rrcspond- r.fth Loan , i, Hubrrip-f Uowlng: 91.000 .. ..id 50 100 . k 500 .r 50 I 4 1- r . I 1M Snnther j Ltd. Dock For n River u r 509 WmjfmfM 1 I Try J It Mahatma (ilvf Kelease After prUonment. LONDON. May 6 Mohan das K. Gandhi. Indian National ist leader, was unconditionally iHt I'urchase and Sev- released yesterday from the Aga, tastier Ones Make I n- Khans Palace at Poona where; titnl ly I" Campaign, the has been Interned for nearly; A. V. two years. Delicate hcaltn or the Mahatma was given as the ..dividual pur- reason for release. Bond record- : $100,230 rri 11 , l Tl, is the'io Neutralize if ,iny lar ; : !hkIh'i be- i. ... :. the total Japanese Base u,i. ..nc $10.-1 ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN 1 U pur- NEW OU1NEA, May 6 Allied t, for J 1500 planes have iiiten.Mtked then , campaign to neutralize the . in Friday : gchouten Inlands In Dutch New $(.0 150. which Oulnea where Japanese arc re $100,000 ported massing naval and air Fifth Vic- strength, rrespondlng MOVE OUT ITALIANS NAPLES. May 6 O The Germans are reported to have evacuated all Italian civilian bevond the Allied main front - for a depth of SO miles. Allied 300 headquarters announced today " 1,wThe mm would involve -. m '-300 'tvacuation of several V: town. D U! 100 1 . "0. C.Dwe, ne Companies Purchase Bonds too 100 Word was received in the lo-100lCai victory Loan Headquarters 2 .500 toflay of purchases by two nor 2,500 lory bonds totalling $360XK)0 3 The fed-l"igiuna a . River to re- ll the ttov-' the Powell ;rr Co. 500! silbak-Premier Mines Limited SO have purchased $150,000 worth 10.000 :0f bonds and Premier Oold Min nth Loan Record $000,150 QUOTA $750,000 Total to Date $100,150 If ing Company Limited has bouaht $100,000 worth. Word has alio been received that Burns Lake has gone over the top. This Is the second northern district to top their quota, Stewart-Premier being the first. Settlement Of Dispute Requested VANCOUVER. May 6 ff- The A ; nautical Mechanics Lodgi nf the American Federation of Labor has wlied Minister of Fisheries Ernest Bcrtrand ask-Int that immediate steps be taken to, prevail on the United stntr Office of Production Ad ministration to reach a settle ment of the halibut dispute. Public Invited To Soccer Game The AcropoUa Hill irrminH ulll DC OPCI1 game. playing to the k.n public Sunday aitcrnoon the Yanks and Reserves collide In an exhibition soccer game beginning nt 3 o'clock. The game promises to be a good one. for there seems to be some pretty good material on boUi sides. Numbered among the Yanks arc several old timers at the game. Including one who has played In Vancouver, and one from the Scottish Junior league. , I The Reserve players are local boys who have every reason to be considered effective at the BOTANIST DIES LONDON. WuTcol. Sir David Pram, director of the Royal Botanic aardens, Kew. from 1005 to 1022. died recently. We Government Stattment Hue S-lon on Nipponese OTTAWA. May 6 The Japanese question was discussed In Parliament last night. Tom Reld. Liberal member for New Westminster, said British Columbia members had uryeri Cold Jthern mining companies of Vlc-the government to take action but nothing had been done until after the outbreak of war with Japan. The question had become a political matter as a result of C.CP. determination to give the vote to the Japanese. W. K. Esllng. Progressive -Conservative. West Kootcnay. asked the government not to permit the Japanese to go Into business or take up land. Acting Prime Minister J. L Ralston, minister of national defence, announced that he believ ed the federal government would make a "full statement" In the House this session on how It plans to deal with the Japanese after the war. FUR AUCTION PRICESJJOWN I As a result of a recent Ameri can Office of Price Administration action which set a celling on the price of raw furs, volume of sales and prices at the recent Canadian raw fur sale held In Vancouver on May 4 went Into a marked decline. A similar decline was experienced at the New York fur auction held recently. Volume of sales at the Vancouver auction were well under the available quantity, with prices down. Beaver took the heaviest drop wim only tu per cent sold, at prices 20 per cent under last year's level. Muskrar and mink sold only 25 per cent of the available furs at a decline of 10 per cent, and martin sold 30 per cent at a price 15 per cent under. Due to restricted buying power all other Items were mainly bought back or withdrawn. The fur market on the whole Is considerably easier. BOOST PRODUCTION Canadian egg production objective for 1944 Is 10 per cent higher than 1943; of the 1944 nrnductlon, at least 10 per cent PUT VICTORY FIRST . I f lga or Country - - For Yourself La Temperature Local Tides twill Allies On Offensive In India KANDY. May 6 O Allied forces have launched a gen- eral offensive in the Ko- hima area of India and the Chinese in northern Burma have smashed through a village stronghold to trap a Japanese garrison by a flanking manoeuvre. To Smash To Berlin Germans Anticipate This Owln to Mass Molilization of Keds in Prewar Poland. LONDON, May 6 (CP) Hus-sian naval and air units sank five more Axis ships near Se-vastapol in the Crimea and the Germans said that the Itiis&ians had deployed men and equipment on an enormous scale in prewar Poland for a new smash on the main invasion path to Berlin. Tea-Sale Is Successful A very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held In the church parlors by the Wom en's Association of the First United Church, Thursday. The tea table was attractively arranged with spring flowers and presided over by Mrs. Meggs, Mrs. J. Oray and Mrs. R. O. Large. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. R. J. Macaulay with Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Caine and Miss Julia Brown assisting. Mesdames Kwan, Knlpc, Hay, D.'Oray, Miss Violet Mah and Miss Dorothy Stiles assisted with the serving. Home cooking was convened by Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Webber. The fancy work booth was In charge of Mrs. B. San-terbano with Mrs. Clapp and Mrs. Pctroff assisting. Miss M. may be sent to the United IClng- p. Sharp and Mrs. Eldon Smith Aom I had charge of the apron stall. DETAILS OF BALLOONS USED TO PROTECT LANDING OF SUPPLIES Giant barrage balloons are inflated wiifj he,.un a. men prepu-c it :d ! : u to protect numerous LSTs unloading supp. r t. "a .n '-o c:. Orccs. 1 .4 i . S; . ;m u.. Sandbags are banked around anU-xtr'ra..'!. iu-;.. ; tuc ftrerr)iind IAPANKF slreablcih CP CCCn ATTENDANCE Hotf Pupils Are Enrolled at City Schools War Savings for Tast Month The total enrolment being 1151. pupils enrolled at the various schools of this city in the month of April were: Booth Memorial High 476 King Edward School 369 Botden Street School 228 Seal Cove School 78 Of the total of 416 at Booth School 33 were at the junior high school in which the percentage attendance was 87 while Jn the senior high school there King Edward School consisted of 192 boys and 177 girls, the actual attendance percentage being 92.60. War savings for the month of April amounted to $177, bringing the total for the school year to date up to $1982.15. The attendance percentage at Borden Street was 93.5. A total of 112 pupils had perfect attendance 55 boys and 67 girls. War savings for the month of May amounted to $91.25, making the total for the school year to date $1562.75. There had been four cases of rubella and one of scar- lpt fever in this school durlnj the year. At Seal Cove School the attendance percentage was 93.05. War savings totalled $29.42. Four pupils had been found to have lice and there were eight cases of truancy. Baseball Scores American League New York 11, Boston 7. Washington 11. Philadelphia 8 All other games postponed. National League Philadelphia 3, Brooklyn 1. Boston 3, New York 2. All other games postponed. International League Jersey City at Toronto, postponed. Baltimore at Buffalo, postponed. Syracuse 2, Rochester 6. Newark 3, Montre'al 0. American Association Minneapolis at St. Paul, postponed. Coast League Oakland 8, Hollywood 10. clal field staff of the Social As sistance Branch of the Depart ment of the Provincial Secretary at Prince Rupert. The present staff of three members Misses Bessie Snider. Alvlna Brewster and Cassie Por terdo generalized social service work in an area extending north to Atlin and Telegraph Creek, south, to Bella Bella, east quiring institutional care, e.g. Provincial Infirmary, Home for the Aged, Nursing Home and Boarding Home care. Provincial Mental Hospital, Sanitariums, School for Deaf and Blind, Crip pled Children's Hospital, Child ere 143 pupils With percentage nnirtnnrp PHnle nnrt thd Pana. of 85.07. War savings for April jdlan Nati0nal Institute for the at the High School amounted to1 Blindi etc Als0f m the chlid 17, i Welfare Division, case work Is The total of 369 pupils at j extended to children who ore- sent behaviour problems which if not corrected at the onset develop Into serious delinquen cies! Adoptions and fdster home placements are effected by the workers. Social histories of delinquents committed to Indus trial Schools and other correc tional Institutions are compiled to enable more effective treatment In these instltutons and to insure better programs of rehabilitation on discharge. Reports are submitted to the Collector of Institutional . Revenue. enue, Inspector inspector 01 of Hospitals, uospuais, the me Allied air offensive. Lord Balfour said that the destruction executed during April by the airmen would make the Invasion path to Berlin more direct. Last night Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force planes laid mines in enemy waters without loss. Canadian - manned Mosquito we"st toibombeB damage tere enemy to EnCako. and on the coastal points, and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Since the outbreak of war the case load has more than trebled and the. monthly Intake Is six Auto Strike ur bcTcu nines greater, me w- 117 1 tal number of acUve cases now Af WindSOr approximates 759. j Services are rendered to fam- Mnrir 11 UW XjIIUCU rnnpfl llles and unemployable persons who are ill and In needy or j widowed mothers with children, Tnreas 01 a genera! smte to unmarried mothers, to old ' thla area was averted ace Densioners. to Datients re.; temporarily at least when members of the United Au- Sunday, May 7 High 0:35 20.7 feet 13:09 19.1 feet Low 7:04 4.0 fee-t 19:05 6.0 feet 53 41 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER u7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1941 PRICE FIVE CENTS id Sale is Large Friday n i iirviii i hANIIHI KtLtAitD c n Unfc v Two V Balfour Says Invasion Begun 1387000 Airmen Are in Action Over Europe, British Secretary For Air Tells House Commons NEW WORKER FOR RUPERT Mist Cassie Porter Joins Social Service Staff Here. Miss Casste B. Porter. Van- LONDON, May 6 (CP) While the Under Secretary for Air, Lord Balfour, told the House of Commons .today that, for all practical purposes, some 138,000 Allied airmen have already opened the main invasion battle, a large force of American bombers were dumping their loads on German installations in the Pas-De-Calals area oil France in spite of miserable flying weather over the English Channel. This Is the twenty has arrived to Join the prwta- ?d fiious 01 thc tomobile Workers local voted to delay action In connection with work stop- page at the Ford Motor Co. plant. National War Labor Board mediators have arrived In connec- tion with the dispute. RIFLE MISHAP KILLS SOLDIER A Canadian soldier at Ter race was accidentally muea when the rifle he was holding went off in a barracks hut yes terday afternoon. No details of the accident, or the name of the soldier have reached the city. 1 . . , i f . Provincial Mental Hospital, the anV UUCStS At Provincial Infirmary, the T.B. J and V.D. Units as these divisions require them. A large part of the many ser vices to soldiers' families con stitutes the Investigations for the Dependents' Allowance Board. Dependents Board of Trustees, and Auxiliary Services of the Armed Forces. There are approximately 14 divisions of the Social Assist ance Brnch served by the Field Staff. Its members must familiarize themselves with 30 separate Provincial or Dominion Acts and Statutes. In short the social workers of this department are called upon to assist the governments, Dominion Presbyterian Tea A delightful spring tea was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Arnold Flaten, un der the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church. Many guests called during the afternoon and were received by Mrs. Flaten and Mrs. H. Caldcrwood. president of the M.M.S.. to be welcomed to rooms and tables tastefully decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. L. W. Kergin and Mrs. and James Simpson presided at the Dmulnolal Ir, meotlnir lhf Jin. tea WDIC5, while Mesaames clal problems and Ills of the Saunders. Nell MacDonald and general public which have been C. C. Mitchell were the gracious accentuated to a marked degree serviteurs. The popular home during the present crisis. cooking table was in charge of Mrs. A. McMullen. The event was convened by RUMANIA ROMHEI) Mrs. John Bremner, who was ably assisted by Mrs. Ormlston NAPLES, May 6 O) American and Mrs. Slmundsen In the kit-bombers attacked five points In chen. Hearty thanks are ex- San Francisco 4, Los Angeles 3. 1 Rumania today. The targets In- tended to all who assisted In San Diego 0-3, Seattle 6-7. eluded railway yards and air- making this delightful event Sacramento 3, Portland 4. ' craft plants. such an outstanding success. Flood Nazi Strongholds Aerial BombLnr of Threatens to be Enemy Pescara Serious for NAPLES, May 6 0) Allied dive bombers British, Austral ian and American cracking open the Pescara dam in Italy, released flood -water which has threatened to engulf German strongholds near the Adriatic coast and sweep away bridges vltaitbAxla military trafflen support of enemy forces facing the Eighth Army. Other bombers yesterday hit at the Ploestl oil fields and Tur-nu Severin In Rumania. Priest Confers With Russ Head MOSCOW, May 6 0) Rev. Stanislaus Orlemanskl, of Springfield, Massachusetts, conferred with Premier Stalin and Foreign Commissar Molitov on Thursday and today. He de scribed the Soviet leader as 'very friendly disposed toward the Roman Catholic church." The Polish-American priest said that Catholicism would remain the religion of Poland, and that Stalin would not tolerate any transgressions in this re gard. Radio Coming Up In Ottawa Meeting of Board of Governors of B.C. to be Held Next Week The Prince .Rupert Chamber of Commerce has communicated with Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, at Ottawa suggesting that he get in touch with the radio authorities In the capital prior to a meeting of the board of governors of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Monday next to insure that the Prince Rupert radio situation a taken up at the meeting as has been promised. The chamber U working towards a wire being taken over to serve the local station from the national JAPS HAVE RAIL LINE Weight of Attack In Ilonan Province Is Shitted Against CHUNGKING, May 6 With the Pelping-Hankow Railway virtually In their hands, the Japanese have shifted the main weight of their attack against Loyang in Honan Province. 1 Hi H