PAOZ TOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE JEWELER CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge atch, Clock, Jewelry Impairing Hand Engraving; VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Barrage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND MHICMAXT Rupert Peoples Store 42 0 SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store . We handle HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Oor Prices Are Richt MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We hare a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion Step Into Spring With HARTT SHOES We can think of no better way to spruce up for Spring than to order a Pair of Hartt's Handsome New Spring Shoes for Easter. SOLE AGENTS ... FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" t ,i inns;. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Classified Ads WANTED WANTED TO RENT Four or five room modern house, unfurnished, by reliable local resident. Urgent. Phone Blue 184. (80) WANTED Small apartment or nice room. Phone 748 alter 5 pjn. (TO WANTED Furnished apartment for couple available May 1 or earlier. Apply Box 723 Daily News. (80) WANTED Furnished apartment or room for 2 girls. Write Box 723 Dally News. (78 WANTED TO RENT Furnished suit, central, adults. Phone Red 666 evenings. (78) WANTED Room by respectable working girl. Close in. Willing to share. Phone 867. (75) HOUSEKEEPING Room for man and wife. Apply Box 721 Dally News. (75) $50 REWARD for Information leading to rental of suitably furnished apartment by ycung couple. Apply Box 724 Dally News. (76) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS. A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 Expert PERMANENTS ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Black 934 mornings or call at 1345 Plgott Place Upstairs DANIEL BJARNASON PAINTER AND DECORATOR Quick Service. No SubstltuUng of Material General Delivery IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mail Orders Boz 99 MODERN TAILORS We are open again for alter- tions on Ladles' and Men's Suits. Quick and efficient service. Reasonable prices. 318 5th St. (Behind Royal Bank) AUCTIONEER J. MAIR Phone Black 984 For mail CLASS DECORATINO AND PAINTING Call LEO OYER Red 395 867 Borden St. B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative I Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. WORK WANTED WANTED Experienced chamber-maid requires work. Apply Box 1032 Postal Station "B". (77) WANTED Trucking for two weeks. Apply Box 725 Dally News. (76 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE Axminstcr carpet, 9x12. Phone Red 976. (tf) FOR SALE Complete furnishings. 1664 Herman Place. (78) FOR SALE Small new house, close in. Apply Box 727. Dally News. ji77 FOR SALE No. 1 spuds, $2.50 per sane, delivered Prince Rupert. Apply, Box No. 1, Copper River. (75) FOR SALE Self-backed yew wood, 6 foot bow staves. 12 years seasoned. $20 each. Box 1097 Station "B". (78) FOR SALE 1936 DeSoto touring sedan. Heater and upholstery good. Phone Green 106. (78) FOR SALE House, 1136 Hays Cove Avenue. $1200 cash. Will be vacant by March 31. Write or phone L. Nohr, Inverness Cannery. (77) FOR SALE Baby crib, panelled, large size, drop side. 415-5th Ave. E., Blue 930. 75) FOR SALE Rose-coloured studio lounge, $30. 1402 8th Ave. E. after 6 o'clock. (75) FOR SALE Chesterfield with two matching chairs, also one odd chesterfield chair; carpet 9x12. Phone Red 976. (tf) FOR SALE. One new bed com plete, six tube Stewart-Warner radio, dresser, kitchen chairs, washing machine. 949 Tenth Ave. East. (76) FOR SALE. 16 ft. cabin cruiser. 4 hp. Regal. Call Sgt. Pan-nucci, American Signals 478. (79) FOR SALE. Orthophonlc Vlc- trola phonograph and records. Console model. Good as new. McBrlde and Fouth Ave after six o'clock evenings. 09) HELP WANTED WANTED. Experienced miners for Northern Gold Mine. Apply Selective Service AM. 110. WANTED. Men for under ground work at northern gold mine. No experience necessary. Apply Selective Service AM. ill. (88) WANTED. Janitor and chamber maid, for local hotel. Apply Selective Service AM. 115. (79) LOOOERS Two good sets of coast fallers, three men to a set, top prices to top men. Don't appjy unless your production record is good in coast timber. Camp is on mainland close to Prince Rupert. Apply National Selective Service office, Pilnce Rupert, and refer to advertisement number ANUS. tf PERSONAL FOR THE BEST in Painting and decorating Phone Blue 378. "We Can Satisfy." (89) PHOTOGRAPHERS We will purchase good quality photo graphic negatives, size 2'x 3V4 or larger of native scenic, game fishing, lumbering, boating, or other Industrial activities In the Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Island Areas, black and white or Kodachrome. Please forward negatives to us for Inspection and we will advise you of Immediate acceptance or return same promptly. Steffens-Colmer Limited, 560 Granville Street, Vancouver. B.C. (113) TIMHUl ft.W.K X"I.V)I Bested tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, n.C., not later than 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the 11th dajr of April, 1944, for the purchase of Licence X34594, to cut 8.000,000 feet of Ppruce on four areas situated at Juskatla and Matsett Inlets. Queen inanoiie uianas Land District Two (2) years will, be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C . or District Forester, Prince nupert. n.C J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Phone Green 995 Try a Want-Ad for Quirk Results, THE DAILY NEWS DAY SCHI.EN FEATtmE GREAT SHOW AT CAPITOL ! "Staje Poor Canteen" Comine to Local Theatre Tomorrow. Opening at noon tomorrow for a three day engagement at the Capitol Theatre. Sol Leaser's "Stage Door Canteen is splashed with fun, glamour. 'laughs and thrills and an un Iprecedented array of star ev. itertainers of screen, stage and ladio and highlighted by the screen debut of Katharine Cor nell. The picture affords thn 1 public a view of the colorful ! atmosphere of New York a pop. ular entertainment rendezvous for servicemen of the United Nations, where nightly these same star personalities perform various duties as entertainers, bus boys, hostesses, food servers hat checkers and dishwashers. Keyed to the glamorous setting of "Stage Door Canteen" It the simple and poignant love story of an American soldier about to leave for overseas dut 'j and a beautiful young Broad way actress who hostesses a the canteen. When he mect the lovely "Eileen" (Cheryl Walker it's love at first sight for "Da kota" Smith (William Terry jJJut Eileen isn't interested in soldier boys. A career is first on Eileen's list and she hopes to meet some Broadway producers at the canteen. When she awakens to the meaning of the war and realizes finally that she loves Dakota, there's little time left for them to be together. The stars seen in the picture include Judith Anderson, Kenny Baker, TaUulah Bankhead. Ralph Bellamy. Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. Ray Bolger. Ina Claire. Katharine Cornell. Oracle Fields. Lynn Fontanne. Virginia Grey. Helen Hayes. Katharine Hepburn. Hugh Herbert, Jean Hersholt. Allen Jenkins, George Jessel. Otto Kruger, Gypsy Rose Lee. Alfred Lunt. Aline MacMahon. EUa Maxwell. Harpo Marx. Ye-hudl Menuhin. Ethel Merman. Alan Mowbray, Paul Muni. Merle Oberon, George Raft, Lanny Ross, Martha Scott. Cornelia Otis Skinner. Ned Sparks, Ethel Waters. Johnny Welat-muller, Arleen Whelan. Ed Wynn and six famous orchestras of Count Basie. Xavier Cugat. Benny Goodman. Kay Kyser, Ouy Lombardo and Freddie Martin. CFPR 1210 Kilocyclei SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY r.M. 4:00-Sound Off 4:15-0. I. Jlve 4:30 Rebroadcast O. I. Journal 5:00 Peter and the Pygmies 5:15 In a Few Words 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Roundup 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Are You a- Genius? 6:30 Of Things to Come 7:00Frcd Waring 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 Red Skelton 8:00 Burns and Allen 8:30 Carnival of Music 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30 Leicester Square 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Eventide 11:00 Silent. THURSDAY a.m; 7:30 MuslcalClock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Jan Oarber's Orchestra 9:00 Recorded Interlude 9:15 Richard Crooks 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00-Frlml Melodies 10:15 Consumers Service ,10:30 Barnabas Von Gczcy 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Hawaiian Echoes i III inr Dujirrmr i iiuri or llrltlfth I oiuiiirii.i iii iTiilmte In the Mailer ut the ".lilniluMratloii ,Ut" ami III (lie .Mailer of lite Olale of Ji.lm tturne, lirieuteil TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on thi '24th day of March, AD. 1944. I was appointed Administrator (with the will annexed l of the Eihj nt ,Warne deceased, and all parties hav- ing claims against me said estate are hereby required to furnish same rurnrwrlv verified, fa me rm iv... ithe 25th day of April, AD. 1344 and Lall parlle Indebted to the Etat wo rnjuircu vu my mi amount or their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince nupert H. c this 28th day of March A D. 1941, NOIIMAN A, WATT Ofllcinl Administrator Prince Kuptrt B.c SPECIAL :i DAY SHOWING! tte 10 Ends Tonight Complete Shows at 7:00. 9:00 "Dr. Gillespie's Criminal fascial 7:28. 9:28) IV FIRST SHOWING OF THIS SPLENDID PICTURE AT 12 NOON DAILY " .gr 7 J orro Kiuca f tsrirW. uwnxa Protest Quality Of Canned Milk In a discussion which centred around variations in the quality of one of the brands of canned milk on the local market, a meeting of the housewives league held test night at the home of Mrs. J. D. Calne. decided to take the matter up with the milk company involved. It was said at the meeting that certain quantities of the milk sold had been found sour, or otherwise unpalatable. Mrs. E. R. Foster, delegate to LI AT lOtGU wducujm UtWW CODdll JAMC0WI uxa nisi : ITMt tOtfTAMQ VB6XAGtn KOOItUTU (stWfa Htrt'Jt -ftHucii tutor tJUXMBHOU Aiux jocnw SI'I rmm mm r AxmiOH cjm sou mHhl i roorriAm AimBiwn .;! k-T.L.Lk Ts3UkMXDtU9 tiknnlB x ikslUJUHOM n..u in.u V. '.N DSUtaC(Me iWMNKJra OUX'JI HcOlUI . 1(14 4WJUflAJ UTH MOiM AUX WOTTKiT win otaoN wotct un UWT Wtt sum Kon C0Mnu oreioMt wmjus. run nxn wraj (MITt WAUn A1UDI WKUH ixtoa wrsuKjua itO WTRN Complete 8how at 12 noon. 2 11, 4 35, 7 00. 9:24. Feature the Prtoct Rupert Natrtttwa fi.u:. : Committee talked on the object- , empru.t ives of the nutrition campaign, and the results .so fax attained. Hallowing the irr a .Mirer's re port It was decided u donate NO to the Red Croe. In answer to a report of a rnUunderstaiMlInf once mint the alms and objectives of the Housewives Leatue. it was aud c!ear at the meeting that 'he Leatue la a non-partis lan. non-sec tartan, non-profit organisation, whose alms are solely to promote, support, and protect the Interests of housewives In If your electric refrigerator is one with a "radiator" type grille, make sure the grille is kept free from the dust and dirt which accumulate in it. Air must circulate if the unit is to operate efficiently at minimum cost. To clean the grille, turn off power, remove dirt w'ith brush, vacuum cleaner, or damp cloth . '. . and clean it regularly. REDDy SAYS: "Anwhtr ihlna tou hould du Mfulirlr li purthite Wtr Sini Sumpi ifary tbekU sccumulits," Mr man twvnx rtanvn Th. Cou:; . rtly c . ua the r ne -t.: ; Cre-s J ch::d: kn- I the L the city. Accusations that the tcr league had formal political at- aider a: dOH'T 'SUFFOCATE' YOUR ELECTRIC ' 4 .inn ti . ura txJi cnittuM mm r .X ,1. . REFRIGERATOR1, 'sasasaBSam r. it in, tnsu'LVSBmsaaia.