I! PACJE TOUR m 1 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE TO Thophesled In Revelations, Ac cording to Evangelist Rainier. The establishment and rise of the United States government was prophesied in the Book of Revelation and has come at a time in God's great plan In or der to make possible the spread of the gospel to every nation, kindred tongue and people declared Evangelist Balmer last night in the Oddfellows' Hall In speaking on "The United States and Its Future in Bible Phophesy." Mr. Balmer based his remarks on Rev. 13:11 which, he said, especially referred to the United States, which was likened unto a beast "coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he sooke as a drae-on." The lamb-like horns are rone other than civil and religious liberty, he declared, and as a result the people were 1 Chas. Dodimead I Optometilit In Chargs J Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Band Engraving VISIT OCR BASEMENT .ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant UNITED STATES WERE FORESEEN j blessed with increased spiritual power and also Inventive gehlus. Meanwhile the elements of de cay had gone steadily on In Europe. But the dragon feature iwas wnat tne people should be alarmed aSxmt. When the United States government began to speak as a dragon through persecuting laws, denying the (worship as their consciences I dictated, then, said Mr. Balmer, ("we may be assured that the tend of all government as we i now have them is at hand." (While the prophecy indicated that war would eventually be made against these lamb-like principles, yet the people of God would prevail. I "Surely the unusual condi-'tions in governmental affairs," said the speaker in losing, "should sober us In our thinking as to where we are In the course of human events." H. S. Crombie. of Vancouver, who has been in the city for the past few days on'- business; left on Saturday nlght to returni south. CUT HATE SHOE STORE Forward to Victory in . . . SHOES THAT ARE WINNERS mBBsVktRf jbbbbbVbbKIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW BgMMisji'BgsiggMgWk ""sisisgssis FOR . . . Quality at $7.95 SS.95 $9.95 Men's Better Grade Welts Good news, men. After being short stocked in 1913, we are now in a position to offer Top Quality Men's Shoes for 1944. No need to hurry our stocks are ample but when you're ready you'll find our stocks offer Top Selection. Cut Rate Shoe Store Phone Green 595 506 Third-Avenue Across from Ormes' Drug Store Mail Orders Promptly Filled CONVERTIBLE FOLDING GO-CARTS Folds easily, well padded inside with storm aprons, makes into a comfortable bed.- Colors: Blue and Maroon $26.50 COMFORTABLE CONVERTIBLE LOUNGES Comfort and appearance, upholstering in tapestry. Spring construction, compartment for bedding $59.50 to $87.50 It pays to come in and look around before you buy. ELI0 Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) Thrifty Housewives M WE FEATURE . . . A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET Classified iValentine Party FOR SALE FOR SALE 23-foot gill net boat, Wren. For particulars apply 1136 6th Avenue East (38) FOR SALE 25 foot cabin cruiser 15 HJ. marine engine. Can be seen anytime. Phone 750, days. (41) FOR SALE 8-16 HP. seml-diesel engine for sale or trade for smaller engine. Apply boat "June Bug," Cow Bay. (41 run "" i1- iviecinc cuumei range. Latest model. Call at 673 Eighth Ave. East. (42) LOST LOST In vicinity of theatre, black pinseal wallet containing seven $10.00 bills and personal papers. Finder please return same to the Daily News Office. (38) LOST. Wire haired terrior. Answers to name "Mike." Recently clipped. Phone Oreen 951. Reward. 38 WANTED WANTED Furnished house or suite. $25 reward for Information leading to securing of same. Box 677 Dally News. (38) . WANTED. Chamber-maid for local hotel. Apply National Selective Service A J 106. tf WANTED Two girls to work in local laundry- Apply National Selective Service AT. 107. (39) WANTED Extractor man t work in local laundry Apply National Selective Service AM. 105. (39) WANTED. Apartment or house J by permanent resident Phnr Red 273. Prince Rupert, B.C. (42) WANTED. Room for single gir' Phone US.ED. 23 ting 3. Ask for Marie. '33 FOR RENT VACANCY, dose in; gentleman only sharing. Phone Black 965. Klf i i i SHOW CARDS H. Lome Cor nell, Specialist in Interior Decorating, Signs. Phone Blue 142. (50) ticuiars. DANCING LEARN TO TAP DANCE- Phone Black 145 after 5 p.m. for par- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL (38) GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without . Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE . SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F, Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 Plggot Ave, lb 'ND THE DAILT NIWS V is mucn enjoyed A highly enjoyable St Valentine's social and dance was held Saturday night by the United Church Young People's Society In the Eat End Hall, about forty couples being In at tendance. Members of St Peter's Society were alto present by invitation. Pilot Officer Douglas' Little was master of ceremonies and Mrs. Little was pianist Mrs. Gordon Crane was In charge of the serving of delicious refreshments after the serving of which there was community singing. Mrs. Little had charge of tike attractive decorations of the hall with the assistant of members, of the Badminton Club. OS PARLE FRAVCAIS The French language is spoken by more than 40.000.000 people. J. L. CURRY iLaie of Yukon Chiropractor Smith Block Prince Rupert And the "Y" f Bring a twrW in Instalment by Mrs Dorothy Oarbutt. Um Hottra here) (Installment No. 2) The work of the YWCA !s my medal field and with your in- dulgenee I will tell you some- ( . . . i it nm, in nu Uting XDUUV It. iwon nu"" J r j about our weesiy sum hthii where each Monday at the Hut all the supervisors who are close enough to attend meet to discuss the work, make suggestions and receive criticism. Here the problems of conducting the , dan??s, a Joint YMCA - YWCA effort are ironed out plans for seasonal activities, -'ports pro-prams, are worked out. Once month a rad re from one cl the forces leads us In devotional. At the rest of the meetings some supervisor gives a talk on the more serious side of our work and offers a prayer for our guidance. These meetings -" inspiiational and have kept a spirit of common cause very much alive in our hearts and minds. When first I came to Prince Rupert two and a half years a?o this month. Just three days bffore the "Y" Recreation Hall opened, my mind was filled with ionization. My main Idea was to get In touch with the rif zona, let thtm Know what wc were all about. So the firs; day here, when I was not knocking : on doors looking for a room. 1 spent In calling on all th shops on Third Avenue, tell.: them about our opening ard asking them to tell any scrv; :o wives they might know about us, advising them to use cir rooms as a meeting place Af ter that I made a point of speaking at the various i:hur auxiliaries as well as the Parent Teachers' Association. When I felt I. had met u good many townspeople I set a forming a Hostess House Com mittee and with the ad!r ' one or two outstanding women I had already met. I was able to form my first committee from the women of the town. This committee changes personnel yearly with the exception of a continuing chairman and sec retary so that in that way I get to know the women of the town and what is. to my mind, more important, they get an intimate knowledge of the work of the YWCA War Service and, through that knowledge, are able to tell others about us. j I cant sufficiently praise the 'help and encouragement these various ladles have given mo We meet monthly and I lay my problems before them and ask for their suggestions And always any suggestions thev FROM RE! TODAY and Tl KS. NEW USES FOR NICKEL MEANT NEW JOBS IN CANADA At the close of the last war, Nickel was no longer needed to build battleships and artillery. Tlic demand for Canadian Nickel fell off sharply. Soon the Canadian Nickel mines had to close down. But the men who managed lltcfc properties could foresee possible new markets for Canadian Nickel in the growing automobile, electric, radio, chemical and oilier .industries. They organized a Research and Development department to work with engineers in these industries, and to pro-mole the use of Nickel and its alloys wherever better materials were required. Shortly, operations were resumed. In 1924, the Nickel industry opened a new mine. In 1920 it began enlarging its smelting and refining plant. Within a decade it was paying out 15 millions of dollars a year in Canada for wages. Although the entire output of Canadian Nkkel is today diverted to war uses, this industry has definite plans for the post-war period. Then it will turn again to its peacetime markets, and will proceed to develop new mar kets based on research now in progress. Jhrougli its own enterprise, the Canadian Nickel industry plans still greater contri butions to Canadu'e prosperity. THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 25 KINO STREET WEST, TORONTO Crmc" TV w at 1 c fer iWff sS JEAN ROGERS . CCHOE t:M Emit! im have gmn have beeu wwe a4. what is more, they have ix Offered with a profound kr edge of Rupert psyenoiur r-problems and peculiarity that I. freah from the ' i t where conditions are easier, by heeding ti-.i -dMe have no fallen into too many of ttie er rors of the outsider. ! i tart by now. I realiy :' I ui. like an old timer m - 11 ..v.d ; We ; .H Voi! kiw l"r I h.ive -aw. .' U is-:- Olt.'ii r!:..ull. I love Pi im rv . pert, its mountain.'. " tr .H frrh clran air and yr. e tary h Its an A!' 1 have to think I'-rt ab win . )!: Mil Fr LsiH VCTM THE SWING WITH