PAGE FOUR Use your fireplace to take the chill off the house-but, when not in .use, be sure the fireplace damper is closed, to avoid heat escaping up the chimney. DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY elude a visit j to this nearby Butcher Shop where you'll always find an abundant supply of the Hon. C. D. Howe Minister WALLACE'S Surplus Stock Sale STARTS FRIDAY, 9 A.M. (Store Closed Wednesday and Thursday) The Sale of All Sales STOCKS ARE LIMITED Don't Miss It! WALLACE'S A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY ' Save your Carpets and make them last. Give them new life with OZITE and TROJAN HAIR FELT. Gives them added life. All sizes in stock to fit Carpets 6'9"x9', 10'6"x9'., 9'xl2". Phone 775. i r t v vi i 327 3rd Avenue AUDEL'S TECHNICAL BOOKS Essential and Important Information for Every Ambitious Tradesman Carpenters' and Builders' Guides, 4 vols. Each $2.00, Set $7.00 Mechanics and Engineers' Guides, 8 vols. Set $ i (.'.!.' Volume 1-7, each' $11.00 Volume 8 .$1.00 Gardeners' and Growers' Guides, 4 vols. Each $11.00, Set $7.00 Plumbers' and Steamfitters' Guides, 4 vols. Each $U.OO, Set $7.00 Masons' and Builders Guides, 4 vols. Each $11.00, Set $7.00 New Electricians' Handbooks, 12 vols. Each $!.()(), Set $121.00 Auaeis weiaers' auiae Audel's Shipfitters' Handybook Marine Engineers' Guide Mathematics and Calculations . Audel's Radioman's Guide Handy Book of Practical Electricity ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY IIEREt .-1 1 .;. $i.:r $ $12.50 $5.00 $5.00 Machinists' and Toolmakers' Handy Book $5.00 Millwrights' and Mechanics' Guide $.".00 AGENTS FOR ALL T. AUDEL'S PUBLICATIONS FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Your Shop-pine Tour choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. DAILY NEWS LASSIFIED Section... TTTTTTTTTTTTyVTTTTTVTTVT WANTED WANTED TO RENT .Small house, furnished or untur-nislied, for young couple. $25 reward. Box 835 Daily News. (220) WILLING to pay 6 months advance for furnished or unfurnished suite or house. Apply Box 841 Daily News. KTll) WANTED Washing machine. Apply Box 840 Daily News. (218) WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished house, suite or apartment for officer and wife. Occupancy between now and late October. Apply Box 839 Daily News. (218) WANTED Piano, good condition. Ph. Green 620. (215) WANTED TO RENT - Unfurnished 3 or 4-roomed house or apartment; no children. Ph. Red 884. (217) WANTED Housekeeping room or bedroom for one lady. Apply Box 836 Daily News. (234) WANTED TO RENT For young couple with 2 children, a 4 or 5 room house. Centrally located. Apply Box 757 Dally News. (tf) HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS requested for position of secretary to the School Board; part time work. Apply by letter to the Secretary, Board of School Trustees, City Hall. (218) SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS required for High and Elementary Schools. Names to be given to Secretary of School Board, City Hall. (218) BOY OR GIRL wanted There is a route open at the Dally News. WANTED Helper for local pnimney sweep service; permanent job at going wage rate. Apply National Selective Service AM 147. (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Quebec heater: practically nw. $15. Phone 98. (tf) FOR SALE Banjo, $15. Baby's pram, $6. 732 8th Ave. E. (216) FOR SALE 30-ft. troller, nearly outfitted for do? fishing 1 fully equipped for two; snan. Apply Room 14 Bayview, mornings, (220) FOR SALE Oil stove. Apply steeietfiocK, suite 3. (215) FOR SALE Modern house, near scnoois and dry dock. Imme diate possession. Apply 716 em . (218) FOR SALE 7-room fully modern house; full size basement; 8th Ave. E. Near schools and dry dock. Snap $2500 cash. See Owner at 500 8th Ave. E. (218) FOR SALE 1936 Ford 2-ton truck. Serial No. C18Y BB 2594 with flat deck and one spare tire for $400. Owned by Peter Romaniuk, Box 125 Terrace, B.C. (217) FOR SALE Local lunch counter, Kuuwn as jonnny s snacK uar. Phone Blue 595. (tf) PERSONAL PAINTING and Paperhanglng. rn. m. ii. j. Luna. (233) BAYZAND & SEELEY, Painting, uecoraung, K.aisominmg. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LOST LOST Brown leather wallet containing sum of money and personal records. Reward. Miss June Shaen, American Signals 430. (218) LOST Brown leather wallet containing sW of money and registration card certificate; reward. Ph. Red 284. . (217) FOUND FOUND On Skeena River Highway, lady's purse containing sum of money and personal papers addressed to Margaret May, Minneapolis. Apply A. J. Braltlrwalte, Dept. Mines and Resources, Rainbow Lake Highway Camp. (it) TENDERS TIMBER BALE X35C23 Scaled tenders will bo received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C., not later than 11 a.m. on the 28th day of September, 1944, for the purchase of Licence X3S623, to cut 1.443.000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and IJemlock on an area comprising part of Lot 1075 Timber Licence 12629P and -adjoining Vacant Crown Land on the South shore of Lyell Island facing Powrlvco Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. One (1) year will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X33853 Scaled tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, . u.u , noi laier man u o clock In (the forenoon on the 3rd day of October. 1044. for the purchase of Licence X33853, to cut 26.710.000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock 'on an area adjoining Surveyed Timber Licences 6172P, 6175P, 6205P and I6209P, Church Creek. Cumshewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. 1 Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS SErrtw ' "- v. J . I ' ' - - - i THE WINE RAN RED Strong drink is no respector of persons not even this so called "Super-man." This Jerry prisoner drank too much "Calvados" (distilled apple cider to you) and the war became a rosy dream; L.-Cpl. Charlie Pearce, Toronto, Canadian Provost Corps, and Sappers-Bill Cooper, also qf Toronto, look on. FIGHT IN FRANCE LONDON, Q The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry are among British battalions fighting in Normandy. AFRICANS TAKE TO MILK ENTEBBE, 0) Consumption of milk in Uuganda is rapidly increasing. Efforts to ensure improvements in the standards, cleanliness and organization of dairies are proving successful. SEE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL . F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDINO PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 884 LEARN FRENCH Acquire a perfect pronunciation and a thorough knowledge of French grammar by a French professor. For further particulars apply the Daily News. IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box S9 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street Phone 055 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert. B.C. i VALSPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineer Phone 174 p.o. Box 274 COY BIRD The Central American umbrella bird is named for a crest of black feathers which can be lowered to cover its face. 7 CFPR 8: 8 8 9: 9: 9: 9: 10 10: 10: 10: 11: 11: 11 11: 11: 11: 12 12 12 12 1 1 1 2 00-BBC News Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Sound off 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30-TAlouette Quartet 5:00 Melody Hour 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 Recorded Interlude 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Amos 'N Andy 6:45 Night Train 7:00 CBC News 7:15 The World and Ourselves 7:30 Political Broadcast 8:00 Stardust 8:30 Invitation to Music 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30 Leicester Square 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Hit Parade 11:00 Silent THURSDAY A.M. 30 Musical Clock 00 CBC News 15 Front Line Family 30 Mornlne Concert 15 Mornlne Devotions 30 Music A La Carter 45 March Time 0O Tommy Dorscy 15 Consumer Service :30 Tune Wranglers 45 biemund Rombertr 00 Scandinavian Melodies 15 Message Period 17 Recorded Interlude 33 Weather Forecast ; 31 Recorded 45 Raymond Scott P.M. 00 Great Music 15 Top of the Evening 30 CBC News 45 Matinee Memories 00 Stanley Hoban 15 Spotlight Bands 30 One Night Stand 00 Silent Cambrai Chapter Planning Active inter Program The regular monthly meeting of Cambrai Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, was held Tuesday night at the home of Miss Eileen Gibson. Mrs. Jens Munthe, regent, was in the chair. The chapter decided to fill forty personal comfort bags to be sent overseas for Christmas Some will be filled for the scr-vlcewomen, some for civilian women and the remainder for the children In nurseries. Mrs. George Mitchell, war service convener, reported that two large shipments of knitted goods and refugee comforts were made In July. Arrangements were completed for the holding of a tag day on September 30. Proceeds will br 1 for the furtherance of the chapter's war work. j It was decided to Tiold a tea and raffle on November 23. Two new members were wel comed to the meeting. The next meeting will be held October 10 at the home of Mrs. Syd Elklns. Repairs Dominate Building Scene Alterations and repairs con tinue to dominate the domesti. construction scene, according to the monthly report on bulldin? permits Issued by the city en j glneer's office. Only two permit were Issued for new bulldlngs.t A stringency on building mat - j crials, forces citizens to get along with what they have, rather than try to erect new structure. . Value of permits Issued las: 1 month was $4,400, as against tin J July Issue of $7,150. Total value of permits issued so far this year Is $187,650. Last year, permits valued at $8,315 were Issued In August, and the eight month total was $337, -245. Following is a list of permits issued last month: T. F. Dahl, 7th ave. E., general repairs. $300. R. E. Mortimer, 2nd. ave W., alterations, $350. Stephen Dumas, 7th ave., alterations. $50. Louis Wide, 9th ave. W frame bldg. (addition). $100. Wilfred McLean, 7th ave. E., concrete foundation, $350. Long Motors, 3rd ave. W., alterations, $150. Mitchell Gay, 6th ave. E., general repairs, $140. F. J. Fuller, 1st ave. W., alterations, roof repairs, $250. V. Preston, Park ave., small frame dwelling, $700. C. J. Ashbury, Hays Cove ave., addition, $500. Mrs. A. Pavkllls, Park ave., frame dwelling, $1000. J. R. Slaggard, 3rd ave., roof repairs, $150. Jules Scguln, 1st ave. W., wooden shed, $100. TODAY Until SAT. Stark 19 v "ONt-OFJHE YEAR'S TOP SURPR WITH HIS BEST Hll! IN HIS BEST PirT: Tbt Diy Alter rotew" "Coinf My Wjy' Swintinj On A Star" flu A Mul Silent Hijht. Holy Night" M i Other Old Fivoritet I MM IT A Paramount Picture with BING CROSS Barry Filigtrald Frank McHugh Porttr Hall Fortunio tJ RISE STEVENS jSE&L. !KS?.U0H Vol Id News Complete Shows 12:00, 2:06, 4:25, 6.44, 9:03 Feature at 12:00, 2:19, 4 38, 6:57, 9:16 i WTjBSbSSBMmmmmmMMmmmmmmmmm ffl I MS Hum Katys Kleen Kitchen 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., Teas and Teacup Re; Our Specialty, Southern Fried Chick; and Steaks Hours 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Party Rrnr Your patronage appreciated 703 Fulton Street :: Phone Bloe&l RUPERT BRAM SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold StoraJ ntiKCE iturERT Co. Ltd. DKITISfl cow FREDDY" TO DO A GOOD DAY'S WORK0 YOU . . . ALL DAY . . . EVERY DAY'l am NIGHT LONG, TOO . . . "RedM - AT VnilR NFARFST FOR 24 .H0URSI8EP REDD SftySi ,,,A "Quarters spent olNVa help you anti our -