valorous aervice overseas. Flying Officer Franklin, who u only iwenty-two years of age. has been In the Royal Canadian Air "Force for three years Including seventeen months In Britain. He has completed thirty-nine operations trips over enemy territory and Is now engaged In special duty In Eng. land. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin came to Prince Rupert from Zealan-dla. Saskatchewan. The father Is employed at the local dry dock and a sister. Lillian, Is air woman with the Women' Division. Are Behind Loan Drive Fromlnent CHIiem of Cl(y and j I'irict urganiifd Work In Campaign. Under the general chairmanship of Col. J. W. Nlcholls, prominent citizens of Prince Rupert and district have again been organized In connection with the forthcoming Victory Loan campaign. The committee lists are as follows: UltMon Committee Chalrman-Lleut. Col. J. W. Nichols. Vice-Chairmen F. M. Dockrlll iTclkwai. Mayor A. M. Patterson (Prince George), John Thompson (Stewart). T. Alan Chandler, 0. Johnstone. Hon. II. O. Perry. A. S. Vaughan, R T. Kwiney, MJ.A. Unit Committee Chairman-Mayor II. M. Dag gett, Prince Rupert. Vlcc-Chalrman Wcldon McAfee. Chairmen Payroll Section -T. J. Boulter. W. L. Armstrong Chairman Oeneral Sales Section W. D. Lamble Public Relations Committee Lloyd Morris (Chairman). C In-sulandcr, Bruce Stevens, G. A. Hunter. Rev. A. F McSwcen, L M. Frlsenthal. D. G. Borland, R. O. Birch, A. J. Domlnato. Chairman Social Names Sec-tlon-J. J. Little. Citizens Committee Mayor II. M. Daggett, Aid, T H, Elliott, Aid. W. II. Brett. Aid, Nora E. Arnold. Aid, George Hills. Aid. T. H. Sorcnson. Aid, Alex Sinclair. Aid, J. S. Black, Aid. O. W. Ruddcrham. Frank Skinner. A. S. Nlckcrson, Rt Rev. C. A. Rlx. Rt. Rev I. M, Bunoz. OAt.I.. Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Rev. A. F McSwcen, Bex J. A. Donnell, Rev. W W Sllverthotn. Adjutant E. A. Brunsdon, O. R. Hopkins. O, R, S. Blackalby. J. Dcane. Miss Eleanor Moxlcy, Jatvls H. McLcod, J( West, N. A, Bolll, 8. Painter I Dr! R. C. Bamford, Joseph. Scott, L. M. Felscnthal. Norman Watt. D. Creed, Commander C. M. Crce, Wing Commander L. II, Brooks, Royal Canadian Air Force, It. Amundsen, Arnold Flaten, Esq., J. A. Tcng, Wong Chuck Fan, Dr. Jens Munthe, 1 Col. T. J. Weed. D. J. Gunn. P. Bond. J. Paul. Col. S, D. John-' ton, M.C.. Olaf Hanson, M.P.. nnd J. J. T. Collart. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1944 Great Air NAZ1.S I'll EPA UK CHANNEL INVASION According to the this picture, obtained through a gun site on the Channel coast, IS GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER NEW WESTMINSTER, April! 21 0- -Sentence wili be imposed today on Albeit Poynter. ship-, wright. who admitted killing ; his wife with an axe and was j found guilty of manslaughter Wednesday night by a Supreme Court Jury which recommended mercy. Poynter testified that a man now in Prince Rupert admitted having Intimate relations with Mrs. Poynter. Light Paper I Experiment , OTTAWA, April 21 0 The ; Wartime Prices and Trade Hoard announced today a pro - gram under which Canadian 1 paper mini wiu experiment wim ' DEFENCES FOR EXrECTEI) German caption accompanying neutral sourer it shows a Nazi an example of modern fortifi Seamen Require Special Permit OTTAWA, April 21 -Under a new Selective Service regulation Canadian seamen cannot sisn aboard foreign going merchant vessel of foreign recLstrv with- out a special permit by Selec tive service. LONDON STRIKE MAY SPREAD LONDON. April il - Soldiers are still operating street buses, and taking the population to and from work in army vehicles. Leaders of the bus strike 63 y 11131 un'e the soldiers stop ,opcratlng the buses the strike ;'111 8Pad to other Industries. LONDON. 0 Death duties LONDON. 9 The Department of Indians Oversea of the India Office has been changed to the department of commonwealth relations and will conduct relations between India and the Dominions. CANADIANS PREDOMINATE Although men of all nations train undir the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, GO per cent of the graduates are Canadians. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCrim- , mon received word today that their son, Kenneth McCrlmmon , has arrived overseas with the Canadian Army. Sergeant Mc- Crlmmon was home on leave In February. production of lighter weight of $4344,453 were paid on the newsprint which may result In $3,479,020 estate of LawTence a reduction oUwonnageof.jikbett; -Wreer' 'of Imperial' paper shipped to the United Tohae enmnonv States, but with only a minor cnaiiRc in uic actual yaraage of the paper provided. The typewriter was Invented by a Dane. Mailing Hansen. . t Army Takes , t Gas Works MANCHESTER, April 21 0 BrlUsh troops to- day took over the Man- Chester gas works where five hundred employees quit their Jobs yesterday and left 220,000 consumers in the factory area with- out gas, jTetnperalure Local Tides .59 Saturday, April 22 U If! High 0:45 22.9 feet 39 13:11 21.9 feet Low 7:06 1.9 feet I'! NORTHERN AND .CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S IjWSRjSSB.'gJ 19:20 22 feet ,1 Hi it In inia lm ,n. ."7".; h. Aprii 2 c I" ' r .Hi jnsm forcn north- f jTe bff s r.o new de- , f fa Beoasta-fC'mea where the f N12I rc utance ' v-.-i lave bombed . . . j la! i E- u htrtJ In Latvia. jH FOR WOMEN Lt Vein lmred Ulhtbon un aie It Ip Todsy, 21 Six :,argfd with - J lirre yes 4 tr -.r-'Wi to two , x Ir srj Six men j axi, cn similar l-.enr? Yva Sbitneff. k T a Rczansotf. Ai ...j Vcngln and for CWAC arArmy rt tr fr the! (t;ti t.-f :i t'leir way i i! r reception , I Tsr 3vcr the Prince i Z s'Ubn re-i I" its ' t ne Cana-! Anr.7 Corps and i It Ai-ve Army ! t .jht for Van-; I mr aUon and dos- ! a toto the CWtAC-f - r o:.;e Czabeth I til -f ... 330 Ruhth 1 - ' Jraa Kelday. St j Avenue Elizabeth Iff IS, f Woodcock, l&l 1 ;ht Leslie Cc- ':. J leaving to rad!i:i ArllTe Armv. ' irking as a steam k' trl Anderson "1 . a Etrse&nt in 'R:-Rc rveMarh. iVsf ' H!j home U :..:ter Olservp. gLaw Sr- .n. . 1 ui nave fl ""BDUlaus In nh- Ear'.jr Clrrrlnst Hvlaw l: 1 P w Gallagher ;- oaiiaghcr re- l-L SIIHJJVC- v t i. rriuiAt fin n Quired to claw n,.i. 5e.k ta the eve-T' those whirh h- slCk. Irr tr ,m d thn l u 1th. C Ul inc 00-LL feylaw u makes :'he hborhood m. store, being lni on Bundays. CE K5J?V ,at 't shr.ii,, " comm t- l;MU Imperial Ptalin.. """"stood In , resiaent ard l.hls. Policy to r'i Z1 Prefer- lurlmr VI been " "e Pat 40 PLANTS ARE STRIKE TIED All Ford Fact- v. n incuor tWd v IJar- galnlng f ' WINDSOR. Oil. v All plant of theV of Canada are at after the company llelal notice to the . un , r. l iciinuiaiuiii a collective b In; agreement. Day shift era left their jobs at 11 oV xk yesterday morning for what they said was a "halt hft!WuyN to dlscuu the dispute with the company over grievance procedure Distinguished Flying Cross Mr. and Mrs. Lester Franklin Received Gratifying News Concerning Their Son. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Franklin of this city have Just received the very gratifying news that their son, Flying Officer Arthur Franklin, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for Attack On Europe cations In this area. The Nazi press has given a lot of publicity to their famous "Atlantic wall" defences, and their propaganda Is aimed to convince the Allies that they are well prepared for the Invasion. VENICE IS BOMB HIT Fighting; in Italy Still Con-to tinues be Principally in Air. - I NAPLES. April 21 Q Allied I warplanes smashed at German communications in Italy Thursday with heavy bombers blast ing venice harbor. On the ground the Germans shelled Or- tonif and heavy artillery duels raged in the Casslno area. Ford Workers To Remain Out WINDSOR, Ont.. April 21 rourieen tnousana rora em ployees are still out on strike They have stopped work pend ing Uie creation of a new collec- tlTe bargaining agreement. Strike leaders say that they will return to work under the old agreement .but. Xhz .Tir slates flatly that the old agree mcnt has expired. ADVANCE IN CHINA CHUNGK1NO. April 21 W Reinforced Japanese forces, fighting towards the North Hon-a railway Junction of Chengh-slcn, advanced to within thirteen miles of the city from the sontheast. INTERNMENT MOONSHINE DOUGLAS, Isle of Man, 0 Internment became boring for Guiseppe Trombette. an Italian who lived In Britain 20 years oeiore tne war, so he began Wno had Just returned from at-dlstllllng spirits at the camp, tending the annual convention Tried ief,ve the Manx high court, he was fined $900. CANUCKS LOOK OVKU Till: IIATTI.K SITUATION, ITALY In front df wrecked farmhouse. In Italy, used as a tank harbor, Major O. L. 8 tnmes of Toronto. Ont., clarifies the battle situation for newly-arrived Canadians of a tank regiment. Left to right: L. Cpl, Laurie Montgomery, Vancouver, B.C., Cpl. Fred Cade, Winnipeg, Man,; Cnpt. John Windsor, Calgary, Alta. Air Transport Board Coming OTTAWA. April 21 0 Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of munitions and supply, announces a bill for the creation of an air transport board which would ,be submitted to Parliament this session. New Cabinet Is Announced NAPLES, April 21 XH Mar- the formation of a new IUllan war government with himself as Premier and foreign minister. Other posts are divided among six noimcai names. 1 RUMOR OF INVASION ' - DO April Invaslorrf rumors are rife, spreading from all news outlets on the contln-et. Latest invasion rumor, issued by the Oerman radio, is of large concentrations of troops and fighting ships on England's east coast. REPORTS ON CONVENTION Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association Has Regular Meeting. At the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers Association held Wednesday Borden Street Krhool Mrs. O. R. S. Rlaekabv. of the Provincial Association held In Vancouver, gave a very Interesting account of Its proceedings. She brought back many suggestions for Improving the work of the local body. Miss. E. Young, chairman of the local nutrition committee, discussed at' some length information obtained from the recent survey of school lunches. The president, Rev. E. W. Scott, presided. Mrs. J. C. Gllker read the secretary's report and, owing to the absence of Mrs. E. W. Becker, the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. J. G. An- ! derson. ' Owing to shortly moving from j the city. Mrs. Jack Durran tendered her resignation as refreshment convener for King Edward School. The secretary jwas Instructed to write eex-j pressing to her the association's 1 appreciation of the many ser- vices she has rendered It. I As the annual election of of- ncers win do neia at tne next meeting a nominating committee of Mrs. George A. Hill. Mrs. J. R. Anderson and MSss M. Har-tln was struck to present a slate of candidates for the various offices. Mrs. S. R. Donaldson, representing the P.T.A. on the local War Time Prices and Trade Board, spoke, of her work In that connection. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the following committee: Mrs. A. L. Haines (convener), Mrs. J. G. Anderson, Mrs. E. J. Saunders, and Mrs. George Howe, SEND DELEGATE TO WASHINGTON ON FISH MATTER KETCHIKAN, April 21, Ch The Ketchikan Cham- ber of Commerce voted to send a representative to Washington, DC, In the In- terests of the hallbutters and the trollers in connec- tlon with the OP.A. ruling on halibut price ceiling and also to lnauire into the de- lay in announcement of the salmon celling. MAY TIE-UP FOR MONTHS Meantime Dealers are Becoming Worried About Lack of Fish. VANCOUVER, April 21 0) Protests are being made over lack of halibut as hallbutters indicated the tie-up may last "for months." Frozen halibut supplies are gone and dealers are asking fresh fish representatives of Canadian and United States fishermen to meet here or In Seattle on Friday to discuss the situation. VOmmillCC Vfc 5 Carnival Meets" iius years uivic eare. carnival will come about&lzaaath .. . earner in tne year than previous carnivals if the provisional, date set last night by the carnival executive Is acceptable, to the rttv niirMH TtiTexecuftve agreedtd ttkf the carnival between July 10 and 15. If the council dnhroves. Reason given for the advance was the hope of getting good weather in July and also that the Reserve regiment's qamp period will be held In August and will take a number of the committee's leading workers. The meeting was held In George .Rorle's office and Nor ton Youngs was In the chair. Attempting Of Murder Charge VANCOUVER, April 21, 0 Duncan McOregor of Vancouver has been charged with attempted murder In connection with the shooting of a military policeman on Tuesday. James Church was charged with illegal possession of firearms. The two men are alleged to have been deserters. VENEREAL DISEASE Civilians Are Worst Soldiers Are Not Spreading Syphilis and Gonorrhea at Prince Rupert. VANCOUVER, April 21, Service men are not spread-ins venereal diseases In British Columbia, said Dr. Roger G. Knipe, director of the public health unit at Prince Rupert, at a metropolitan health com mh tee meeting here. There are a large number of service men at Prince Rupert but the venereal disease rate in the armed forces there Is only oncrthlrd of the ordinary civilian population, said Dr. Knlpe. frlnee Rupert had a venereal disease rate of seventeen out of every 1000 civilian which was three times the proportion rrcorded by armed forces medical officers. LONDON 0 For overcharging four cents for a head of cauliflower, grocer John Israel was fined $250. PRICE FIVE CENTS Bombing Is Widespread Cologne Principal Target of Last Night's Attack Although Many Other Points Hit. LONDON, April 21 P The Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force threw 1100 aircraft into a pre-lnvaslon hammering- on Cologne and three rail targets in France and Belgium Thursday night. The bomb load totalled about 4500 short tons. Cologne, Nazi anti-lnvaslon transportation hub, felt the major weight of the operation. Sixteen bombers, including on Canadian, were lost. United States bombers made a sunset assault on German; military targets In northwest-: ern France, striking late in the day about the dinner hour. The Paris area was among the points struck. Yesterday's bombing operations began with a Royal Air Force raid from Italy on the' Bulgarian centre of Plovdiv. The Berlin radio said today that southeastern Europe wa3 under major air attack. JAPANESE ")RCE KANDY, Ceylon. April 21 O The Japanese were reported today to be sending reinforce ments to the Kohlma area in northern India where the besieged Allied garrison was re lieved earlier, this west The British have- advanced thirty miles 'northeast of ImpahL to a point about thirty-five ntaes from Kohlma. CmrcraA Iffirloi VliUiJCU U11UC1 Marketing Act v Case of Potato Selling to United States Army in Court. O. H. Snow, Vancouver pro duce dealer, appeared througU counsel lor summary trial In city police court yesterday charg ed with selling potatoes without a permit from the B.C. Vegetable Marketing Board. It is charged that Snow sold large quantities of potatoes to quartermasters branch of the United States Army here without a board permit. A stalwart ctoud of lesal counsel for both sides was pres ent in court. Snow was represented by barristers John D. Mc-Phee of Vancouver and T. W. Brown, Prince Rupert, and counsel tor the Marketing board was Gilbert Hogg of Vancouver. Among the witnesses were Inspector Earl McKay of the Marketing board and a number of officers of the quartermaster's branch of the VS. Army. Judgment was reserved by Magistrate W. D. Van.ce. Two other similar charges are said to be pending against the defendant. Baseball Scores American St. Louis 8, Detroit 5. Washington 5, Philadelphia 0. National St Louis 5. Pittsburgh 3. New York 10. Boston 8. Brooklyn 8. Philadelphia 2. Cinclnnattl 2, Chicago 1. International Rochester 0. Syracuse 2. Montreal 7, Newmark 1. Buffalo 5, Baltimore 8. Toronto 8, Jersey City 1. American Association Minneapolis 15, Kansas City 2. Columbus 0, Louisville 4. Toledo at Indianapolis post poned. St. Paul at Milwaukee post poned. Coast Los Angeles 2, Hollywood 1. San Francisco 9, Oakland 4. Seattle 2, SaflT)iego 3. Portland at Sacramento I S .1 r if L..4 k. ,4 m