IdRUARV 25, 1P v5, NOTICE TO WAR WORKERS! Few Props at First e or sneeze L) may rncan tort days lost py. rut a few drops of Vicks Ltro-ruJ up each nostril at first sniffle, inccze or slcn of L Tlst simple precaution aids natural dc- If rnpifiit colds, and so lielps prevent many W fcHV fckiping-lfudintlrnc. Iry Bow dictions mine Kg VA-7R9-HOL f j fftr years, almost since Prince Rupert ' d, we have erved the people. TTje prescription e have always tried to keep modern, using rr.acisr-' Qi'uHty dnw the best of equipment. rt a new year, we wr ornud of our rrrord. r the confidence you have shown in us. May - tf you. nnes ltd. lA'AI.I, STOUK fllOMlS Ml and L 0rn Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. snd Holidays from 11-2 p.m. and 1-3 pin. iacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Mare to nay" .iHiHKU) SUITKS in :i pieces covered Vtlour and 'hipestry, with full Spring jcMon. I'er Suite. Triced from $175.00 OAU f'HKSTS in beautiful matched nrer. Priced fnim SMJiO lUU Prminn Cfmnani OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY Til I) AY AND . T B U M AN'S K V K H Y I) A V V 0 U N T A I N 357 3rd Avenue C A It 1 S TENS ncr Block. 3rd Street Phone 234 DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited s u.iuy news is compiling a nou ui 11 may contain the name of every man and woman i to serve with the armed forces at sea, on land ;' ' - air To make this list complete, it is csm-hw-i , n the co-operation of the public as a whole in sub- ii" the rlthm k -c Ible for the Dally News or any one person Is the list comnlete so we are asking YOU to be -4 vuiv inrnu. ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Trlnce nunrrt 01 Kin j V ' n iiMii i ' 1 hi tlon ... : MVf ti t'SS j ' 01 Enlistment ... f discharge Ptnitl Utt,B ' c. tin fr, . " uo noi eUDmii a ceriam jjcioui.- umy, xcu arc responsible. Paya to Advertise in The Daily News LOCAL NEWS NOTES Orange Leap Year Dance, .Monday, Feb, 28, I.O.O.F. Mall 9:30 p.m. (49) Horace AhrubMll retained to the city this morning after spending a holiday in Vancouver. A Attention Ladies of Canadian Legion Auxiliary. Please meet at Legion Rooms. 2 o'clock sharp. Sa'urday 36 407 Iri a Sprains and J Aiiituuiicenients Drj' DKk 8tr!pl.))-es' Dance, February 25. Piovrrb's Orches tra. Valhalla Daoce. Oddfellowa Hall. Feb. at. De Carlo's MachlnisU' Dance, Odd f el Iowa' Hall. 9 pin., Feb. 26. L. O. L. Dance. Monday. Feb . I. O. O. F. Hall. WA I.OD.E Better Shaves -And More Of Jhem with Gillette Lather SHAVING CREAM i1 PI Mode by (he world's H Ij liodine epr(i In ihov H 91 In 3 comforf, the moleri , I m of Slue Ciintte Biotftt. 1 1 1WJ " . " NEW ROYAL I : rlultL A Home Away rtom Home Kates 75c up .. a a n.U SO Kooms, not ana Water Trlnce Kupert, B.C. phone 281 P.O. Box 1S6 AHousewlves League whist drive tonight, East End Hall. 8.15 p.m. Major A. S. Parka leaves this Mm P. n. Feero returned this evening on a trip to Vancouver. morning from a trip to Seattle. J H Macey left last night on r. tnp to Vancouver. trip to Vancouver. vgataaiisaigw aaaaaaaaaaaaTT.TTTBaaaaaaaaaaaS ZZssmilllLLstLkggBa N' as never before men and vflmrn must keeD tliemselves fit and ready for work. So when you've tried everything you can think of and nothing seems to C.C.F. Dance. March 10. Odd- even relieve f v' ,,.. tw-..l'. n.v, . hess. dont Rive up hope Just go fellows Hau.DeCriOrcnatra w MrCuuheon, Orroes anteed to show results and Jus tify your confidence, ir for any reason you are dissatisfied, take back the emDtv bottle and get your money back. TIMELY RECIPES THE DAILY NEWB PACE THREE CAMBRAI CHAPTER GOOD WORK IS DONE IN BUSY YEAR ww rvmm'mfir t. it Timnk i When the twelfth Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, was held recently Mm. A. Carlton returned to the W. P. Armour left last night at he hme of Mrs- Frank Skln-c ity this morning from a trip to on his return to Vancouver arter Mt- reports were read showing Vancouver. spending a few days in the city verV .satisfactory year's work. Mrs James Shed don left lau 'limZ night on a trip to Vancouver Mrs. C. Olske returned thj-morning from u trip to Vane iu ver. A8t. John Ambulance A. socia tlon meeting Red Cross Roomr Friday, 2Ui. All interested please attend, 8 pm. 47 Mrs. D. Gunrteh left last night on a trip t'. Vancouver One hundred and seventeen refugee garment were completed in addition to comfort for the armed forces. The Chapter also prepared and delivered three hampers to needy families and provided fruit and magazines to patients at the military hospital where regular weekly visits are made. Donations were made to the i . Funeral Notice CANADIAN LEGION BX.S.L. Members M the Canadian Le- m. Patrick's Dm. sale llftJ SabI ES1f Wed to Moking. I pm Card party 8 directed and In about 24 hours; attend we iuneai 01 our wie am KOC Hall. March 17. yon should fee a real improve-, comrade. Martin Joseph Olllls, ment You neednt be afraid lUttalion CET. 1914-18. Can Canad an Legion Dance. Allenru containing dope of any e ervice win heid at Gren-Ha:i March 24. nlr'ii.ffii -ntl Chapel to- best give only partial relief. morrow. Saturday, at 2-.30. Fall Allenru acts 3 ways: ! to re- m at Legion at 2:00. Taxis at lieve the pain: 2 to correct Jhfiiail in case of rain, bowels: 31 as a gentle diuretic -it w Powt " 1x51 Forget, to the kidneys, flushing out ex- cess acids. . The very first bottle is guar-' in mr. mpkwi: rnntT or iiicitimi 01.01111 IN I'KOIUTi: In the MJttrr of the MilmliiWtra- j I ration rt" and In Mallrr of the rtalf of Knut Qrn, lereal, lntrlale. TAKE NOTICE that by Ortlfr of His Honour Judge Flshfr. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Col- iumblK, I mas on ine ibid oj o OATS VEGETABLE ruarj AD. 1M4. appointed Admin-, Mmwiil ir Istrator of the EsUte of Knut Olsen, Uiumiut. Ilotnierly of Montreal. Quebec de-1 tV,lAvv hnrnn Tnt or ceasea. wna u-u uu -" dripping. 1 large onion, sliced. 1 carrot, diced. 2 cups rolled oats unoookedi 1 cup corn, peas, or string beans. 4 cups waler. 2 teaspoons salt. Pepper 2 cups canned tomatoes. Melt fat. add onion and carrot and cook slowly until beginning to brown. Add tomatoes, water. cook other vegetables and sea-1 son. Boll slowly for 25 minutes, j add oats and cook 20 minutes longer. If a casserole dish Is preferred, i decrease water to 2 cups and In- i crease corn, peas, or beans to 2 cups. After oats are added, cook five minutes, pour Into greased pan. cover with bread crumbs. Bake twenty minutes In a moderate oven. EXTRAORDINARY CLOCK An early Polish clockmaker spent 12 years building one mas terpiece which ran 16 months I on one winding. 4 f I Notice to Subscribers ? , Subscribers of the Dally News are requested, If at all possible, to pay their subscriptions direct to the office. Of course, in the event of It being impossible to do this, payments may be made to the boys. When paying, please bring your last receipt. 4 3rd rtv at JanuarT. AD. 194. AH persons Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount cf their indebtedness to me forthwith and aU persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of March AJJ 1944. tailing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 18U day of February AD. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC Try a Results Want-Ad for Quick rniKCE ntiriRT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists n Builtup Reftfs Repairs, Re-shlngUnr Free Estimates KWONG SANG IHNG HOr KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST AM your patronage welcome Open 5 p m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday II p.m. to 11 p.m. Outildt Orders from t p.m. 12 p.m. Phona Bed 111 Service For Mrs. Cameron A large number of the friends whom she had made In her more than thirty years of residence in Prince Rupert, gathered at the i ftrnnirtt! fViiirt ehanpl at 2"M annual 1 , afteinoon to pay their final returned this morning from a meeting of Cambral Chapter, j raspect to the laUj Mrs. Henry Cameron, who passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. j Jack Adams, on Tuesday. Of flc- j la ting at the service was the Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, dean of St. j Andrew Cathedral. j Dean Gibson spoke of the long and useful life of the late Mrs. ! Cameron, three of whose sons, and one daughter live in the city , The hynuu "Rock of Ages," and 'Abide With Me." were sung with Mrs. J. C. Oilker accoxn- ; panylng at the oigan. Interment took place in Fair- library fund or troops station. ; llbeaTerSi wno were cd in this district, the camp ; Iriend$ Qf deceased for the ?bTaJX. 1B d Jt?& Po f and , ! greater part of Tier life In Prince to H.M.C.S. Prince Rupert ,,. c r ort-e a Miss Freda Elliott left Jast .th rab2l l,t m mi I SUversides, IL Menzles, D. Mc- night on a trip to Vancouver. - 'aUiod " the Y.MCA. T .7. ' Cullough and D. Scheik. J. Davie left last night on a trip to Vancouver. BACKACHE at can- jteen five nights per reek every ! other week: also sold rA t i during the war savings E. Leigh are leaving tonight on at ,hrmflamS a trip H to Vancouver. J" at ,lf "T" .booth during the civic centre James Lee. manager of tho, Atlln Fisheries, leaves tonight on i trip to Vancouver. carnival. Officers for the ensuing year , . i ti . Robbery Case Hearing Begun The preliminary hearing of Leo Ooyette, charged vrtth rob- ! Honorary Regent. Miss . Eileen ,ncn ' Willi llUiClll-C, .nro ,r,Utr,t. w Four cases of Intoxication pV . . .... " io. Vance In city police court. were before Magistrate W. D. "gTjJfi! tHfZ U alleed that oyettC as" Vauce in city police court this Vicc lttJtnt' Mrs' fa'.r, C saulted John Isjaskl. lately em- "!rrl!r; Second Vice Regent, Mrs. f?'??1 Violet RusmtU were each fined 0 "h.f $25. or een days. Florence Uher. appearing on a similar charge, was fined $50 or 30 days. Secretary, ker. Mrs. J. R. Black- I bourn. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Wll-illam Noble. Treasurer, Mrs. Robert Par :rjl D I Educational Secretary, Mrs. R. iviieuiiiciuc i aim - o Knipe. Echoes Withers. Secretary, Mrs. Bert Standard Bearer Miller. -Mrs. D. P. tlon Company, and took a sum of money from him tn the L. D. Cafe on Third Avenue on the night of February 19. Witnesses who gave testimony : at this morning's session were Alex Oun-a-noot, a naUve. and ! Lee Chung, a Chinese employed at the cafe. Staff Sergeant F. W. Gallagher prosecuted and T. W. Brown acted for the de fence. The case Is continuing this afternoon. RAILWAYS BUSY Canadian railways In 1913 carried more freight than at any time in their history. Fresh iocal Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 J.M.S.Loubser D.C B-A- Chiropractor Willare lork Phone 641 GIVE GENEROUSLY Fashion Footwear .A. J, nOMINATO. Ladies ... We are allowing a big discount on our Coats and Fur Goods before stocktaking. Trappers and Buyers . . . We have received a large order for all kinds of fur. We pay 30 per cent more than any one else. Just received a shipment of COATS Big Discount for Cash. W. G0L0BL00M Third Ave., Prince Rupert To help meet th strain of" extra office work yon nretl eifra nourishment. And, one of tie best wy to set it, leading food authorities scy, is to eat the "protective" foods .among which are the whole gnin cereals. Nabisco Shredded Wheat is 100 whole wheat in its taatiett form, with all the bran, minerals and wlieat germ retained. Include two tasty Nabisco Shredded Wheat and milk in your breakfast menu to help start your day right! IM CANAMAM SHSEDDfD WHCAI COMPANY, ITO. Nisra fath. CmI ass?"" YES SIR... It's Sure a Handy Garment Lounging FOR Hiking Sport Wear THE NEW TWEED SUKCOAT Belted with full zipper Shades: Grey, Green, Brown. Sizes 36 to 44 9.95 Cold Wave Coming Soon! We will be closed for one week while attending the demonstration for the new sensational COLD WAVE, a permanent without heat, pads, or machine. Watch for It! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MAI I ' Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. pec ted. SHOP AT THE Phone Blue 913 SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "The Friendly StoTe" We handle SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Our Prices Are Right fVTTVTVTTV TTTTTTTTT VTTTT TTVVTVTVTTVTTTVVTTTTTTTTT Coal Orders We can now deliver your coal orders. Please give us three days warning heforc delivery ex- d ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 I? AAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 1