AY MARCH 20. 10 THE EAILT HEV73 ROLL YOU.R -OWNERS FOR OGDEN'S S SET INAL5 l: name of the men kr'.haii armi-finals, the Yanks defeated . 31 jsst night. This ibi.shcs the Yank's tie finals against 1 The date of the f the f inal series hat pr.vldff about 85 :f .he weekly bacon he people of the Unl- 13 per c:ent of their and simple. GO listen to "The Weird Circle", weekly Radio mystery thriller on Ogden's Playhouse. See your local listings for day and hour. Style Upheavals For Postwar Era Men. he said, will wear sports clothes for all occasions. This is like nre-curtailment but sold as -i i i n 1 . . n ts in, jaiire.ss u.Mia. -i-u Ma- uiu .... . A 1 tlf i ii in vniip wiiii Biriii-rm. iiirw una ill- m.i iiiirii in i iiu .. . .i ij me uay uiurr irmtru, INCOME TAX APRIL 80, 1914 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER I'hane 88 IIIV 111 II A II IV 111 ill III II 11 I III I.. II. . u NOM AOVCSmiNO. Iim. 1 f rvj ' I i i iimi- 11III 1 '1' I ' I 1 L A'W ITS IJX S FOR EASTER? e to the Variety Store, and you'll find a filled with happy suggestionsgifts that v' ' VV1 VUllL J u 11 inmv 1111 T Itln u ri ncr wss IllVIIIJn IH'l ilMll I. VIIL lllVIVi'V III 1 il f W t m n i Til ' ... I...,Iwkt- --" turn niu wiiuiii uut uii(ivw E VARIETY STORE - LOCALS A St. Peter's Sale, March 30, Home cooking, plants, varieties. 2:30 - S;00 (75) Miss Irene Larson left last night on a trip to Vancouver. Ocorge Parkin morning from a couver. returned this trip to Van- Mrs. B. McKenzle tills morning from Vancouver. returned a trip to Miss Leah Basso-Bert return-led homeMhls morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. It. 8. Oreig returned 'home this morning from a trip .to Vancouver and Kamloops. Mr. and Mrs! Arthur Brooks-bank returned home this from a trip to Vancouver. Alfred Adams of Massett who has been in the city for the i past few days, left last night to return to his home. j a. Kaulback. who is identified with the city telephone department, left last night on a trip I to Vancouver. Cliff Johnson arrived home on last night's train from Stratford, Ontario, for a brief visit on leave from from his military duties. He will return East on I LONDON, March 29 O A re- ; Monday night. volution in women's fashions af ter the war ha.? been predicted by James Laver, clothes and fashion expert 8peaking to the Royal Society of Arts here he stated that all major wars are followed by fashion upheavals. After this war ie forecast a simplification of styles for women, with shorter skirts, raised waistlines and straight lines re placing pre-war curves. Lead In; Mr. and Mrs. Cordon . Webb ,of the YAI.CA. staff here are leaving on Friday night to attend a Y.M.C.A. conference In Vancouver after which they will go east to spend a furlough at their home at Woodstock, 'Ontario. The body of Kathleen Grace Jones, infant daughter of Mr. and William Peter Jones of .... ur i Massett, was forwarded last oiue ana nair siy.es win uc suori ,, night . to Massett for burial. The child passed away In the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Monday. MmmK msM Ma ml. & VP IIC CI IV CUUI1CU, UV 1UI acKtlNZ.lt l-UKNI I UKt L I U. t ,t 1ATT STEEI. HEDSTKAD eel Clable Bed Spring with Felt Mattress. 7Ps 4-i. Jinn linn rnmniPLH ,,wj)ii nit Steel Hedsnring with wide bteel uiu- for the exchange of city-owned j lots 13 and 14, block 13, section 1. for lots 23 and 24, block 14, section 1, the latter Jwned by the provincial government. Acquisition of the two lots on faecond Avenue which J. A. Lindsay desires to purchase ,for the erection of a garage. The pair of lota it is proposed to exchange lie across First Street from each other to the north of Second Avenue. NATIONAL Looks For Election Next Year Bruce Mlckleburgh, who re-, ported to a meeting of the local Labor Progressive Club Monday night, believes a provincial elec tion will be held next spring. Mr. Mlckleburgh Is back In Prince Rupert after sitting in the gallery at the session of the Legislature and attending the Labor-Progressive provincial con vention and the Shipyard Gen eral Workers' postwar rehabili tation conference at Vancouver, in both of which latter bodies he was elected to the provincial committee. Announcements All drmtftttnetita In UlU column will be chargid lor s lull month at 25c a word. Sr. Peter's Sale. March 30. Dry Dock Employees' Dance, 1 Friday night, March 31. Prov erbs Orchestra. W.O.T.M. Dance Wednesday. April 5, Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 2. Refreshments. De Carlo's Orchestra. Presbyterian April 6. SE31V1CE SELtCnN'E Spring Sale. Norway Invasion Service, Luthran Church, Saturday, April 8, 8 pjn. Queen Mary Easter Tea, Mrs. Parkin's. IF YOU EMPLOY Ifr ihvji till vontplivd irith the MilUtiru Call-Up? Monday St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale. April 13. Navy Auxiliary Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. April 18. C.WX.' bridge, whist, crlbbage K.O.C. Hut April 20f Job's Daughters' Dance. Mas-anlc Hall. April 21. L. O. B. A. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. April 27. De Carlos Orchestra Eastern Star Dance, April 28. MINT FORGET . . THE BIG DANCE Wr.l)NESI).YM.RCIl23.-9:30 - 1:00 a.m. I.O.I1.E. HALL (Formerly Eagles'. 5th and McBrlde) Gentlemen 5c Roy Proverbs and Ills Orchestra Everybody Welcome Under an Onler Ipncl under authority of the Nittloiial Selective Service MdUi.a t ion JU'guIatioiiH t 1 Every employer of male employer niut make an examination of the ilociimentf of thre em ploy eeN, mid forward ndvire on llioe vlio fail to prtnlurc diiciimentH kIiiiwIiii; good standing under .Mohiliatlon llegiilntious. 2. Tliltt examination must he completed br May 1st, 19U. 3. "K.Ml'I.OYEK" includes induMrSiil nnil rom-mereial employers, and nlso farm operutors. 4. -MAI.K KMl'LOYEK" ineliiden all mule persons working for you, inrlutling relatives. 5. A booklet, "EMPLOYERS' GUIDE", has been sent to industrial ami eoiumerrial employers. A return post card lias pone to farm operators. 6. If you employ any male person, Mid have not been notified of the Kiirvey by iMtoklet or post cardj contact the nearest Employment mid Selective Service Ofliee and ask for the ltooklet. 7. Obligation to mnkc the examination rents on each and every employer of male persons, and employers must net. S. Tenalties are provided for failure lo enrry out this examination, and for male employees falling to.Ut by refusal to produce documents. THE NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE MOBILIZATION REGULATIONS Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL, A. MacNAMARA. Dhttltr, KlitnI Stltain Strilct. ( f 30 THIS SMN w www W wm 'BSBBBW r A IfV Child Has a Cold Don't take needless chances with untried remedies. Relieve miseries this home-proved, double-actioa . PEMCTRATES passages with medi cinal vapors. mum t rn, UU imi, lUIi . uceiiiuaivm. lng poultice, : I A . MM iMMt Kow to ret an the benefits of thli combined runiSTlRC-STlSfUUTlM action as shown above. Just rub throat, chert and back with Vlcks VapoRub at bedtime. Then ... see how this lam-1)7 standby goes to work ImUntly 2 way toc to relieve coughing spasms, ease muscular soreness or tightness bring grand relief from distress! Its soothing medication Invites restful, comforting sleep-and often by mom- err oftos cold lsICKS I .gone.Try it tonight. vVuoRvi Funeral of Child The funeral of Fredrick Schll- berg, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schllberg, who passed away on Sunday, took place on Tuesday afternoon, arrangements being conducted by the B.C. Undertakers, with i Rev. A. F. MacSween of First Presbyterian Church officiat ing. Mrs. J. C. GUker presided at the organ during the service. Interment took place In Falrvlew cemetery. LONDON ff When the Marie Curie hospital was bombed re cently $13,500 worth of redium was buried beneath the debris j in two containers. One contain-1 er worth $11,025 was recovered I within a few days. I Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They deserve It. See National Monuments 602 5th East noi UZS Station B r-rince Rupert. B.C GEO. 1DAWE5 AUCTION KER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOL'R CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Free 146 4th Ave. E. Thone for Appointment RED it; Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTINIRY PHONE 637 Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 REID'S CAFE 725 Third Ave. West THE CHOICEST FOODS very carefully prepared Sandwich Bar Now Open from 11 ajn. dally to serve Soups, Hot Beefsteak Pies, Eggs. Omelette, Chili, Salads, and regular Sandwich list Pies, Cakes, Ice Cream Special Dinner Menu from 5 to 7 p.m. Closes at 12:45 am. CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Rlark 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN PIONEER IS DEAD "Sandy" Grant Passes Away at New llazelton at Ripe Age. NEW 1IAZ ELTON, March 29- 'Sandy" Grant of New Hazelton was found dead in his cabin at New Hazelton on Friday morning last, having passed away peacefully In his sleep. Deceased was born In Aber- 1 deen, Scotland, 31 years ago and I had come to Canada in his i early youth. He had formerly been employed as foreman by a Winnipeg firm of contractors in fencing the right-of-way of the Canadian National and was well known between Winnipeg land Prince Rupert. I Funeral services were con-j ducted by the Rev. E. Bird of Hazelton in the United Church ;at New Hazelton on Sunday. An exceptionally large cengre-; gallon of all denominations testified to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Following the service in the j church the funeral cortege proceeded to the historic cemetery 'at Old Hazelton where so many of Uie pioneers, are buried and the interment service was com- pie ted. Honorary pallbearers were James A. McRae, Charles Donaldson, George Stewart and Wil Ham Larmer. Active pall bearers were P. Smith. W. MacKenzie. Gust Christiansen, Carl Christiansen and John Tolman. Constable George Brotherston of the city police returned this morning from two vreelcs' leave which he spent In Vancouver. KVTONG SANG niNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 th AVE. WEST Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 12 pm. Tuesday.lO pm. to 12 pm. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 12 pin. Phone Red 217 FOR A TAXI Telephone 65 Stand: Grotto Cigar Store J. M. S. Loubser D.CM BA CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business 1 C.H0I5 sOey CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pm. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 OOLACHANS FOR SALE at Boat "Elsie" at Cow Bay Float, SIMON CALDER. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltnp Roofs Repairs, Re-shingllng Free Estimates Meet 31c at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) sF BBHslas I PAOE THRE f - ! 1 1 FULL STRENGTH 1 I COFFEE I GUARANTEED I I UNTIL DATE I ON BAG I I I THE W. H. MALKIN CO. LTD. VANCOUVER. CANADA 1 i. Cold Wave Coming Soon! - Witt ' We will be closed for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, pads, or machine. Watch for ltl SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MAII Cor. Cth Ave., and Fulton St. Thone Blue 913 Sewing! Ladies: You can now get made to order Buttons and Buckles of your own material and design. Place your orders with ...