K line detector. ittack Iristol ikrs II Heaviest two Yrari on Ureal 23 The ;e of it heav-scars on Drtt- iicntrated w where cai-:c wrre heavy d ,ie town as thu was not ii mcd here. Knari HIP O I 11 i' 'ing tq be 1 ig as far mcuf in War-rca of Prince t A letter i: Nairn. Van-, formed the iay night that 1 made to secure c: crushed rock ti :: on Seventh Av- s Cove Avenue but v T.-.lble to obtain t exec sive cost so dr ided to take up d !:r-re and re-lay fe it was a ease kh ;r plank road cr i r more un- d upon. AW. I w lit as plank j 1-3 a' ail. vr. de Udcd to rc- Itcr j "he board of usgcstlon that tth3 gli:: r would exer- lupcrvialon over the ' UP RMan. March 29 two months of Uie Trans-Canada Air 22,795 passengers, as of mall and 155,- pt express, it was pterday by W. F. Binnt vice-president. of pa-ssenecrs ln- p30 over the same pr mall volume by fs and cxnrM hu Housing Iping to idewalks J'lng, throuih its cCarter h Nairn of s advised the city Ht cannot eontrl. Fstructlan of clHit- fh Ave and, Hays i 1 00m of which trial hnn,i. 1 I -"'tur uas Temperature Local Tides Thursday, March 30 High 5:20 18.6 feet 50 18:35 16.1 feet 30 Low 12:05 5.5 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL I1RITISH COLUMBIAN NBWSPAI'Kff ll pNo. 75 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' Red Army Drives On Odessa Bn.Oiallense MARK LAND MINES- -Spr. O. C Bullock, Klngi- tce- a Hot Cross Dun" to mark the spot where Spr. Turonto, Out, Indicates a mine The instrument BOMBS FOR i LUFTWAFFE LONDON March 20 0 Ameil-an bombrrs hit central Germany today and other Allied bombers pounded the Pas de Calais coast area of France in a campaign described officially as "aimed primarily against the Luftwaffe on the ground and in the air -Yesterday American bombers wete claimed to have destroyed 300 G pi man plane In the air and on the ground. TRIAL IS ADJOURNED Preliminary Hearing of Indian, Charged With Mutdrrlng Trappers at Unlay Forks, eferred. PRINCE OEOROE, March 29 0 Preliminary hearing of Alex Prince. Fort St. James Indian, on charges of murdering two I trappers in the country north of here, was adjourned Tuesday for eight days pending appointment of counsel. Prince is aceaed of murdering Eugene Messmer and Hans Pfeuffer. Flnlay Forks trappers. Headway of One Column ' But Otherwise Japanese Are Itring Held Rack In the Indian Campaign NFW DEUII. March 20 One Japanese column has advanced to within twelve miles of Impahl capital of Marlpur Province In India, but It Is the only one that has made any progress. Fierce battling continues in all sectors of the 4iew front In India. LONDON O) Tlic Common Wealth party, whose first, two nnhllrfttlons Common Wealth Journal and Town and Country Review wcrp suprc;cd by tho Sunnlv Ministry for lnfrlnge- Imcnt of paper regulations, has come out with a new mommy Journal. Common Wealth Re view. Red Cross Donations Prev'ly acknowledged $18,069.05 Commodore Cafe . 25.00 Kcllcy Logging Co. Ltd. employees 140.00 Inverness canvass, total 114.50 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jh- son son iu.uu Mr. and Mrs. John L. Forrester in'nn F. Pheascy Mr. and Mrs. N. Taylor nn Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McLachlan 5.00 P. II. King lO.pO Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Musgrnvo 5 00 Mr. and Mrs. O. Dudoward 5.00 Ralnh nrcen. Seal Cove 5.00 Total to date $18,95155 DEMANDS CONFIDENCE laken Up Pilme Minltcr Churchill Not Accepting; I'arliamtnl Reverse on .Minor Issue N. March 2) 9 -? inn M ' Winston Churchill !--day t i itc up a ehalltnte noted j a -ii -vote Celt, of 3-j.cn r i cy yesterday and de-;muadcd a vole of confidence it. the government. It was last night that Mr. Churchill government tutferc IU first defeat in the Hoiue of Common since Ita fcrmattor. : but., since the Issue was not pressed as a vote 01 government In the government. It did not re- quire resignation. The defeat of the admimst ation was receive WI1T1J It UUgllfc III ICJL-V till 11 au aui- endment to the Education SeE? to provide an equa. pay sea men ana women teacners. 11 caused a sensation at Wcs: - minster. Prime Minister Churehlll chow to make a major issue of thi rivpriu anrf annonncod to- day that he would demand a vote of confidence at the next session of the House probably tomorrow. If there was a defeat . on this confidence motion, he j and his government would re- sign ana mere wouia dc vnc , "usual constitutional conse quences. oucn a reverse on an "important detair of the Education Dill could not be "laughed off." Women, Scientists Aloft With R.A.F. i'otm One-slxth of Urge Itody of Research (iroup IjflMDOV Marrh M Wo- men worker, form one-sixth of . the large body of scientists I which Is the roseawh group at- tached to bomber, fighter and coastal commands of the R.A.F. as well as to the Admiralty and the War Office. Their work Includes tests, observation and roscirch problems connected with tanks, luns, aircraft, explosives, radio and radio-location. If the problems they are tackling can be solved only by flying In operational aircraft, then they ate taken on flights. Women have accompanied bomber and coastal reconnaissance craft to study the operation of radio Installations for the detection of u-boats as well as to make ballistic tests. , Women physicists are on duty during air raids over London to observe the workings of ack-ack defence as well as the properties of new explosives dropped on the city. They also conduct examinations of both damaged Dritish and enemy planes. Will Build Many Homes OTTAWA, March 29 0 rrime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King tabled In the House of Commons yesterday a report recommending the construction of C08.000 houses in Canada in the postwar period. PEVENSEY, England Old nut nuhllf house llcpiispon In England Is 93-year-old Eliza ... ... 1 , rrin 1 fen, unn. vnnr-f1rf Nra' Tnn hnrp Ilcr famlly nas hcld the llccnce for 100 years and lt'8 been ,n ncr death of her" husband. L1ECESTER. England O) Fifty women and girl hosiery operatives went -? strike because the management refused them permission to take t'iclr handbags Into the factory, 2500 RATION BOOKS City Hall and Parish Hall at Seal Cove Are Mcccas. More than 2500 people called at Prince Rupert's two ration book distribution centres Tuesday a Iter noon and evening to pick up their new No. 4 ration books, lhe city hall centre re cotderd the distribution of 2106 books during both sessions and the Seal Cove centre at St. Peter's parish hall gave out 4C8. Yesterdays total for both centres was 2574 books. . In the afternoon the city hall centre, whleh is in charge of Mrs. Doris Teng. Issued 1716 ra tion books and in the evening 390 books were given out. The Seal Cove distributing centre, under Mrs. J. E. Boddlc, ned 350 ration books in the aIlernoon m in lhc cvenlng . rr, jflCn at ivlSKcl Exempt From t JnCOmC rp 1 clX viiawa, warcn za cana- aians wno served at KJSKa in ine Aleutians win not dc name Ior income tax. it was an - nounced yesterday XJJ.ane lVi'jn i no II IcliS ITldll LUIIL 1 n IOaSiai I OSlS LONDON. March 23 O -Haidy Dritish Wrens man storm-swept emergency landing Held around the coastline of DrMaln. These tiny green patches in Uolated t4htrietstte-lo6k11ke hearer. t'j Allied bomber pilots driven off their courses after a raid on Germany. About two dozen irirU of the Fleet Air Aim usually live In bleak wooden huts on these fields. Most ol their work is secret. 8ome of them do the "plotting work that enables TcrewT'to tote b anes and shins In dUtress. ' when there is flying In the 7, rrirm,i I lal" connections are made by .h. h district the girls must always be," others the original , applicant .. h. be ready at their posts in a crash-tender which puts out to find a plane that has been forced down. One girl of this crew al-1 ways weais an asbestos suit, in preparation for any needed fire fighting. There's always a Wren on duty in a spotting chair checking all aircraft that pass . th J Victoria Cross Winner is Home MONTREAL, Murcn 29 0 ' Ution period. Major Paul Triquet. Victoria' The reommehdatlon was ad-Cioss winner, arrived at Dorval opted with Aid. Hills and Aid. Airport today after a non-stop O. W. Rudderham dissenting. flight from Scotland. PATTENS QUICKLY A youni blue v.aale puts on weight at the average of 220 pounds a day Afl CANADIAN BLUENOSE IN BATTLE TRAINING near Ortona, Italy, sirore.- a direct hit on the heavily armored turret of a captured Germ n Mark IV tank Had thb been the real thing, J the PIAT shell, fireo from the j the turret and killed those Inside. ISSUED TUESDAY $ House Burns-t; Six Perish . 1 . v" , KIRKLANU LAKE. On.. 4;--ivirch 23 O' Six persons, 4jj five children and a woman Hjnf 71 years, died last night Win a fire which swept the 4 rm.? of Mr. and Mrs. Frank JJutijr in Kirkland Lake. Pour others escaped, three of them now In hospital. U m YEAR FpR C.N.R. 1 Aftther Fharp Inrrease Record- I ;l Over Heroru-tUeakiug Fig- ir- 01" 1913 k. : .. Miic-. u f Can- n 1 'tiona; Railways oper- sns io far In 1941 have reeord- a sharp increase over record- bfa king 1043 figures. R. C. xn. president of the rail- said Tuesday in p:ecnting u w annual upon 10 me ' raiway commiuw oi me iiouse oBjCommooi jlross revenues for 1944 were 9QI00.0OQ over the corresponding: period of 1913. Recommendation On Waterfront Water Hook-up V - .- . The recommendation 01 a special committee of the city council on the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative water connection on tne waterlront was tnat the cost of the installation be borne by the appli cants and the work be done under I that heancil ? ' cTtfiLS maintenance, that Uie city insta im nyoran . w ?f pessary reimbursed proportionately and that In future all such applica tions for water extensions from imains to utlli' lies committee. During discussion, the view was V,, K1 on o "H "" " " Pl'nal froi , fleet would benefit m from the wuter that would be made avail- tshln tr tho ncur Prwiivratlvi premises. Aid. George Hills Inquired if It was to be the city policy not to assist industry by concessions, particularly in the war rehablll- FIRST COMEDY The first comedy was pei-formcfl in Athens agout 550 D. C on a movable scaffold. fox hole, would have penetrated Bulletins JAP MILITARY SHAKE-UP TOKYO Four top Japanese generals are involved in another shake-up of the Japanese high command. BOMBS ON NEW GUINEA ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTH PACIFIC Allied bombers raked -New Guinea coast, including: Wewak and Hansa Itay, yesterday with 158 tons of missiles in the twelfth straight day of attack. HEAVY NAZI LOSSES LONDON General James Doolittle said yesterday that 2100 German planes have been destroyed since February and Allied planes have dropped 20,000 tons of bombs on targets in Germany and 11,-000 tons in occupied coun-tiies. EASTER HOLIDAYS VICTORIA Either Good Friday, or Easter Monday may be observed as a holiday under the Factory Act. For the civil service there will be full holidays on Friday and Monday and three hours' work on Satuiday. SUICIDES IN HUNGARY BUDAPEST There are hundreds of suicides in this capital of Hungary, apparently in nervousness over the military outlook. EDEN DENIES DICTATION LONDON Foielgn Secre tary Anthony Eden was cheer-;ed in JheHouse of Commons today hen"he decIareS'thaif ' Great Britain was not being dictated to by the United States but that the two nations were "working together in absolute co-operation." Confusion Over Leaving Train Elderly and 111 Woman Had Un pleasant Experience at Has-elton. SOUTH HAZELTON, March 29 j Much conflict Is constantly 1 occurrlng in regard to the point ! of debarkation of passengers 1 bound for Hazelton. During the1 past week two passengers suf- j fered great Inconvenience by I being put off the passenger; trains at Hazelton station which necessitates a ten-mile trip by road around by New Hazelton as the bridge between Hazelton station and the town has been out for years. ' . One, an elderly woman In In- "1051 Vlrkcf- I Incnnitai'V stant need of medical attention, Ulttdlllldry disembarked from the train at 5 o'clock on a cold morning f The Valhalla Lodge, on appll-find a tireless station. Fortu-, cation of Its president, C. H. In nately Scotty McRae came to sulander. was granted permls-thc rescue and rushed her to sion by the city council Monday the hospital. A bus service meets all trains at New Hazelton and passengers bound for Hazelton should leave the train at that point. Trail Wins Over Regina REOINA. March 29 Q Trail defeated Rcglna seven to two last night In the Memorial Cup Junior hockey playdowns. Regina now leads two wins to one in the best of seven series. LONDON Oi Mrs. K. Somer-vllle Is said to be London's champion house-to-house collector for the Red Cross penny-a-weck fund. In two years, Mrs. Somervllle has collected the qulvalent of $15,000. GLASOOW O1 One of the orlalnal Savoyards, Dunward Lcly. died here recently, aged 93. He was the original duke In "Patience" at the Opera jComlque In 1884. A German Armies holding Up in Western Europe Soviet Forces Sweeping Through Poland and mania to Objectives of Utmost Importance. LONDON, March 29 (CP) The Ukrainian Army, pushing across the steppes from captured Ni' i.ev toward Odessa on the Black Sea, has now snu ;; ed through the crumbling secondary defences of 'rssa, only 60 miles away. Capture of Nikolaev, former Soviet Black'Sea fleet base, took place yes GREATER DANGER Air Raids Is On Coast May Come Therefore Fire Fighters Are to I bje Trained and Equipped. VANCOUVER, March 23 (CP) W.j C. Mainwaring, chairman of the provincial advisory council of the British Columbia Protection Committee, said Tuesday night that Allied offensive in the Pacific has increased the danger of Japanese nuisance raids on the Pacific Coast. Preparations are under way, Mr. Mainwaring said, to train and equip fighters to 1 combat a large number of in cendiary Ilres of enemy origin. I WITHDRAWAL AT CASSINO Indian and New Zealand Troops Pulled Out of Hill Positions NAPLES. March 29 to Indian Gurkha troops Just below Mon-astry Hill peak overlooking Cas-slno have been withdrawn. The Indian troops had occupied the positions two weeks befoie the withdrawal and could be sun- pned oniy by air. Withdrawal of New Zealand troops from a posl- tion on the hill Is also disclosed, Meanwhile Allied bombers have cut all rail lines from northern Italy to the German front line area. Defective Septic Tanks Make Area ! night to lnstal a septic tank in connection with Its hall at the . " Junction of Eighth and Ninth Avenues. The installation will be rnrrlori nut nnrffr ho sutwrvl - 1 slon of the city engineer. Aid. Rudderham felt that this was one area of the own that was badly in need of a sewer line. It was thickly populated and there were many septic tanks, number of which were unsatisfactory making lt one of the most unsanitary parts of the town. Stephen Leacock Dies in Toronto TORONTO, March 29 & Stephen Leacock, aged 74, eminent Canadian economist and humorist, died In hospital here Tuesday night after several weeks of illness. ANTS EAT POLES Metal telephone poles are used In South Africa because the white ants eal wooden ones. pa 1 Ru- terday. The Russians are advancing upon Odessa along a 175-mlle front. To the west In Bessarabia the Ukrainian Army within eight miles of the Odessa - Tiraspol-Isal railroad, principal escape artery from the port. Meanwhile Russian forces to the northwest are reported within 40 miles of the SzechSlova-kian frontier. In Rumania the Russians are assaulting 'the key rail city of Isai. In Drewar Poland the Red Army also continues its relentless drive. The position of 100,000 German troops in the Ukrainian pocket is steadily deteriorating. DOMESTIC TRAGEDY Washington Farmer Killed Fam- ily and Self After Classed AL fJtkSraDE, Wash March 0 A 33 year old farmer shot and killed his wife and four children and then killed him self last night when apparently maddened by being classed Al in the draft The farmer was Bernard Arends his wife Magdalene-was 30 years of age and the dead children were aged six, four, two and six weeks. Stanley Cup Puck Series Montreal and Chicago Now Each Need Only One More Victory, to Advance. TORONTO, March 29 O) Montreal Canadlens and Chicago Black Hawks now lead the best of seven game series in the Stanley Cup hockey semifinals by three wins to one In each case. Montreal defeated Toronto Maple Leafs four to one last night and Chicago won over Detroit seven to one. Power Charges Too High Here , . , . So Suggests Prince Ruper .Labor Council In Communication to City The Prince Rupert Labor Council had befoie the city council Monday night a copy, of a letter It had sent to the Northern British Columbia Power Co. suggesting that the $5 meter deposit imposed by the Northern British Columbia Eower Co. was too high and should be reduced to $3, lt being also suggested that the Initial charge per kilowatt hour on electric light was rxcesslve. As the rates were cov- . cred by the otlglnal agreement between city and power company, the council felt there was little could be done about the matter. LONDON 0 Group Capt. IL Broadhurst of the R.A.F. has become one of the youngest air commodores at the age of 38. Destroyer of 12 enemy aircraft;, he holds the D.S.O, and Bar, the D.F.C. and Bar and the A.F.C.