JAPANESE STILL ADVANCE ival wsinis. suiuiiini rr i uiiimiuiii& turn nu another 20 milr dUfanl. TITO TAKES OFFENSIVE e against the Hermans in Yugoslavia. They have German drive north of Sarajevo and have taken a f Germans moving Into Hungary. tntkk lold )oor Big Entertainment in last year Set August Unr-r' Viavn an. I COMMANDOS ADVANCING loutdcor civic centre Polntcd at Imphal main Allied (yea, similar to Eu: wa:; so successful e data has been set E'7 " 12 Inclusive and ft under wav about war. all decided at ' Ifi.aiiization meellng i".ivai which took peck in the office ol ptcrle F Youngs, who has pndlngly successful In Mai Jon Of nasi rnrnl. Ire elected chaliman r with George Rorie W and A, B. Arm-asurer ff have been mi. : fellows; llltltl T N Vmin.. m Currie, A, Doml- D. C Stevenson. IL. M, F'clsenlhnt 1- Wm. Ktnnp rhlr. I Barbe. A, Domlnatn !d W McCallum. Queen tan Savllle. Martm Stewart, Mr. "avcroy (renrescnta- CRcbekahs and W. A. be added). (nd entertainment InR5. chairman; Geo. union, Wm. Stone. put m T. I oe man nn ftatlves from various pizations. fchaslng Agent-Oco. lt s - . inees are exoeeted fsca as work develops purse of the meeting, u"ny out ned the t had been made toy tllire ASSOr at nn .....v.ii nj K on of the civic cen proper end nicn t the SWlmmlnn I In India. NEW DELHI. March 27 O-A British commando force has advanced to within 32 miles of Myttkylna, main Japanese base north of the Burma road, the southeast Asia command an nounced jcetcrday. Meanwhile 'the Allies struggled to blunt three Japanese spearheads Dasc in Maripur i ruvmcc lur the new road into China. The Japanese, prcfslng forward in the Invasion of India, w,i be the block dc 'u,rth?r prr3 "'oct between Sec- Eii J Avenues In con-I '.IS3 carnival. theri its a queen contest. loaay in uiictuun ui iu-hlma, 30 miles Inside the border and some CO miles north of Imphal. Catholic Bishops Of Australia Ask Let-up in Bombs Rome. were: Mrs, S. V. Cox, representing guns seeking to knock out Oer man positions in the town' southeastern corner. DEFENCE IS MAJOR ITEM CAPE TOWN. March 27 0 1. II. Hofmeyr, South African minister of finance, believes that the Union can look confidently toward the future. Mr. Hofmeyr In presenting his budget statement recently said South Africa expected to spend C102.SO0.000 $4 8 1.260. 000 1 on defence this year and the 1107.000,000 ($481,500,000). This together with Items to be met from revenue will create an estimated deficit of 5.283.000 MELBOURNE, March 27 All ($23,706,000 which the govern- Roman Catholic blshons In Aus- ment proposes to meet from in- the Ladles' Orange Benevolent Europeans Association: Mrs. Dan Parent, ($4,950,000) Canadian Legion Women's Aux iliary; Mrs. Jens Munthc. Cam-bral Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire; Mrs. Oamer and Mrs. A. Barbe. Re- bckahs: Mrs. Adolph, House wives' League; T. N. Youngs and the output of mining Industries Amerigo Domlnato, Junior Chamber of Commerce; D. C Stevenson, Rotary Club; Mr. McRae and Mr. Adcock, Boilermakers' Union; Mr. Saunders and Mr. Anderson, Loyal Orange Lodge; Dr. Jens Munthe and C. A, Kellett, Gyro Club; GillU Royer and William McCallum, Loyal Older of Moose; A. B, Armstrong, W. F. Stone, C. H. Linton, R. B. Spooner, Roger Bell and George Rorie. Tho npvt mrrtlns will bp held jjsent at the meeting April 20. and their proms which are still declining. Happily these war conditions will not persist." The excess profits duty, the finance minister continued, after having been raised twice can hardly be Increased further. The REOINA. March 27 Westminster won by a five to three over Fltn fion Saturday night and now leads the best of a five game series In the Western Canada Allan Cup finals two wins to one. " MORE TIME i TO PAY UP INCOME TAX OTTAWA. March 27 The minister of national revenue announced In the House of Commons today that the final date for the payment or unpaid balances on 1913 income tax would be postponed from April 30 to August 31. Col. Roaf Brigadier estimate for the ensuing year Is the same. Half or this amount OTTAWA. March 27 Pro-will be met out of revenue and motion of Lieut. Col. W. d. IL the rest from loans. Roaf of Vancouver to the rank The expenditure for 19U-5 Is of Acting Brigadier General was estimated at 111,300,000 ($500.- announced by headquarters of 850,000) and revenue on the the Department of National Dc- basls of existing taxation at, fence today. Jap Bases In Kuriles tralla have gone on record pro- creased death duties, the super-1 V ,L ef .lir,lr testing at destruction by air lax on Income, tobacco, match. , SJulllUo 11 bombing of historic and sacred and wine duties and a special cities and also the killing of .contribution from diamond i allied HEADQUARTERS IN civilians In air raids. The war- mines together with Increases ALASKA, March 27-Paramush-rlng nations arc called upon; in certain stamp duties. ,ru Snimi;,u ad another Jap- not to make a battleground of li is ciear, saia wr. hoi- n)lcse base tn lhe Kurllc Islands mcyr. "the burdens on gold werc hle by American bombers mines cannot be increased. Con- at the Wcck end. One Amcrl-ccsslons In respect to old age -., . wt and war veterans' pensions for will cost 1,100.000 a year." "Wc face one big distracting fact the continued decline revenue from old mines." h HOCKEY PLAY said. "It Is In consequence of the fact that war conditions Montreal have very considerably reduced STANLEY CUP Canadlens and Chi cago Black Hawks Leading lu Play-offs. MONTREAL, March 27 0 -Montreal Canadlens went one up on a two game to one count over Toronto Maple Leafs Sat-; urday nlRht and Chicago Black I Hawks did llkewlso over the supertax will become payable ntjDctrolt Red Wings last night. 1.775 ($7,987.50) instead of at The two teams are now leading 2,000. The cigarette tax Is to the best out of seven series by be Increased one cent for 10 and two wins to one. on the best quality pipe tobacco ! Montreal won over BIG HAUL IN CLUB RAID Temperature Local Tides Tuesday, March 28 42 High - 3:50 21.6 feet 10:29 19.1 feet 28 1 I .VrlARY Low 10:20 3.0 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA NEWSPAPER SPAPER I 22:24 '6.2 feet ' Ni. 73 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MONDAY, MARCH 27hH PRICE FIVE CENTS AD mm CHURCHILL'S SPEKCr-1 "The hour of our greatest effoi C0. i l declared Prime Minister Winston In clcast Sunday, The I'rlme Minister V- e s to when the war might end. Althou V iate needi and item realities" of war n. h nutters as employment and housing In l.-icli he men and women would have ptlorily of considera- 1 1 1 1 J 1. - .1 t I - U I --...- ..I .III,..,.!. ,..,,llua . far outweighed the bad. "We have accepted United rshln in the war against the Japanese In the Pad- lurrlilll said, "as they have accepted our leadership 1 1 KCSSIAiNS AT i'KUT 1CIVKK IIS, ll II 1 J SH f IIU IIMSI) . . t n li t ti 1 . m nu proper, aiong a wrnnc irum aiirr M-urinc lur- lit. iiLiuiira in a i ns a i hiiiie iiuusniiu i i w have laid down their arms. I'rrmier Stalin yrster- a record gun saiuic or zi saivoes from 321 suns. AIR ASSAULT KKIT UP -j i at 1 1 a a a t nunorrui 01 unura nmrs iirarr immDrri rnn avault on ttip Narl fortress of I.uropc )clfrday on Pas dt Calais and Bouiognr of the I'rfnch torn brine dropped. Tlif t Itojral Air Korre osi one II A III II III IfftlltVI ll 1 1 HIUMI S Wk VII II Germany, BATTLE OF CASSINO Fighting In Italy still centres at Cavsino where still rates between the Allied and German fortes, le change In the central situation. Churchill Full Of Confidence AIR FORCE W D.'s ARE "SKYWAY TRAFFIC OPT PL. 23702 Control towers at R.OA.F. station .icr iss Canada are now being manne 1 bv girl "Traffic Cop" Surrounded by tele-phonr.-. intercom, loudspeakers, binoculars, chirts. logbooks and weather reports the WD.'i look after aircraft as they fly and bring them bark safely. AT CASSINO BIG GUNS DUELLING .Messed Allied Artillery Is Seeking- to Knock Out German Positions. NAPLES, March 27 O, The AHK-d aswult. oncasino i.n m.1. i .changed today into an arunery White 7 no LlkeHisei11"- the superior mas, of Allied Westminster Is Leading f New score of Mtny Hauled lnio Court From Tetminat Club ( British Columbia Police, raid-In the Terminal Club on Sec- ottd Avenue early Sunday morn ing, arrested- the keeper and hlrty-odd inmates, and confls- Site: tedUeciy'dt p!aJ1ng cardY AS rcll as the club records. The raid was made at 130 by Sergeant F. W. Gallagher. Serjeant O. L. Hall and Constables Moore and W. C. Ga:diner. So heavy was the haul of inmates that the police, not knowing hnw many they might have to incarcerate ' for the night, released several whom they knew after warning them that they would be ordered to appear by summons later. The main body of those arrested was taken to the police station where thes were re leased on bail. Ten dollars was ! the bail set by Magistrate W. D. i Vance for those charged with 1 t-Mns Inmates, and $50 bail was . i f :r Lso Beaudry, charged : with being the keeper of th-; rming club. I Tteis meriting in police court Beaudry and 18 of the alleged inmates appeared b?fore Magls-ratu Vance, all, pleading guilty, "r-audry was fined $200 for Keeping a gaming house and the others were each fined $10 'or bslng found in a gamin uutc They were James John-ja, Henry Shackleton, Nlcho-Tortorelta. Cha.les Alstrop. Iven A ven. Hans E. Gregorson, i Morris Llnstcad, Gus Peterson, Einor Carlson Hopcn, George jr. Lewis Riiodes. iwiwlnGcid-atv, Ruby Gold. Ena Jacobsen, i Wlndle. S anley Bamyh. R. C. ' ' 'utch and Andrew Sorenson. Still to appear on charges of eing found in a gaming house . e Samuel Allen. Hector Mc-mald, Sam Ma:sh. Jack Lcin- i uen, Dick Wellwood, Hance Roland, William Miller. John Yiklmac. Christian Vlef. Fritgon j j W. Nelson, George "Kllmovlch. , Archie Marlon. James McCor-mack, Arthur Lavclle and Wil fred John rilnt. ; o be turned over for use In ser- vlcemens' recreation rooms and the other paraphernalia was ordered destroyed. British Coal Strike Over Total Allied Victory Over Axis Is Certain, Prime Minister Tells World; Makes No Rash Forecasts KHl.NEf.AM BOMBED ESSEN IS LONDON, March 27 (CP) A great armada of Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force planes loared into the industrial Ilhfneland last night and dropped a shattering weight of bombs on Essen, site of the vast Krupp armament works. Other Royal Canadian Air Force squadrons formed part of a smaller force which blasted rail targets at Courtral, Belgium. The Royal Air Force also smashed at Hanover and ether German targets. The blow at Essen was an effort to wipe out reconstruc tion work which the Germans did after demolition raids of a year ago. Nine bombers, including one Canadian, were lost. RUSSIANS AT PRUT Battle For Balkans Is Nov Begun LONDON. March 27 0 The Russians on Sunday reached the Prut River frontlet of Rumania where Adolf Hitler launched hU 1941 invasion of southern Rus- ;ia. The battle for the Balkans has thus begun. The Russians crossed the Prui on a thirty-five mile front after weeping sixty miles across Bessarabia in a week. In pre-war Poland the Russians are within thirty-five miles of the 1941 frontier be tween Germany and Russia. Prince George Man Casualty One northern British Columbia man Is listed In the latest Canadian Army casualty list released today. He Is Corporal John Albert Swanson, who Is recorded as having died while on duty with the Canadian Armored Corps overseas. His father, Frank Albert Swanson. lives In Prince George. Commandos Land Near Genoa Port LONDON, March 27 Reports .from Axis quarters, not confirmed in Allied circles, said there had been an Allied commando landing on the Italian The playUm rards confiscated coast near Genoa. v ere ordered by the magistrate Indian Woman Dies on Boat Nanaimo Arrest. Are Placed Undsr NANAIMO. March 27, Three LONDON, March 27 All but Indians, Including the dead a mere four thousand of the woman's husband, have oeen Toronto ! striking coal miners in Britain placed under arrest on liquor two shillings (45 cents) per two to one Saturday night and have returned to work, thelt charges following tne nnaing oi pound, The lax on matches is Chicago blanked Detroit two to principal demands having been Mrs. Gertrude Faul of Sechelt to be doubled. nothing last night. met dead on the seiner Freda here. Russians Have Torn "Guts" Out of German Army-Conquest of Weakening Japan May be Quicker I"ian Expected. HEAVY HIT LONDON, March 27 (CP) Confidently predict ing certain and total Allied victory over the Axis, ilaf and roaf. Blasts site oi prime Minister Churchill Sunday night declared ast Krupp Armament Work,.,, of thg German army haye out by Kussian valor and generalship" while the Allies may win sooner than had been expected over CORVETTE HAS CLOSE CALL Canadian One of First Ships Outside Mediterranean to be Attacked with Radio-Controlled Missile By ROSS MUNRO Canadian Press War Correspondent A PORT IN NORTHERN IRELAND, March 27. Oi A Cana dian corvette whose anti-submarine motto is "seekem, sight-em, sockem, sinkem," was one of the first ships outside the Meditertanean to experience at tack by German aircraft nsln; the radio - controlled glider bomb. Lieut. U. J. Robertson of Victoria, the first lieutenant, and Lieut. J. R. Brown of Windsor. Ontario, the . gunnery officer; made some months ago in the Bay of Biscay when they were on escort duty. Until recently, mention of the glider bomb was prohibited. about 10 feet long, the wing span is about 14 or 15 feet and there Is a : ed light on the bomb which glows all the time it is in flight. The bomb and wings are a gray color. That's about all we could figure out about it during the first raid for they dropped some distance away." ANOTHER ATTACK The second attack, which came later by ten planes, was much closer. "The planes circled around as usual and at two miles released the bombs," said Robertson. 'They zoomed round at from 300 to 400 miles an hour. "Theri one came right for us and the red light stared us right m the eye. Everyone on board, watching that ugly light, thought it was coming at them specifically. The glider bomber wobbled about and then dived on us. But it hit the water 50 feet away. There was nothing like the explosion we expected. Bits of the wing fluttered down on the deck and that was all. We whose wife designed the corvette's crest with the appropriate motto. It hangs In the wardroom for all to see. Other officers are Lieuts. L. E. , BacR.s of Cornerbrook, Nfld.. H. i B. Main of Moose Jaw, Sask., J 'and Rcglna. and M. C. Morgan Th. rnmnaninn. mi Craft at of Toronto. Warrant Engineer is W. E. Spershott of Victoria. PRODUCER'S DREAM SYDNEY,Australla, 0 Gaiy Cooper, the movie star, believes that three years after the war New Oulnea with Its Ideal scenery will be a producer's dream tne Japanese wno are snowing signs of great weakness. Mr. Churchill made the following major points: The Allies hour of great effort is coming but to deceive and baffle the enemy there will be many false alarms, feints and dress rehearsals. The Russian advance from Stalingrad, a distance of nine hundred miles accomplished in a single year, constitutes the greatest cause of Hitler's undoing. The U-boat menace is the greatest danger the Allies have overcome. The Italian campaign has gone slower than was hoped but it will be won and meanwhile 25 German divisions and a large German air force are being held in Italy when they are ineeded elsewhere. ' The American air force In Britain alone is now greater than the vastly enlarged Royal" Air Force and either force bv toTdSftfcte doryv-ol-?tattacksitse as numerou and much more powerful than the entire German air force. being able to send one thousand bombers against Germany every time the Nazis send one hun- On the first raid about 16 dred against Britain, bombers came out from France Attrition of the Japanese i nd slowly circled around the shipping and air force Is obvious; ships. They let the new bombs and the Japanese indicate no when they were two or three weakness. miles away from the convoy. ! There still will be an Interval 'The bomb looks exactly like between . the collapse of Hitler, a glider," said Brown. "It is j and the downfall of Japan but not so long as he believed a year ago. The Allies have attained Individual fighting superiority over the Japanese in Burma and a powerful British fleet is In the Indian Ocean to catch the Japanese Navy If it declines to fight the Americans and turns westward. The fighting in Burma Is not decided yet but In every combat Japanese dead outnumber the Allied by three or four to one. The British Isles may ba the subject of new forms of attack but "Britain can take It." Victory is sure but only a rash man would predict when or how. TRAIL WINS THROWN OUT Used Over-age Player in Junior Hockey Series. got off scot Jree. , REG1NA Utch 27 m AU Canadian ship Several other lhrpe TraU vlctorle3 over Re. were also convoy escorts when h ser,es thi- last attack occurred but this corvette had the narrowest dlsck)sed escape 'of them all. Pau uslng an om.age piayer. tt vMnrL Mahara. The best of five serle. n n Barrett of t Victoria Cmdr. R. D. resumes mtmn Vn,.v Tuesday u.,lh with tm. Rcglru leading two wins to none. Trail had won Saturday six to two but Regina protested and this victory was eliminated as well as the two previous. Red Cross Donations Prev'ly acknowledged Anonymous Mrs. R. J. Carson Army Team No, 148 as the sottlne for a series of war t B. Marshall pictures. I Olive Gordon $18,217.59 5.00 10.00 7.00 ' 10.00 10.00