 HHKW m W-amBiaaaaaaaaaaaaa ''iaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaH m aH ftaaaaaaH "aS a assiassssssssssss i Ill """ III ' lllll lilh IHHn p B !$ ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS Am I doing everything possible to help win this war? - ?7 GRABBED BY JAPS Korea was Incorporated as an Integral part of the Japanese Empire In 1919. Am I willing to deny myself and buy bonds to the limit to give them ' what they need to bring speedy and complete victory? if Am I passing up an opportunity of the safest possible investment, paying a good rate of interest? 9B Am I some day going to regret that I. did not take this method of providing the means to buy the things, JL AJ LlilllO, haul, m-a-v, jvy- i.. ' .i . i -: i , $ tor tne time oeing: - . ,.n.-nWwrrtilll.l-imm..lll...lllMlll.llll' ' it CINGALESE FARM GIRLS COLOMBO, Ceylon ) It is proposed to establish at Pera-denlya. a farm scliool for girls to give elementary practical education in agriculture and housecraft to girls over 18 years of age, to fit them to - I ONLY YOU CAN ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS But remember your purchase of Victory Bonds will help bring Victory nearer. It may help to save a life possibly of one you hold dear. Buy all you can for cash : then all you can to be paid for out of income during the next six months. 7-11 carrv out efficiently the work of rural life. The earliest spoon was a chip or splinter of wood. VEGETABLE CONSCIOUS 1 Why aren't Canadians more I vegetable conscious? Vegetables are in plentiful supply In most I localities and the price is usual ly reasonable. In spite of this, many Canadians fall below their I daily quota of three servings, a country-wide survey shows. Investments in vege fables mean dividends in health ana the wise Canadian -housewife. knows this, buys varieties which I will appeal to her family. Im agination, an eye to color and the combination of favorite standbys with new varieties many trans form a commonplace course Into something special. Careful pre paration saves important vitamins and minerals too. The Nutrition division recom mends three servings of vege" tables every day one serving of potatoes, one serving of leafy green or yellow vegetables and one serving of any other variety. CEREAL NEWS: Perhaps your family doesn't care for wholt grain cereals for breakfast . . . but that's no reason why you cannot guarantee that they wlii get their dally quota Just the same-. So often we think of whole erain cereals in terms of brown bread or morning cereal only. However, the home economists of the Agriculture Department Consumer Section say there are numerous delicious recipes using I cereals from soup to dessert in their recipe folder "Cereals and Their Use." (For a free copy of this folder send your name and address to the Dominion De-nartment of Agriculture, Pub licity and Extension Division, Ottawa), SERVICE SOCKS Our fight ing men in northern war theatres need warm socks, Just as civilians at home need socks for winter sports , . . and both kinds are more popular if they wear for a while without developing holes. If you are knitting socks. combine linen thread with tne . I wool when knitting the heel- socks thus reinforced wear months longer than those knit in the ordinary way. For a per- 1 sonal touch you could use strands 1 of your own long hair ... Its been done. SNOW TIME IS COMING By the time that the snow flies, there'll toe many a youngster in Canada cosy in the snowsult his mother made for him. And it's not such a big Job either. The travelling wardrobes as sembled under the direction 01 the Prices Board's consumer branch contain planty of ideas for source materials for tnese outdoor garments old winter coats and heavy velveteen dresses, to name a couple. WRINGER HINT Run pillow cases seam first through a wash ing machine wringer and youll save the force of water from tearing out the seam and make the cases last longer. w. sit at home 1 e lit at home v litre it'i nice and tafa while our young men face death hourly. They fight with their blood, their b'ves, for every inch tb.y gain in occupied countries. Not very fair, is it? So how about squaring up the score a bit? How about doing without and making do with w hat we have to back them with every last dollar. Let's turn our savings into Victory Bonds today! then buy an eitra bond and pay for it by instalments every pay day. It's little enough to cU as we sit at borne 1 Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Fuel and Builders' Supplies Invest In Victory wt ' -i. HTM i